Divine Civilization

Chapter 369: The Legion of Justice arrives at Quin


Thousands of alternate maidens, like a storm, swept through the bottom of the society of the Quine civilization. The great God of Light is no longer an abstract symbol, but is with every saint.

The backbone of the Holy See began to set up churches one after another, and in the church's square, a number of bright idols were erected. The bright idols that have just been erected, despite their excellent carving skills, are carefully crafted. But it looks as if there is no vitality and no half-sacred deity.

But as the alternate maiden personally led the believers to pray day and night before the idol, the strong faith continuously poured out those bright deities, and gradually they seemed to be covered with a holy light, and the soft light shrouded the believers. Inside, the believers were bathed in the holy light, and the whole body Shutai spirit was extremely relaxed.

Even older and infirm believers, the more they pray prayerfully under the idol, the more they feel relaxed and energetic, as if they are gradually younger for many years.

Some believers suffering from dark diseases have also been favored by the divine light, and the hidden diseases in their bodies have gradually improved.

The thing that has caused the most explosive spread is that several believers who are terminally ill and almost waiting to die have summoned real miracles under the prayer of a large number of believers led by alternate girls.

In the miracle, their terminal illness was instantly cured, restoring health and vitality.

A similar situation occurs constantly in all spheres of influence under the Quinn civilization. Key members of the Holy See, taking the opportunity to control the large and small media of the Quinn civilization, are propagating vivid and legendary deeds.

That's right, the Quinn civilization is a second-level civilization. They have a high level of medical treatment, and can cure even a lot of terminal illness or disability. However, the medical treatment of the Quinn civilization is extremely expensive, and only those privileged classes can enjoy high medical treatment.

Under the system of the Quinn civilization, most ordinary intelligent creatures are in a state of exploitation and oppression. Regardless of their status or funds, it is difficult to enjoy high-end medical methods.

The comprehensive measures of the Holy See have made the ordinary people of the Quinn civilization have a strong hope at once. As long as they believe in the Bright God and do n’t be afraid of getting sick, they can get the perfect treatment of the Holy See.

The first is the idol. Within the area covered by the holy light of the idol, some negative energy and viruses will be contained, and most diseases will be relieved.

As long as you keep praying under the gods, your heart and soul will become more and more pure, and your body will become better and better.

As more people pray, the idols that have accumulated more and more faith will become more powerful and the scope will become wider and wider.

This is a result of mutual benefit. The idol will store about 20% of the power of faith and contribute to Wu Hui through the godhead. The remaining 80% will be used to strengthen themselves, store spares, and give back to more believers.

Idols with higher levels will become more and more intelligent, and they will even distinguish between true believers and false believers. Some unscrupulous believers who do not want to give up their faith and try to sacrifice the aura of the idol will have negative emotions such as anxiety.

Either become a believer or leave the aura of the idol.

The higher the level of the idol, the stronger the effect, and the easier it is to gather more believers to pray.

Except for idols.

The backbone of the Holy See has also begun to select outstanding people from local devout believers and train them to become priests, as far as possible to achieve the same ethnic wisdom and life management as fellow believers.

Within a short period of more than half a year, the belief in the **** of light has pervaded almost all the living planets under the Quinn civilization, even some small and medium-sized space stations mining in outer planetary belts, and they have also felt the power of spreading the belief in light.


at the same time.

The influence of the alternate virgins on the Quinn civilization continues to ferment, but the high-levels of the Quinn civilization can no longer sit still.

The capital of the Quinn civilization, the Hall of Deliberation.

The Hall of the Assembly is the place where the great Emperor Sidney Harde used to handle the affairs of the DPRK and China and listen to reports from all parties. Because the high-rises of the empire are powerful mechas, their bodies are huge, and the hall of discussion is extremely towering. The metallic luster walls are filled with a sense of cold solemnity.

But at this moment, there was a quarrel in this cold and majestic parliament hall.

"Your Majesty, you can't sit and watch like this anymore!" A weather-strength gray mech patted the table, and the metallic lustrous face was angry and distressed. "Let those so-called" virgins "continue, very Quickly Quinn knows only the God of Light, not His Majesty! "

"His Majesty, since they believed in the God of Light, those ordinary people have become harder and increasingly unwilling to discipline. Many policies that were previously implemented without any difficulty have become difficult to implement." Said another dark golden mech, " There are even some small groups in the folk who carry the banner of 'opposing mechanization', preaching the harmful theory of machinery. If this goes on, the empire will sooner or later be chaotic. Maybe there will be ambitionists who want to take this opportunity to overthrow your rule. "

These two mechas have followed his subordinates since the Queen was still young. The tinder mechs are already level 10 god-level mechs, and they have a very high level of discourse in the top of Quinn. right.

Seeing them speaking, several other mechas spoke in unison.

"Yes! Your Majesty! Think of a way, stop them!"

"To shut up!"

However, before their words were finished, Prince Collin could not help but shoot, angrily said, "Is it not clear what your Majesty said? But my brother and I have already given our souls to the God of Light. Part of life and death are under the control of the Light God. What can you do to stop the Light God? "

Collin had witnessed the monstrous power of the Twelve Winged Angels under the Light God, and until now, he remembered the scene still shivering.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help breathing out, staring fiercely at the group of "old ministers": "You are not asking your Majesty to decide, you are forcing us to die!"

Under his stare, the people who had just spoken frowned.

However, the weather-strength gray mech was still stubborn and refused to bow his head with his neck: "Even so, are we going to be slaughtered? Prince Collin, you are afraid of death, but I am not afraid! Fight with them! "

"Just! Big deal is a death!"

"Fight with them!"

Encouraged by the gray mecha, several other mechas also straightened their backs and began to clamor.

Behind the several people, some lower-ranking mechas whispered, whispered in whispers, and vaguely heard words such as "no bones".

"Okay! I don't have the backbone ... I'm afraid of death ..." Prince Collin was spit with anger, "I'm afraid of death? You're not afraid of death, why didn't you see you jump when you bowed to the **** of light? come out?"

Really when he didn't know what these people were thinking? Isn't that the right to hold their hands, afraid that the right of the Bright God to continue to preach them will be all overruled?

They did not dare to challenge the Bright God, and even did not dare to take action against the so-called "saints". They ran in the name of the Grand Duke and acted selflessly to encourage the Big Brother to resist the Bright God. At that time, everything happened to him and his brother. Is innocent. Is he really stupid?

There was also a lot of loyalty and enthusiasm around Prince Collin. At this moment, seeing that Prince Collin was resolute, they also spoke out in solidarity and helped Prince Collin relentlessly scold him back.

For a while, the whole hall was noisy, all on the two sides were scolding.

As the confrontation between the two sides became more intense, the whole hall became more noisy and noisy, and the face of King Quinn became increasingly ugly.

Finally, when the two sides were about to fight, King Quinn couldn't bear it and slammed the table hard: "Enough! Shut me up!"

This anger was like a thunder and a thunder, accompanied by the immense power of the god.

Suddenly, there was a sudden silence in the Senate Hall.

Everyone closed their mouths subconsciously, and even Prince Collin took a deep breath and barely controlled the emotions about to run away.

Emperor Quinn's majestic glance glanced at the people in the hall, taking a deep breath, and was about to speak, but suddenly there was a sound of music in the hall.

Everyone's face changed slightly.

All communication tools must be kept silent in the hall, which is the rule established by King Quinn since his succession. Who is so brave and dare to knowingly commit crimes at this time?

They subconsciously searched for the source of the sound, but found that the source of the sound was the Queen Quinn.

Queen Quinn's face also changed.

His communication did not matter, but he specifically told his henchmen before entering the Hall of Discussion. Unless it was an important matter about the **** of light or the survival of the country, he was not allowed to disturb him until the end of the proceedings.

Could it be that……

He no longer cares about so many people in the hall, he raises his hand and connects the communication instrument.

The next moment, his confidant face appeared on the photon screen in front of him. At that moment, his plain and capable face, with tension and dignity, hurriedly saluted, "Your Majesty, look outside. The fleet of bright gods is here!"

"What?" Queen Quinn's face changed sharply, and he stood up sharply. "What are the Legions of the Frontier doing? How come they came without the news of the Fleet of Light?"

"Your Majesty, the fleet of bright gods seems to be able to avoid detection by the starry sky radar." His confidant's face was also ugly, and his voice was bitter. "If it were not for their active appearance, we wouldn't even have found that they had arrived at Capital Star."

Upon hearing this, Queen Quinn's pupils tightened, and the internal voltage was unstable for a while.

Yes, why didn't he think of it? The other party is a third-level civilization. Both the level of science and technology and the level of civilization have crushed the Quinn civilization. Quinn's radar system can't find their fleet. It's normal, isn't it?

In the middle of his speech, he had stepped out of the hall of discussion.

However, the next moment, he looked up at the sky.

The mecha in the hall was unknown, so they followed him out of the Hall of Discussion and followed his posture to look up into the sky.

The next moment, all the Quinn executives took a breath of air at the same time.

I saw a huge fleet in the sky.

The flagship in the center of the fleet is at least tens of thousands of meters in length, just like the same monster hovering above the capital star. Around the flagship, there are dozens of warships lined up in a neat array. The plating on the surface of those warships is gold and white. Color, looks brilliant, noble atmosphere, exuding magnificent power.

The sun in the sky was blocked by the fleet, and black shadows spread on the ground, giving them the illusion of covering the sky.

Everyone's heart was heavy, and there was no intention to appreciate it, but they felt a tremendous pressure.

The senior Quinn, who was still clamoring to resist the **** of light, turned pale and finally felt the power of the **** of light intuitively.

On the capital star, civilians saw the fleet earlier than them, and now they were watching the sky nervously and talking about each other.

"Where does this fleet come from?"

"What are they doing here? It feels so strong, it's much stronger than our army!"

"And the main gun ... you see it, I think it can definitely blast a planet with one shot! Wouldn't they come to attack our quinn?"

At the time when the capital's stars were trembling, the people on the fleet in the sky seemed to notice the Queen Quinn and others who looked up at the gate of the Palace of Justice.

There was a flash of light on the flagship, and a huge holographic projection appeared in the sky.

At the center of the projection is a sturdy figure with ten white wings behind it. She sat on the command chair with a divine majestic light idol behind her.

Enshrouded by the holy light of a bright god, her beautiful appearance and the white wings behind her are halo, her temperament is immaculate, and she does not look at all aggressive.

However, her power was magnificent and vast, and she was clearly slender, but her power was not inferior to that of Queen Quinn. Under the blessing of the idol, the power alone, even faintly won.

Behind her, there are also six angels with eight pairs of white wings behind them, which also exudes a mighty power, which is not weaker than several high-level Queens around King Quinn.

Almost at the same time when the holographic projection appeared, the woman sitting on the command chair lifted her eyes and glanced at Queen Quinn, and the cold female voice came from the sky: "This seat is the head of the Trial Corps, His Majesty the Light. Kyle Doris. From now on, I will be sitting in the star field near the town. "

"It turned out to be the leader of Angel, disrespectful ~ disrespectful ~" Emperor Quinn responded, quickly saluting into the sky, politely politely.

Don't look at his calmness, but it's hard to hide his heart.

There was an energy-level detection device in his mech, and Angel's strength was judged almost instantly.

Level 11! On par with him.

And the six angels behind Angel are, without exception, all powerful god-level lives!

You know, there are only two 11th-level gods and 7 10th-level gods in the entire Quinn civilization.

He had thought that this strength was already strong enough, even if the other party was a third-level civilization, he had to be afraid of a few points, but he did not expect that the **** of light casually sent a fleet, the strength is almost equivalent to the entire strength of the entire Quinn civilization!

Huge frustration and heavy pressure permeated his mind at the same time, making his mood a bit unspeakable at the same time. At the same time, he was glad that he had not been talked by his subordinates before. Otherwise, I am afraid it is not a plain notice, but a direct action by the soldiers.

He knew in his heart that with the strength of this fleet that could appear silently on Capital Star, the Quinn civilization had no slight advantage in fighting.

However, just as Sidney thought that Angel had simply notified him, he heard Angel suddenly turn around in a holographic projection and said, "How did I hear that you want to stop our alternates? The Virgin is preaching in Quinn? "

Upon hearing this, Queen Quinn suddenly gave a cold sweat, and quickly said, "Nothing, absolutely nothing. The entire Quine civilization has been turned to light ... Our Lord, where can I prevent the Virgins from preaching? This is definitely a misunderstanding It's a misunderstanding! "

Then, he couldn't help but glared at Prince Collin next to him.

Even if he thought on his knees, he would be able to guess who told the secret.

Prince Collin faced calmly, and indifferently preached: "Brother don't stare at me, this is also for the Quinn civilization. We can't afford the price of opposing third-level civilization."

"Huh ~"

Queen Quinn snorted secretly, but didn't tell him any more, but watched Angel's reaction nervously.

"Not the best." Angel glanced at him with a faint look and no anger. "Even if you really want to stop it, it's not a big deal. My angel army can call at any time."

"It's just that my temper is not as good as that of predecessor Saint John. Once I shot it, it was lore. It is not feasible for me to give my soul to save my life."

Her voice was rather bland and her tone was not too heavy, but the meaning of the words made the Queen Quinn creepy.

He subconsciously glanced at Angell, but saw a little blond Lori behind Angell look at him eagerly, as if he had a little reluctance, the other party would provoke trouble. .

Emperor Quinn felt a chill in her heart for a while, and now she did not care about the dignity of her 11th-level gods. She almost vowed to swear to ensure that she has absolutely no ambitions.

Behind Queen Quinn, all the old officials, including the grey mech, were all as good as the quail, as if all the words that they had vowed to resist the God of Light were thrown out of the clouds.

Seeing them like that, Lilian looked back with regret.

Angel did not say anything, only looked at Emperor Quinn, and said lightly: "If so, then it depends on your next performance."

The voice dropped, the holographic projection in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the entire fleet slowly lifted off into the air.

Emperor Quinn watched the fleet fly away, until the fleet completely disappeared into sight, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the vest unknowingly had a layer of cold sweat.

Just now, for a moment, he really thought that the other party would do something.

Behind him, several old ministers looked sad. Even now, when they recall the momentum of the fleet just now, they still feel scared.

Some people couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing: "With this fleet, from now on, Quinn will never have us speaking again ..."

Hearing this, Queen Quinn's face was not very good-looking.

After a long while, he suddenly said, "Tell me to order. From today, the government will come forward to cooperate fully with the bright God to preach."

Having said this, it seemed as if he was more than a dozen years old, and turned back to the Hall of Discussion.

The glow of the evening glow sprinkled on him, setting off the inexplicable heavyness of the back.

This command of the Queen Quinn seemed to represent that the Quinn civilization had completely abandoned resistance and began to submit to the God of Light wholeheartedly.

From this day, with the full support of the government, the missionary work of the alternate virgins has become smoother than ever, and the Quinn people who have faith in the Bright God have begun to increase rapidly and enter an outbreak.
