Divine Brilliance

Chapter 877: Infinite prayer

The sword was collected and returned to the front. m

Zong Shou immediately smashed the light and shadow that had flown away.

- It was the silver gun that broke before Lu Wushuang, and Wei Wei saved Zhao and tried to kill. However, Lu Wushuang was at the end and saved his life.

I saw that he was robbed at this time, and the fire burned and was not disturbed.

Lu Wushuang breathed in his mouth, his eyes were complicated. In the eyes of the war, all the fears are deep and jealous!

But at this moment, what really makes Zong Shou more concerned is the handsome boy behind him.

When I was frustrated at first, I never tried again. Instead, the hand is sealed and the law is printed, standing outside the thousand feet.

Even if it was only unparalleled, it was the most dangerous. When he was almost killed, he did not help.

At this moment is a group of psionic powers, lingering in the void, far from the outside, straight through the void.

Zong Shou turned his head and looked at this person. A little thought, it is known.

"Is this a big void move?"

In memory, this is a spiritual law that is strong to the extreme.

It does not refer to its power, but to the use of this spiritual law.

Like these people, they traveled to the outer domain of the void, but actually walked through the gaps in the bubbles.

Travel through the boundaries of these naturally occurring shortcuts.

However, this big void moves the curse, but it is a barrier that really breaks the time and space.

Countless worlds, parallel at the same time level.

And this big void moves the curse, it is to directly open those ‘separate’ layers!

Between the two worlds, if you take the outer domain of the void. It may be a distance of thousands of worlds.

However, if the two sides are worn in the true sense of time, then it is only a time and space level, and a film is broken.

It’s just that this layer of 'membrane' often has nothing to do with the gods and the holy places.

This time is long in Hanoi. There are really too many variables. The coordinates of time and space are also often erratic and difficult to lock.

However, this is only the exception of this big void. Thousands of people from all over the world can come here!

It's just this technique, and the requirements are often extremely demanding. You need to be prepared beforehand. Not only need to draw the spirit pattern on the skin in advance, but also need to be inside and outside.

If it is not a strong god, the flesh can't bear it, and the impact of the void is removed.

"It is the big void to move the curse! Your Highness is really good!"

That Lu is a disease-free smile, and the big sleeves are swift, that is, dozens of blood-red spirit crystals fly out.

Between the beggars, a small spiritual formation takes shape.

"His Highness is the only person I have seen in my life without illness. The only one who can't be tempted. I know that I have to fight with my Highness. I can't do anything about it. So when I am down, I have made some preparations. It is not superfluous. The situation of the sword, the star of the Tao. The strength of His Highness is really the same level, and luckily -"

At this time, there is no disease in the land. It seems to be a door to a void. A few waves of tyrannical tyranny, but also the idea of ​​Zong Shoulu unparalleled. From the inside to the end.

"God? A good sick man!"

Lu Yantian was happy, and the tired body suddenly recovered his strength.

In the desperate situation, suddenly the flowers were dark and the hope was seen. Immediately, I only felt that there was a trace of anger in the body, and it flowed into the limbs. Moisturizes the dry body.

No, it can’t be said to be hope, but the victory is fixed.

Outside the emptiness door, there is clearly a divine idea that is no less than three people, and is introduced into this world.

This guarded his arm and almost killed the sword without a double sword. In the end, it still has to be done on this day.

Suddenly, I couldn’t control it and laughed loudly.

This person, the strength is stronger, how can the kendo be unexpected, and how can it be?

After all, I still have to die here! Is this person still alive in front of the three gods?

The land was unparalleled, and the face was suddenly white and white for a moment, then a deep breath.

In the hand, I took out a red gun again, holding the Xuanhong giant shield, and the body went forward, faintly restrained.

At this point, as long as the enemy can be killed, let him give the first. No matter what kind of means, no matter what the price, Lu Wushuang asks for it.

The monk who resorted to the sacred monk of Xuan Zang, although it is a shame, is also helpless.

Is it that the enemy continues to be happy in the world, and he is desperate?

The code was a frown, and shook his head, still calm as usual.

This big void move curse is good, but just before the door opens. If this ‘door’ is smashed in advance, then nothing will happen.

Fang Yi thought, thirty-seven mouths of the Royal Road Dragon Sword, Qi Qijian sputum.

Zong Shou only saw the surrounding, and the hundreds of flags that had been laid down before were bursting together.

Suddenly another tyrannical force came and came. Actually, his body and soul are forcibly excluded from this time and space.

It is clearly standing on the top of this day, but it seems to be separated by a film.

Even if there is infinite power, it is not allowed to display at this time.

Zong Shou only thought a little, and he suddenly realized it.

This is the same as the magical crane that he used to display.

The whole person was forcibly stripped from this time and space level, one in advance of three thousandths.

At this time, he was a master, and even if he had infinite power, he could not display it.

The person in front of nature can’t hurt him either.

Can't help but laugh, this person, really is a terrible spiritual master.

Wu Xiu is violent, but the spiritual master can have thousands of means.

If it is to give the latter a certain amount of time, it is not a rare thing to win less and win more.

However, the technique of this time is exactly what his keeper is good at -

If it is really impossible, then he will use the book of the world, and he will not hesitate.

"The big void movement curse is good, but it is very fragile, and it is easy to break. Therefore, in this set of arrays, it can not only stop the technique of the moment, but also prevent the danger of unpredictable. But I also know the highness of the temple. The technique of emptiness, this method can only block the temple for a moment. However, in the lower hand, there is still this thing -"

That land is faintly ignorant, and a silver mirror suddenly rises behind him.

It seems to be unremarkable, but when the mirror light shines over, it makes the radius within 100,000, and it is always turbulent.

The pieces of the void are torn apart, and the rules of the world are broken.

Zong Shou frowned again, although the mirror light could not touch him. It made his ‘return’ more difficult than ten times.

I feel that this person is even more difficult than the unparalleled.

Lu did not go on, but his eyes were cold, and he looked at Lu Yantian’s eyes: "The head of the house, isn’t this time, still not willing to fight for life? At this time, if you lose, this big void can not be completed. The Lord is afraid that it will be gone. Even if the spirit has not been eroded, if I wait for the road to die today, I can’t live without it. What is the benefit?"

Lu Yantian mouth boring ‘哼’, knowing what the reason for this landless disease is.

He is the master of the world. If he can use the power of the world to play with Wang Dao's martial arts, he can also have the power of the level of the gods.

However, it is a lot of scruples, not willing to succumb to cause and effect, not willing to damage the soul of the soul, but even more willing to be bound by the power of the king.

Still want to be repaired, go further.

Therefore, although there are millions of troops, the people are no less than three billion. The power he can borrow is less than one tenth.

Only a little thought, Lu Yantian once again imposing a pair of water thorns, volley hit.

He is still reluctant to display the secrets of the kingdom and squander his future.

But swallowed a red-red Dan Wan, the body of the soul of the soul, suddenly increased, and expanded more than four times more than enough.

Both the water and the thorns are squeaky, and they are not trying to attack the body. Instead, they will fully display the true meaning of the chaos, disrupt the surrounding area, and make everything in this space chaotic.

In line with the unparalleled landing, it stopped the Zong Shou and ‘returned’ from that time level.

One of the psionic disturbances, the time and space is broken.

Just a little bit of interest, above the mountain, it is another whisper.

A storm that could affect the entire world of the wild, suddenly broke out from the body.

When the water splits and spurs, it is scattered. Lu Wushuang also holds the Xuanhong giant shield and squats back.

Just time to rest, Zong Shou will come to this world again. Still, the red flame is burning, and the sword is full.

Lu is sick but has a smile, does not care. This door has been completed, and the big void moves the curse, and it has reached the final stage.

Even if he died under the **** sword, he could not stop it.

Sure enough, after the ‘return’, he is not going to start with him.

But thoughtfully, looking at the top of his head.

It was a white robe scribe who first entered the spirit world.

Looks young, but white robe white whiskers, as if experiencing the unparalleled vicissitudes of life.

After glanced down from here, I smiled and smiled at the land: "I have seen the unparalleled master! I don't know the enemy of the Lord, but this person? The rumored Lord Lu Shou?"

However, I didn’t see Zong Shou’s eyes. This sword is strong and it’s really scary.

However, the first stage of the fairyland is still not in his eyes.

Then there were two people, and then stepped into this world.

However, they are all wearing armor, carrying weapons, and full of anger.

It seems that I have experienced war, and my armor has some defects.

The other one stunned: "I only read God~lightnovelpub.net~ I have a little bit of a situation here. The son of Lu’s smoke can actually pass the unparalleled one. It’s really a good thing. I don’t think it’s true. I remember that I was not sick two months ago. I was convinced that I would wait for this big void to move the curse. I also felt that this kid had some fuss. Today, I know that this is not superfluous—"

The man stepped in, and the tyrannical killing, the Zong Shou firmly locked.

The other two are also cold-minded and murderous.

It is because of this strength of the defender that it is unexpected that it is even more necessary to be killed.

Zong Shou heard the words, but the heart was a long sigh, only the limbs were weak.

Is this really God's will? The power of this prophecy is so powerful?

Suddenly, I heard a true Sansk sound, and Zong Shou followed the sound. I saw it was the pure tone, the eyes were closed, and the scriptures were spoken.

Carefully distinguishing, it is precisely the "big and infinite prayer".

"The Buddha of Great Mercy, the evidence sees the endless, the future of the pure world of the Lord -" RQ