Divine Civilization

Chapter 28: This is a godly world

Uh ...

兰 When Langdon entered the winch room of the suspension bridge, he didn't have any delay, and after several swords, he cut the noose. This is another advantage of capturing the winch chamber of the suspension bridge first.

Compared with the gate winch of the city gate, the winch needs to be lifted slowly with the effort of the winch.

The suspension bridge is suspended from the sky by accumulating force. As long as the noose is cut, the suspension bridge will automatically fall under the action of gravity.

At the same time, the suspension bridge erected high above the moat first trembled, then slowly tilted down towards the moat, and then the falling speed became faster and faster.


The whole suspension bridge finally landed on the ground in a smashing posture and made a loud noise.

Fortunately, the suspension bridge is very sturdy. Although it caused a lot of damage during the smash, it does not affect the traffic. The believers, who had been buried in the dark, roared across the suspension bridge and led a fierce offensive against the city gates, led by two other Templars.

Most of these believers are from the former members of the Third Patrol, and a small number are strong and strong people selected from believers. Their weapons and equipment are very simple, and they are all messy weapons such as ordinary leather armor, swords, crossbow and crossbow.

Looks like a jumble of cards.

But their morale is very high. Everyone is at least a true believer, and many of them are devotees. Encouraged by fanatic Templar knights, his eyes were full of fanaticism and determination.

"All for my Lord!"

"The light of our Lord is bound to re-envelop the earth."

With a loud roar, the enthusiastic and fierce breath rushed into the clouds like a sharp sword.

Even in the kingdom of light, Wu Hui watching this scene through the eyes of God, don't let them be infected with the extremely high momentum, the soul is trembling and numb, and there is a feeling of "blood boiling".

These believers and soldiers have all sneaked into the town of Gelug in various ways in the past week. Every day, they hide in the homes of the believers in Gelug.

In order to avoid being discovered by the guards of Gelu Town, they can stay in the fire room, under the bed, closet and other hidden places all day.

This cannot be done anyway without strong beliefs supporting their will.

This is exactly what happened. As they used everything for the sake of our Lord every day, their beliefs continued to be tempered and consolidated, and gradually became more pure and hot.

In the process, some true believers were gradually promoted to devotees.

Puppet believers, although no one has been promoted to fanatics for the time being. However, as their beliefs become more pure, the more they think about the bright **** Wu Hui, they will gradually move to higher-level beliefs.

Time and patience are indispensable factors.

So far, tonight, they walked out of the homes of dozens of believers in the town of Gelu in the night, wearing simple leather armor, and quietly gathered in front of the town of Gelub with various weapons.

They hide in the darkness, constantly accumulating strength, and silently waiting for opportunities.

No one will think that the actions of the Lady of Light and Templar Langdon will fail.

怎么 Under the "gaze" of the Lord of Light, how could it fail, this is a battle that will surely be recorded in the History of Light.

唯一 The only idea they have is to kill the enemy bravely and give loyalty and life to the great Lord of Light.

as expected.

The hanging bridge fell down.

The bright believers lurking in front of Grubborg swarmed across the suspension bridge, roared and rushed into the gate of the city gate, and the sound of killing was extremely powerful.

Wu Hui looks down at the scene through the eyes of God, and his mood is surging.

War, this is the real war.

When I read novels on the earth, I always saw the bridges of hundreds of thousands of troops.

But only when you are in the real battlefield can you understand that the charge of two hundred soldiers has already become very imposing. At a glance, the crowd was crowded, and light believers kept rushing out of the darkness.

"The suspension bridge fell down ~ enemy attack, enemy attack."

The archers on the dart tower were instantly shocked by this scene, while screaming desperately, they drew their bows and fired.

"咻咻 咻 ~"

A few arrows shot into the light believers, splashing several blood flowers.

Severe pain made believers scream, but none of them fell down, but continued to roar forward. They only have one idea, even if they die, they must break through the gates and die.

Some believers, after crossing the suspension bridge, dispersed to the two sides and began to fight back at the two arrow towers with bows and crossbows. They were either crossbowmen from the Third Patrol Regiment, or hunters who were good at hunting among believers.

There are not many believers who can perform long-range strikes, only a dozen, and they are in a very disadvantaged position compared to the archers who stand high on the arrow tower.

But even so, he can suppress the archer on the arrow tower a little, not let the opponent arrogantly lean out to shoot, while reducing the opponent's firing frequency.

Both sides take a long-range crossbowman and face each other in the dark.

From time to time, a believer's crossbowman hit several arrows, or fell directly to the ground after being hit. Even with their high morale, the casualty ratio reached a terrible three to one.

There is no way, the towering arrow tower and the professionalism of the opponent's archer are definitely not morale that can bridge the gap.

I watched the believer fall to the ground.

Wu Hui is distressed, each of those who fell to the ground is at least a true believer level, and even is basically a believer. Because devout believers are more pure and strong, they are not afraid of death, they rush faster, and they fight more bravely.

Naturally, he was taken care of by the other archer.

Strangling a devout believer is a huge loss for Wu Hui. However, Wu Hui was working hard and desperately restraining, leaving the impulse to heal the magic from the kingdom of God.

For one thing, Wu Hui is not in the state of "consciousness coming", but watching the live broadcast through the eye of God. His soul and consciousness are still in the kingdom of God ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ If you cast a magic spell out of thin air and throw it down, the power consumed will be very "expensive". With just 1 divine power, he can't perform a few spells.

This is also the disadvantage of the "eye of God", a divine magical technique.

Nowadays, there is a serious lack of divine power, and every bit is to be carefully calculated and used, and absolutely cannot do such a low cost-effective thing.

Twenty-two is that believers open up territory for him, and there must be war and sacrifice in the process of spreading faith. If every war, he must be shot by this dignified and bright God himself, not only will he lose points, but he will be overly dependent on the believers.

If an army does not experience the baptism of cruel war, it will never become a truly powerful army.

Recruit believers and expand the army to serve his bright god. Instead of Wu Hui, who is a bright god, he is used as a nanny and bodyguard for believers everywhere. Over time, his divine gifts and divine grace will become increasingly worthless.

Twenty-three is that Wu Hui's own sacrifices to devotees have some other considerations and considerations.

As a result, Wu Hui desperately warned himself that he felt distressed, but he must hold back. He has made up his mind. Unless it is a matter of life or death, no matter how serious the casualties are, he will never shoot at random.

Wu Hui does not take action, but it does not mean that other believers will not take action.

Su Su and Harry, two apprentice priests, each took two or three trained apprentices to fight the battlefield.

The apprentices used a sharp knife to cut the wounds of the wounded and pulled out arrow clusters. This treatment is simple and rude. Under normal circumstances, those wounded soldiers will not die on the bleeding, and they will also die on the wound infection.

Don't forget it.

This is a world with God.

Uh ...