Divine Civilization

Chapter 17: Peeping Virgin

Uh ...

Of course, the most important point is that it consumes less!

的 The consumption of this divine skill is very, very small!

After the estimation of the godhead, it only takes 0.1 divine power to support him to use the "eye of God" all day!

And this consumption is calculated according to time, not according to the number of times, he can completely turn off and enable at any time.

The practicality is simply explosive.


辉 Wu Hui jumped up, waved his arms excitedly, and wanted to give his wit a praise!

If he hadn't understood every process of creating divine magic, I'm afraid he couldn't believe that such awesome divine magic was actually created by himself.

Of course, this is also because Wu Hui is too poor.

Poverty is indeed a powerful source of motivation, otherwise it would not be possible to devote such ingenuity to the extremely saving divine power.

The old bright gods are full of divine power, and they will not consider saving a little divine power at all.

Thinking of this, Wu Hui's mood was a bit sour.

The poor God really has no dignity.

I don't care anymore ~ ​​now that the magic has been created, hurry up and try again.

Wu Hui's soul sat down on the spot and directly cast the "eye of God".

The next moment, a flower bloomed in front of him, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

It was like in an instant, from the desolate, cold and white snow-capped mountains, back to the hustle and bustle of the earth, Wu Hui's eyes suddenly became vivid and bright.

Golden sunshine, mottled stone walls, lush green grass, gorgeous wild flowers blooming on the grass, busy crowds, noisy children running ...

He seemed to be in the sun, and everything around him was filled with a noisy and chaotic red dust. It was lively and bright, and lively made him feel as if he had passed away.

Wu Hui froze for a moment.

Even if the kingdom of light is already in ruins, it is still holy and quiet. The most visible color in the sight is white, and the only sound that can be heard in the ear is the prayer of believers. After spending more than a year in the kingdom of God, he thought he was used to it, and now suddenly returning to the world, he suddenly realized that he still loved the rolling dust.

Even if this red dust is not another red dust.

He took a deep breath and greedily breathed the air with the fragrance of flowers and warm sunshine. He let himself be immersed in this long-lost mood, and it took him a while to return to God.

Substitution, it is really a strong sense of substitution.

I feel as if I have crossed through, in a whole new world.

It's worth it, so many days of hard work are worth returning.

Wu Hui's current status is actually quite special.

He can hear, see, smell, but not touch. After all, the "Eye of God" only conveys the message, his soul body is actually in the kingdom of God, and he has not moved his nest at all.

现在 His current perspective should be to stay on the sacred square of Saint Luan Monastery.

It has been several days since the night when Shenjiang came down. The battle marks on the square have been cleaned up, and even the most difficult blood has been washed by repeated brushing. Mostly, it is only on the surface of the stones. There was a faint trace.

In the middle of the square, the towering bright deities have no longer the mighty power when the gods descended, but still reveal a faint majesty, and there is no crack on the surface of white as jade, full of holy breath.

In front of the statue of God, a diameter pit has been fenced by a wooden fence. A dozen believers are surrounding the fence, looking up at the miracle with awe.

"Seeing nothing, this is the sacred mark left by the great spear of judgment of the Light God." A young man in a linen robe pointed to the pit behind the fence and introduced it to the newly converted believer, with awe in his eyes, but mixed with it Inexplicably proud, "You didn't see it, that night, Nico wore a defensive chain mail armor, and then just smashed into pieces ..."

The young believers talked with excitement and vividly described the situation of last night. Others also heard the emotions and excitement.

This is the coming of the true God, can you not be excited? Just hate that they did not participate in that collective prayer and missed the opportunity.

Otherwise, they will have the opportunity to witness the coming of the great deities.

The sun was falling, and the annoyance and regret of their faces were clearly marked.

"Hehe, this young man is quite able to speak." Wu Hui praised him in secret, but it is a worthy training object.

Subsequently, Wu Hui adjusted the perspective of the eye of God. Wander around the St. Luan Abbey.

This immersive feeling is stronger than Wu Hui's imagined VR experience.

On the edge of the square, a group of male devotees are busy in the wall.

Dozens of devotees braved their shirts and moved stones to repair the fence. Some half-old children were helping to clear the collapsed wall and deliver the stones.

After a few days of work, the smoky stone wall has been repaired for a long time, and in a few days, it may be repaired.

On the ground next to the courtyard, some elderly believers are bending over the deserted vegetable field to clear weeds. Behind them, other young people are busy digging the soil, sowing, watering ...

The children who were not even around their waist yelled and ran around in the vegetable field, playing the game of knights and robbers. As a result, before the little "knights" caught the "robbers", they were caught by the working adults, and they were thrown into the square regardless of their struggle.

Under the sun, the whole monastery was full of vitality, and all the believers had smiles on their faces, full of hope for the future.

Looking at this scene, Wu Hui felt like he was stuffed with something, as if he had an inexplicable sense of mission.

These believers all believe in the bright **** Wu Hui. Many of UU reading www.uukanshu.com have abandoned their homes and followed the bright **** monastery.

This also puts a lot of burden on Wu Hui's shoulder.

At least, let believers in him live happily in the future.

Then, Wu Hui thought and raised her perspective.

For a moment, he seemed to be flying up from the ground. The ground was getting farther and farther away from him, everything in front of him was getting smaller, and his perspective was getting wider.

He saw that in the courtyard behind the monastery, Langdon and three other newly transferred Templars were fighting and killing, panting and not stopping. Sweat slipped down their cheeks, giving a brilliant glow in the sun.

看到 He saw that in another courtyard farther away, the maiden Catherine was taking the apprentice Sister Cathy to preach the doctrine, and a group of civilians surrounded her, listening attentively and earnestly.

They are dressed in simple clothes, but their expressions are extremely religious, and their bright eyes have strong hopes for the future.

辉 Wu Hui stayed here for a while, listening to the softness of the maiden's voice, revealing an extremely religious and infectious speech.

Even if that kind of bright **** Wu Hui feels a little bit of blood, infected by brainwashing, can't help but believe in the great **** of light.

Well, Wu Hui admits that looking at the Bright Lady from this perspective is very emotional.

She was shrouded in a little light, full of inviolable sense of holiness.

Even if Wu Hui had "a lot of knowledge" before crossing, she had never seen a blonde woman with a dusty temperament, a hot body, and a snowy skin like a sage of light.

For a while, Wu Hui was so excited that he wondered if he could take a stroll while taking a bath in the night of the Bright Lady.

Uh ...