Divine Brilliance

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On the Three Thousand Avenues, there are points between the main and the lower. Because the five elements are derived from yin and yang, the way of yin and yang is above the five elements.

And all the yin and yang five elements were born at the beginning, and ended at the end, so the method of yin and yang and five elements is also restrained by the infinite gods. The priorities are different and almost insurmountable.

However, Jian Zong’s floating sword can reverse the replacement. Put the sect of the sacred and sacred gods under the yin and yang of the five elements, and in turn by the yin and yang five elements.

A simpler explanation, originally based on the original law of this world, the iron sword is certainly better than the wooden sword. However, after the replacement of the law by the float method, the wooden sword in turn can overcome the iron sword. This is a floatation and a replacement.

Therefore, this sword supernatural power, although not close to the roots of the heavens and the roots of the true law, but also has infinite power! It is similar to the Guotong people in the 12th town of Daqin.

This is the case at this time, and the various roads involved in the Cangjianjian array will be upgraded. The true methods involved in the killing of the blood and the murder of the nine days and ten places have fallen to the level.

The squadron, which would have been slightly inferior, can in turn suppress the latter.

It also caused the pressure on Zong Shou to suddenly loosen.

Cangsheng sword array, can control the power of the heavens and the earth, the road to robbery. At this time, with the refining of the **** as the main sword, with Wei Xu suppression, the power of the sword array, this is even better than the battle of the day.

Was swept away by the vast savage swordsmanship, no matter how Li Bixue weaves and repairs the air cloud, it can break open and smash.

It is always impossible to kill the nine-day and ten-day bloodstains. It will also enable Zong Shou to move forward again and break free from the danger of being insane.

"After the Float of God, it should be destroyed."

In the mind of Zong Shou, this thought was flashed. I saw thousands of swords in the sky. At the same time.

A set of floating spirit swords, in addition to the sacred sword of the sacred spirit, it is necessary to sit in the town of six holy monks. Twenty-four sacred defenders were suppressed, and the remaining swords of the spiritual order were more than a thousand.

At this time, the sky is full of swords, as if you can really destroy this vast land!

They are all powerful and invincible, and they smash into the Fenghua Palace, which arouses the dust of the sky. It also makes the ban in the Fenghua Palace, which is far away.

Zong Shou looked at the ninety-nine-story star-gazing tower, and his blood was burned. I have been able to penetrate the heavy ban and look at Li Bixue’s figure.

I saw that there is no such thing as a monk, but also a slight frown. It seems to be quite laborious.

With the power of a yin maiden, it resists the two top killings in this cloud world. Even the third person under the show's mercy is quite supportive.

Zong Shou glanced back and regained his gaze. Knowing that these two sword arrays are still far from enough to hurt Li Bixue.

Directly put the line of sight, once again in the direction of the royal study. God read the lock, **** through the obstacles, looking directly at Yin Yu.

"Yin Yu. Today, if you are willing to self-discipline, you will sin yourself, explain the truth to the world, and don't regret to wash away the stigma. And you can give back to the Yin family, your many palaces and lives." .otherwise--"

Zong Shou's tone was a meal, while the voice behind it was still dull. It is full of murder.

"There must be a complete slaughter, so that you are a bloodline of the Yin family. This field is absolutely true! When you say this, when you die, don't pretend!"

Kim does not regret the name behind his own, but he can't help but keep his heart.

How can we accommodate our own acquiescence, carrying the name of slanders, carrying hundreds of millions of people with evil thoughts and hatred, and unclear reincarnation?

To this end, even if he gave up the opportunity to destroy the country, the Dashang throne could be passed down and continued to linger, and his sect was acceptable.

In the royal study, Yin Yu feels funny, self-discipline? Sin? Full house slaughter?

Is this guard talking to himself? Or is it really crazy?

"Right, are you confused? How can you dictate yourself?"

I thought so in my heart, and said so in my mouth. Yin Yu also made a joke at a time: "Gold does not regret being a minister of blasphemy, but it is linked to your lord of the enemy. Is it not a fact? The heart is complaining and he is not wrong."

He said: "In fact, it is not impossible to sin. You only need to be sacred, and you must swear in front of you. Don't say that it is the name of Kim, who is not repenting, is to help him into the Temple of Literature. Why not? As for his body, Haven't you heard of it? It was also eaten by thousands of people on the same day. It can be seen that the people of the shackles hate their bones."

Zong Shou smashed, and then he was not angry and laughing. The heart is depressed, like a block, blocked in the chest, it is difficult to vent. More nausea, blood rolling.

That's it, there's nothing to say, just war!

His heart is stirring and he can't calm down. The heavenly swordsmanship on the sword of the refining is also affected by this, and gradually becomes violent!

More houses around, were flattened by life. The ground collapsed and it was recessed for hundreds of feet. Zong Shou was unaware of it.

"I can't figure it out. It's like you and others. It's actually called a holy priest. Is the Confucian so-called great Confucian squinting? Don't regret that he works for you, this is really a sorrow for his life. ""

After Yin Yuduan sat in the royal case, he smiled and said nothing. Emotional calm, only when it is a joke, don't care.

No matter what the slogan of today is, he can’t hurt him. Why do you care?

In his eyes, this sect is still not dead, but there is no difference.

I will make my name for the first time, and I will not be able to evaluate it!

When Dashang unified the cloud world and swept across the various fields, his Yin Yu was one thousand and eight hundred years old, and the twenty-seven monarchs were the masters of the world. No matter who, you need to sing praises for him!

There was a cold drink on the side: "Let's go! In the Fenghua Palace, insulting my emperor. Is this depending on my big business? Kim does not regret the country, it is my Confucianism, and I can't allow you to be quite The king of the country twisted the case."

When Zong Shou looked coldly, he recognized this person, and it was the leftist letter of Jin’s repentance.

When he left the cloud for the first time, he saw him and he was there.

At that time, he had no good feelings about this person. At this time, he felt even more ugly!

When I think of the shackles being shackled, it is because of the people’s memorial, and Zong Shou can’t wait to make this person a thousand.

With the voice of this person, there are more than ten holy-order air machines around, and it has already come to the fore. They are all ready to go, and they are locked with the gods of his ancestors.

Zong Shou couldn't help but laugh, a total of thirteen people, plus a total of fourteen before. In this battle today, this sacred monk is one less than the Qinhuang tomb.

His mind continued to expand, and he turned his attention to the twelve-country bronze people standing behind the royal study.

The town of Yuyu made his soul know the tentacles, and directly bypassed the Qin Emperor's true spirit, and the traces of the gods left behind, entered the core of the twelve-nation bronze people.

It is slightly different from his original expectations. Yin Yu has obviously spent a lot of effort in the origin of these bronze people. Let it be cherished, with the Qin Emperor and the true spirit as the medium, and also deep into it.

Originally, it was only necessary to have another eighty-day time. Instead, the Qin Emperor was read and thoroughly cleaned. However, at this moment, it takes more time.

It’s really a little bit of the Yuanchen emperor.

So what you have to do at this time is to continue to delay the time?

Zong Shou smashed his eyebrows, and he couldn’t wait to wait for it.

Continue to walk in the air, go to the royal study, the lips are cold and cold.

"I am really sorry! In the eyes of the singer, in addition to a stone, a stone home. It is really no one else, can enter the blink of an eye! As for Confucianism, I have said that sooner or later, I will burn books and confessions. Let's bury this world's poisonous pseudo-Confucianism! If the Confucianism is called the Confucianism, since it can't be said, what is the benefit?"

During the speech, the last wall of the palace was also crushed under the pressure of Zong Shoujian.

At this time, Zong Shou, and the royal study room in the distance, there is no longer a barrier, and the distance is only a thousand feet.

And the twelve-town bronze people standing there are still unobstructed, and now they are in the eyes of Zong Shou.

At this time in the air, there was a cold cry.

"Burning books and burying Confucianism? I don't know if I am Zhu Xi, can you be among the burnt pits of your ancestor? You said that there is no big business, so the old man is in your eyes, is it like a grass worm?"

When this voice was heard, the direction of the east side, a sudden white sky, suddenly hit the sky.

Thousands of hundred heavens and ones in the sky have been destroyed, and they are scattered.

And then, this is the capital of the capital. More and more white gas rushed into the sky.

Different sizes and different orientations, Taixue, Hanlinyuan, Yushitai -

Thousands of people are magnificent.

"Tiandi Jun relatives! Junjun minister, this is heaven and earth to the truth! Kim does not regret what, there is a loss of ministers, and the waist!"

The voice of Zhu Xi’s voice echoed the sky and was magnificent.

In the royal study room, Zuo Xin’s eyes suddenly brightened, and Yin Yu smiled and said: “This is Zhu Zi’s shot! I don’t care about my Confucian saints. This is awe-inspiring, and it really makes me and other juniors eclipse. Since ancient times, there have been words and deeds, It must be like this today! There is a sacred sage of Zhu Zi, and it is sure to be able to retreat from the evil spirits!

At this time, the Zongshou face was also slightly more difficult. The Jianzong Tian extremity of the floating spirit sword array was moved by Zhu Zi, and he was the first to bear the brunt of this yin pulse.

The power of killing is stronger~lightnovelpub.net~ The power of the gods and the flames of death are also impacting the mind.

At this time, there are more than ten holy steps in the void around the distribution.

A shot is a thunder, and more than ten dangerous tyrannical forces, in all directions, crushed.

When Zong Shou was at this moment, he was almost in a desperate situation. The Yuanshen was completely suppressed by the gods of the gods and the flames of the yin and veins, and more than ten holy steps joined forces, and almost locked his vitality.

Zong Shou’s thoughts struggled, and the face seemed to be like a smile.

"A good one can retreat from the evil spirits! Make the demon volts! Do you not hear the height of one foot, the height of the devil?"

Zeng Xuan holds the wing and changes the blessing, and the first life and death are blooming.

The power of the huge birth of the Yuan Dynasty broke out, temporarily neutralizing those who could not transform the dead air, and temporarily forced the spirit of the gods to leave the sea of ​​souls.

Then there is the spur of the Sword of the Dead River, the sacred figure, almost imaginary, wandering in the air.