Divine Brilliance

Chapter 733: Basement


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The so-called "three clears," is the three highest-ranking Dafa practitioners.

It is the sacred door itself, there is no sacred existence, and naturally there is no dispute.

But the following people are different. There are hundreds of thousands of disciples, different minds, different interests, and different demands. Then there are these three systems of Taoism, the dilemma and the two major denominations, each of which has mastered some of the guardian spirits.

In fact, Zong Shou is most concerned about this, or it is a gathering of ‘God, the law.

It is a pity that this Mingshengdao teaches that there is no knowledge of this. The Tailing Xuanjun, who was enshrined here, was also sent by the Dao Ling dilemma and sacrificed for them. Mingshengdao did not intervene, and he could not know the mystery.

It is not a little discouraged. If there is more divine power, his physical strength will certainly be advanced several times before the robbery.

The foundation is thick, and the road in the future will naturally be broader.

Just looking at this situation, he wants to kill another similar ‘神, but it is almost impossible.

Then there was a slight movement in the heart, and there was no such sect. Then, can those Taoist priests governed by Taoism be rewarded?

After meditation for a moment, Zong Shou temporarily suppressed this thought and checked his body.

The divine power that was previously swallowed into his body is already in effect, and it is constantly strengthening the flesh in units of minutes and seconds.

In just a few hours, it can be worthy of his previous efforts to iron and forge the iron moon!

This goes on, and it takes only about half a month or so. It is estimated that you can be in the ninth-order spirit, and you can do it without any damage, and truly complete.

At this point, Zong Shou is increasingly eager for those who protect the law and respect God.

The insects that are just next to this moment also make a burst of sound.

Zong Shou turned back and saw that the twelve silver flying ants were coming out.

The number of this time has not increased. However, it is obvious that the blade of the blade has been enhanced. The silver-white flame that circling the body also improved.

The idle speed is still not visible, but it will certainly not be weakened.

The last thing is 晗曦, except for being silver. At this time, there is a silky line, which appears on the carapace, as if it is a rune, and it seems to be a spirit. The track is mysterious and beautiful.

The head is getting closer to the human figure and the six pairs of wings are also wider.

Zong Shou’s eyes shrank slightly. He originally thought that the most potential of his escorts was Xiao Ri and Xiao Jin.

But nowadays, the space for growth in the future will never be under the two little guys.

Only these twelve sacred fire ants gave him more than twelve helpers to fight with the spirits.

If you repeat the battle of Lushan, you don't need to be so hard, you don't have to arrange it in advance, you can directly attack.

In terms of talent, there are only thunder pterosaurs behind.

After the silver silk was put away, the mood was still very exciting.

Swinging up the sky, flying six pairs of wings and wings, and increasing the speed of the idling to the extreme, like a flash of silver.

After the fun, I finally got a dive. Together with the twelve silver ants, I returned to the sleeves of Zong Shou.

The code is a slight surprise, which is obviously faster and faster. The speed of flying at full speed is about half of that of Lushan.

If it weren't for him, it would be impossible to identify the figure if it was replaced by the usual nine-order or those with weak strength.

Even if you can identify the spiritual environment, there are very few people who can react at this speed.

“This is a natural birth?”

A little lost, Zong Shou did not care about it. He naturally hopes that this is the strength, the stronger the better.

Everything born in a strange way is born in the sacred world, and there is always the possibility of ruining the Lord. But he has enough self-confidence, no matter how powerful the future, he can suppress it.

As a swordsman, will you avoid your own servant slaves?

Then he looked up and looked at the day.

"--It’s almost time to come back! Hey, son--"

A whisper, but the voice is full of cold meaning, murder hidden.

I remember that Tianshan, the letter that I gave him every day, repeated times and mentioned this person.

If it is said that no market is the brain to plan this battle, then this is the arm, the rest of the soul and the nineth order, it is the finger.

This person, as there is no market, is also what he must want!

Raising his hand, the magical shuttle, suddenly appeared next to him.

Zong Shou's body shape turned into light, and the imperial rushed the shuttle to the air.

This time, Zong Shou, but did not go west again, but all the way to the east. Just a few hours, it is already on the east of the sea of ​​clouds.

He continued to fly to the east for nearly a thousand miles. Zong Shoucai emerged from the shuttle and stood in the void.

The mind is far away, and the magic mirror is also in the air. Six real three virtual, nine foxtails, also appeared one by one.

With the help of the nine-tailed fox, the sense of heaven and earth sensibility, telemetry of these thousands of miles of area.

After the shackles, Zong Shou will squint at the eyebrows, and the pupils will appear in an unexpected color.

It is not found, the trace of the monk in the monk. Within the scope, there is a group of people who are walking outside the void. The distance is about two thousand, but there is only one soul, three nine.

It seems that he also noticed his spiritual thoughts. At this moment, he has returned and fled to the east.

"Go apart?"

When Zong Shouluo meditation, he knows its meaning. It’s still smart to be a child.

This is the most troublesome situation. If it is chasing, it must be missed.

If you don't chase, you may end up with nothing.

A cold sound, Zong Shou slammed the big sleeves. Four silver lights suddenly flew away.

The space was broken, and the knife of light was in the blink of an eye, thousands of miles away.

When the knife flashed, the four people's skulls were worn, and then the body soul was blown up and crushed!

However, when I saw this scene, there was not much joy in the face of Zongshou.

Three nine-order monks, naturally, do not need him to use the sword of the six gods, the ordinary cloud knives can be removed.

The spiritual monk did not, although his strength exceeded the other. It can be killed thousands of miles away, but you must use the real six-god sword.

At this time, in his sleeve, the flying knife that really enriched the gods and minds was only twelve.

The method of time and space has taken his soul away. In the vicinity of this, there is no soul to absorb.

In this way, he can only leave one or two teams in this sea of ​​clouds at most.

Not to mention, find the traces of the returning home -

Frowning and annoyed, the shackles in the sleeves suddenly changed. A hint of thought was later introduced to his soul.

"You come?"

Zong Shouyi, originally subconsciously wants to refuse, and then want to try it anyway. The dubious will be released from the sleeves and suspended in the air.

Then there were the twelve silver-flying ants, which spread out to the left and right and flew away in both directions.

The idle speed is extremely fast, and only one blink of an eye has disappeared.

And after about half an hour, then suddenly the figure flashed and was in front of Zong Shou. With the knife arm, pointed to his forehead.

Zong Shoumei picked up his head and explored his right hand with his index finger at his eyebrows.

The next moment, a flood of information, rushed over.

After only one breath of time, after Zong Shou’s mind, a blurred image appeared.

I didn’t know at the beginning, and after careful identification, my heart was shocked again.

This is actually the cloud sea within four thousand miles of the north and the south, and all the changes in the air space outside the cloud world, the psionic energy changes,

You can even know how many cloud whales, how many poultry, and the thickness of the clouds are within this range.

The width is still in the exhibition, and the twelve flying ants continue to fly north and south, and the coverage is also expanding rapidly.

Only the two sides of the thing can only be one thousand and two hundred miles. But it formed a broad face, which cut off the sea of ​​clouds, without half-points.

Twelve silver ants are 14,400 miles.

This range, any little movement, can't hide his sense of spirit.

In the heart of Zong Shou, it is both shocking and happy. These twelve flying ants actually have such a useful function, which is really unexpected.

There is a network of thousands of miles in this, not only the trace of finding the home of this time, but also a lot more convenient.

In many places in the future, it can be used.

If the army is fighting, the twelve flying ants will open. This Wanli area can be held in charge.

The ability to use the soldiers to fight can be improved by several levels. Even if it is the peerless marshal of the level of Kong Yao, he has confidence and can fight with it.

The mind immediately received, and Zong Shou began to carefully identify, and the gas within this tens of thousands of miles was quiet.

In itself, all the way to the south of the sea of ​​clouds, continue to go, but for a moment, the eyes are bright, next to the corner of the lips, a little sneer.

It’s a coincidence that I just bumped into it. These two people, even if they are not the ones, must be the pillars of the Taoist dilemma.

Since I have encountered it, how can I escape it? The figure flashed, and Zong Shou continued to drive the magic shuttle. Flying to the south, three or two hours, it is thousands of miles away.

The figure is present, and Zong Shou is a step, and it is under the clouds, just in the depths of the ground, in a deep underground river.

And not far from the opposite side, there are more than a dozen people, and they are rushing through this dark river.

Five people in Lingjing~lightnovelpub.net~ There are nine in the nineth order. Two of them, the strength not only reached the middle of the spiritual environment, but also the real yuan is rich, far from abnormal people.

When I saw Zong Shou, these fourteen people all looked at each other with a glimpse of their ignorance.

For the first person, it is even more dry language: "But the blood sword demon army?"

In the voice, it is full of unexpected despair. Here is two thousand feet underground. In common sense, the other party should never be aware of it.

The code is slightly different, blood sword demon army? Is this his sect, the new name is not?

Immediately did not care, Zong Shou directly asked: "Where are you waiting, who is the one?"

No one answered, but a few of them couldn’t help but look at the one headed.

Zong Shou smiled coldly, and the two brilliances of gold and silver flashed beside him. Wherever he went, the blood line flew.
