Divine Civilization

Chapter 173: Punishment from the deep sea


An hour ago, Thorns Ridge, the sea within the AmProfjord.

A moist, blackened, sloop old fishing boat is making use of the tide and night wind, along the calm sea surface of the inland sea, all the way back to the port of Ampro.

The sea breeze at night is very cool, and the calm sea surface under the night sky is like a mirror with a mist of water, calm and peaceful, and with a little hazy and mysterious.

As the distance gets closer and closer, the orange-red light emitted from the fishing port lighthouse is clearly visible, which makes the seven or eight fishermen on the fishing boat feel a little restful.

"It's coming home!"

The middle-aged captain Dave took a sip of ale and raised his head in a happy mood. "Today is a peaceful day again! Our blue-fin fish is worth at least seven or eight gold Franks, which is enough for us to drink a year of ale. ! "

As an old fisherman who inherited his father's business, Dave has been fishing in this inland sea for more than 20 years. In the past, he could catch one or two blue fin fish every time he sailed out.

But just after the fishing season this year, he took a few guys and caught more than 20 adult bluefin fish in one go. This is an unprecedented harvest!

Is it really the bright **** who has just preached here and has the spirit in heaven to bless our fishermen?

But as soon as the thought rose, Captain Dave shook his head, and couldn't help but smile in his heart.

What bright **** is there in this world? But it is those who are powerful and used to deceive them ordinary people. Even if there is that bright god, that will only bless those powerful people.

"Neil, my old man, your prayers are enough, come and have a drink with us, we will be home."

Captain Dave, leaning on the mast, raised his oak wine glass and yelled at his old friend kneeling on the bow.

His old friend Neil is an old fisherman who is about the same age as his father. He has rich fishing experience and is also friendly, but he is very superstitious.

Before and after each trip to the sea, it is really troublesome to pray to some **** of the ocean and tide.

"Dave, my friend, we must be in awe of the ocean. As long as we don't set foot on land, our lives are still in the hands of the sea god."

The bearded white Neal turned his head and looked at Dave and the crew, his eyes filled with awe, "Dave, and everyone, have you forgotten? Today is the sea festival day, today is to worship the sea!"

The sea sacrifice was like a horrible forbidden word. Dave and a few crew members who relaxed drinking at once became frightened, and the expression on his face became rigid.

"Old Neil, don't mention any more sea sacrifice!"

Captain Dave's tone was a little angry. He interrupted Neil and scolded, "This year, the Light Church and the new Earl have been completely banned from the sea sacrifice. We are protected by the God of Light and we no longer need to take children to the sea sacrifice! And, moreover ... we haven't seen those things in Port Ampu for many years, so don't mention them again! "

Actually speaking, after Dave himself didn't believe what he said, he didn't believe that the so-called light **** would come to the sea and shelter them as poor fishermen.

But the sea sacrifice was too cruel. Like most residents in the town, he didn't want to see innocent children any more, because the sea sacrifice was killed and killed.

"Oh!" It also seemed to realize that the sea sacrifice was too cruel. Old Neal sighed slightly, stopped talking about the sea sacrifice, and turned to the calm and wide sea, and continued to chant prayers.

Captain Dave, like everyone else, was silent and drank ale.

It seemed that everyone was a little uncomfortable because of the sea festival, and the surrounding atmosphere began to become a little dull.

But they don't care. They can get home up to ten nautical miles in front of them. As long as they step on the dry coast, who cares about those things in the sea?

"You, let us raise our sails."

Perhaps it was out of heart that Captain Dave put down the ale in his hand, drank the sailor, and planned to raise the sail to speed up the voyage, so that he might leave the sea that made him afraid.

But at this moment, the bright night sky of the original star and moon suddenly faded.

The distant sky was as if it were going to rain.

I do not know when the sea surface, the layers of water mist rising, there is a hazy everywhere, even the bright lighthouses in the distance, at this time become blurred, looming.

The fishing boat that was originally quietly sliding on the sea at this moment seemed to be abandoned by the land, and fell lonely on the sea.

"How, what's going on? Up, foggy?"

Captain Dave looked around, unable to help but feel a little guilty.

Obviously the land is in front of more than a dozen nautical miles, but now they feel farther and farther, as if they were being dragged back into the deep sea by some terrible force.

The strong fear stemming from the unknown caused almost everyone on the ship to shake.

The crew began to riot, and more and more violent storms arose on the sea. Everyone, including Captain Dave, was worried and overwhelmed.

At this time, Neil, who was kneeling in prayer at the bow of the boat, stood up in a hurry. He lay on the side of the boat, looking at the black waves that were rolling downwards, and then shouted in panic: "Sirens! Yes, Siren! ... "

But before Neal had finished speaking, a huge skull suddenly protruded out of the sea, and opened his mouth to bite off Neal's half body.

Stinky sea water. With the blood spurting out, Li Lili dyed the deck red.

Captain Dave slumped to the ground with a slump, his orange ale in his hands, spilling over him like urine.

He looked at the dark blue meat scales in front of his eyes, covered with bone spurs and horns, the head of a giant monster like a dragon, and his heart fell into the valley instantly.

"Big, sea snake, Huesca!"

Captain Dave murmured a name that was almost taboo in the legend of a fisherman.

According to legend, it is a monster owned by the marine lord. No matter who it is, if you meet this monster on the vast ocean, there is no possibility of surviving!


The sea snake swallowed half of Neil's body, followed by a terrible low bark like a beast.

At this moment, time seems to be stagnant!

Just in this tumultuous sea, the sea snake slowly straightened its cricket head.

Its body is really too big. This skull, which is just above the water, is actually bigger than Dave's fishing boat!

Especially so closely stared at by this giant beast and the horrifying eyes, Dave and his crew's blood were almost solidified.

Death seems to be unavoidable.

With the head of the sea snake rising high and the whistling falling, the small fishing boat was dragged into the icy sea floor instantly.


The gale began to whistle, the heavy rain poured down, and one after another on the sea, like mountain-like huge waves.

If you look closely, you can see that in the giant waves, in addition to the sea snake Veska, which is like a dragon, a group of fish-man monsters with long claws, sharp teeth, covered with blue-grey scales and meat webs are following Behind the sea snake, riding a giant wave, galloping all the way to the port of Ampro.

There is no doubt that these mermaid-type monsters are the terrible deep-sea races, natural enemies of human beings, and sea monsters in the mouth of Captain Dave and Old Neal.

This practice has been circulating among the fishermen in the port of Ampul.

When the fishing season comes each year, all fishermen must gather to hold a sea festival. During the sea festival, a lot of precious things on the land, including living children, will be all contributed to the great marine lord, otherwise people who go fishing at sea will be punished from the ocean.

For centuries, this has been a convention.

But this year's mission to the Bright Church in this town, together with the newly appointed Count Black Leeden, issued a decree to ban this cruel custom.

In addition, the residents of the town have been poisoned by this custom over the years, so most of the townspeople have expressed their support. As long as the great **** of light can protect them from being poisoned by sea monsters.

But now, the revenge from the Siren finally came.


The gigantic waves set by the sea snake Veska, like a sudden tsunami, rushed into the Ampro fishing port.

Rows of fishing boats docked at the edge of the fishing port. In the impact of the tsunami-like waves, they seemed to have been shot high by the giant, smashing and breaking, and some even directly passed the port and fell directly into the town.

The crowd exploded instantly.

Those old fishermen who used to smoke and chat in the port tavern were the first to suffer.

The huge waves directly flattened the entire port. This old port opened in the port and served the fishermen's old tavern. It was immediately destroyed by the waves with its customers and completely submerged in the sea water.

However, more terrible things are still to come.

The sea serpent Veska rushed to the coast first in a huge wave.

It has a giant body of nearly 100 meters, with a pair of large sharp claws like meat fins on its chest. As it rushed to the coast, the long tail swept away, and the lighthouse located on the shore was swept and destroyed by it.

And its purpose is not only that, after landing, it twisted the fierce snake body, just like a rampage container truck, heading towards the town of Ampro, all the way to destroy Gula.

In addition, thousands of ugly sea monsters followed the sea snake, swarming on the coast.

These monsters from the deep sea followed behind the sea snake and rushed towards the town. They are huge in number, they kill people when they see them, they destroy them when they see them, they are bloodthirsty, and they are extremely cruel. They are all about to destroy the whole town.

The whole town instantly fell into hell, mourning everywhere.

Of course, Ampro Port also has its Viscount and Guards, but Ampro Port is a peaceful and rich fishing port town located in the southwestern bay of Stranglethorn Ridge. It is peaceful and peaceful here. The residents are mainly fishing, passing merchants, and beautiful. The seascape is famous.

In Yugang Town, the permanent population is only 20,000, and there are about five to six hundred standing guards, half of them from the Templars of the Bright Church.

As for the strong? None of this small fishing port is a powerhouse with more than four levels ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Sea, Siren! "

At this time, the Viscount, who was led by the guard, glanced at the sea snake rushing into the town, took a breath, immediately turned around, and ran away, taking half of the guard with him.

Only more than 200 Templars stood on the front line of defending the people with their firm responsibilities and beliefs.

These Templar knights are well equipped, with heavy helmets and heavy armor, steel swords and long shields, and their individual combat capabilities are significantly higher than the ugly and original Siren.

Just facing thousands of Siren and the terrible sea snake Veska, this small group of Templars' resistance seemed to be in vain.

It didn't take long for the sacred priest Ivan, who commanded the Templar knight, to be dispersed by a large group of sea monsters.

Faced with the people crying and mourning all around, he also clearly rushed to him in front of a large group. The young pastor was only able to ask for help and shelter from the great God of Light with the most sincere conviction.

Now, this firm prayer is being passed through the channel of faith to Wu Hui, who has just arrived in the kingdom of God.

Wu Hui hurriedly used the eye of God to look at the port of Ampro, and was immediately shocked by the tragedy in the town.

The whole fishing port town was in a panic, with destruction and destruction everywhere.

Right now, it's not just the residents of the town who are constantly dying. The Templars he managed to cultivate are also sacrifice. In particular, the big basilisk is rushing through the town and cannot stop it. To die, to die.

According to this, wouldn't the small town that he worked hard to open up all be destroyed in the hands of these ugly monsters?

"St. Luke, what are you waiting for?"

Wu Hui had a bad tone and pointed directly at the big sea snake that killed the Quartet. "These heretics dare to kill even the believers of God, and quickly destroy them!"
