Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1362: Reunion!

The refining of the ghost pill is actually not that difficult. Human beings with a system that can absorb the nether energy are the most important place for refining ghost-quiet gods. To meet this point, in fact, as long as you understand alchemy, even people who are new to alchemy can do it. system!

The main medicine of the ghost pill, called Jingshen grass, is a rare herb. The role of the main medicine is to refine the ghost and calm pill. Generally, it will only grow in places where the nether energy is sufficient. By the way, the Nether Realm of Nether Qi is everywhere, but there is no growth of this kind of herbal medicine.

I have to say that this kind of tranquil grass is simply a strange flower!

Sanfen Guijing Shen Pill naturally has three Jing Shen grass, although for Lu Chen, this Jing Shen grass is not very useful. But habitually, he still tightened one of them into his Hongmeng Pearl, and asked Xiao Ling to transplant all the herbs.

Fortunately, the old grandmother was worried about the loss of medicinal power, so she kept the materials of these three ghost pill very well, so all the materials of these three ghost pill were just taken off, and they did not dry up. !

After handling these two things, Lu Chen naturally began to refine the Ghost Jing Shen Pill. With the assistance of Lu Chen, the two medicinal materials were all successful. More importantly, for each of them, Lu Chen actually produced two ghost-quiet magic pills. I have to say that Lu Chen's character is really good!

It’s useless for Lu Chen to keep the Ghost Jing Shen Pill, and he also transplanted a piece of material just now and planted it in the Lord Hongmeng. Therefore, Lu Chen directly gave the four pills to the old man. The old man saw that there were four points. Ghost Jing Shen Dan couldn't help but look at Lu Chen in surprise.

Lu Chen smiled lightly, and said, "I have a better character in alchemy, my success rate is better, and my alchemy rate is also higher. So for three herbal medicines, I refined a total of four. Haha, give them all. You are gone, anyway, I keep it, and it has no effect!"

The old grandma nodded, but did not refuse, she gave Lu Chen a grateful look, then put away the extra Ghost Quiet Pill, holding one in her hand, and came to the front of the small house, walked into the small house, and excitedly put what was in her hand. The pill was slowly stuffed in, lying in the small house, in the old man's mouth.

The ghost pill is indeed an elixir taken by ghosts. As soon as it touched the body of the old man lying on the bed, the ghost pill took the initiative to fly into his mouth and entered the ghost pill in his mouth, turning into a gray mass. The mist, like the nether air, slowly followed the old man's body and began to revolve.

As the mist of the ghost pill revolves, the old man's body seems to have gradually come to life. Similarly, the mist of the ghost pill becomes smaller and smaller, until it finally disappears. As the mist disappeared, the old man seemed to slowly wake up!

"Hmm..." In the old man's mouth, there was a slight noise, and his eyes opened slowly. There was a sense of confusion in his eyes. Obviously, he was not quite clear about what happened and why he was lying here. Here...what is it!

"Old woman?" The old man looked around in confusion. When he saw the old man next to him, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes, and even more disbelief, he whispered: "Old woman, I... Am I dead? Don't you..."

Having said this, the joy in the old man's eyes was instantly replaced by sadness, and an indescribable sadness emerged from the old man.

"Old man, this is not the Netherworld, but the Human World!" The old grandmother said with a smile when she saw the old man's appearance.

"How is it possible, I'm obviously dead, how can I still be in the human world?" The old man said in disbelief.

"Yeah! But you guessed it. We are indeed dead. But don't you think that we are dead now, many times better than when we were alive?" The old grandma smiled gently, and will be old. The old man got up from the bed and walked out of the small house slowly.

"Where is this place, and why does it feel so comfortable? What is this black-gray gas?" the old man asked in confusion.

"You and I are both ghosts now. The gas that makes you feel comfortable is naturally the nether gas. But let's not mention this now. If it weren't for a child to help us, I'm afraid you are still asleep. , I’m going to have a good chat with you when I finish dealing with that child’s affairs!"

Following the grandmother's explanation, the old man's eyes also noticed the only human body in the entire cave, that is, Lu Chen's body, with gratitude on his face as well.

"Child, thank you, thank you for waking me up and letting me see my old woman again. Although I don't know what happened on earth!" The old man said to Lu Chen playfully like an old naughty boy. , And then slowly walked towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen shook his head lightly, and said, "Don't thank me, I didn't put much effort into it anyway. Speaking of which, I was still wrong. If it weren't for me to be here, I wouldn't bother you. Up!"

"My boy... what you said, if it wasn't for you to enter it by mistake, how could my old man wake up now... everything is fate! Wait, I will send you the three girls now !" The old grandma glared at Lu Chen dissatisfied, and waved her hand, a dazzling black light flashed, and Lu Chen vaguely saw three figures appearing in the black light.


Immediately afterwards, there was a familiar scream, which made Lu Chen's face show a trace of joy.

"where is this place?"

"Hey, it's strange... Lu Chen, why are you here?"

After the black light passed, the three women finally showed up and looked around, while Hu Wanyue saw Lu Chen at a glance, and there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

Although Lu Chen was also very happy at this time, he inevitably made a look of dissatisfaction. He said: "You guys, you are not brave! Can you come in anywhere? But fortunately, you come in this time. The place is not very dangerous, and people have not embarrassed you, otherwise we might not be able to see each other now!"

Lu Chen's words caused the three women who were about to plunge into Lu Chen's arms to stop, with a look of aggrieved expression on their faces. With their heads down, their eyes were full of resentment, but they also knew that Lu Chen was telling the truth, and the three of them were so courageous!

"Child, don't talk about them anymore. Being able to reunite and see each other again is a kind of happiness!"

The old man on the side naturally saw that Lu Chen was not at all angry. He glanced at the old woman beside him slightly, and said with emotion.

When Lu Chen heard the words, he smiled at the old man, and really stopped talking nonsense, opened his arms, and greeted the three women.

Seeing Lu Chen's open arms, the three women burst into tears and laughed at each other. Then, like a gust of wind, they plunged directly into Lu Chen's arms.

The behavior of the three women made Lu Chen very happy. He hugged the three women tightly in his arms, rubbed the three women gently with his chin, and muttered: "Yes. Being able to meet and get together is a kind of happiness, what else can I say!"

The three women were naturally moved by what Lu Chen said again. Tears flowed down, although I heard the old man say before, but after all, there is no such feeling, and some of them have happened again, so they have a unique experience, and naturally weep with joy!