Divine Brilliance

Chapter 934: Holy Land

The sun is burning and burning the earth. []

This is in the prison, it is deadly, and the atmosphere is rich.

The original sunshine scene will never appear.

However, since a few days ago, after that coma. The anger in this dead prison is a lot thinner.

In the sky, there is once again a big day.

Zong Shou sat under the big tree, but it was far from the woman, at least a hundred feet away.

Somehow, every time around this woman, there is an impulse to snuggle around her. The breath makes him more in love.

It is quite shameful to make Zong Shou’s heart. Isn’t he a child who has not grown up?

Fortunately, others do not know, or it is really a shame to be thrown home.

I think if this woman is her own mother, how good is that?

Listening to his words, now his master is discrete, it seems to be in the cloud. If one day, if one can leave the dead prison, he will find one or two on his behalf.

In my heart, there is a strange citrus floating in the clouds? Master?

Is it similar to yourself? The mother was covered with smoke, and at this moment she was trapped in the prison of death.

I didn’t think deeply in the details, I felt like I was in the middle of my mind, and I couldn’t think about it.

At this time, there can be no more distracting thoughts, and around the week, a soft bang is heard.

Forty-two mouths of the Royal Road Dragon Sword, Qi Qi issued a thunder.

It’s been eight days since I’ve changed my eyes and that I’ve mastered the sword in the middle of the soul.

Since then, Zong Shou has felt that his own burning of inflammation has changed.

More pure, and naturally the flames surge. When refining the dragon tooth. It is easier to become.

It takes a lot of time for the dragon tooth left by the Dragon of the Instant.

However, under the order of God, it is often smelt to a day or so, and it can be thought of as a blade, and the point of burning is forbidden.

The foundation of the sculpt array is also quite advanced. Recently more and more skilled. Handy and easy to use.

In addition to the forty-two Yudao Longfang swords, there are still a total of 81 stars in the sky. []

There is not much increase in the number. However, if you look at it at this time. The arrangement of these instantaneous dragons is almost the same as that of the starry sky, each position. There are corresponding stars.

This is the work that Zong Shou spent a few days before he managed to do so.

And when this void law was reconstituted, Zong Shou Chapter 970.

Even in the day, it will be converted into a virtual reality, and then manifested outside the body.

More will take your own from the stars, and draw the corresponding star power. Constantly strengthen the tempering of Longdan Road.

I do not know how to save the Zong Shou, how many sacrifices.

However, in fact, he is not in the heart, the most concerned is the harmony of all the stars.

If you can't form a joint force, then you need more dragons. What is the use?

Only five fingers can be beaten together to fight people!

At this time, Zong Shou, who was printing out one by one, is still fine-tuning the eighty-one stars.

The starry sky in the sea of ​​souls only roughly completed the rough framework.

I want to be truly perfect. It completely overlaps with the real starry sky, and it is far from ten days.

It may last for thousands of years until he has a day to come.

At that time, he was the master of the universe!

In addition to this, there is also a sword array. Make the Royal Road Dragon Sword and the three thousand stars really help each other. At the crucial time, you can combine these two kinds of magical powers into one!

When the sword is screaming, the stars glow.

Zong Shou is known, this is a sign of mutual induction. The connection between each other is already inseparable.

Although the change is small, the power has increased a bit!

Looking coldly at the black fog in front of him, Zong Shou began to look inside again.

One day, the injury last night has been exhausted, and the flesh and blood bones are all the same.

In these eight days, almost every day, the sect will try to break into the fog, and fight with the blood of the flame.

In addition to the second day, comprehending the meaning of a sword, almost stepped into the door. [WWw.YZUU point m] A few days later, Zong Shou was defeated.

Fortunately, every day, Zong Shou can make a lot of progress, and the sword is more and more stable, not without any effort.

Therefore, although it was a fiasco, Zong Shou was not discouraged.

Today is the last time!

It is also the last chance of the tenth day of the flame.

After two generations, I know that the speed of desire is not up to the point, so I know that the deadline will be set, and Zong Shou is still not half-pointed. Silently sorting out your own body, and every factor that may lead to your own defeat is ruled out.

"This injury, really recovering quickly -"

In the eyes of Zong Shou, there was a hint of surprise in the flash. Every time he is in a coma, the woman who knows his name under the tree will show him the transition. Acupuncture and massage, combing the veins.

Often when awake, the originally blocked veins have been cleared.

However, with the power of the woman, it is impossible to break his wounds and heal the Thai half in one day.

In ten days, day is like this. Either it is a rare treasure, or it is the top-level health care.

This flesh-and-blood spirit is not weak after a serious injury. On the contrary, the day is strengthening, and it is beyond the time of his death to the death of the prison, a full 15%!

This kind of different treasures can not only recover the injury, but also quench the power of the fairy body!

The woman’s words are also faintly revealed. Restoration of one's own injury is another reason.

So what is the cause?

Zong Shou was confused and immediately shook his head. No matter what purpose the person has, it has nothing to do with him.

The only thing that needs to be spent at the moment is how to step into the gate.

Everything else can be ignored.

The illusion mirror re-visited the front, and listened to the woman’s voice under the tree and smiled: "Can you already wake up?"

Zong Shou ‘Hmm’, the mirror light flows and shines under the demon tree.

The illusion of the mirror reflects the woman's appearance deep into the bottom of my heart.

Suddenly there was a feeling of embarrassment in my heart. Deeply sad.

On the face, it is not obvious, only a slight dagger: "Thank you for the care of the seniors these days, the sages are grateful. If you are lucky, you don't dare or hope!"

Lu Hanyan is shaking his head and laughing, how can he call her ‘predecessor’?

Helping the keeper to heal the wound is because of this child, it is a good feeling. Also reminded her of her own baby. Not for the Shienwang newspaper -

When I want to correct my words, I will change my face. From the language of Zong Shou, I heard a few points of disappointment.

"You still have to marry that door? Can you be sure this time?"

Think of that flame. Only gave her ten drops of jade bones, but my heart could not help but give birth to some coolness.

"That is the holy sage, how can the younger generation have it? But the sect is guarded. But you can't fight, you can't go all out!"

Zong Shou shook his head slightly. He was already holding on to death and could not break into the door. Then he died in this dark fog.

Today is the deadline. Once this time has passed, it will be difficult to say how the flame will deal with him.

He keeps his life and is unyielding! Only this time, can't accept failure!

"Can't you go?"

When Lu Hanyan is exported. But seeing the face of Zongshou, it is cold and cold, no change,

Disappointing, but also inexplicable only feel the pain in the chest. A burst of anger in my heart -


When I first saw it. I feel that this boy and her have a deep connection.

Get along for ten days, healed the boy every day, watching her every move, and concentrate on studying the magical swordsmanship. I am exceptionally satisfied with the warmth, only this teenager. It is your own child.

Sometimes, even the idea is not very kind. If this young boy can't cross the gates and stay in this prison to accompany her, how much better?

These thoughts have not been different before. At this time, when listening to the meaning of parting in the words of the Zongshou, the feeling of reluctance to worry, like the tide invaded the whole body.

After a moment of silence, Lu Hanyan laughed at himself. After all, not your own child, how can you stop him?

Besides, this mind has been fixed, and it is impossible to listen to her words and have no position.

I am with this boy, but meet with each other, why should I persuade?

After meditation for a while, Lu Hanyan took out three light purple symbols from the sleeves. With the help of mana, to the face of Zong Shou.

"These three characters are the current Burning Emperor, drawing with your own blood, and the power is extraordinary, or can help you."

Zong Shouyiyi, stunned with a magical mirror, then immediately shocked the chest.

I only feel that the inner middle of the aura is introverted, the treasure is concealed, and the faintness contains a dangerous atmosphere.

The ban is simple, but it is the view of Zong Shou's life. The most concise and most sophisticated structure, without any half redundancy.

It’s the most beautiful fairy!

The sanctuary is made by the blood of the sacred place, so the power of this symbol can be equivalent to burning the Holy Emperor once and for all!

The brow wrinkles, and the subordinates want to push down. The smoke in the land seemed to see through his mind, and whispered softly: "If I get the top-level charm in my hand, I will lack other means of self-defense? If you take it, it is fine -"

The three fairy charms were her grandfather before twenty years ago, for her own hands. In case of the nine dead prison, what is the accident.

However, at that time, the burning of the Holy Emperor was disappointing to her.

Other than that, there is no more.

However, at this time, she did not intend to escape the criminal responsibility. After waiting for 40 years, she was sentenced to prison.

At this time, it is useless to hold these characters, but it is better to give the boy.

The code was dubious, careful attention, and looked under the demon tree.

I thought about my injury as soon as I thought about it. I have never refused to accept these three characters into the sleeves~lightnovelpub.net~ So, Zongshou is disrespectful! ”

It is not intended to be used. At the beginning of the flames, although it was only for him to step into the door, he could not help but resort.

However, if you borrow external forces, I really don't know what kind of thoughts this sacred flame will be.

Therefore, these sects have been kept for a while, and even the guardian spirits have never been released, let alone this fairy.

It’s just this, but it’s the woman’s intentions for herself –

Immediately, he sighed deeply, and Zong Shouqi was under his body.

There is not much time, and it will not be delayed.

"Please take care of your seniors!"

When the voice fell, Zong Shou decided to re-emerge and once again broke into the dark fog. (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)