Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3098: Helpless to kill

After revealing his appearance of the Dark Wing Clan, Lu Chen directly retreated from his invisibility and walked into the small town.

The Dark Wing Clan in the small town did not notice Lu Chen who appeared, which made Lu Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

This small town is not particularly big, so Lu Chen worried that those Dark Wing tribes, when they saw their strange faces, would run over to ask him, so that his identity would be exposed again.

And what made Lu Chen breathe a sigh of relief was that the language of these Dark Wings was also a human language, just a bit similar to the local accent, but Lu Chen could still understand their meaning easily.

There are many different shops in the whole town. Lu Chen found a bookstore and walked in, wanting to see some things about this dark wing clan.

Very simply, Lu Chen found the existence of these books. After reading them very quickly, Lu Chen was stopped by the bookstore owner as soon as he was about to leave.

I saw the boss with a slight sneer on his face, stretched out his hand to Lu Chen, and said:

"Welcome to visit next time, Chenghui Ten Magic Fans!!"

Lu Chen naturally knew that the so-called magic powder was a kind of currency here, and ten was naturally the price.

Where does Lu Chen have any toner, and he hasn't bought anything at all, so he can naturally know that the owner of this bookstore is cheating him.

He glanced at the bookstore and found that there was no one here, and the bookstore owner's strength was very low, so Lu Chen sneered in his heart, stretched out his hand directly, hugged the bookstore owner, and then yanked out Hongmeng. The sword wiped the boss' neck directly.

Obviously, this insidious bookstore owner who wanted to say something to Lu Chen never expected that Lu Chen would be so bold and dared to kill him directly. Unfortunately, he no longer knew it.

After killing the shop owner, Lu Chen stuffed the owner into a cabinet and collected all the toner on his body and the toner on the counter. The quantity was still quite large, which was a full 100,000.

These magic powders are standard crystals the same size as millet grains. Ten thousand magic powders are just as many as a bowl of rice.

Now that even the owner of the shop was killed by Lu Chen, Lu Chen didn't bother to leave now, picked up the other books in the bookstore again, and looked at it carefully.

In the end, it took Lu Chen half a day to read all the books in the shop, and now Lu Chen finally had a certain understanding of this dark wing clan.

The entire huge mountain with an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers from the outside is the territory of the Dark Wing tribe. Their population is about one billion, including one imperial city, eight main cities, and countless under the main city. Of various small cities and towns.

Each town wants to communicate with each other, and there is no teleportation array, and it can only rely on walking or taking a car.

Just like the small town where Lu Chen is now, it takes several days to get to a major city by car, not to mention the imperial city.

Of course, this was because the vehicles of these Dark Wings were very slow, much slower than Lu Chen's own speed, and of course, much faster than those cars on earth.

Lu Chen has also found it. The so-called dark wing stone is the holy stone of the dark wing tribe. This kind of stone is only available in the imperial city. It can speed up the cultivation of the dark wing tribe, and the number is very small. It is impossible to take it away from the imperial city.

Because of this, the star beasts and dinosaurs need the dark wing stone to activate the teleportation formation, and these dark wing tribes need the dark wing stone to practice, which naturally leads to conflicts between the two races, but they never expected this. The number of planted stones is too small.

After finding a route, Lu Chen prepared to leave this small town and hurried to the imperial city of the Dark Wing Clan.

Lu Chen hadn't thought about it now. He wanted to annihilate all the Dark Wings, because they didn't provoke him, and it seemed that these Dark Wings were also a branch of the human race. Kill them. For Lu Chen, It's really against your intentions.

However, when Lu Chen came out of the bookstore, he found that the whole town was plunged into a very strange and serious atmosphere.

There are darkwing fighters everywhere, and as long as they pass by a darkwing tribe, they will be pulled and asked to take out something similar to an ID card for inspection. If they don’t, they will be checked by those darkwing tribes. The man pulled up and stopped.

Lu Chen thought for a while, and he walked back to the bookstore and took out the ID card of the Dark Wing Bookstore owner. He also changed his appearance to the bookstore owner. After that, Lu Chen left the bookstore again. Next, Lu Chen, who had his ID card, didn't have to worry at all. The Dark Wing fighters stopped him.

Sure enough, Lu Chen left the bookstore again and met a fighter from the Dark Wing Clan. His ID was also checked, but after seeing the ID of the bookstore owner in Lu Chen's hand, he let him go.

So next, Lu Chen left here quickly. He knew that the fighters of the Dark Wings would definitely find that the bookstore owner had been killed by himself, so it was naturally impossible for Lu Chen to stay here, and that ID card, You must also be thrown away by yourself.

Along the way, Lu Chen didn't know how many small towns of the Dark Wing tribe he had passed through, and he also ate a lot of the food of this race. To be honest, the taste was only average, but it was still edible.

Every time Lu Chen passed through a small town, Lu Chen would find a hapless member of the Dark Wing tribe to kill, and change his appearance to the appearance of the person he killed, and at the same time would take the person's ID card.

Lu Chen actually didn't want to do this, but he found that all the towns of the Dark Wing Clan were becoming extremely nervous now. There were soldiers of the Dark Wing Clan everywhere. This made Lu Chen very helpless and could only do nothing. Change his identity, otherwise he is very likely to be spotted by these Dark Wing fighters immediately.

It was precisely because of his constant change of identity that he was not immediately discovered.

Finally, after my countless investigations, Lu Chen finally came to a big city with stricter security. After seeing this big city, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his distance to the imperial city was only half the distance, because it was dark. One of the eight main cities of the Yi Clan.

However, Lu Chen knew that the route he walked along the way might have been guessed at his destination, so next, Lu Chen did not immediately set off for the imperial city of the Dark Wing Clan.