Divine Brilliance

Chapter 837: Governing the world?

>The number of relatives of the younger brother has died because of this, even if it is counter-intentional, it should be! ”

The words are very embarrassing, with a lot of grievances, but also with a lot of helplessness. (M_彩&虹&文&学)

"Should? This reason is not bad, I only hope that you are sincere!"

Zong Shou slightly decapitated, and then the fine mans flashed: "So killing Jiu Jing, what should I do? A few people from Hong Jiu Chen Tan Jing joined forces to kill? Then Yuan Lianjie, continue to sink. With your Zhuang Yuzhi Wisdom, when there is no pre-preparation?"

That Zhuang Yu's pupils shrank, and his face suddenly pale.

Suddenly I understood that the words that Zong Shou had said before were only for this sentence.

I can't help but be dry for a while, want to talk and argue, but I don't know what to say.

I only feel that I have been thoroughly seen by the people in front of me. There is no secret.

I also know myself, even if this is a rebuttal, this person will not care.

The strength of this person is far stronger than him. And his Zhuang Yu, there is no counter-method.

Life and death are all by their heart - just this point, let him full of ideas, all the strengths that have accumulated for many years, are all useless.

It really takes only one suspicion, it is enough!

What do you need to say to people who hold power?

"Don't talk, then you should be alone!"

Zong Shou turned his head and continued to be interested, looking at the market below.

The famous Yuanlianjie, who is already in his grasp at this time, cannot escape.

"Like you and other people, you are also deeply afraid of it. You will never dare to be the prince of a party. The king of a country is not your share, but you can be the governor of the army." The general manager of the war in the east. I want to come to the present situation. You can also find out one or two. I am not stable enough. How to deal with it, it is also a glimpse of the moment, you can only rely on you. One month later. If you can win the East In the country, everything is fine, and the loneliness also has its own reward. If it is victorious, then when you are alone, you will marry your head--"

The position of the five military governors is only under the inspection of the five armed forces. However, it is this empty shelf-like ‘big dry fairy dynasty’, not the dry country of the cloud world.

It is for the temporary response, as for the aftermath. Whether it is unloading and killing, it depends on how this guy performs.

That Zhuang Yu is once again stunned, after a long while, the complex feeling of a slight ritual: "Chen Xi Xie Xianjun value! Xianjun fruit has a graceful amount. After January, a big victory or difficulty. Zhuang Yu as far as possible to retreat is! ”

But there is no sense of partiality, just because it is clear, but this is just an exchange.

From beginning to end. They are full of forced threats. It is not allowed to refute him, nor is he half-pointed.

Nothing to hide. That is the meaning of suspicion.

So in his second sentence, the tone is weird. I don't know if it is admiration or irony.

“Accepting people?”

Zong Shoujun’s smile touched his chin.

He was too early in the morning, and his Majesty is still very smooth and has no beard. It has always been regrettable.

But maybe, he really has a lot of tolerance.

In fact, for Zhuang Yu’s dark-handed arrangement in these years, he is only slightly speculative.

In the end, whether this person can succeed in the end is unknown.

However, after more than a decade, the Emperor led the army and went to the conquest. However, he was frustrated in this Yuanlian world and was blocked for seven years.

It was also because of the fierce battle in the Yuanlian world that it involved a lot of military power, and it was not able to quickly unify the cloud world.

In front of Kong Yaojun, it was defeated repeatedly. The worst time was almost expelled from the cloud.

If it is not the power struggle within the big business, the Liaowang who succeeded the throne is too jealous of Kong Yao.

In the end, whether the big business will fall down is really two.

However, Zong Shou has been very curious about the person who has been in the Yuanlian world and has blocked the Emperor for seven years.

Unfortunately, there is no such narrative in the annals of history. Submerged in the long river of time, there are no traces at all.

He does not know whether this person is right or not, but at this time, it is the most likely one.

I don't know if this world has its own will.

Throughout the world, every time there is a crisis in the world, there will always be countless heroes, one after another.

In the Yuanlian world, the cloud world is the same!

Zong Shou’s mind was cranky, and finally his thoughts were repeated.

"Is it a chaotic world like you, can you tolerate?"

The muscles of Zhuang Yu’s face, twitching, still bowed down and said: “If you are in the world, you can be a good minister!”

"Is this a reminder to be alone, can't give you a half chance in the future?"

Zong Shouyi smiled: "I will remember it alone! I hope that you will be more careful when doing this kind of thing in the future. You are not alone!"

That Zhuang Yu smiled: "How can a small minister now dare to bully in front of Xianjun?"

"Don't you dare? Also includes the repair of your peak of spirituality?"

Zong Shou's lips are proud of the slightest pick, but they can be clearly sensed without looking at them. Zhuang Yu behind him, his body is slightly trembling, apparently shocked.

"After waiting for a few years, you will break through the wonderland and start again? The nine statics are probably unthinkable. After a few years, the generals he valued will take his life."

While talking, shaking his head. Non-cold old saying that he likes to play pigs and eat tigers, how much? To say that playing pigs, this guy is.

Also curious to ask: "It is very good to see you in a practice. Is it self-created or learned from him? Yes, since it is this technique of convergence, it can be passed from the outer domain. Who are you relying on?"

Zhuang Yu’s face was buried in the earth, and he bit his teeth and never spoke.

A few days ago, I felt that the characters like Zong Shou were not as crazy and unscrupulous as Jiu Jing.

But it is more difficult than the nine static, difficult to deal with.

It is a kindly act to avoid the tax of 30%. However, the heads of state, in order to protect the country, are in danger. Still need to be arrogant and arrogant.

But this folk grievance, but no longer to the big dry fairy.

In the Yuanlian world, the elites of this world are all tied to these people in the cloud world.

These days, outside the market, porridge sheds were arranged to help the refugees.

The ignorance of the people, it is estimated that within a few months, these people will be treated as saviors. I think that they are different from Jiu Jing, and they are the immortals who saved them in suffering.

Where can I know, the insidious sinister of the Lord of the Great Dynasties?

If he said that he had a few hopes in the past few days. But at this moment, I hope that I can't see it.

There is even an impulse, even if it is dead, he has to pull this person and fall down together!

"But if you want to die, you will die with you?"

Zong Shou shook his head slightly: "Think carefully! Even if you do it, you are just withdrawing from the Yuanlian world. But the people in this world are still suffering. If you are alone, you can live better. Lonely. The people of the people, no matter which world they are born in, must treat each other as equals!"

That Zhuang Yu stunned and looked up. The hate in the eyes also retreated slightly and solemnly held the boxing.

"Chen, you must go all out! Only hope that in the future, the king can keep promises!"

Zong Shou never talked to him again, and he lost a piece of symbol, along with a gold seal, and left it.

"Good self!"

After that, after the journey, he stepped into the air and entered the seven thousand feet of clouds.

Although this time I was reluctant to subdue this Zhuang Yu, my heart was quite helpless.

This Zhuang Yu’s life is in his hands. But what is the fate of his ancestor, and why is it not between this person’s thoughts?

But it has to be like this, the power in the hands is too weak.

300,000 elite, seemingly a lot, can be insignificant in these foreign countries, and insignificant.

What is even more troublesome is that the Lujia people may be able to chase them at any time, so that he can't go all out at this time. In addition, the people, things, and things in the Yuanlian world are also extremely strange.

Even if the skills in the battlefield, self-question is not inferior to those unparalleled talents.

The most arrogant thing is that you can't know yourself and know you, and you can't have a side.

At this moment, he can only rely on this Zhuang Yu. Hetu spent the first difficulty by borrowing his military skills and the business of this person for more than a decade.

"Outside the field, it is really difficult -"

Zong Shou’s heart is awkward. I also blame the two devils, not quite optimistic about his trip.

Even if there is support from the defenders, it is still the case.

For two thousand years since the two teachings, I have been afraid that I have not attempted to plot the foreign domain. It may be that the lesson is too deep and I am afraid.

Continue eastward, but half a day, I arrived at the southeastern part of the Yuanlian world.

Just after leaning to the border, I was swept over with a strong sense.

When I touched Zong Shou, the thought was a glimpse, and there was a slight surprise.

Zong Shou smiled and stopped moving forward. He stopped at the border and waited quietly.

Then after a few hours, there was a figure that flashed out of his body.

Wearing a high crown, wearing a star-shaped feather weaving, extraordinary temperament, toward the Zongshou distant gift.

"I don't know why the Dagan Guojun is here, what is the teaching of Mu Mo!"

Cold and cold: "If you want to convince Mumou to stop, or if you want to join me with ~lightnovelpub.net~ then you don't have to!"

Zong Shou did not care, but it was still a good time to return to the ceremony: "Zong Shou has seen the real people! It is ridiculous to say that it is so lonely today, in fact, just seeing the face of Muzhen, it is already fulfilling the wish, satisfied!"

The murder of the murderer, first of all, is incomprehensible, and immediately it is already realized.

As long as he appeared here, he talked with Zong Shou. Even if nothing is done, the few people are afraid that they will have suspicions.

Looking around, I only feel here, whether it is sound or spiritual. They have been completely blocked and cannot be transmitted.

The sect is strong and is far above him. It’s impossible to break open at the moment.

So I no longer think about other things, just sneer: "The monarch is a good idea!"

Zong Shou smugly nodded, but said in his mouth: "It is not a lonely machine, it is a suspicion that it is such a suspicion!"

If you want to listen to what he is going to say, what will he say and what kind of conditions will he promise? How will this party come here?