Divine Brilliance

Chapter 915: Not breaking the sword

When the thunderstorm was blown up, the thunder's large body was swept away by a force and moved to hundreds of feet. [WWw.YZUU point m]

Then the body is remodeled and it will return to normal as usual. It’s just a look of wilting and somewhat weak.

Zong Shou’s sword not only broke its head, but also slammed the scorpion sword and the sect of the sect of the martial arts into the body.

Therefore, this Qinglei eagle, even if it borrows the power of others to avoid the robbery, is still suffering from a sham, and it is difficult to recover.

Zong Shoumei’s pick, what is this? Can't help but shoot? Pull off the frame? Still not willing to be a few gods, Lei Ying, was killed by him?

I don't bother to think about it, since I can kill it once, I can kill it for the second time! the third time!

What fear do I have?

The mind and mind are all unaffected. This is followed by the third sword, which is across the sky.

Still the five swords are in one, but the sword is more perfect, no flaws.

The early shadow of the sword on the sword, it is hidden in the scales, lively and vivid.

When the sword light flashed, all the thunderstorms were swept away.

The four-headed blue-eagle hawks are also shivering and shivering. Nothing before, it seems to be the power of Weiling.

Zong Shou smirked, with awkward meaning. The figure is moved by the seventy-nine stars.

Only one flashing, it was in front of a thunder eagle.

Still one, but it is the number of Da Yan, forty-nine!

There is no warning in the sudden, and the sword shadow will burst into the void. []

‘嗤啦’, the entire land of the hundred miles was almost stopped, and the air seemed to be split by the black inflammation on the sword.

The black light passed, and the green eagle eagle under the body was cut open from the center by a sword.

The sword is still in the future. The body of the beast of the beast is minced together.

On the other hand, the Qing Lei Ying was moved and the body was reshaped.

But this time, the sky was far away, and there was even a cold cry: "Hurricane!"

The sound is cold and the blood is frozen. Six lights, suddenly fell from high altitude. They entered the bodies of these giant birds one after another.

Make the six-headed green eagle, not arrogant. The red fire smoldered, the birds licked the iron claws, and even the iron feathers. They are all full of fierce and fierce.

Zong Shou relied on the Longdan Road to plant, and the sky was flashing several times in a row, constantly shifting the position.

Frown slightly, the first time. I felt the pressure from the six Thunder Eagles, which suddenly increased.

Not only is the ability of Yufeng Yulei surged. Its idle speed has also surged more than twice!

It is better to use the law of burning to destroy the rules of this world.

These six Thunder Eagles joined forces and beat him several times in a row.

At this time, he has stayed in this storm circle for a full five. The meditation of the body in the body. (Reading the novel to the leaves, Yu ~ You M) has gradually climbed to the extreme.

Next to the eyes, it is already a trace of blood falling from the corner of the eye.

"You can be annoyed!"

Zong Shou’s heart is extremely irritating. This is the ultimate pain, this annoying six green eagle. All of his feelings are inciting.

I can't wait to smash this day, I can't wait to flatten this place, this can be comfortable, can be clean!

The heart is faintly aware. This kind of violent mood is the most important.

Take a few deep breaths in a row. Zong Shou forced himself to think without thinking.

The ‘no name’ in the hand follows a strange sword road and traverses the void.

The sword and the thunder eagle claws confronted each other, making Lei Li Qian Hua, and the six green Lei Ying's Qing Lei and the burning fire collided.

There must be more than a thousand hits. The wind and fire gathered to fill the storm circle.

The six eagle eagle, the more powerful. The mind of Zong Shou, but gradually calmed down.

A series of fierce battles have made his mind more focused than ever.

In the end, I forgot the pain in the body. Even the six screaming and screaming over the Qinglei eagle did not pay attention.

There is only a sword in the mind, and it is also very sword!

Standing proudly beside the prison, Zong Shou is no longer moving in the air.

It’s just the sword in his hand, fighting against the power of the endless thunder.

Yuan Yizhi yīn!

Within ten feet, I am not breaking the sword field!

The entire three thousand miles of airspace is a storm. However, the only one who kept the body, the land of ten feet, gradually calmed down.

No wind and plunder, no electric thunder and shine, no different from ordinary places.

The swords are one, and they are no longer limited to the nine Kowloon Shadow Sword.

The law of cause and effect, the law of life and death, the law of fate, all kinds of avenues. Seventy-nine stars, thirty-seven royal road dragon swords, can be integrated into it.

At the beginning, I am more and more proficient. The letter is handy, freehand, and completely integrated into this yuan yīn sword.

Gradually, Zong Shou hit each sword, and the six Lei Yings were screaming and dodging. Under each sword, there are countless eagle feathers falling.

In this storm, I don’t know how long. I don’t know how many times I have experienced each other.

That ten-footer does not break the sword field, but it is expanding wildly.

- Baizhang! Thousands! Until the time of 9,773, the eyes of Zong Shou suddenly opened. In the bloody, countless runes flashed in the eyes.

Looking at the distance quietly, it is impossible to break through the sword field. The arrogance disappeared, and the six eagle eagle were incomparable.

At this time, it is a pity that if these blue eagle hawks can support more time.

His swordsmanship will surely have another breakthrough!

When you don't break the sword field, you really cover it. There is even a 10% chance that he will step into the middle of the sword soul!

It is a pity that the situation of the air machine is obviously weak.

The effect of the light symbol is already fading. The words of burning in the burning are gradually dim, obviously the weakness of the back.

"Is the potential for stimulating potential? The sage, good oysters-"

When the potential is exhausted, the true element of life is gradually becoming insufficient, and naturally it is no longer possible.

Even if there are still light signs falling, it is not enough to continue to support the six Thunder Eagles and fight with him.

"But I myself, I really don't know if I should thank myself for the blood of this burning-"

If it is not the burning of blood, if it is not in the nine prisons, even if he has the power to fight against the gods, it is difficult to fight against these six Thunder.

Even if the sword is absolutely high, it can't support ~lightnovelpub.net~ The mind is scattered, and Zong Shou finds out that the prison is not knowing when it has been restored.

The power to block this ‘door’ has disappeared.

Only the idea of ​​oppression is still the same.

"This is the case, it should be over!"

The mind is not pure, and can no longer be more than a sword. Zong Shou felt the pain that he endured so hard and came from his own eyes.

Suddenly, he couldn’t help but scream.

Then he lost his smile and Zong Shouyi's sleeves, and he slid out through the six knives.

In the void shuttle, the six-six-six-six-sword knives, only a moment in the distance, the weak and incomparable, the heads of the six giant birds that are fleeing!

When the blood was blown up, Zong Shou’s figure disappeared completely into the prison gate.