Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2679: Kayaya

Fan Yu took out this condition, and it also aroused Lu Chen's thoughts. It was quite correct. As expected, Lu Chen only hesitated for a while, and his figure flashed. The whole person was like lightning, producing a lot of phantoms. The expressions of those bandits and bandits were exceptionally wonderful. They had not seen it before. The cultivator had such a fast speed. The reason why they were able to suppress this fan guilt everywhere was that Fan gui's own speed was relatively slow. Under their keen skills, they can suppress Fan ashamed everywhere, they are triumphant.

I thought I could kiss Fangze. This Liu Shiting's appearance is really one in a million. There are many women they have seen, but they have never encountered such a superb one, so the robbers and bandits seem to be beaten. Again, this is not surprising.

With Liu Shiting's strength like this, they can exert their full strength, even their inner potential. These robbers and bandits do not have good training resources, but they also have a fierce strength, which makes them able to become famous here.

Now that Lu Chen took action, the thunderbolt was absolutely unheard of, something they had never seen before, and it instantly defeated the psychological defenses of several robbers and bandits. They only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and Lu Chen was in front of him. The foot pointed out that a bandit and bandit were like a kite with a broken wire and flew upside down. The other bandits and bandits were slightly confused, and immediately realized that Lu Chen is the real master. Compared with him, Fan Gu is inferior. Thousands of miles.

They always thought that Fan Shao was Lu Chen's bodyguard. Only then did they realize that they were wrong. The mistake was outrageous, but there was no regret in the world. After Lu Chen solved a robber and bandit, he did not stop impatiently. , But continue to shoot, every time I shoot, I can solve one.

In just a few moments, those people fell to the ground and screamed constantly. This was still when Lu Chen stopped, otherwise these people would be in different places.

Lu Chen is not a murderer, so he can't kill innocent people indiscriminately. Although these people are guilty and set their targets on them, they have to admit that they have no deep hatred with Lu Chen and will not be able to eradicate them. Of course, if they were replaced by Fan Xi, these bandits would not have such good luck. If Fan Xi wanted to stand out in front of Liu Shiting, he would definitely kill them.

Actually, Liu Shiting doesn’t like to fight and kill, but Fan Gu’s courtesy, she was a little bit dumbfounded, but to anger Lu Chen, she had already done everything, Fan Gu’s face was red, and he just dealt with a few hairy robbers. , There was still such a difficulty. At this time, Lu Chen showed the stormy means and solved several bandits and bandits. It was a disguised insult to him.

Fan Gu had not received such a big shame at Cangqiongmen before, but he understood Lu Chen's methods and looked at Lu Chen like a loach, which was completely beyond his imagination. Therefore, he did not aggressively deal with Lu Chen. Instead, he chose to watch the changes. Fan Gu took a deep look at Lu Chen, then took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart. For him, this was absolutely precious.

Fan Gu was originally a direct disciple of the Lord of the Fire Hall, and his temper is similar. The most direct manifestation is his unbearable mood, but in order to win Liu Shiting’s heart, Fan Gu must be able to bend and stretch. Important.

Liu Shiting was a little surprised. She glanced at Fan Gu and found that he hadn't done anything against Lu Chen. She didn't seem to be very happy. "Fan Gu, I've already said, you shouldn't do it, you are not the robbers and bandits at all. Opponents, have to try to be brave, hey..." Liu Shiting whispered and sighed. Fan Xi was slightly startled, and his face looked very ugly. He liked Liu Shiting very much, and I didn’t want her to be a little different. Satisfied place.

"Ting'er, this kid is too cunning. I took advantage of the fact that I had wiped out their aura of heaven and earth, and I started to take action. It's just taking advantage of the danger." The brilliance in Fan Gu's eyes was obviously aimed at Lu Chen. The hatred was deep in the bones, and he said so, it was reasonable, after all, he had done something to Lu Chen before, and Fan stared at Lu Chen ashamedly, that appearance was quite terrifying.

It’s a pity that Lu Chen ignored him at all, just waved his hand, "Let’s leave now." He didn’t want to waste time on the road, in case the villagers in Shili Township, because of their delay, caused more deaths and injuries. Then they were sinners through the ages. Lu Chen knew better about this.

"Okay." Liu Shiting nodded her head, and didn't care if Fan was ashamed, so that Fan was embarrassed, so she had to hold back the bad breath.

He didn't know whether Liu Shiting recognized his words, so he could only smile, and then followed them. Liu Shiting struck up with Lu Chen without saying a word, which proved her good intentions. After a long time, the three of them were methodical. It arrived at Shili Township, which gave people a rather insidious feeling. Although there were many flowers, plants and trees, they all showed a tendency to wither. Moreover, inaccessible places, it was not like a normal village at all. The atmosphere was Suppressing was a little out of breath, I had to admit that a powerful monster came here and ransacked the village.

Lu Chen's eyes were quick and quick, and a figure quickly rushed into a thatched hut, unable to avoid his observation. Lu Chen waved his hand, raised his brow, and said calmly, "Let's go and see the situation." He was slightly worried about whether this would happen. According to Lu Chen's inference, the strength of the monster beast is very terrifying, and even his keen senses cannot distinguish it. This is the most important point, Lu Chenliu After a thoughtful look, Liu Shiting and Fan Xi were taken aback for a moment, and he hesitated for a while, so they went to the thatched cottage with Lu Chen.

"Bang bang bang." Lu Chen still knocked on the door habitually. Although most of these villagers are ordinary people and a small number of them are cultivators, Lu Chen still respects them. This is in line with his own state of mind. The inseparable relationship, if it is another cultivator, I am afraid that this will not be possible.

Fan Gui was slightly impatient. Isn't Lu Chen wasting time? What nonsense is there with a group of ants, the house is silent, there is no movement, but Lu Chen is not impatient, just paused, and said solemnly, " Anyone? I’m a cultivator from the Cangqiong Sect. I heard that there is a problem in your village.” Lu Chen took the brunt of the speech. If this matter is handed over to Fan Gu, it will definitely be messed up.