Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1408: Metal ball! (two)

And as the color of the protective cover around the metal ball became thicker and thicker, it naturally meant that the protective cover became thicker and thicker. Lu Chen immediately thought of these thousands of mental powers, and began to guess. The cover is to prevent these mental powers from escaping!

"What the **** is going on?" Lu Chen cursed secretly, looking around with a little unhappy.

After checking for a while, Lu Chen found that his current position was close to the protective shield and the thousands of mental powers, between the two.

This position is about one-tenth the area of ​​the entire metal ball, and now in this position, only one's own divine consciousness exists. And as the small bright spots continued to flicker, every time Lu Chen's divine consciousness was enveloped by those icy auras, he felt that his divine consciousness began to dissipate and gradually turned into spiritual power.

Divine consciousness belongs to higher levels of spiritual power, so if you have spiritual power, you don’t necessarily have spiritual power. However, if the outside world wants to absorb a person's divine consciousness, it is impossible. Only after it is possible to transform divine knowledge into spiritual power can it be absorbed.

For example, what Lu Chen is encountering now is such a situation!

"Wipe, this metal ball, isn't it what Yan Jiayuan uses to absorb other people's divine consciousness?" Lu Chen finally reacted, muttering somewhat puzzled.

But soon, Lu Chen rejected this idea, because Lu Chen discovered that this metal ball was something that Yan Jiayuan didn't know at all, and those qualitatively changed cells were not a good thing for Yan Jiayuan at all. People like Yan Jiayuan would never allow such a thing to exist in her body.

It’s said that the fairy gas absorbed by this metal ball was slowly absorbed by a line created by the metal ball in a very secret situation. If Yan Jiayuan knew about this metal ball, wouldn't Yan Jiayuan Will take the initiative to transport the fairy spirit into the metal ball.

It's not like it is now, little by little, carefully and extremely cautiously.

There is another, the position of the metal ball is a bit wrong. If this metal ball is to absorb mental power, then if Yan Jiayuan knows, it is most important to say that this metal ball is placed in her own sea of ​​consciousness, rather than the position of the back waist. This actually has no effect on Yan Jiayuan.

In this way, Yan Jiayuan did not understand the existence of this metal ball!

Although it is not clear what exactly this metal ball is, Lu Chen can't care about it now, so he has to understand this metal ball! What he needs to do is to quickly withdraw his spiritual consciousness from the metal ball, or prevent his spiritual consciousness from being transformed into mental power by the metal ball and absorbed by him.

However, for Lu Chen, the metal ball’s transformation of spiritual consciousness was somewhat unexpected. The small bright spot only flickered twice. After releasing the air-conditioning twice, Lu Chen felt that his spiritual consciousness was about to be completely transformed into spirit. force. Divine consciousness is now in a mixed state of spiritual power and divine consciousness.

Although the little bright spot only beats once every once in a while, this time period is too short. If calculated according to time, it will only be about one minute. I want Lu Chen to be in this situation of completely ignoring the enemy. , Retreat within one minute, it's a bit difficult!

"What the **** is it? It's already in this state anyway, do you want to rush over to see, what is this little bright spot?" Another half minute passed, and half a minute left, Lu Chen Still had no idea, so he said secretly in his heart.

"Forget it, fight it!"

In the end, Lu Chen really had no choice. He was cruel, mixed with Lu Chen's little consciousness, and rushed towards that little bright spot.


The divine consciousness didn't rush far forward, Lu Chen's body felt a loud noise in his mind, just like two huge sounds just hitting each other. The sudden loud noise made Lu Chen abrupt. Frozen, the two ears kept roaring!

But at this time, Lu Chen didn't pay attention to the condition of his own body at all, controlling the consciousness of that trace of divine consciousness. He only felt as if he was hitting a piece of glass, making it a mixture of divine consciousness and spiritual power that was about to become spiritual power. It also tends to dissipate.

"Wipe, what's the matter?" Lu Chen reluctantly controlled this trace of his own consciousness before observing the surrounding situation. Only then did he discover that he had actually appeared next to that little bright spot, and only then did Lu Chen realize that It turns out that this small bright spot is not small at all, but very big.

If Lu Chen's spiritual consciousness is equivalent to a little ant, then that little bright spot is at least the size of a basketball. Lu Chen had never imagined that this little bright spot would have changed so much when viewed from a distance and from a close distance. Doesn't that mean that the little bright spot was actually very far away from him just now!

Lu Chen just hit the small bright spot. Around it, there was also a protective cover. But speaking, this protective cover should be carried by the small bright spot. Lu Chen could feel this layer. The protective cover, compared to the protective cover near the surface of the metal ball, is too much!

"What's this?" Lu Chen's mental consciousness transformed into a hand, and gently tapped on the protective cover around the small bright spot, making a "bang" sound, like knocking at home The sound of the windows is the same. Is this protective cover actually glass?

Of course, Lu Chen himself did not believe this speculation.

"Huh, how did it disappear?" Lu Chen turned around and inadvertently took a look, and found that when he was approaching the surface of the metal ball, the nearest layer of mental energy that he observed near the small bright spot had disappeared. Thousands of mental powers, but also because of the disappearance of this layer of mental power, suddenly reduced by about one-tenth.

And after this part of the mental power was completely absorbed by the little bright spot, under the observation of Lu Chen's divine consciousness, it was surprisingly increased by a circle. Of course, this punch was less than one thousandth of the whole little bright spot.

In other words, one-tenth of thousands of mental power, but it increases the area of ​​the small bright spot less than one-thousandth. If you say that, isn't this little bright spot already absorbed, and with hundreds of thousands of mental powers, he can grow to where he is now.

Although speaking, one hundred thousand copies of mental power seems to be very huge, but according to Lu Chen's observation and understanding, these hundreds of thousands of mental powers are actually not much. On the whole, there is not as much mental power as Lu Chen's own knowledge of one millionth in the sea.

Of course, this is not the main thing, nor is it something Lu Chen needs to understand. It's just that Lu Chen has some doubts about where these hundreds of thousands of mental powers come from. Could it be that, like yourself, there are at least more than 100,000 people who check Yan Jiayuan's body with God's consciousness and are absorbed by this metal ball?

Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. Although to be honest, he also admitted that Yan Jiayuan is indeed very beautiful, but he did not expect that there are so many people who would have such thoughts and use spiritual knowledge to observe Yan Jiayuan's...body, herself That's all, Xiao Ling reminded Yan Jiayuan that there is something she needs in her body, so what about the others?

Ha ha! I'm afraid they are all holding that kind of mind now, and use their spiritual knowledge to check Yan Jiayuan's! Lu Chen couldn't help thinking with a smirk!