Divine Brilliance

Chapter 824: Xuanyang lock soul

At the same moment, there are many worlds outside the world of heaven.

In a fiery and hellish space, a sorrowful sorrow to the extreme roar, suddenly shocked three times.

The voice swayed and even spread out of this world.

"Lu Zi!"

Like a desperate beast, the nearly one million soldiers who are fighting here are all stopped! Looking back at the back.

The visual point is a young man sitting on a red chariot. Junyi does not lose masculine, portable sword, is in the middle of the army, is the head of the army!

The eyes are red, and the inside is full of blood, as if to drop blood.

"Who is, dare to do this! Actually dare to purple her, the soul flies away -"

The soul snarled and spread, and the bombardment in all directions seemed to be intended to diffuse farther, with irresponsible outbreaks.

However, it has become unbearable for countless soldiers here. They squatted on the ground and clenched their teeth.

Even the opposite side, those enemies with a stone skin flame, are also surprised to look at this side.

It seems that I can't understand, this commanding army, so that a group of men who suffered heavy injuries, why suddenly go crazy?

But it is also arrogant of its power, not daring to attack.

"Tianfang World, Cangyan Temple! It’s a must, really damn--"

It seems that it has been recognized that Lu Zi has fallen. On the face of the youth, it was even more embarrassing, and the instincts began to anger.

"Remember, no matter who you are, what is your identity in Lujia! I am unparalleled in the land, and I will definitely put you under the sword! It will make you suffer for a lifetime! Kill your family and let you taste it. Cracked lung pain!"

After saying this sentence, the figure slammed up. Stepping out of the way, I left this flame world.

However, just in the shadow of his figure, when he was just about to leave it, a huge force was also coming across the border. Put it in your eyes and hold it tight.

A cold, majestic voice. Also suddenly passed.

"Lu Wushuang, the war has not yet ended, where do you want to go? But you have to leave the job?"

"Zi Er, she is already in the body!"

Lu Wushuang is not struggling. Let this power suppress the body, only glaring at the void.

"Remember that you said that you will take care of her!"

"Lu Zi? Is the younger generation of the fourteenth room? I remember not long ago. I seem to send her to investigate the affairs of the cloud. It shouldn't be, there is no such courage in that side-"

In the voice of majesty, there is a slight confusion, and then it will be repeated.

"For a woman who is next to the Lu family, is it worth it? I will let go of this war of blood and flames?"

"What is it, Zier, she is worth it!"

Lu Wushuang screamed coldly, and the voice was completely: "In my eyes, even the entire Lu family, it is important that she does not come alone!"

"Well? You kid, it’s really hopeless!"

That majestic voice. It seems to be angry. Immediately another silence, seems to be indulging. After a while, I spoke again.

"I will send people to investigate this matter carefully, you must revenge yourself, and you will not stop you. Just before this. You must first end the war of this blood flame world, and the damage can not exceed 100,000. Otherwise, there is a hindrance, and you will never want to leave this place forever!"

When the sound falls, the great power is also dissipated at the same time.

Lu Wushuang was standing in the air, his face was suddenly white and white. Finally, it was a pause. Full of unwillingness, re-enter the blood flame world.

This time, it is killing the enemy, once again suppressing the millions of landlords!


Even if you are far away from the world, Zong Shou is also feeling chilly.

This is from the blood, the evil thoughts that have penetrated through, and they have not retired for a long time, making him creepy.

The surge of heart, the sense of danger, is getting closer and closer.

"This person, strong strength!"

At least stronger than he is at the moment! It makes people feel horrified.

The same feeling, only the previous time, he alone, challenged the door. I don’t think it’s a success or failure, I feel it when I’m still alive or dead.

At that time, there were thousands of sects in Taoist Temple, and in the dilemma, countless spiritual monks.

However, at this moment, only one person gave him such a sense of danger.

"Sure enough, it is still necessary to improve the combat power first. It is necessary to perfect the three thousand stars. It is best to integrate forty-eight instant dragons and dragons within a few months to achieve a virtual and real transformation, and to integrate with the soul of the soul. —"

Zong Shou thought while thinking, and took all the things of the four people in his hands.

In particular, the sky-wrapped nets and the red robbers burned the thunder, and Zong Shou carefully played, and the more he saw it, the more amazing he was.

"This net is really weird, I don't know what the material is made of. The sword is hard to hurt, it is not forceful, and it has the ability to heal itself. It should be a magic weapon made by the sacred teacher. When it is in the seven to eight Between the products, the power is far above the same level. And this red robber burns the thunder, it is clear that there is a **** of blood as the core, refining the burning of the thunder, the power can be equivalent to God The power of the top three is the power! This Lujia, really is not the general financial atmosphere -"

I have already discovered the group before I saw it. The possession of this group of people, as well as the combat power, are extremely extraordinary.

In fact, it is not only the sky-wrapped nets and the red robbers that burned the thunder, but the red flames and the flame knives are not the treasures, and the power is good.

In the middle of the fairyland, the many wonderlanders who gathered before Yelu Hongji were not the enemy of his front.

However, these four people made him exhausted his mind and almost finished his cards. Even the blue fire turtle must be assisted by the side to get it.

"Unfortunately, this network is too damaged, there is no corresponding material, and most of it can not be repaired. As for this red robbery, there is no special means of transportation, it is equal to waste, if you encounter that monk monk I am even more like a time bomb, or not.

It is also secretively introspective. It seems that I need to be alert again and again in the future. There are not only strange people in the field, but also countless strange magical means. It is hard to prevent.

As of today, it almost fell into the dead.

Think about yourself, if there is no world of the world, if these four people, after they fall into the net. Desperate, go all out to death.

Even if you have a half body scorpion, there is a blue fire turtle to protect your body. It is also a serious injury.

Thinking about today, I still feel that the whole body is chilly, and it is cool.

What if you face a stronger person?

It seems that in the future, not only must we be cautious and careful, but also need more means to defend ourselves.

Now, I think about it, but I can only rely on this sword, this flying knife.

As for the spiritual law, there is no way to go to the table.

The magical power that can be used is still too little.

The Lu family, the four of them carry a lot of things, and there are many spiritual stones.

Although it is far less than the treasure house of Qinhuang and the first dragon temple, it is quite a lot.

The harvest is extremely expensive, and Zong Shou’s spiritual stone for these subtle products is not quite visible.

However, there is always a need for some spiritual stones, which can be used in times of crisis or for other purposes.

Moreover, in the near future, I am afraid that there will be a lot of expenses.

These gains are his only gratification.

Inspire the power of the book, sweep away the traces of this place. Zong Shou continued the previous itinerary.

"Sure enough, it is already here! And the time is not short. In the past few months, the two girls have been worried that they are extremely worried."

Ling Nian can clearly perceive the empty ship fleet that is not far from the heavens.

Hiding in a very hidden place, it is also extremely careful to hide.

Only because of a secret technique unique to Cangshengdao, Zong Shou can detect it.

However, at this time, Zong Shou did not have the first time to go to the fleet.

Instead, I rushed into the square of the day, and I was so fluent in the building.

After leaving for a few months, this sees the newly opened building, it seems that the situation has not yet been opened.

And the sinking landlord is as leisurely as ever. Alone in the living room in the living room with tea.

Seeing the arrival of Zongshou, the frown was frowning first, and then the eyes were calm.

"A strong suffocation, not long ago, you killed someone?"

Zong Shou heard a smile, indeed, it was a four person.

"And it is a big trouble! On you, the people who banned it, at least the peak of the wonderland. The blood wants to connect, it is not easy to remove -"

After listening to these few sentences, Zong Shoucai was slightly surprised, and looked up and looked at him in amazement.

Can this be seen?

This is indeed the case, when killing Lu Zi. By this woman, a force close to the secret curse invaded the body.

This curse can protect Lu Zi's body, and if Lu Zi is dead, it can also immediately stimulate the pursuit, used to chase.

If it is a normal mantra, Zong Shou can solve it.

He is not very good at spiritual practice, but he can understand the Tao, but he is not inferior to any fairyland practitioner.

With a little research, you can find a way.

The problem is that between the two people, the blood is in contact with each other, and the entanglement is extremely deep, which is difficult to solve.

"I don't know how to solve the problem?"

This is for this purpose, but the opposite person, since the first glance, tells his dilemma. Or you can have the ability to solve it.

"Lujia's Xuanyang locks the soul, unless you have no blood in the body, or you want to unravel."

Having said that, this middle-aged Shen is quite weird and looked over.

"I never thought of ~lightnovelpub.net~ In addition to the cloud world, there are also the background of Lujia. The blood is extremely pure, is it one of the Lujia lessers?"

Zong Shou suddenly disappointed, then a bitter smile,

This Shenlou master is really a shining eye.

As for the name of the Lujia Shaozhu, he did not agree to it himself, and he did not want to admit it.

In the eyes of others, it is treated like this.

That Shen surnamed landlord seems to have no intention of investigating.

The Lu family has been fighting for thousands of years. Even this family owner can't suppress it.

And a descendant of Lujia's veins has fallen to the heavens and the realm, which is recognized as a remote place, and its dilemma can be seen. In the middle of the reason, there is no need to go deeper.

After a burst of indulgence, he said again: "I can't solve this curse, but there is a character that can help you to temporarily solve this danger!"

After that, after that, it was a golden sign. (To be continued)