Divine Civilization

Chapter 237: "Disaster" Wrath of the Poseidon

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When Wu Hui won the championship and the heart of the earth, the endless calm sea surface.

The weather is fine, more than twenty nautical miles from the main island of the Patrick Islands. Magic towers for one to three people are quietly suspended above the boundless sea.

These magical sentry towers, one every ten nautical miles, are like a circle of guards, guarding the outer periphery of the main island of Patrick.

The size of the magic sentry tower is small, and the floating tower technology can be used to keep the sentry tower suspended above the sea surface, away from the sea waves. The architectural style is somewhat similar to the lighthouses commonly seen, except that in these magical sentry towers, the location of the original lighting equipment has been replaced by a large investigative crystal.

In this way, you can detect the surface of the sea up to ten nautical miles, and detect the gentle and bright light of the crystal. At night, it is also a beacon that guides the lower fishermen of the Patrick Islands to return to the sea.

It's just a boring thing to stay in the magic tower to watch the sea.

Especially today, the day of the finals of the Truth Conference, it is particularly boring to stay in such a sentry tower.

"Today is the truth conference, the final day ..."

Granger, the young intermediate magician, was leaning on the reclining chair under the reconnaissance crystal. He looked at the sea boringly and muttered, "Well, it's my turn today, it's really bad luck!"

"I heard that the final test is to restore an ancient magic circle ruins from the previous era!"

"That's the deep and obscure ancient magic, I really want to see the charm of ancient magic!"

Granger looked into the sky, and he figured it out. "Look at the time, has the final already started?"

"Is it their sacred land genius Ben Stuart, who finally won steadily, or is it the third prince Charles Spring Hall taught by the Grand Master of the Royal Palace?"

"The North Sea Siren Karen Glacier is cruel and hard, and it's not easy ... and there is only Wu Hui who is only level 1 and arrogant Laurence Campbell. I don't know if he will be in the final and can create miracle……"

Granger was basking in the sun, while eating delicious drunk peanuts, and throwing them into the sea.

Peanut rice with the taste of wine and the aroma of grains quickly attracted a group of clever predatory fish under the magical sentry tower where he was located.

These saury fishes are small in size and have big round eyes. They scramble for food in the sea, just like little mice in a barn, scrambling for chaos.

When the duty is boring, teasing these little fish is quite interesting.

At this time, the weather was just right, the sea breeze was blowing, and there was silence all around.

In this beautiful environment blended with nature, this magical sentry tower, which has only three floors, is also like a small villa, comfortable and right.


The saury, which had been eating at Granger's feet, suddenly panicked.

These little fishes seem to have been frightened, and they are frantically chasing in the sea and fleeing.

Some panicky fishes even jumped out of the water and crashed into the tower of the magic sentry tower.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, Granger froze for a moment.

The scene in front of us is very weird. Under normal circumstances, these smart saury fishes are very bold, and even if someone is standing next to them, they will not be afraid.

But what is the situation now?

Before Granger thought about it, he found the magical sentry tower under his feet, and suddenly began to shake violently.

The extremely dense water element in the air was extremely irritable, and the rumbling sound of "Rumble" continued to fill his eardrums, and the violent tremor from the sentry tower made him stand unstable and almost never fell into the sea.

The strong wind began to blow up on the surface of the sea, and the fierce wind pressure poured into the magic sentry tower, blowing the reclining chair he had just sat into the air.

I do n’t know when the sky is full of dense dark clouds, and the surrounding area becomes dim, and the horrible scene is as if the storm is coming.

"There is something wrong ..."

Granger knew that something was bad and quickly got up from the ground and looked up into the distance.

The result was just a glance, and the chill of the winter, which had spread along his spine, spread all the way to his limbs.

I saw a dark line on the distant sea from the distance where the sea and sky meet, and began to rush towards him.

In just a few breaths, this black line quickly expanded into one, spanning the entire sea surface, reaching a huge wave of hundreds of meters!

The gale was roaring, the thick clouds were surging, and there was a roar of "rumblings" everywhere. The violent roar makes it impossible to tell whether the thunder is tumbling in the dark clouds or the sea waves are roaring.

Granger stared at this doomsday-like scene, his feet softened, and he fell to the ground with his butt.

"This, this is ... Wrath of the Poseidon ?!"

What is this terrible horror, apart from the "Wrath of the Poseidon" that appeared only two decades ago?

In front of this level of giant shout, the magical sentry tower he was in was just as small and fragile as a dead leaf in the ocean.

No, not to mention this small magical sentry tower, even if it is an island, in the face of Poseidon's Wrath, it is just a small pebble, which will be destroyed by the huge waves in an instant!

"Warning! Go ahead!"

Maybe it was from the fear in the bottom of the heart, or it was driven by the responsibility of the strong. Granger propped up from the ground, rushed to the core crystal of the sentry tower a few steps, and immediately pressed the early warning crystal.

At the same time, he worked hard to carry all the magic power and poured it into the defensive circle.

In this unprecedented terror of terror, as long as any action is slowed down, the end will be buried under the sea!

Very smoothly, the tsunami warning was released immediately, and the defensive enchantment of the magic tower was also opened at the same time.

But when Granger turned his head again, the gigantic scream of a hundred meters was close at hand.

"End, end ..."

Granger's eyes were open, the mountains and mountains were rushing toward him, and the original bright brown eyes were instantly reflected by the deep blue of the sea water.

In this quasi-doomsday-like disaster scenario, any struggle seems futile. Powerless, desperate, and panicked, he has completely shrouded him.

He seems to have seen the near future. The terror waves crossed the coast of the Patrick Islands in one fell swoop, destroying the harbour all the way, flooding the fields, and eventually swiping his treasured magical holy place, every building, all over!

But at this moment, he had no choice but to stand here to meet the end of his fate.

"Woo !!!!"

Finally, with a cry of despair, Granger and the magical sentry tower he was in were instantly engulfed by the tsunami.

The strong magic tower is fragile like dead leaves in front of tens of thousands of tons of seawater. The defensive enchantment constructed by the magical crystal is fragile like a bubble. Without being blocked for a second, it is easily crushed by the violent waves.



The wind was violent and the rain poured down like a huge horror wave like a mountain peak, spreading hundreds of kilometers along the sea! Wherever they passed, the magical sentry towers, all like crowded bubbles, were swallowed up.

At this time, all obstacles are futile, only the mighty power from the ocean swept across the sea and headed straight for the Patrick Islands ahead.


At the same time, the magic shrine Patrick Islands is located in front of the ancient ruins in the middle of the main island.

The slightly simple awards ceremony of the truth conference has ended, but the bustling crowd at the scene is still alive.

People talked and talked, and people were full of interest and enthusiasm for the various topics that appeared at this session of the truth conference.

But there is no doubt that this is a festival for the winner.

In many respectful eyes, Wu Hui welcomed the sun and looked at the heart of the earth in his hands.

"This is the heart of the earth. How could those magicians give it the name" Soul Rock "?"

Wu Hui felt secretly in the heart, feeling the pure energy from the heart of the earth, and secretly feeling in his heart.

From a precarious and dilapidated godhead that may be on the verge of destruction at any time, he has been careful to operate to the point where he is now.

But now all this will be a thing of the past, as long as he has the heart of the earth, he can successfully repair and promote the godhead!

By that time, his kingdom of God will be expanded again, the number of acceptable believers will also increase sharply, and the buildings in the kingdom of God will be upgraded again.

The most important thing is that St. Luke, the angel of war, can finally break through the restrictions and be successfully promoted to a level 8 creature!

Level 8 creatures are legendary in this world, not to mention that there is no one in the world, that is, one million, ten million people may not be able to appear.

With these capitals, he Wu Hui will also truly own and compete with many powers in the world!

In short, he was in a good mood to get the heart of the earth smoothly. He is now waiting for the end of the conference, so he can take time to return to the kingdom of God to arrange related upgrade tasks.

Wu Hui was indeed satisfied, but on the other side, the three geniuses who lost the game were extremely gloomy, and their faces were even more ugly than a fly feeding.

And the whole process was so inexplicable that I totally did not know why.

Mr. Wood's disciple, known as Ben Stuart, the number one seed in the Holy Land Genius, was standing behind Mr. Wood with his head lowered, but the whole man was ashamed and trembled in depression.

At this point, if it was not for the final decentness, he was trying to control, I am afraid he would leave this sad place already.

On the other side, Charles Spring Hall, the third prince of the Empire, is not much better.

He looked ironed and stared fiercely at Wu Hui for a while, then turned to call his mentor, the Royal Holy Demon Andrew Andrew, and wanted to leave.

"Teacher, let's go!"


The Holy Guru Andrew glanced at Wu Hui and others, and turned away with a cold hum.

But before he left, he did not forget to come to his brother, President Wood, and hummed coldly: "This is the magical sacred place under your leadership? Huh, I can't hold even the conference title, I see Nothing more. "

"You!" Mr. Wood's chest was dull, and he almost didn't pass through his breath, fainting.

He didn't even dream about it. In a contest in which the winning ticket was clearly held, Jimmy Gunter and the old Wu Hui brought him into this situation.

But if he loses, he loses. It's useless to say that no amount of resentment and resentment, he can't break out here. Now his only hope is to end everything as soon as possible, and let the old guys such as Wu Hui and Jimmy Gunter leave the Patrick Islands early.

"Well, Karen, it's just a race, I hope you ..."

On this side, Iceville patted his lover's shoulder in an attempt to give the other side a little encouragement, but before he could say anything, Karen Glacier interrupted politely.

"Teacher, I understand what you mean. I will not look at some of these mean humans. After all, our higher Siren is the most powerful race in the world."

Karen Glacier was indifferent, and there were no waves in the eyes of sea snakes ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ As if these lively crowds were just a group of noisy mosquitoes, it had nothing to do with him.

The ice disaster Iswell, with a half-human lineage, was violent and evil, but did not want to see such an ending, but he opened his mouth and ended up saying nothing, just sighing deeply in his heart .

"Jimmy, you sly old guy. You won and won, and the conference prize was awarded to you. Now you can take your companion and leave happily."

After the trivial matters were completed, President Wood was full of resentment and began to helplessly deliver guests.

Now he saw this Jimmy Gunter and was upset, anxious to kick him out of the Holy Land Academy.

"Haha, not in a hurry, Brother Wood, shouldn't it be a grand celebration party at this time?"

Alchemist Jimmy Gunter deliberately got a bargain and said, "According to the experience of previous years of the competition, a grand gala dinner should be held at this time! How about? Tonight, the college auditorium, Brother Andrew, and the ice disaster Dude, you all have to come! "

Jimmy Gunter was as cheerful as the host, inviting several teachers and brothers present.

The court mage Andrew and the ice disaster Isville were very pale, and President Case Wood was also stunned by this Jimmy Gang.

The chairman of the association has not announced that he will hold a banquet. Instead, the old man made his own claim and started to speak up.

Even if it had to be done, it would have to be won by the Academy directly under his magic society, so he was interested in celebrating.


After waiting for Mr. Wood to fight back, a harsh coastal defense warning suddenly sounded in the direction of the coastline!

How, what's going on?

The crowd at the scene and the staff of the Magic Society immediately looked around nervously.
