Divine Brilliance

Chapter 770

In the boundary river, the dragon shadow is like laughing and laughing, so I look at the opposite side. M [] []

In the eyes, there is a bantering color: "This is a clear, but your love for the three sons of Yu Ming? You said that this apprentice is the most hopeful of the cloud industry since the five thousand years. People? So, this woman’s life, the Taoist friend can’t help it. But the yin and yang technique that Xi’an has done is a bit troublesome for my child. You said that I am now Sitting on the view, or take this female life first?"

That Qing Xuan real people shot, only instantly took the mighty power, fully recovered. The complexion said: "The big yin and yang can be learned by everyone. It may not be clear and clear. Your disciples, only this time when they robbed, will there be a danger of yin and yang, and there is no need to care. It is Long Xuan Huayun. Fighting with Qiang Kun, now is a life and death, may be in the air. It is impossible to let her ---"

Seeing the dragon shadow faintly listened, it is not okay. Qing Xuan and helplessly screamed: "Before Zong Shou stepped into the holy realm, I and Yu Ming would not personally deal with him! I will never take the initiative to count on him. I don't know if You are satisfied?"

Dragon Shadow just laughed: "So it's settled! The scorpion predecessors of the year can be said to have fallen into the hands of the Taoist friends."

Being able to force this position and make such a promise is simply a big surprise.

The foreign domain is vast, even if it is, he can't take care of it.

Compared with this Qing Xuan Xiu, it is even more tricky, but it is the other's wisdom, it is impossible to prevent.

Qing Xuan disdain, then turned to one side. Within this river. There have been no traces of Huayun Longxuan.

However, when the Qing Xuan Wang. However, it was easy to pass through a layer of barriers and saw a place that was a thousand times smaller than the cloud.

It is the power of two people, in the gap between time and space, forcibly opened up a small world.

The sacred cultivators are all at risk of dying. Once the war begins, it will involve the spread of the world around it. The two are unwilling to damage the cloud, so they open up the void directly. Accommodate three people.

And that Huayun Qiankun, at this moment are all in it.

His eyes flickered, and Qing Xuan directly curiously asked: "Dao You, I don't know this dragon. What kind of secret trousers have been repaired in the end. [] [] makes your shadow have such confidence?"

"Well? What's the solution?" Long Ying seems to be inextricably raised and raised his eyebrows.

Qing Xuan shook his head slightly: "Why do you need to be confused? With your temperament, if it is not for the dragon, there is a certain degree of confidence that he can win. I will never let him do this-"

The dragon shadow smashed, and he knew that this was the words of Qing Xuan's temptation, but he also touched his heart.

For a moment, after the Dragon Shadow is a bitter smile: "Dao You really confidant! Qian Kun he really has 60% chance of winning, but this time, I will regret the Dragon Shadow. Or two!"

Speaking of this, Qing Xuan is an accident. I heard that there is no vain in the dragon shadow language. In the eyes of worry, but more curious.

Huayun Palm Dragon Spirit can be used to display the cause and effect method, and its own avenue is also extraordinary. This 60% chance of winning is already amazing.

It seems that this is not enough for five years. The holy environment is only two years. What exactly is the 60% grasp?

Is that just the ruin road? Never possible!

There is a feeling of faintness. This battle of Huayun Longxuan and Qiankun is important to him!

Attention is paying attention, but for a moment, Qing Xuan’s eyes are scared: “It turns out that this dragon is already a good thing in the holy world. Is it a secret of swallowing dragons?”

The dragon shadow does not answer, and the face is only slightly bitter. Qing Xuan's eyebrows. It is wrinkled with deep lines.

The sacred goods can only make Qiankun, and have the power to fight with Huayun.

Even if the palm of the ruin is destroyed, the repairs obtained by the engulfing of the dragon will not be able to settle. Compared with Huayun, the real holy period is still inferior.

Now he still can't know, what kind of means does this Qiankun have, which can make Long Ying recognize?


Among the empty voids, Qian Kun is standing on the emptiness. Huayun is in front and Longxuan is behind him.

The spiritual knowledge can be remotely sensed, and the thought of Qing Xuan is sweeping back and forth on him, trying to understand all the mysteries in his body.

Qiankun was too lazy to pay attention to it. It was cold in sight, paying attention to Huayun, and the sword in the hands of this person. []

The pale golden blade, the end of the hilt, is inlaid with a red Dan Pill.

That Huayun did not hide it, let him see it, and said in a faint voice: "This dragon, the brother is very familiar, it is the cause and effect dragon before you were sealed. Originally China The cloud is only borrowed. After you have converted to the master, you will return to the original owner. But now it seems that it is not available for return-"

And softly laughed: "Can you know? This dragon, or Bier, she helped me to set it on this sword. Just because I don't want me to wander outside the field, there are unforeseen things. You are so extraordinary, actually integrated A glimpse of the soul, and more fire, it can be the second god. If Bier is honoured by the blood of his own body, he is afraid that it cannot be suppressed."

Qiankun looked indifferent and listened quietly. Just by these words, I want to shake his heart, it is nothing but the Arabian Nights.

A day before, he may care. Until today, I have seen these two people with my own eyes. I know myself, the singularity of the year, the long-term indifference, has long been unpredictable.

How can such a woman be worthy of his nostalgia?

Now if you want to say something in his chest, still care about it, then only regret and hate -

Repenting of his hero's half life, but licking these eyes, obsessed with such a monk!

I hate myself for knowing people, and I am trapped by my feelings, even to my only sister's body!

On the other side of Huayun, there is still a saying with sarcasm: "My brother can imagine, Bier, why did she want to leave you, choose me Huayun? Just because she is with you, every day, every day. I have never escaped a day of safety. I am eager to ask myself what I have given her in those years-"

Halfway through the words, Qiankun’s brow is a pick, cold and contemptuous with Huayun.

"These nonsense, have you finished?"

Hua Yun is a glimpse, and this is a shock. This kind of thing, it seems that I really don't care about the things of the year. There is no half-point reaction, and there is no slight fluctuation in gas turbines.

The soul of the three people entangled, and the breath slammed into the shock. Seeing the stitches, almost every flaw is not willing to let go. Let the half of the airspace here be filled with black space-time cracks.

Long Xuan is equally astonished. Behind the Qiankun, he looks at the back of the man in front of him.

I only felt incredible. In the past, this Qiankun was deeply affectionate to her.

I thought that the other party came out, and even if she hated her again, it would not be easy to let go.

But not the other side, but it is so indifferent.

In the past 8,000 years ago, she was still fresh in her memory, unforgettable, and unforgettable.

Why is this so good, but it can be so neat, will it be cut off?

After a little meditation, Long Xuan will smile again: "Qi Kun, can you know the whereabouts of the moon? In fact, although she was seriously injured and escaped, it is still unknown whether she is in the end. Long Xuan’s thoughts are quite good. —"

Month? Haoyue?

The pupil of Qiankun suddenly collapsed and became a needle. That air machine is also slightly scattered.

He doesn't care about Dragon Xuan, but Haoyue - is that Shantou really living in this world?

Why is my blood, but no sense?

Opposite Huayun, it is a flash of light, the lips are lightly picking: "Hey brother, the war is currently. But at this time distracted him, is it wrong?"

As said, the Dragon Spirit Sword is already like a poisonous snake, wearing an empty sniper.

It is also a reversal of cause and effect. At the tip of the sword, there is even a little yang fire, but only a small piece of Mars on the nails, but makes half a world of thousands of hot, like hot sea.

And Long Xuan also moved forward, and two ribbons danced out of the sleeves.

The cold force stimulates, but it makes the other half of the world, like the ice and hell.

There is no water here, but the range of ice power. Everything, all the spirits of the spirit, all the dust particles, and even the power of some of the avenues of the road, are frozen and still!

The ice and fire are not compatible, but at this time, the two are in harmony, but the power is increasing and mutual benefit.

At this time, Qiankun woke up to God and arranged the messy mood. Looking at the front, the brow is slightly wrinkled.

Being occupied by the other party is a bit of a hassle. But today, it’s fine. It’s just that the injury is heavier, the price paid, and more.

Also secretly self-deprecating, this Bi Bi, really is the world, the person who knows the most. How can you not care about your own sister?

Behind him, suddenly several dragon souls flashed. Roaring and roaring, full of resentment.

Qiankun’s right hand was also explored at the same time. The five fingers were flexibly drawn in the air, stimulating the surrounding spiritual energy.

Just like the printing of the spirituality of the human race, the method of inverting the cause and effect was re-leveled as usual.

Then, after a flash of shadow, the space was forcibly broken, and it was behind Huayun.

"The method of instant air, swallow dragon secret! You swallowed the full dragon?"

On the surface of Long Xuan, it was a slight change, and it was fixed to look at the back of Qiankun, the few floating dragon shadows.

The action has not stopped half a minute, the ice cold road ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ will freeze around the time and space. The two streamers are still going to the Qiankun.

Huayun is cold and cold: "Sure enough! The dog who lost the family, by any means, has long been waiting for you!"

The sword of the dragon sword is also rewinded. From an incredible point of view, the sudden barbs and backs, it seems that it is really here, waiting for the general.

At this time, Qiankun did not evade and rushed out.

Then the whole world ahead, it began to crack. Destroy the avenue, you can smash everything!

The fist fights, the whole small world, is broken most of the.

However, if the defender is maintained, it will be restored as soon as possible.

Huayun stood still and seemed to be unharmed. Qiankun left the place. The figures flashed in succession, avoiding the two streamers of Dragon Xuan.

But the mouth and nose are bleeding, the image is miserable. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)