Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3004: The world of demons

A faint, warm ray of sunlight from somewhere in the sky spilled onto the ground, making the blood-red ground look even more scarlet!

"Xiaoling, do you know what happened during this time?"

Lu Chen saw that Xiao Ling was still in his body, and the Hongmeng ring and the Hongmeng suit appeared on his body again, but Lu Chen couldn't understand why his Hongmeng sword was held by Shui Yulan and placed it on him. Lujia.

"Master, has it been a long time? I clearly remember Master, you entered a mysterious black hole from that island in the Dragon Soul Continent, and then I felt that we were here!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Lu Chen nodded, it seemed that Han Linxing's mysterious world rules were also sealed off by Xiao Ling's consciousness, making her think that she would directly enter this world through the black hole.

"Master, Mister Shui Yulan doesn't seem to be in this world!"

Xiao Ling's divine sense detection was not worse than Lu Chen's, so while she responded to Lu Chen's words, she helped Lu Chen check the existence of Shui Yulan.

She was not aware of this world, and she had already entered another world instead of the small black hole she entered with Lu Chen the last time she was conscious.

"I know, she is indeed not here, but I came to this world for other purposes!"

Lu Chen's divine sense swept away, and the world was completely enveloped in his divine sense in an instant. I don't know if it was an accident or something. Lu Chen discovered that he had condensed in the sea of ​​knowledge only after he had fallen to Han Lin star The spiritual power golden pill is still spinning in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Speaking of which, divine consciousness and spiritual power belong to the same thing, divine consciousness is the product of advanced spiritual power.

But in Lu Chen's current sea of ​​knowledge, the huge divine consciousness tightly wrapped that spiritual power golden core.

"It seems something is wrong!"

Lu Chen observed the spiritual power golden core in the sea of ​​consciousness. The original transparent spiritual power golden core seemed to be covered with a golden coat at this time, and compared to the color of the condensed spiritual consciousness, it was golden. .

"Could it be that your own spiritual power golden core has directly become a god-conscious golden core?"

Lu Chen was a little puzzled, knowing that his divine sense had already become the golden core of divine sense, and later it directly condensed into a holy soul, fusing with the soul in Lu Chen's body.

Now that the divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness condensed into golden cores once again, Lu Chen didn't know that this was a divine situation! Could it be that there will be another situation where the golden core of divine consciousness breaks the infant into a god, and once again merges with Lu Chen's soul?

Now Lu Chen's soul is no longer an ordinary soul, but a holy soul, a holy soul that never breaks.

But even so, it could still be blocked by Han Linxing's rules.

This made Lu Chen had to sigh. As expected, before he became a saint, even the rules in a world like Han Linxing were not something he could resist.

But how did Lu Chen know that even if he became a saint, he could already create the world on his own, and when he set the rules independently, he still couldn't resist the rules of a world, at best he would compete with each other!

Unless his strength can break through the Holy Lord and reach...

Of course, those were things for the future, and Lu Chen didn't think much about those things for the time being.

Talking about the Golden Core in the Sea of ​​Knowledge again, Lu Chen didn't know what to do for a while, so he had better think about it. Forget it, no matter what, it wouldn't have much impact on him anyway, it seemed to have some benefits.

In addition to these golden cores, there are also those vitality qi in the body that were directly swallowed by Hongmeng. Now the vitality qi in Lu Chen's body is quite large, and it is not that a little vitality can resist, so he can only be helpless by Hongmeng. The gas is swallowed.

As for the previous time, at Han Linxing, perhaps because of the power of the rules of the world, Hongmeng Qi and vitality could compete with each other, and no one can deal with it!

Can only occupy half of Lu Chen's body!

"Father, what should we do now?"

Lu Hao asked.


Just now after Lu Chen’s divine sense completely enveloped the world, except for some places where it could not be seen through divine sense, he found that most places had creatures like the little earth demon soldiers that he had seen before. Killing each other!

It can be said that this is a world full of slaughter. The reason why the ground turns blood red is because of the blood of countless earth demons.

Since these earth demons only know how to kill, naturally they will not be too polite, and kill them together!

Lu Chen also discovered that this Earth Demon world resembled the surrounding Styx in the Primordial Era.

There was a filthy atmosphere everywhere, a blood-red river running through the entire world, and the river inside was indeed full of scarlet blood.

This is the river formed by these earth demons. They don't know how many years of slaughter have passed. Because of the formation of this river, these earth demons don't know how many died.

Hundreds of millions? Hundreds of billions? Trillions? Hundreds of millions?

Lu Chen didn't know how many earth demons had died, but apart from the area where Lu Chen was now, it was not known if it was because there was no river of blood flowing through it. Not only was the surrounding desolate, but there was also no earth demons.

And as long as the blood river passes through, there will be countless demons within tens of thousands of kilometers.

These earth demons grew up slowly from the silkworm cocoon at the beginning, breaking open the blood-red cocoon shell that wrapped their bodies, and there appeared blood-red silkworm-like worms.

These worms don't have any consciousness, they only know to swallow each other, swallow the surrounding cocoon pupae that haven't come out of the cocoon shell, and when the body grows larger, they swallow other similar worms that have emerged from the cocoon.

The worms swallowed each other, causing their bodies to evolve once again, becoming those creatures that Lu Chen had seen that looked similar to but weaker and weaker, and then continued to swallow them.

When they evolve again, they will become creatures like the little earth demons that Lu Chen has seen.

It can be said that there are no less than hundreds of millions of companions killed when they emerge from the cocoon and grow into an Earth Demon soldier, and this is only the situation when they evolve into the Earth Demon soldier.

However, Lu Chen knew that with this huge strength, the area covered by the river of blood was quite large, and the blood demons at all stages there were counted in trillions, especially the cocoon pupae like silkworm cocoons, which were densely packed. Countless.

Perhaps it is precisely because of such a large number that the environment for the growth of the earth demons was created, because and only in this way, they can master the few resources in their own hands.