Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2926: Spiritual Power

Lu Chen already knew what he should do in the future, but even if he knew what to do, Lu Chen had no choice but to fly directly to Zi Xin'er and the others.

Since he couldn't treat them well now, Lu Chen needed to treat those around him well.

Lu Chen did not give Liu Mei any guarantee, as long as he hugged Liu Mei's delicate body slightly, let Liu Mei feel his determination, and then the two of them once again followed the route Lu Chen drew before and continued on.

On the next journey, what made Lu Chen strange was that he clearly felt the presence of A-rank mutant beasts, but he didn't know why, it seemed that these mutant beasts were killed before they arrived!

This makes Lu Chen very upset!

Nima, how dare someone steal her business!

Without hesitation, Lu Chen took Liu Mei's small hand, speeded up his pace again, and flew forward.

After walking for about ten minutes, Lu Chen and Liu Mei finally heard the sound of a fight, and they took Liu Mei's little hand, hiding aside, and peeked.

A pair of men and women who seem to be about 30 years old on average are fighting a mutant red lion with an A grade.

This team should have been cooperating for a long time, and the coordination between them is quite tacit. In the entire team, except for two people who are A-level masters, the others are B-level masters.

But in the face of this middle-level A-level mutant beast, the team fought very easily, dealing with the mutant beasts handily, and even chatted with a few happily while fighting.

Lu Chen has already been able to confirm that it must be this team that is robbing himself of business. After all, so far, Lu Chen has also encountered this team in this city, and he can still face the A-class mutant beasts, so easy. Squad.

"Lu Chen, what shall we do?"

Except for the two A-level masters, Liu Mei could not see the strength, and for the other B-level strength people, she could easily see the strength of these people.

Faced with so many people, Liu Mei didn't know whether he and Lu Chen could deal with it.

Besides, there is no dispute between the two of them and this team. At most, the team robbed them of their monsters. In fact, robbing the monsters is not counted. Who made them come late!

And she knew that according to Lu Chen's personality, she would not come forward to greet them.

Sure enough, Lu Chen thought for a while before directly saying:

"Let's change the direction instead of going from here. Anyway, there are so many A-level mutant beasts in this city!"

After leaving here, Lu Chen took out the map again to calculate, changed the route, and continued to look for the trouble of those A-level mutant beasts.

Not to mention Lu Chen now, even Liu Mei can face an A-level low-level mutant beast alone, so the two of them face these A-level mutant beasts very easily.

In about half a day, Lu Chen's strength has directly reached the pinnacle of A-level. Like the pinnacle of B-level, he can break through with all his attributes just one point short of it.

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly found a problem, the bottleneck Liu Mei said, he even felt it!

Finding a place to rest, Lu Chen told Liu Mei about his current situation. Liu Mei didn't even think about it, so he said directly:

"Your mental power has not been transformed into a spiritual gold core! So your strength will naturally be stuck at the peak of A-level. Also, is there any vitality in your body, if not, you want to break through S-level. It's also more difficult!"

"Spiritual Gold Core? Vitality?"

Naturally, Lu Chen hadn’t completely solidified the spiritual power in the sea yet, but if he wanted to solidify, Lu Chen believed it should be relatively simple. However, Lu Chen had never heard of vitality. I don't know what kind of energy this is!

Is it possible that the achievement is the kind in my body, I have never seen it before, but can use the energy of magic like aura?

Lu Chen suspiciously talked about the energy in his body with Liu Mei.

But before Liu Mei had met Lu Chen, her own strength was only E-level, and she naturally didn't understand this thing at all. Hearing Lu Chen's doubts, she was even more confused than Lu Chen.

He shook his head helplessly and said:

"Lu Chen, you also know my situation, so I don't know at all. What kind of energy is the so-called energy in your body? Maybe it is the so-called vitality. After all, besides the spiritual power, there is no such thing in my body. The existence of this energy!"

Lu Chen sighed and didn't say much. He still knew about Liu Mei, so he waved his hand helplessly, lying on the bed, thinking in his heart.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen felt a little bored, so he observed the mental power that was slowly condensing in his sea of ​​knowledge.

In fact, when he reached the strength of Lu Chen, even if he didn't do it himself, those mental powers would automatically and slowly gather together to form a golden core, but this time is relatively long, and it may take decades.

There are not many people who can reach A-level in strength, but those who can achieve it are naturally not young. They are already used to the slow increase in strength, so for the spiritual strength of the golden core, they are in line to be able to quickly. They can’t wait quickly and slowly, because they have enough time to wait anyway.

After all, people who can cultivate their own strength to A-level will have a long life in this world. It is said that they can exist for at least a thousand years, or even ten thousand years!

But this is a matter of endless textual research after all. It is only a short fifteen years since the end of the world. There are indeed people who have cultivated their strength to A-level in this short fifteen years.

But the problem is that although those people can feel that their lifespan has been greatly extended, they don't have a data-based attribute list like Lu Chen, so naturally they can't clearly feel how long they can live.

But they can still feel that their life span should not be less than a thousand years!

Since there is a thousand years of time to provide one's own cultivation, the fifty years of spiritual energy transforming the golden core, in their opinion, it is not that long.

But for Lu Chen, that wouldn't work. His strength improved very quickly, let alone fifty years, it took five years to transform his mental power into a golden core. He would feel the long time.

Naturally, he will find ways to make himself aware of the sea, so sufficient mental power, as soon as possible to transform into a golden core, if he can complete this step in a few days, for that, nature is the best!

But the problem is...