Divine Civilization

Chapter 450: Say upgrade, let's upgrade


At this point, a fierce battle finally calmed down.

This sudden war was too tragic for both the Kraken and humans.

Although only one of the magic towers on Patrick's main island was destroyed, the encirclement wall and the offshore pier, which had lost the protection of the enchantment, were almost destroyed under the impact of a large number of Sirens and Sea Beasts.

In this area, there are ruins everywhere. It is needless to say that the pier has been completely destroyed, and a large hole has been broken in the city wall. Crushed stones, ordnance, and a large number of dead and wounded, were scattered randomly inside and outside the shattered city walls.

The work of cleaning up and rescuing the wounded will probably last a long time.

Fortunately, good news came from Jimmy Gunter, who repaired the magic tower. When there was at most half a magic moon, the damaged ancient defense magic tower could be completely repaired.

At that time, the island guards were fully open, and even if the sea king Mugor Nutao was there, the people on the island no longer need to be afraid.


At night, the Holy Land is directly under the college, in the private bedroom of President Wood.

Although the restoration and reconstruction of the Holy Land is in full swing, the three big names in the magic world gather together sadly.

Kaiser Wood, the current president of the Magic Society, Andrew Highwell, the Holy Magus of the Court, and Iswell, the Ice Flood, are sitting around a square table, surrounded by a candlelight.

The dim candle lights illuminate the trio's expressions.

The three looked uncertain, with sighs and sighs, and the expressions on their faces changed several times, but none of them spoke first.

For a long time, it was President Wood who sighed first.

"Isville, Andrew, you and I are part of the association. Now the Magic Society is facing an unprecedented crisis, and none of us can stay out of the business."

President Wood looked at the two with a little helplessness, and paused, "On the current situation, what do you think?"

"Mughal Nutao, the Sea King of the West Sea, tore apart from us, it seems that he is secretly planning something behind him, and what he is planning is no trivial matter."

Isver, an ice disaster owner with half a Kraken bloodline, shook his head and speculated with a somewhat frustrated expression, "It is not only Mughal Nutao, but the North Sea Neptune seems to be involved. If I guess correctly, it is very likely Now there is turmoil all over the world. "

"Well, it's a pity that in my capacity, even if I can accept my North Sea, I can't really enter the core group of the Kraken of the North Sea. I can only understand the situation in the ocean. The information that can be explored in the future, I am afraid Even less. "

To this day, the Beihai he once lived in, I'm afraid he can't go back.

"I see, it's not quite flat in the ocean right now." President Wood nodded slightly, then turned to look at Andrew sitting on the other side.

"The Hai people have tore up with us, and we will not count the threats from the Hai people in the future."

Andrew groaned slightly, slowly speaking, "I'm more worried about the comeback **** than the despicable sea people."

Speaking of the resurrected deity, President Wood and Eastville both lost their countenances.

It is rumored as early as a hundred years ago that the **** of light has fallen. Until decades ago, the rumor has become a fact invisibly. The Light Holy See, which once overwhelmed all continents, began to collapse and unite the bright empire of mankind. Then it was torn apart.

It was also at this time that the forces of magic, witchcraft, elves, sea clan, and the kingdom of mankind that had lost control of the Holy See began to rise rapidly.

The Magic Society is taking advantage of this shareholder style to become the world's most important large organization in one fell swoop.

It is just an indisputable fact that the battles that occurred during the day and all these miracles are indisputable.

So many signs are enough to show that the Bright God, who was in awe of everyone, has returned!

"The God of Light has disappeared for a hundred years, and now it seems to be back." Andrew said this sentence, his heart was extremely heavy. "According to the records of that year, once the Supreme Spirit returned, let alone the magic society go, the entire empire, I am afraid that there will be a huge cleaning upheaval in the entire world. "

"Don't ... have we ushered in a new magic society and experienced the dark ages again?" President Wood took a deep breath. When it comes to the cleansing of the dark era, almost everyone who understands the history of magic will shake it.

Although there are any signs now that the returning Light God will cleanse them, so long as they have such hidden dangers, everyone will be sleepless.

"Don't worry, although I don't know what the reason is, if the Supreme God really wants to cleanse the world, I'm afraid I have already started ..."

The ice disaster Isville's brow tightened, and he timidly said, "So, the young man named Wu Hui seems to have a great relationship with the kingdom of God, otherwise ... let's find a chance and talk to him first talk?"

President Wood and Andrew both glanced at each other a bit, then nodded solemnly.

"You have to talk to that kid."


At the same time that the three big brothers were in a sad mood.

Seaside coast wall.

Wu Hui is looking at the sea, and Liliana, who is somewhat lazy and beautiful, has a very complicated mood at this time, and she gives Wu Hui a different look from time to time.

"I said Sister Nana." Wu Hui said with a touch of his nose. "You asked me to come to the beach to watch the scenery secretly, just to see me as the scenery? Hey, honestly, do you fall in love with handsome handsome handsome me ? "

"Huh! You are the one who should be honest." Liliana glanced at Wu Hui angrily. "Tell me the truth, who are you?"

"I said it before, I am bright ..."


Before Wu Hui's words were finished, she heard a bang, Liliana's thigh hit the wall, and the wall cracked. His ears buzzed, and he looked at the scene with a little dumbfounding.

She was nibbled by Sister Nana, no, she was pinched. This posture is really too ecstatic.

Even with Wu Hui's state of mind, the liver couldn't help but he couldn't help but jump around. To be honest, his body was too weak, only 1 level. Compared with Liliana, a 7th-level warrior strong, it is too weak, and can kill with one finger.

Some of the Association magicians who were originally organizing the post-war period saw that they did not dare to uphold justice behind the scenes, but ran silently. Just kidding, everyone's attention on the performance of the flame queen Liliana on the battlefield. Who dares to disturb Yaxing, the female tyrannosaurus?

Liliana looked at Wu Hui up and down with a scrutiny look: "You tell me honestly, are you the deity's own son?"

"Ahem ~" Wu Hui was almost strangled to death. "Sister Nana, why do you have this idea? I already said that, no, I am the **** of light ..."

"Shhhhhhh ~ don't be too anxious, something will happen." Liliana looked around nervously, and whispered in Wu Hui's ear, "As far as I know, that one, uh ... temper But ... don't rely on grace ... Anyway, I don't allow you to talk nonsense anymore. "

"Okay, okay." Wu Hui said helplessly, "Sister Nana, you have the final say, I admit it, I have a showdown, I am the son of the Bright God."

"You, are you really the Son of God?" Liliana looked surprised and really looked like this.

"Hey, Sister Nana." Wu Hui said with a smile, "Is my status more honorable than those princes and princes? Would you like to think about being a daughter-in-law of a great god?"

"Get off! Let's take the old lady to find happiness." Liliana gave Wu Hui an unpleasant glance, and then her face turned right. "Speaking of business, is it enough to treat merit this time? Break the seal first ... "

"Enough is enough."

Wu Hui nodded earnestly and said, "Not only is it enough to cure the disease, it is also enough for you to upgrade."

"Upgrade?" Liliana was instantly shocked, and after suffocating for more than ten seconds, she murmured, "You, you, you mean, upgrade?" Didn't she have seen the upgrade of God's grace coming.

However, she always thought that it was limited to upgrading under lower circumstances.

And at the 7th level, it can already be regarded as a very powerful existence in this world. Going up, it is difficult. But she did n’t want to, even though she was already 7th level, she could even go up to 8th level through the grace of God?

"Hey, don't you make this look good?" Wu Hui said mysteriously, "In accordance with your merit, it is not enough to upgrade to level 8. But who makes our relationship so special?"

Then, Wu Hui threw a wink at her.

"Uh ..." While Liliana looked wrong, Wu Hui snapped her fingers and said casually: "My lord ~ ​​let Sister Nana be promoted ~"

His tone is quite perfunctory ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ There is no piety and concentration when ordinary people pray.

Liliana was feeling speechless, and wanted to remind him to be respectful, and saw a dazzling beam of light suddenly fall from the sky and enveloped her in it.

An endless stream of light pours into the body, and almost instantly, the negative power in her body is dispelled, and the bones and blood veins that have been torn by the stubborn negative energy are also repaired in an instant, and in a steady stream of light The force becomes more and more tough and stronger ...

As the transformation progressed, her breath gradually climbed, slowly, but firmly toward the 8th-tier legend.

Liliana was shocked and happy, but still unbelievable: "I, am I really going to upgrade?"

"Can this still be false?" Wu Hui said, taking a step back, leaving enough space for her, reminding him, "meditate on the power of the laws that are instilled into your body, and the gain will be greater."

Don't look at Wu Hui's lightness and lightness, but this wave of magical power is not low, it is best to bring out the effects.
