Divine Brilliance

~: 1212 should be robbed

The implication is that even in such a desperate situation. Today, these three people still have a way to get away from it?

The night wheel Wang Ranlong sneered, he would have to look at it. Can the preparations of Dagan for more than 80 days escape Zong Shou from this platform?

The protagonist's edge is actively dissipated, used to block the void, and it is suspected of killing the chicken with a knife. Even if a few people have already expected it, there are not many ways to use it.

The night is also full of interest, calm and watchful. In today's war, both sides are prepared for a long time. This is to see who has a thicker foundation and who has a stronger plan.

So today, he will not be surprised by what kind of means this Shou Shou can display.

However, I heard a surprised call from the back: "The gap between the gods and the gods? It is said that the emperor of the Dagan has a family to follow, and the name is called Lu Wu, and he is in charge of the administration of Yuan Lian in the world. He is best at this. The man is you. What?"

Lu Wu did not answer, and did not hesitate to take out a flawless Zijindan pill and swallow it into the mouth. Zong Shou body also flew out dozens of silver light at the same time, it is those holy fire silver ants. Instantly, the blessing is behind the disease.

According to the most central part of the battle, it is Xiaojin. The blasphemy is based on the top, and it governs the whole force of the Holy Ghost.

Then, in front of the land without disease, a black dot suddenly appeared and expanded rapidly until the size of the longan. Zong Shou and Ye Xuan, at the same time, almost collapsed at the same time, turned into a streamer, and cast into the black spot.

The sound coming from behind in the night was also a roar. The huge black sickle violently tore the world and completely opened the void on the platform.

But when you want to touch the black spot, the same light flies, and the twelve towns of the bronze people who follow the Zongshou figure also punched out at this time.

Different directions, but blasted in the same direction, uniform. When there is a fist, there is almost no time gap. On top of the blue fist, the rune flashed at the same time. Before the twelve huge bronze fists, he quickly formed a shield-shaped array of characters.

At the time of the collision with the black sickle, the bronze shape of the hexagonal shape turned out to be motionless. Until a black arrow, also from the distance through the void, straight nails. The shield array was only divided and the pieces collapsed. For a time, the suffocating suffocation, and the impact of the impact of the world, so that this has lost the support of the 斩 台 · · 也在 也在 也在 也在 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。.

However, at this moment, not only the Zong Shou Ye Xuan three people, even the twelve towns of the bronze people, from the point of the black ‘ gap to the outside of the border, but also a stone's throw away.

Zong Shou is more convenient to take out the truth and remove the truth. A distant move makes the incomplete catalogue that was originally integrated with the Jiejietai flying in the air and rushing here.

When you see it in the night, it’s a slight mistake. The eyes are roaring: “You’re bold, you’re bold—”

This catalogue, although he does not know the origins, but knows its unpredictable power, but also records the ruthless and unscrupulous secret law. The cost of the secrets of the Bianjietai is certainly large, but it is also rare in the Dark World, which can shock the forces of the forces. And its roots are in this map!

Although the heart does not understand why this sect can have the ability to recruit, so that the dead figure of the border map listens to its imperial. However, the night of the two dragons, but the first time each of their own shadows of the rainbow, to the Zongshou figure where the pursuit.

Knowing today, if it is really passed by Zong Shou, it will pass through the void to the outside world. So today, not only is it that the chickens are not eclipsed, but the countless up-front inputs are all in vain, and the map of the world is also in the hands of this person. This time, the plan of the Dark World Magic will be completely lost, and laugh at the world!

However, the dragon was in a hurry and did not care about the counterattack of the twelve towns. The vastness of the boxing, without leaving half of the space, the death of the deadlocked landed disease-free air.

However, before the two of them, there were two more figures behind, and before the two of them, outside the black dot, a sneer sounded.

"Wrong Yuan Dan? At the cost of the half-level repair of the landing, the heavens and the earth are raised to the holy steps. No wonder the emperor of the Dagan you alone brought him a divine repairer. Only this seat has guessed that it is a gap. And can you let me go so calmly?"

The void gap is closing, but it is supported by a stronger force. Until the two light and shadow, like a rainbow like a shuttle into.

Then there are two great ideas that spread in the void and cover everything. Let Zong Shou and Ye Xuan three people, even within the void gap of countless branches, can not be shaped.

One thousandth of a minute was not there, and it was locked up by the two incredible gods of tyrannical tyranny, and then rushed.

That is the most familiar ‘the emperor’s temper, and the emperor used the power to gather the power of a country above the boxing front and gather before the blade.

At this time, the two great powers join hands, which is equivalent to the two great holy forces! It’s just that the breath that has been passed away is already heart-rending, and it’s just that it’s impossible to resist.

Lu has no disease, and the blood is spit out. The lower half of the mask is stained with blood red. The body is trembled, and although the hands are still printing, it is already difficult to maintain.

The inner world in the body is close to smashing, the power of the broken Yuan Dan, which has been consumed in a short time. Can only rely on Lin Xuan-shuang's source of spiritual power to restore the power of the vitality.

Ye Xuan is the face of iron and blue, in fact, the first to bear the brunt, neither is Lu disease, nor is Zong Shou, but he Ye Xuan.

In order to protect yourself, it is necessary to protect yourself. It is also necessary to face the front. lightnovelpub.net~ The power of the lord who is attacking is against the power of the world. Lu Wu disease collapsed under the impact of this.

The light and shadow were scattered, and there was a bang in front of it. The formation of the twelve towns of the bronze people had been scattered.

The majestic power, scattered all over, set off a void storm that was completely inferior to the battle of the borderland. The only difference is that the former is limited to one side of the virtual world, dozens of worlds. The latter will spread along this void gap and spread to the entire boundary.

And at this moment, the two figures saw the needles in the shuttle, and they were close to Zongshou Yexuan.

The sects are faintly visible, and within the two groups of light and shadow, the murderous sorrows contain ridiculous eyes. Not only did not panic, but a sigh of disbelief: "Is it God's will, but it really has become."

When the letter is thrown, it has already been merged into a catalogue. Then there is a world of generation, pulling the five people here, and out of this realm!

It is too much to rob the catalogue!

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