Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1975: See the mysterious woman again!

Lu Chen was a little speechless. Seeing these cultivators crowded on the outermost periphery and enthusiastically discussing what was going on inside, he shook his head, and his curiosity was a little bit more.

With Zhen Yuan wrapped around his body, Lu Chen squeezed away from the crowd and walked inside.

After squeezing dozens of monks away, Lu Chen finally walked to the center plot.

Surprisingly, Lu Chen saw a familiar person.

It was the mysterious woman who fought with Lin Baihe in Lin Xuan Pavilion.

Lu Chen blinked and thought to himself, could it be that this woman is a demon repair business! Did Lu Chen's monks know? Otherwise, why would they be surrounded?

There are actually only a dozen people around her. Everyone is dressed in a tight-fitting suit, and one is in the same style. It seems to be a child of a certain family.

Lu Chen pulled a monk over and asked, "Brother! What's the matter?"

The monk who was pulled over by Lu Chen was about 20 or 30 years old, dressed up, very gorgeous, and his identity was not simple.

However, he was not as arrogant as some family children. Hearing Lu Chen's question, he gave Lu Chen a smile and said, "You didn't just squeeze in? Look at the fun?"

Seeing Lu Chen nod his head, the man suddenly extended a thumb: "Awesome! So many people can actually squeeze in! Admire!"

Lu Chen touched his head speechlessly, this guy didn't answer questions, he talked about all kinds of questions.

"Well, you just came here, don’t know what happened..." the man pointed to the crowd in front of him and said, "The woman’s god, mystery, came and was covered with a veil. I think I still know a lot of people in Biluo City, but I have never seen this woman... and those who surround that woman are the inner children of the Li family, and they are all good at strength. , I guess, that woman should not be an opponent!"

"The Li family!?" Lu Chen frowned and said, "Then why did the Li family dispatch so many inner sect children to deal with such a small woman?"

"Then I really don't know much! However, it is said that it seems that it was this woman who broke into the Li family's house! This is the reason why the Li family should not be chased by the Li family. I heard it came, but I can't take it seriously!"


Lu Chen nodded thoughtfully, stretched out his hand towards the man, and said, "Lu Chen...Thank you!"

The man also stretched out his hand boldly, shook Lu Chen, and said: "Ge Family, Grey! Take care!"

"It's the same!" Lu Chen replied politely, then patted him on the shoulder and said: "I'll go ahead and have a look! Goodbye!"

Grey nodded with a smile.

Lu Chen still has a good impression of Grey's kind of big family children who don't have a trace of arrogance.

A dozen of the Li family’s children blocked what the mysterious woman was saying. Because there were too many people and too noisy, Lu Chen couldn't hear clearly.

After walking a few steps forward, Lu Chen reluctantly heard a few words.

"Don't pretend to be dead for us! Do you think we can spare you if you don't speak? Say! What is your purpose for entering our Li family!" This is what the Li family disciple said.

A person next to him stabbed him and said, "Second brother, what can I do with him! I think, I just killed her directly! Once a hundred, let her enter our Li's house, why? That's it!"

The disciple looked arrogant and looked at the mysterious woman with disdain.

The disciple of the Li family, who was called the second brother, hesitated, and finally nodded. Then, he looked at the mysterious woman again and said: "You heard what we said? Give you one last chance. ! Otherwise, kill without mercy!"

The mysterious woman stood motionless, still silent.

The onlookers around immediately began to chatter.

"I see, this woman can't escape... Tsk, this Li family is really overbearing, did you break into the second house soon? It was beaten and killed! Really! This woman is so pitiful. !"

"Poor thing, I think that woman is faulty! The Li family asked and explained a few words soon! It is only strange that the Li family can have a good temper without saying a word!"

There was a lot of discussion, some said that the Li family should kill this woman, some said that this woman was pitiful, and some even said that this mysterious woman is a hidden master, and the Li family must not be an opponent!

The person who said this was immediately condemned by countless onlookers who were disdainful.

Lu Chen smiled when he heard it. Although this person was a bit nonsense, he was definitely not wrong. With the strength of this woman, compared with the monks in the Biluo City, and the people in the Li family, she was definitely taller in the world. The level of people!

You know, even a character like Lin Baihe has nothing to do with this mysterious woman! These ordinary disciples of the Li family, who are their opponents?

But speaking of it, although there are a lot of onlookers, none of them actually knows that this mysterious woman is suitable for Lin Baihe to fight! It is estimated that the time is too short, this gossip has not spread, otherwise, if you know that this mysterious woman even Lin Baihe can helplessly say, it is estimated that these Li family disciples would not dare to surround them.

Time passed bit by bit.

Those Li family disciples who surrounded the mysterious woman were also impatient. Seeing that the mysterious woman was still standing fluttering, her mouth under the mask didn't make a sound, and she was suddenly anxious, each holding weapons and rushing towards that side.

Lu Chen shook his head.

Lu Chen knew the origin of this mysterious woman, but Lu Chen also had a lot of doubts about this woman.

For example, why does she not speak?

Why does she only hide but not attack when she is playing against Lily?

There are still a lot of mysteries in this mysterious woman, but Lu Chen is not interested in taking care of it. After all, he is about to leave this ancient world, as long as the woman does not have an intersection with him before he leaves, it will do.

Thinking, Lu Chen looked at the center, and sure enough, the mysterious woman, amidst the siege of more than a dozen Li family disciples, fluttered and fluttered, like a dancing butterfly. The Li family disciples attacked her. Most of them are ineffective, even the Li family disciple is still out of balance by his changeable body shape.

Lu Chen had already guessed the result and didn't want to look at it anymore, so he simply squeezed out of the crowd.

Although the strength of this woman is good, it is not a threat to Lu Chen at all. After Lin Baihe has also cultivated his magical powers, it was only a matter of a moment to kill opponents of this level. Lu Chen, there is no threat. Take this woman to heart.

After pushing away the crowd, Lu Chen became aimless again.

At this time, a pair of big hands suddenly patted Lu Chen on the shoulder.

Lu Chen looked back subconsciously and saw Grey was standing behind him: "Brother Lu Chen, you played so wonderfully, why didn't you watch it?"

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, and said, "It's boring to see, the victory or defeat is decided from the moment of battle!"

"Oh?" Grey was taken aback for a moment, then gave a thumbs up, and said, "Brother Lu Chen has a good eye! Do you also think that mysterious woman will win?"

"That's right! Although the Li family is crowded and powerful...but if you really fight with the mysterious woman who is doing her best, you won't even have a breath time, you can hold it!"

Lu Chen's words caught Grey for a moment, he really hadn't noticed it.

"Tell me! I really can't see this! But since they are all out! Go... to the teahouse over there to talk?" Grey greeted like a familiarity.

Lu Chen thought about it, he didn't seem to have anything to do. Going back was nothing more than basking in the sun or something. At least, before Canglan had no good space passages, he had to stay like this!