Divine Civilization

Chapter 55: Our **** is great

Uh ...

"The name of Lord Knight's knight, Catherine has long heard of it. Formally met today, only to find the Lord's robust and graceful, far beyond rumors."

Katherina stepped off the carriage slowly, her voice was soft and calm, but with the majesty that a high person can accumulate.

She stood still on the trail, blue eyes slowly swept across Horne six.

Upon seeing this, Horn was okay, but the other cavalry behind him felt the pressure instantly, and the expression on his face was unconsciously condensed.

Horn looked solemnly, and performed a knight ceremony on the maiden Catherine: "The maiden is too famous, the believer Horn is just a little country lord, and I can't afford to praise her as such."

After a pause, Horn said, "On the contrary, Her Royal Highness gave her admiration and admiration. So young, she can rebuild the Holy See for the Lord of Light, build meritorious service, and honor you as a noble lady with natural talent. Ordinary people can reach it, and history is extremely rare. "

He already has a trace of faith in the God of Light. Although he is shallow and has a weak foundation, he claims to be a believer.

Yeah yeah.

I see here, Wu Hui is also very satisfied. This Horne talked to the maiden with clear eyes and no distractions, and there was a sense of distance in respect.

Otherwise, if he has evil intentions about the saint, even Wu Hui is fighting for this talent, and he will throw his judgment spear in public when he is trying to consume his power.

"The Lord is too famous. Catherine is only acting in accordance with the intention of Bright Myself, not to mention." The virgin Catherine fluttered without being touted by him, but instead marched into an army. Join the Holy See, and work with Katherina for my Lord, shining the light of my Lord to every inch of the world. "


She spoke politely, however, when Horn heard this, her eyes were stunned, and he did not expect that the maiden would be so open.

He's not naive enough to take her words as a simple invitation.

When watching the trial and ceremonial ceremony a few days ago, he had already seen the power of Her Royal Highness, and she had clearly realized her wisdom and strength. The most terrifying thing is that Her Royal Highness has not only soldiers, but also human hearts.

I can say that now in the town of Gelu, she is already saying that there is one.

His thorn manor belongs to the Gelug area in name, and it is not far from the town of Gelug. Once the highness of the Highness expands outward, it will be his thorn manor.

How can he be the opponent of the Holy See with such a weak strength of his estate?

What's more, he always felt vaguely wrong, and felt that there was an invisible and mysterious existence nearby watching all this.

This makes him still doubtful about the existence of the Light God, and his doubts deepen.

Do n’t you ...

Horn's mind flashed a lot of thoughts for a moment, but his expression remained calm and calm, "There is a question next, and I want to ask Her Royal Highness."

圣 The bright lady's voice was quiet and soft, "I have any questions for the Lord, and I can answer them."

倘 "What if ..." The knight's restrained eyes suddenly sharpened, looking directly at the Saint of Light like the same knight sword, "If you do n’t join the Holy See, will the Holy See be the enemy?"

As soon as this remark was made, the atmosphere of harmony between the two sides suddenly became tense.


Brendan and the other two Templars stepped forward, held the sword in their hands, and stared angrily at Knight Horn. "How dare you disrespect the maiden."

They are all Wu Hui's zealots and are loyal to him. The sage of light is the sage of Wu Hui's order, and the representative of the Lord of Light walking in the world.

To be disrespectful to the saint is to be disrespectful to the God of Light.

霍 Some of the Knight Knight's subordinates also changed their faces, and each put their hands into the linen robes, and held the weapon handles.

At this moment, only the Lady of Light and Knight of Horne are still calm, but their eyes are experiencing invisible confrontation.

After a few breaths, the Bright Lady smiled sweetly and said indifferently: "Knight of Horn really tells jokes. Our Holy See has been walking on the earth for thousands of years. Our Lord is also a kind and great true God, but he will not learn those false gods and false The Holy See. "

"We welcome anyone who believes in our Lord, but we will not force anyone to join the Holy See. If Knight Ron does not want to join the Holy See and contribute to our Lord, then please return to your thorn manor. As long as you remember, with the civilians Good, and good for believers, we will always be friends. "

Brendan opened her mouth and wanted to say something,

"His Royal Highness is truly magnificent and extraordinary." Knight Horn made a knight ceremony deeply. "I am convinced that the Holy See under the auspices of the Virgin will rise again, and our Lord ’s glory will one day Shines across the continent. Say goodbye ~ "

"Thank you for your admiration from the Horne Knight." The Lady of Light returned her courtesy, "Rebuilding glory for my lord is Catherine's lifelong pursuit. The Horne Knight has gone all the way ~"

After the Horne knight nodded again, he led His Majesty to continue on his way.

After walking tens of meters, Langdon hesitated, "His Highness, why did the Knight Knight let him leave since he did not want to join us? If we let him stay at the Thorns Manor, once we are attacked by the enemy, Maybe from within. "

"Landon ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and you all have to keep in mind." The Light Lady said solemnly, "The teaching I teach is to spread light all over the world and bring benefits to believers. Knight Horn is not an enemy , We have never persecuted our bright believers. If it is only because the other party does not join the Holy See, we will persecute him. What is the difference between us and the religion?

"Yes ... Your Highness."

Everyone responded in unison, with shame on their faces.

Wu Hui, who had been watching this all the time, couldn't help but secretly nodded. The Bright Lady said this very well. How brilliant is our bright deity, how can we make it smoke like the devil * teaches?

After all, Wu Hui himself is an ordinary person who has come across the earth. Although a little bit insignificant, he still likes positive energy after all.

While it is a pity that Knight Horne is a talent, he still agrees with the maiden's decision.

At this time, the Horn Knight who had just turned to the corner of the street, his voice, under the mysterious use of vindictiveness, seemed to penetrate the distant distance through the air, and rang out in front of everyone: In return, I heard that our two knights, Lord Sean and North, in the Gru region, had followed Baron Gandjeal to attack the Saint Luan Monastery and committed a heinous crime. This matter will be done slightly in the future. Repay the maiden. "


The knights listed as Templars and apprentice priests looked at each other.

勋 Lord Horne actually took the initiative to deal with the other two Lord Knights in the Gru region?

Isn't he interested in joining the Holy See?

At this moment, even Wu Hui felt a dark heart. The Horne knight was very kind and friendly. With his sincerity, his strength will be greatly improved.

Uh ...