Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 214: Extremely embarrassed!

"This...Is the blood ant afraid of water?" Lu Chen muttered!

"Probably so!" Lu Ye also replied in surprise when he heard Lu Chen's mutter. Especially when seeing those blood ants whose eyes were ferocious because of their bloodshot eyes, Lu Ye looked at these little guys in surprise!

"Try it!" Lu Chen struggled to avoid the blood ants crazily rushing towards him. A big tornado was issued directly from his hand, impartially in the middle of the large swarm of blood ants crazily in front of him. Guys!

"Tweet!" In the next scene, Lu Chen dropped their jaws!

Sure enough, as Lu Chen had guessed, these blood ants were really afraid of water. Those blood ants that were hit by Lu Chen's water spout screamed frantically, rushing to escape the area where the water spout was. And those blood ants who stayed in the waterspout for a long time, they turned their backs to the sky and lay motionless on the ground, much easier than when Lu Chen used the fire magic just now!

"MMD, I thought these blood ants had no shortcomings! It turned out that they were also afraid of water!" A smile appeared on Lu Chen's face. Now that he found a way to deal with these blood ants, Lu Chen would certainly not try to solve them with too much nonsense. After all, he didn't know if there would be any mutation after a long time.

"Ye'er, release water magic to your heart's content. It's best to cover the area in front of you with water!" Lu Chen glanced at the blood ant who was still out of sight, and said to Lu Ye beside him.

Lu Ye also understood Lu Chen's thoughts. Behind him was a natural barrier against blood ants. As long as he crossed the river, he believed the blood ants, there was nothing to be afraid of. The task now is to delay time, and then the two cross the river as soon as possible.

"Yes! Master!" Lu Ye nodded, putting away the flying sword in his hand. She did not take back that mirror! That condensed murderous aura still exists. Lu Ye is not so arrogant, thinking that if he finds a way to deal with the blood ants in front of him, he can resist their murderous aura!

More than a dozen large tornadoes were released, covering the large area in front of Lu Chen and them with water. And this water also forced the blood ant army to move back a certain distance. As a result, the distance between Lu Chen and them was once again restored to about 100 meters.

Just as Lu Chen and Lu Ye were about to wait for the boat leisurely, Lu Chen suddenly discovered that the ground here has a very significant seepage effect. In just a few seconds, the ground in many places, once again It became extremely dry, relying on these places, the blood ant army is slowly approaching Lu Chen and the others!

"I wipe it! What! How could this be?" Lu Chen cursed, and quickly released several large tornadoes in his hand, covering all the dry ground with water again. Then looking at the army of blood ants, once again had to retreat!

Lu Chen felt that he was suffering from the egg, and he played such a game with the blood ants!

This time, Lu Chen and Lu Ye didn't dare to be leisurely, and from time to time a waterspout came in their hands to replenish the dry places with water. Then while waiting for the arrival of the stone ship!

Living up to expectations, the speed of the stone boat is faster this time! Lu Ye climbed up without saying a word, she wouldn't say much this time!

Because Lu Chen discovered just now that the stone ship boarded three people and began to sink slowly, so this time, Lu Chen did not choose to go up, and directly let the two people on the ship pass as soon as possible, and then came to pick him up!

Even though there was a lot of magic power in Lu Chen's body, the release of so many big tornadoes made him feel a little powerless. I couldn't help but yelled at the power of the Harmony in the body again. If he could use the power of the Harmony, I would be so embarrassed!

"Hurry up!" After a few more waterspouts were released, Lu Chen's face had become a little pale, and at this time, Lu Ye and the others had just driven to the middle of the river. The blood ant army also thought that Neiluchen's power was inadequate, and once again appeared and advanced a little!

At this time, Lu Chen remembered that he seemed to have the identity of a summoner. If he had just thought of summoning more water monsters and then letting them help him release the magic, he would not be so embarrassed! But it was too late now, the magic power in Lu Chen's body was no longer enough for him to use high-level summoning magic once! And those low-level ones have no effect at all!

"I just don't know, can those medicines that supplement the true essence be able to replenish the magic power!" In Lu Chen's ring, there are also some of the last owners of the ring. Yes, as to whether he can replenish his magic power, Lu Chen really hasn't tried it!

After all, he had never been so embarrassed before!

In desperation, Lu Chen had no choice but to act as a living horse doctor, and took out a pill to replenish his true essence and put it into his mouth. The pill instantly turned into a stream of heat, along Lu Chen's throat, and into his body. Perhaps it was Lu Chen's luck. The true essence that the medicine can replenish was too **** compared to the power of Hongmeng. The power of Hongmeng in Lu Chen's body was completely ignored. In the end, most of the medicine disappeared. No, but there is still a half, slowly transformed into the magic in Lu Chen's body!

"It's really effective!" Lu Chen was overjoyed. He took out a large amount of pills and stuffed them directly into his mouth. He was not afraid of being blown up by the vitality of these pills! Of course, with the vitality of this pill, it is still somewhat difficult to burst Lu Chen!

Finally, after taking a lot of pills, Lu Chen burped contentedly, and his whole body was full of strength, which made him very happy. Although the power in his body is quite large, but in the face of the situation, those things can only be regarded as a pile of waste!

"Water spout..." The water spout was continuously released. As soon as he felt that his body's magic power was insufficient, Lu Chen stuffed a lot of pill, which was almost like jelly beans before eating! If Lu Chen's actions were seen by ordinary cultivators, he would definitely scold him for the prodigal!

"Master, come up!" Finally came Lu Ye's hello from behind Lu Chen. Lu Chen turned around and saw that the stone boat had been rowed over by Lu Ye again, and Lu Ye was standing pretty on the stone boat. Looking at her nervously, even though she knew that Lu Chen must be fine, she still worried her!

Lu Chen smiled slightly and quickly released a dozen waterspouts. After wasting the magic power in his body again, he ran away thinking of the stone boat, and took out a large amount of jelly beans from the ring and stuffed it into his mouth. ! No, I took out a lot of pills from the ring and stuffed it into my mouth!

But the delighted Lu Chen was hit again, because as soon as he got on the stone boat, the stone boat was speechless again and began to sink slowly. Lu Chen was wondering, did he provoked the river **** in this river before, so he didn't let himself cross the river!

"Young Master..." Lu Ye's face was at a loss. She never thought that the current stone boat could not be pretended by both of them!

"His sister! Sister Ye'er, come down and help me, I'll make another one!" Fortunately, in the **** abyss, there is no shortage of everything, but there is no shortage of stones. Lu Chen annoyed and shouted to Lu Ye, let her help herself "Faculty Protector" ", I am remaking a new stone ship!

Had it not been for the time spent making stone boats, Lu Chen had just built a dozen of them, one for each person, and crossed the river directly. Looking at the "river god" in this river, would he dare to fight against himself? !

After spending ten minutes again, something barely worthy of being aboard appeared in front of Lu Chen. Lu Chen threw the stone boat directly into the river water in a stupefied manner, then jumped up proudly, yelling: "You NND, I think you still let me cross the river this time!"

Facts proved that it was not the river **** who was doing the strange thing, but the stone boat that Lu Chen had made before. Something went wrong, and it couldn't bear too much buoyancy! And with the passage of time, the buoyancy is slowly decreasing, but it can still support a person to cross the river!

The boat made by Lu Chen was only enough for one person, so Lu Chen also threw out a few waterspouts against the blood ant colony, and then each boarded their own stone boats and quickly rowed towards the other side of the river!

The process was relatively safe, but just as the two stone ships approached the opposite shore, and when the two were about to disembark, Lu Ye found in horror that the pulling force on his body suddenly increased sharply, and then behind the stone ship began to slowly If it hadn't been for Feng Yi, who was standing on the bank, had been paying attention to her, it would have penetrated into the blood-red river, maybe Lu Ye would have fallen into the river at this time!

Lu Chen hurriedly jumped off the shore, then ran to Lu Ye's boat, took Lu Ye who was pulled by the wind, first broke the surrounding pulling force, and then quickly pulled Lu Ye back to the shore!

After everyone was safe and sound on the ground, most of them slumped to the ground. Just now because they were nervous, they didn’t pay attention, but now things are over. I don’t have the worry in my heart. I feel tired naturally. They quickly controlled their bodies!

"Mom! This **** abyss is really not a place for people to stay! A small river has brought us such a great difficulty, if we continue, we still don't know what will happen!" Catherine looked at still The rolling river could not help but sigh with emotion!

"What kind of river water! Actually, it's the blood ants! We wouldn't have been so embarrassed if it weren't for the large number of blood ants!" Li Yan said with a smack.

"Okay! Stop talking! Everyone quickly take this opportunity and take a good rest! I don't know what will happen for a while!" Lu Chen opened his mouth and interrupted the two of them.

When Lu Chen spoke, both of them opened their mouths, but there was no sound!

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