Divine Civilization

Chapter 610: Holy area

Ordinarily speaking, Wu Hui's Kingdom of God is not what it used to be. After years of expanding the territory and recruiting many believers, he has a lot of capital in his hands.

The newly built motherships in the Kingdom of God also use first-class materials, but compared with the starship in front of them, they are still inferior.

It can only be said that the sixth-level civilization is indeed a sixth-level civilization. People's accumulation of tens of millions of years is not fake. Not to mention anything else, this wealth alone is not comparable to it~

But Wu Hui didn't feel discouraged.

After all, the development time of the Kingdom of God is still short. In fact, it is not even a fraction of the starry sky giants. Let alone tens of millions of years, it is not certain who will be strong and who will be weak after tens of thousands of years.

"Captain, we have checked the inside and outside of the starship. The identities of all starship staff have also been confirmed. Please check and accept."

Seeing Wu Hui, Wayne, who was inspecting the surface coating of the starship, immediately jumped off the starship and cupped his hands at Wu Hui.

He was on duty last night, and it was his turn to rest today. But it will take several days to go to the ancestral land, and the new bodyguard has no relevant experience, so he, the veteran bodyguard, is naturally duty-bound.

There are also several veteran personal guards who were temporarily transferred here just like him.


Wu Hui nodded slightly, then turned his head to look at Edison: "I'm sorry for the vice-captain."

Edison responded helplessly.

As long as the captain of other people's family is in the midway, which one is not eager to dictate and establish authority? This guy in their family is good, wishing he could leave all the work to others. It's weird enough~

Forget it~ He doesn't care what people think, as long as they don't delay the business, it's a good thing.

He boarded the starship resignedly and began to check.

Before Wu Hui came, this was his job, so he was naturally very skilled in doing it. It didn't take long for him to complete the acceptance inspection, and he got off the starship and returned to Wu Hui.

"Report to the captain, the inspection and acceptance work has been completed." Edison respectfully saluted Wu Hui with his fists cupped, "The next step, please show the captain."

"Okay." Wu Hui nodded slightly, and then calmly gave the order, "Everyone take their places and wait for the arrival of Her Majesty the Queen."

"Yes, Captain."

All the personal guards suddenly agreed, and then quickly dispersed, guarding various key positions.

Even the newly appointed personal bodyguard, under the care and guidance of the old team members, is doing well, very similar to that.

Wu Hui and Edison stood on the left and right under the gangway of the starry sky giant ship, with long knives slung across their sides, and looked into the distance with serious expressions.

Her Majesty's guard of honor will arrive in a while, and the waiting process is extremely boring. Wu Hui started to lose his mind after standing for a while.

In the past two days, there has been no news from God's Domain, and I don't know what happened to Lan Fudi and Langdon, did they reveal their secrets?

This time, if the Kingdom of Light wanted to obtain the "Key of the Galaxy", it had to find an opportunity in the cracks between two old sixth-level civilizations. The process was like picking chestnuts from the fire, and it was more difficult and dangerous than ever before.

Hope it goes well for them too.

Before I knew it, half an hour passed.


Suddenly, a burst of high-pitched music resounded like an elephant's song.

This is the unique musical instrument of the starry sky giants, the sound of the king's faluo trombone.

This musical instrument is huge, more than 400 meters high and nearly a kilometer long. It has extremely abnormal requirements for lung capacity. Only the starry sky giant with the same size can play it, and it is specially used to clear the way for the king.

When the trumpet sounded, the idlers retreated.


Edison's expression froze, and he hurriedly reminded Wu Hui.

When Wu Hui came back to his senses, he saw a group of people walking slowly from a distance at the back door of the giant Wang Ting in front of him.

At the beginning was a group of royal guards, followed by Her Majesty's ceremonial guard, and behind her was Her Majesty the Queen, a giant surrounded by three court ladies and several maids, surrounded by personal guards.

Star giants don't pay attention to ostentation like some interstellar civilizations. When they travel, they often use fleets to clear the way, surrounded by thousands of people. However, the queen of star giants, as the king of the clan, must still have the necessary entourage when going out.

This time, because it was going to the ancestral land, the distance was not too far, and the number of entourage accompanying the driver was less than a hundred.

After sending Her Majesty's guard of honor to the mooring platform of the giant starship, the royal guards responsible for clearing the way were divided into four queues and guarded the four sides of the platform.

The guard of honor continued to move forward, and stopped when they reached the gangway of the giant starship.

"See Your Majesty."

Edison cupped his fists forward and saluted respectfully.

It was only because of his reminder that Wu Hui came to his senses and clasped his fists together.

"No need to be too polite. Hurry up and get on the boat~"

A clear and majestic female voice came from the center of the guard of honor.

Wu Hui looked up subconsciously.

In fact, last time, in that room, he had already seen the starry sky giant queen. But at that time, so many people were all staring at him, he just took a quick glance and didn't have time to look carefully at it.

Now that he took a closer look, he realized that the giant queen was much more beautiful than he had expected.

Although there are many beauties among the Starry Sky Giants, but because of their race, most of their looks tend to be majestic and bright, their skin color is also a healthy wheat color, and their skin texture is even rougher.

But the starry sky giant queen's appearance is quite exquisite, with a straight nose bridge, fine eyelashes, neither big nor small eyes, neither thick nor thin lips, everything is just right.

Moreover, I don't know if it is because of her blood, her skin is more delicate and fairer than most of the starry sky giants, and it is even more dazzling white against the pure purple long hair.

In addition, those pure golden eyes also added a lot of nobility to her, which made her look like a born emperor, unspeakably noble.

Wu Hui sighed endlessly.

It's no wonder that when the middle-aged giants of the starry sky giant family mentioned Her Majesty the queen, their tone was like talking about their own daughters. It's not surprising that there are so many fans of parents just because of this appearance.

Who doesn't want a beautiful daughter?

Not to mention that apart from her looks, this pro-daughter is also extremely talented.

In this dazzling time, the giant queen Ilgul had already boarded her car surrounded by the crowd.

The other entourage began to get busy under the command of the three court ladies.

Checking the salute and belongings, explaining the precautions... A group of people busily tossed and tossed for nearly half an hour before finally arranging everything properly.

Afterwards, the giant bronze ship finally lifted off slowly and galloped towards the vast starry sky.

At the same time, on the other side of the starry sky.

"Shenyu" is an ancient civilization with a history of nearly tens of millions of years.

In terms of strength and background, it is more than stronger than the Immortal League born out of Chunyang Immortal Palace. In the entire starry universe, there are only a few top-level sixth-level civilizations such as starry sky giants and universe banks that are qualified to be compared with it.

A top-level civilization like this has a specific title in the universe called "hegemonic civilization".

At this moment, on a planet less than 100,000 light-years away from the battle zone at the frontier of this hegemony-level civilization, Lan Fudi and Langdon, who had managed to get into God's Domain, were driving a huge starship to transport a group of There are millions of angels transported out of the war zone and sent to the core star field.

This group of angels were all seriously injured on the battlefield and could no longer continue to fight. They needed to be sent to the core star area for treatment for a year and a half before they could rejoin the battle.

"This 'God's Domain' is at least a level 6 civilization, so I didn't expect it to be so backward in technology." Langdon glanced at the cabin behind him, his tone sighed, "Before coming, I heard what the outside world was saying about God's Domain, I thought God's Domain How amazing~"

"That's enough~ You don't have to say a few words." Lan Fudi glanced at him lightly, "Be careful that the walls have ears."

Hearing this, Langdon's mind tensed up slightly, and he quickly calmed down and concentrated on manipulating the starship.

According to their investigation during this period of time, this God's Domain does have many similarities with the Kingdom of Light, such as the magnificent Shrine, and the common decorations, which can be seen to be in the same line.

But the difference in details is also huge.

Such as the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God in the Kingdom of Light is a separate space. Now that it has been upgraded to level five, its land area has even surpassed most of the planets.

But the so-called Kingdom of God in God's Domain is nothing more than a large area marked out separately.

God's Domain calls it the "Divine Kingdom on Earth", but in the eyes of Lan Fudi and Langdon, it can be regarded as a "Holy Land" at best. In the star field under the command of the Kingdom of Light, there are countless such holy places.

Not only that, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com God's Domain is much inferior to the Light God's Kingdom in terms of the power of light-type divine arts, and the God King of God's Domain cannot directly increase the level of angels through divine power.

There are also places such as the Huasheng Pool, the Hall of Divine Weapons, and the Hall of Heroes. Although there are buildings with the same name in the God's Domain, their functions are more than inferior to those of the Kingdom of Light.

Let me talk about the biochemical pool first.

The metamorphosis pool of God's Domain can only be used to shape and repair the body of an angel, not the soul of the soul. Compared with the Kingdom of Light, the speed of repair is several times slower. Even the level of the body of the angel that is shaped is strictly limited. Regarding the soul essence of the angel itself, it is not too much to say that there is one earth and one heaven.

Moreover, the number of transformation pools is only about one-third of that of the Kingdom of Light.

There is also the Temple of Gods.

In their eyes, the Divine Armament Hall in the Divine Realm is more like an arsenal of interstellar civilization. Many technologies unique to the Kingdom of God are not available, not even the various blessing auras that are necessary on every battleship of the Kingdom of Light of.

The only one with this kind of halo function is a sun chariot, but that is the car of the **** king. It is said that it has been passed down from ancient times, and there is no second one.

Let alone the "gate of heaven" that can be opened anytime and anywhere.

Even Valhalla has a lot of problems.

Although the Hall of Valor in God's Domain can also keep the souls of believers alive, the time it can last is quite limited. Once the time exceeds the time limit and fails to convert into angels, the souls will still collapse.

Unlike the Kingdom of Light, as long as believers enter the Kingdom of God, their souls can exist forever.

In general, the god-level technology system in God's Domain is far inferior to that of the Kingdom of Light.

But even so, God's Domain has still become a sixth-level overlord-level civilization. The power of the Kingdom of God's technology can be seen from this.

God level civilization