Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1891: The tranquility before the storm!

Before the sect of the Purple Lan Jianzong.

Lu Chen stood in the air, the wind blew, and his clothes fluttered, but it was a bit of a smell of dust. From a distance, the disciples of the Purple Lan Sword Sect looked from a distance, and their eyes were full of admiration.

"Our Sect Master, really, didn't choose the wrong person, this Lu Chen is really handsome!" A female disciple, holding her chin, looked at Lu Chen's posture, looking like an idiot.

"Cut, a guy who has never seen the world!" Next to him, a pretentious girl glanced at the female disciple with some disdain, and said, "All day long, like a nympho. When the time comes, which one to look at? Man, dare to marry you!"

"Those **** men, don't want them to marry me. Even if they want to marry me, they are at least a man of Lu Chen's level!" The female disciple said, her eyes were not willing to leave Lu Chen for a second.

The girl who pretended to be reserved was completely speechless, she could only grumble and roll her eyes, and said, "You idiot, just dream of it. You are a man like Lu Chen, how much!? The sect master can find one because the sect master is beautiful and attractive enough. As for you, hum, just go!"

On this side, the disciples were talking a lot, and the atmosphere was still happy, but in the place where Sikonglan and the elder stood, the atmosphere seemed a bit serious.

"I don't know, is it possible for Lu Chen to do what he said!" The second elder sighed. She still admires Lu Chen very much, but appreciation does not mean that for Lu Chen, there is Confidence, after all, the opponent he faced was the hundreds of thousands of cultivators in the Northern Territory. This was no longer something that one person could do.

"Look at it first!"

The Grand Elder sighed and said: "Anyway, this Lu Chen has saved my Zilan Sword Sect once. Without him, our Zilan Sword Sect would have already fallen into the abyss, so no matter what. , We all have to believe him! Moreover, it’s still early, even if the Canglan Ruins are present, the monks in all directions, it’s impossible. In such a fast time, we still have a while to come here. ."

The third elder also nodded. The elders of the Purple Lan Sword Sect were actually not as pedantic as Su Ying said. At least, even if the situation is critical now, they still chose to believe in Lu Chen.

"But..." The elder hesitated, and finally said: "We can't put all our bets on Lu Chen, you know, we are a sect, and what we carry is not just our own. Life, and my six hundred female cultivators of the Purple Lan Sword Sect! If Lu Chen can't resist, we must leave! Now, you should go and clean up! The current situation is changing rapidly, and no one knows, the next moment, will What happens, we should prepare early!"

The great elder ordered that the many female disciples of the Zilan Sword Sect naturally obeyed, and immediately returned to their rooms to make preparations.

Sikonglan and Su Ying stood on one side, but they didn't move.

Regardless of the situation, they would not leave. As long as Lu Chen was still there, they would naturally not leave, even if they lost their lives.

Lu Chen looked very relaxed with the tension between Zilan Jianzong. At this time, Lu Chen, standing in the air, was chatting leisurely with Qingyou.

"Hey, Lu Chen, in other words, are you really sure that you can fight the monks swarming from everywhere!? You know, this Northern Territory is not as simple as you imagined! At that time, you will lose your life, too. It's just a matter of blinking an eye!"

Qingyou's voice sounded, still the taste of ridicule.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "I said Sister Qingyou, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't hit me for a second!? If I had no confidence, would I stand here!? I don't have a hobby of finding death!"

"It seems that in your heart, the division of strength in the Northern Territory is not very clear!" Qing You sighed: "After all, you have just arrived in the Northern Territory, and you are not very clear about the situation in the Northern Territory! "

"What do you mean by this!?" Lu Chen was a little hairy in Qingyou's tone, and quickly asked.

Qing You smiled and said: "Since you want to know so much, I will tell you, but after I tell you, don't be afraid and run away!"

"Bullshit!" Lu Chen hummed, "My husband said nothing, it's hard to chase after him! Now that I have made a promise, then even if I die here, I won't take a step back!"

"So manly!" Qing You ridiculed: "I hope, when I say it, don't be afraid!"

Lu Chen yelled impatiently: "You're endless! No more nonsense, okay, brother, now, go find a latrine, let's throw the Five Elements Book!"


Qing You cursed angrily when she heard the words, but she patiently explained it to Lu Chen.

"The monks in the Northern Territory, in fact, if they are specifically divided, they are divided into three types. These three, naturally, each of them is actually inherited from the ancients, or is an item, to be able to violate the rules. The ability to cultivate! As for why items from the ancient times could have such an effect to evade the suppression of the rules, I am also very confused..."

"Speaking of the point!" Lu Chen rolled his eyes, whether this Qingyou was held in that Qing Nether Palace for too long! ? Now every day is full of nonsense, and finally, I start to explain to myself, but I don’t know it or not, and I start to deviate from the topic...

"Alright, alright!" Qing You hummed impatiently, and said, "Actually, these three types of monks have slowly developed over time!"

"Ten thousand years ago, a series of things happened, and no one knew what exactly they were. However, this series of things did end an era. The northern region was almost deserted. All the monks turned into smoke and dust. The power of rules has always restricted the birth of life. In this situation, I know that there are monks who inadvertently broke into this ancient world and changed! This incident, you should be clear, at that time, there was a lot of trouble, the ruins of Say, let countless monks break into this ancient world from another world through a special entrance! However, under the rules of the ancient world, these monks who have lost their cultivation are basically no different from mortals. , Simply can't hold back the brutal killings of this ancient world!"

"Gradually, the population shifted to the safer southern region. In the northern region, few people survived. However, the monks who survived in the crisis-ridden northern region, basically all, got some This kind of opportunity, some kind of ancient heritage, a person who can practice again!"

"What I want to say is that this type of people, this type of people, has directly received the power of ancient inheritance, and then the power of ancient inheritance, breaking the restrictions of the rules, and practicing against the sky! This type of people can be said to be , The most powerful and terrifying person! In the Northern Territory, if you run into such a person, it’s better to hide away! If this time in the Canglan Ruins, if there are such monks coming to join in the fun, how many are you? Go as far as you can, otherwise, it's really possible, your life won't be saved!"

Lu Chen was a little depressed and said, "According to what you said, I also got you. You are definitely not weaker than the power of the ancient inheritance!? Besides, I also have so many magical power seeds. Is it worse than those people!?"