Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3204: not trusted

"Are you sure it's okay?"

Uncle Hunter still asked a little bit unbelievably.

"It's really okay, if you don't hurry up and do your business, uncle, this group of night demons will leave!"

Lu Chen pointed to the group of Night Devil Leopards in front of him and reminded him.

"Okay! Then I'm going to prepare!"

After the Uncle Hunter finished speaking, he disappeared.

Lu Chen didn't know where Uncle Hunter went, but after waiting for ten minutes, he didn't see Uncle Hunter appear, and the group of Night Devil Leopards in front of him seemed to be quite far away from Lu Chen. Arrived.

In desperation, he had agreed to Uncle Hunter's request. Lu Chen had to jump from the top of the tree and rushed directly into the night devil leopard group. In his opinion, Uncle Hunter was originally to wipe out this group of night devil leopards. Help the uncle solve it, there seems to be no problem.

So Lu Chen directly rushed into the night devil leopard group, killing one in twos and threes. The direct attack of the Hongmeng Sword and the long-range group attack of five thunders made Lu Chen cooperate vividly.

The 40,000 attributes of all attributes were added again. Lu Chen’s attack power has now increased a lot. In just ten minutes, Lu Chen directly killed all the night devil leopards, which had 100 heads. Up.

Lu Chen knew clearly that the monster corpses in this game had been refreshed for a long time, so the corpse of the night devil leopard fell on the ground, but he did not put it away. He just sat among the corpses of the night devil leopard and waited. The arrival of Uncle Hunter, he believed that Uncle Hunter should be able to find him here.

What made Lu Chen complain about was that this group of very high-level Night Demon Leopards did not explode anything to him. Except for the corpses in one place, there was nothing, and these corpses were still unable to move. Uncle Hunter can only collect after the inspection and acceptance.

And maybe, Uncle Hunter needs the corpses of these night devil leopards to be useful, and he might not even be able to get the corpses by then.

But thinking of Uncle Hunter's magical exploration skills, Lu Chen felt a little itch in his heart, hoping Uncle Hunter could come over soon.

But Lu Chen waited and waited. After waiting for a long time, he didn’t see Uncle Hunter appearing. He thought that Uncle Hunter was playing tricks on himself. He didn't even think about solving this group of Night Demon Leopards. He just wanted I am like a second fool, just waiting here.

Maybe, this guy is hiding somewhere now, peeking at his jokes!

Because after waiting for a long time, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little impatient, and some suspicious thoughts naturally appeared immediately.

And just when Lu Chen felt that Uncle Hunter would not come over and was about to collect the bodies of these Night Devil Leopards, Uncle Hunter suddenly "swished" and appeared in front of Lu Chen with a surprised and embarrassed smile on his face. Said:

"Little brother, I'm sorry! Some things have been delayed, so I just came here now, but why are all these night devil leopards dead?"

"I killed it!"

Lu Chen's tone was not so good, after all, there was some resentment in his heart for anyone who had waited so long.

"You killed it?"

Unbelievable Unbelievable, Uncle Hunter turned on his exploration technique again and looked at Lu Chen carefully.

As a result, Lu Chen had the feeling of being watched from head to toe again.

"I said uncle, it is very impolite to peek at other people's information without the permission of others!"

Lu Chen glanced at the uncle and suddenly said.

"You... can you feel that I'm checking your information?"

Uncle Hunter quickly turned off his detection technique, and Lu Chen didn't have the feeling of being peeked at.

"Why can't you? You haven't peeked at my information now... I said, uncle, what are you doing to annihilate these night demon leopards? Now I'll do it for you, I don't know if it counts as completed yours. That task, can you give me your exploration skills?"

"Yes...Yes! But I hope you can do me a favor, little brother!"

Uncle Hunter suddenly said sadly.

"Help? You won't have to let me wait for you for so long again!"

"No...no, don't worry, little brother, I will definitely not make up this time!"

Uncle Hunter's face showed that awkward look again, grinning, and said:

"Do you know why I want to annihilate this group of night devil leopards? My village is in Yeping Hessian. I was accidentally attacked by these night devil leopards. Most of the people in the village were killed and injured. Actually speaking, I myself I don’t know if I can annihilate this group of Night Demon Leopards, but I didn’t expect that, little brother, you are so powerful!"

Uncle Hunter glanced at Lu Chen, then said again:

"Although I don’t know how you solved this group of Night Demon Leopards, little brother, I hope you can help me kill the leader of this group of Night Demon Leopards-the 80-level god-level BOSS Night Demon Leopard King. I hope to get Your help, little brother, help me kill it!"

Lu Chen still heard a trace of distrust from Uncle Hunter's tone. After all, who can believe that a little rookie with only a dozen ranks can actually deal with a group of monsters of rank 60 or 70, and the number of monsters in this group, It is definitely not less than one hundred.

Although the whole ground is full of the corpses of the Night Devil Leopard, the Uncle Hunter obviously doesn't believe it without seeing it in person.

However, Uncle Hunter asked Lu Chen to help him kill the 80th-level God-level Boss Night Demon Leopard King. He was very sincere. He really hoped that Lu Chen could help him and kill the 80th-level God-level Boss Night Demon Leopard King. .

Although Lu Chen felt a little upset about Uncle Hunter's distrust, he also understood why Uncle Hunter was doing this, so he thought for a while, and then said:

"Well! I can help you kill the Night Devil Leopard King. I don't know where the Night Devil Leopard King is now. Of course, I hope you can teach me your exploration skills now!"

"Thank you so much, little brother! I will definitely teach you the exploration technique. I will also take you to the place where the night devil leopard king is. I am not going to let you kill the night devil leopard alone. Wang, but I want to work with you to kill the Night Devil Leopard King!"

"You still don't believe me! You don't want the corpses of these Night Devil Leopards, right! Then I will put them all away!"

Lu Chen was a little helpless, and didn't believe in himself for Uncle Hunter. I still felt a lot of pain in my heart, so I didn't bother to talk about this topic at all, and pointed to the corpse of the night devil leopard underground and asked.