Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1558: The so-called hell!

Hecilia didn't break free, her face was blushing, she leaned her small face on Lu Chen's chest, her sweet smile made her look so happy!

"Let's go!" Just when Lu Chen was about to take further action, Hecilia suddenly saw the black light in the distance, blinked and said.

"Hmm...well!" Looking at Hecilia's pure and beautiful eyes in his arms, Lu Chen looked around, and suddenly found that the environment here is really inappropriate, and the guardian of the Yin-Yang channel who has just disappeared suddenly. Lu Chen didn't know where he was hiding, whether he was peeking at them, Lu Chen didn't know.

So Lu Chen felt a little guilty for a while, patted Hecilia on the shoulder, nodded, and then took Hecilia's hand, slowly moved towards the bottom of the passage, and continued to walk.

"There, it should be the exit!" Similarly, Lu Chen also discovered the existence of that black line. If it were just now, Lu Chen might just think that it was a black hole created by the fragmentation of space, but at this moment, Lu Chen could already be very Sure, that black line is definitely the real exit!

The two of them rushed towards the black line without any hesitation.

"Sure enough!" The place where the black line is is at the end of this channel. At this time, it can no longer be called a black line, but a huge black hole. Even if this black hole passes, it is not the so-called exit. But now, Lu Chen and Hecilia can only move on, or they can only retreat to the top of the moat.

However, standing at the entrance of the black hole, you can clearly feel that a strong suffocation is gushing in the black hole, and you want to pass through the black hole, but there seems to be an invisible film at the entrance of the black hole, blocking the suffocation The eruption caused them to wreak havoc on the other side of the black hole.

"go in!"

Inside the black hole, the suffocating anger caused Lu Chen's footsteps to stop, and for a long time he could not make a decision whether or not to enter.

Of course, the reason why Lu Chen was so late in making up his mind was not because he was worried about himself, but because he was worried about the girl next to him, Hecilia. After all, Lu Chen could not guarantee what was on the other side of the black hole, and this time, unlike the previous times, this time it was obvious that the other side of the black hole was very dangerous.

Therefore, after seeing Lu Chen hesitating and realizing the worry in Lu Chen's eyes, Hecilia instantly understood Lu Chen's concerns, so she said without paying attention.


"Nothing! Isn't my original purpose for experience? Even without you, if I want to leave this place, I might also enter. In that case, I am afraid I will enter by myself. Since I can alone Enter, now add you, why can't it!" Hecilia looked at Lu Chen and said firmly.

"Okay!" Lu Chen didn't hesitate this time, he directly took Hecilia's hand and got into the black hole.

However, before drilling into the black hole, Lu Chen certainly did not forget to help Hecilia get a protective shield.


As soon as they entered the black hole, the two of Lu Chen clearly felt a strong hurricane, roaring continuously from around the two of them, as if to blow their whole people away. Fortunately, Lu Chen helped Hecilia get a protective cover in advance, otherwise Hecilia would be a little embarrassed at this time!

Apart from the roaring hurricane, the biggest feature of this section of the black hole is that everything around it seems to be enveloped by a thick black fog lock. Although it is not like before, in the passage, the black that you can’t see your fingers, but It gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

In the black mist that enveloped everything, there seemed to be some toxic substances. Although Lu Chen's body was very strong, direct contact with these toxic substances also caused black spots on his skin to appear. It was only attached to the skin, and could not enter his body.

Lu Chen is all like this. If he were replaced by someone else, even if he had a very good cultivation base, if there was no precaution, if these toxic substances were allowed to enter the body, there would be only one end, and that would be undoubtedly death. No wonder the people who enter this have never gone out alive.

Not to mention the yin and yang guardian in the passage, and the things that Lu Chen hasn't encountered yet, these toxic substances, I am afraid that no one can resist except Lu Chen's metamorphosis.

"What's wrong with your body? You... are you okay!" Because of the protective shield Lu Chen made, Hecilia was not affected at all. Naturally, her eyes were always on Lu Chen's body. As soon as Lu Chen's body changed, he asked worriedly.

Lu Chen raised his head, smiled, raised his hand in front of Hecilia's eyes, waved it, and then said, "Of course there is nothing more, look..." As he said, a white light flashed on Lu Chen's body. Those small black dots were instantly blocked by a layer of invisible things from the skin, leaving no one on them.

Seeing that Lu Chen was really okay, Hecilia was relieved and wanted to reach out her hand to hold Lu Chen, but because of the protective cover, she could not touch Lu Chen, so she looked at Lu Chen pleadingly, hoping for Lu Chen was able to remove the protective cover that wrapped him.

"You can't...you definitely can't stand those toxic substances. You still carry them in the protective cover. After I am sure that there is no danger, I will let you out. Let's continue walking inside!" Lu Chen waved his hand, naturally It is impossible to remove the protective shield covering Hecilia!

Hecilia pursed her mouth in disappointment, knowing Lu Chen's purpose for doing this in her heart, so she didn't refute anything, and followed Lu Chen and continued to move forward.

The environment in this so-called **** is indeed more unbearable than the so-called paradise. Although compared with the barren world of cannibalism, there are flowers, plants and trees, but just look at Lu Chen when he came in. When it comes to the situation, you can clearly guess that the things inside must be highly toxic.

Otherwise, they cannot survive in this world.

It is for this reason that all the creatures Lu Chen and the two have seen so far are all black or dark green. Through the color, it can be clearly seen that the dark green is slightly less toxic, and the black... is absolutely deadly.

The wind is still roaring, and the surrounding plants are "swung" by the wind, which is comparable to the environment in horror movies. With the accumulation of these things, the atmosphere revealed is even more terrifying, even if Haixi Leah was already a master of the godly stage, but under the influence of this atmosphere, her body was trembling.

"We've been walking for so long, why haven't we touched anything!" Hecilia controlled the protective shield and touched Lu Chen, her voice trembling.

Hearing Hecilia's voice, Lu Chen felt something was wrong. Turning his head, he found that Hecilia's face had become a little pale. Looking at Hecilia's trembling body, he suddenly understood the sea. Celia couldn't help but feel a little ashamed on her face.

"Lea, I'm sorry, I forgot you...you girls, are very afraid of this environment!" Lu Chen said.

"It's okay, I can!" Hecilia smiled forcefully, shook her head firmly, and said: "I'm really fine, I'm just curious, why we have been walking for so long, the environment has always been like this, simply Didn't encounter any monsters, did it... the direction we were going in was wrong!"

PS: Monthly ticket pinch!