Divine Brilliance

~: 1139 Dojo 2

"Zong Shou's infinite final body can last up to half a rì. But now I want to know the most like a flying knife like a knife, can he show it several times? Ignore the order, this is not a joke -"

The so-called disregard of the meaning of the order is that it can be killed more and more! Even if it is a newborn child, holding the thirteenth and so on, it can also hurt the Holy Spirit. You can even kill directly, the monk of Wonderland strength!

Zong Shou that door fly knife technique, although it is not really a thirteenth-class supernatural magical technique, but it has been barely able to do so, ignore the order!

Even the strength of Zong Shou, only in the late stage of Wonderland, also has the ability to kill him red red clothes!

Han Qing is also a face sèyīn Shen, although he hates Zong Zongshou, but he has the name of self-knowledge, if this is not self-sufficient at this time, and the enemy is the enemy, the last will only be a death.

This time, the red dress may not be able to save him again, and the eternal demon may not care about his life and death.

"The six gods are flying swords, he can't show them, I don't know."

The magic lotus is calm and self-sufficient: "However, the wood show is in the forest, the wind will destroy it! After this war, the Qin Emperor's tomb, I am afraid that there is more to this taboo. The enemy of Zong Shou, more and more, Not only the Shadow Devil and the Night Devils. You and I will not find a helper."

"What do you mean, is it an alliance?"

The red dress looked loose and fell into meditation, and immediately sneered.

"I heard that Mo Lianfu entered and always danced with long sleeves. Then I will wait to see how you can apply it, but I will let this seat be disappointed."

In fact, this method is still feasible, otherwise he can directly refuse. However, at this time they entered, it is an unknown number of how many allies can be found in this Qinhuang.

In short, if there is not enough chance of winning, then even if he risked offending the demons, he must first withdraw from the tomb of Qin Huang.

※※※※ There is no such thing as a singularity. The sect is also discussed at this time. The topic is also the 斩仙飞刀. "How is it possible? At least within a few years, this six gods 斩仙飞刀, should not be used again. So, there may be no restrictions on where to reverse the gods?"

When Zong Shou uttered this sentence, the appearances on the altar were slightly disappointing.

Lin Xuanzhen nodded relievedly. She actually guessed that it would be the case. Just ask, just hold the hope in case.

If Zong Shou has two or three such six-spirited knives, then there is enough to be shocked and powerful. This sacred city is home to many holy people.

Even Xu Fu in the palace can't help but worry about it.

It’s inevitable that it’s broken out. Even her Lin Xuanzhen is not willing to straighten her front.

It’s a pity that it’s unfortunate: “It’s a pity! This kind of supernatural power, I have seen it in my life, the closest to the thirteenth-class supernatural powers. Ignore the order under the border, 啧啧—”

If there are three or five rounds of martyrdom, the Qinhuang Tomb can basically go sideways. It is estimated that there will be no more daring.

The rule of the law is a sneer, this sacred knives, it consumes six kinds of grades of the first 夭 夭 金. But where is he going now?

And if there is no large-scale war, it is difficult to absorb the murderous mourning.

Only those corpses were lost because of theft. It is basically impossible to organize a million corpse to attack the altar. It is not difficult.

Qin Huang has not resurrected, these corpses will have no unified command. Although there is cooperation, most of them are fighting each other. Therefore, there are 20 million troops in the tomb, but they cannot form a joint force.

A large-scale war is no longer possible, so even if he really has enough Gengjin gas, step-by-step transformation, it will take years!

In short, this six gods 斩 刀 knife, in the tomb of Qin Huang, is not expected.

The Sword of the Dead River is also the same, the rest of the only one that has recovered to 60% of the life and death, I do not know how much power can still be left?

As for the infinite final body, it can only be maintained for a few more hours.

Several of the mysterious secrets that can be relied upon by themselves are exhausted, and the battle with the thief is really a big loss. In the end, I also won a holy level of the magic road Jin Dan, the small half of the stolen soul, some gains.

After spending some time studying rì, it is sure to be helpful to your own fundamental decisive decision.

Shaking his head, Zong Shou's gaze, then fell back to the wing-shaped black iron in his hand.

It is more than an hour before the completion of the second nucleus. During this time, he wanted to try to see through the mystery of this black iron.

But whether he cuts with a knife, fires or freezes, all kinds of means, they can't make this wing-shaped black iron, there is a little reaction.

"I heard that some artifacts recognize the Lord, and they need to be enrolled in the blood. I don't know if it is-"

Zong Shou thought about it and tried it. The novice was still sitting in the flesh of the altar zhōngyāng from the side, and summoned a group of blood, and then drenched it on the wing-shaped black iron. The result was not accidental. In general, there was no use, and sighed, Zong Shou was completely abandoned, and the wing-shaped black iron was put away, but it was not placed in the space of the whisker, but was wrapped in a thousand years of spider silk, and then hung in On your neck. Hang not far from the heart, wear it close to you.

I heard that some artifacts need to be cultivated for many years to be truly mastered.

Wearing it, making this wing-shaped black iron familiar with your own air machine, should have some effect.

In order to solve the mystery of this thing, it seems that it is still necessary to find a show.

No longer entangled with this wing-shaped black iron, Zong Shou used the time after that, the silver ant Taoist martial arts, and the study of the supporting spiritual array, at this time, too absorbed by the truth. Murderous, and many have not been exhausted.

After a battle with the thief, Zong Shou was inspired to survive. The previous few, barely can be regarded as a reliable framework of ideas, after a substantial improvement, and then the debut of the devil's magic record.

The final completion of several Taoist tactics and spirits, it is much stronger than the original version.

After experiencing actual combat, Zong Shouda’s deputy erased a lot of flashy places, or the content that has little effect on it, and it is more suitable for the special features of these holy fire silver ants.

There is actually a set, there is no collapse from beginning to end, complete the whole process of deduction, can be perfect without the use of trouble.

It is a pity that the price ratio is not high, and Zong Shou estimates that the blessings can only make him a strength and have twice the growth. The role is far from what he expected.

There are also powerful and powerful, two of which should be able to achieve a strength of about 12 times.

However, without exception, it was only a one-third process, and the whole collapse, his sacred silver ants, if cultivated. It is estimated that within a few years, it will be blasted to death.

This is the case in the world. It is difficult to do both. If you want speed, you have to sacrifice strength. If you want strength, you will be a little less agile.

If you want power, you can't be safe. If you want to be foolproof, you will definitely sacrifice this skill and the law.

However, it is said that failure is the mother of success. Although many of these attempts have ended in failure.

However, it also gave Zong Shou many lessons to be inspired. Many things that need attention, which may lead to failure, are all in mind. The next deduction will definitely not repeat the same mistakes, and there will be more progress.

And these several deductions are not without a country.

Zong Shou selected this one, the most balanced set in all aspects, let Shen Yuexuan take the shot, and seized the time to refine a set of spirits for him to wear those holy fire silver ants.

This time, after the silver ants were in the line, it was really much better than the previous version.

When the Daoist blessing, the strength of Zong Shou has at least increased by 70%!

Half of the set of scorpion flames can also increase the strength of Zong Shou by three times, and refine the sword. At this time, although it is still a half-step squad, it can also make his spirits and swords, and increase the power of four times!

It seems to be unbearable, but the support of these holy fire silver ants is an overall enhancement.

Including the flesh, including the power, including the soul of the soul, but also the doctrine of the Zong Shou - and the benefit is not the Zong Shouyi. These sacred fire silver ants, the same strength also received 70% of the combat power bonus.

As long as the big array is not scattered, you can have faster speed, more powerful force, more powerful holy fire, harder and sharper blade.

The benefits are endless, and this is just an incomplete version. "It seems that Shen Shenxuan, not only the refining technique, but also the first-class master of art. Just put some silver ants on the armor, it really seems to make you ——"

Looking at these brilliant and splendid creatures, Zong Shou was speechless. It’s extremely likable to just sell this phase, so that you can feel good about it.

But they are monks, what do you want to look good?

"This set is created by my own hands, but in the end it is done by the Taishang Demon Array. Look at this look, the silvery, can be called the St. Jubilee, is the second edition -"

All the denominations of the sects of the sects have experienced hundreds of millions of years of exploration. He has just started here, and it is still too early to complete. After the rì, there may be an eighth edition of the ninth edition, and even a ninety-nine edition of the 100 edition is not necessarily.

And after rì, the number of silver ants in this holy fire may be more than seventy-two.

At this time, Xiao and Xiaojin ~lightnovelpub.net~ are each standing on his side.

His eyes are complicated, and I don’t know what to think about. It’s faint, and it’s a bit of a murder.

The thoughts that came from it seemed to be to tear up all the silver sè armor. These silver ants are all smashed.

Xiaojin is trying to make his shape, and his face is disdainful.

Zong Shouxian is strange, and immediately understands a few points. Is it true that these two guys are actually eating?

When he blinked, Zong Shou laughed. Take a shot on the head of that Dudu.

Don't you want a mental armor? Let Shen Yuexuan do two more things, it is more gorgeous.

Xiaojin is still 1rì disdain, stretching out countless silk threads behind him, and then stretching in all directions.

Zong Shou was unclear at the beginning, but it was the gold screen. After the initial scale, Zong Shoucai was shocked. This little guy is racing to develop a whole set of arrays.