Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3252: The whereabouts of the lost city

But it should be Lu Chen who is more depressed.

He had come to Rock City for the first time, and he had never heard of Yan Yu before. How could he arrange a so-called spy next to Yan Yu.

For Lu Chen, doing these things was thankless, so it would be better to do some meritorious tasks and directly upgrade the title.

Therefore, the feeling of something in Yanyu's words made Lu Chen very uncomfortable. If it weren't for knowing that Fengming and Yanyu have a good relationship, Lu Chen would not care about Yanyu's identity at all, so he would go ahead unsatisfied. Up.

"Big Brother Yanyu is really joking, what do I think, don't you understand?"

Although Feng Ming knew that Yan Yu had suddenly made such a guess, it was not excessive, but his statement still sounded a little uncomfortable.

In the same way, she also considered that she still wanted to hear some news about the Lost City from Yan Yu, so as to help Lu Chen find the Lost City. I am afraid that Fengming also turned around and left directly.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to her whether this Lost City is or not.

"Sister Fengming, I'm sorry, the eldest brother admitted to you wrong here!"

Fengming said so, Yan Yu knew in her heart that she had been thinking too much, so she quickly said apologetically to Fengming with embarrassment, and said at the same time:

"In this case, my elder brother will first admit a mistake to your sister, whether you accept it or not, then the eldest brother, I will tell you, I just got some news about the Lost City!"

Yan Yu said, looking at Feng Ming, and found that Feng Ming had no reaction at all, as if he really had no interest in the Lost City.

And Lu Chen, although the mission is about the Lost City, in fact, he didn’t think too much about whether he could get news about the Lost City from Yanyu. It’s natural to get it, but it’s not possible. Lu Chen also I believe that with his own character, it is not that difficult to find the Lost City.

Now that Yan Yu is willing to tell himself the latest news about the Lost City, Lu Chen naturally has no such thing as happy or unhappy.

"The Lost City is not actually in Rock City!"

As soon as Iwayu spoke, he directly denied the fact that the Lost City was most likely to appear in such a long time.

"Not in Rock City? Are you not in Rock City, or are you not in Rock City's sphere of influence?"

Feng Ming wasn't a fool either. When she heard Yan Yu say this, she didn't immediately show a look of shock. Instead, she thought about it slightly before asking such a question.

"Of course it is no longer within the sphere of influence of Rock City. Rock City was built after the legend of the Lost City was first established. So how could the Lost City be inside the Rock City wall?"

Yan Yu couldn't help but laughed a little. Seeing Fengming's current appearance, he suddenly wondered what the relationship between Fengming and Lu Chen was. The two did not seem to have the kind of relationship between the siblings they just recognized. It seemed that Fengming really cared too much about Lu Chen.

Of course, Yan Yu did not immediately ask about this matter. He glanced at Lu Chen and said:

"The original legend was that the Lost City was buried in the rocky desert. Just like the current rock city, it was swept by such strong wind and sand every day. The once brilliant Lost City was truly lost and eventually disappeared. In front of everyone.

But in fact, according to a series of investigations, it was found that the Lost City could not appear in the rocky desert. So the previous series of stories about the Lost City are just some useless secrets, and if they are not good, they are all nonsense! "

"Then why can't the Lost City be in the rocky desert?"

The task Lu Chen received was to find the Lost City that disappeared in the rocky desert, so Lu Chen always thought that the Lost City was in the rocky desert, so at the beginning, he hadn't come to Rock City. , Even if I just came to Rock City, I didn't meet Yan Yu before.

Lu Chen’s own plan was to go to the earth and rock desert first. Although the mission showed that the earth and rock desert was quite huge, Lu Chen didn’t care about it. He only needed to pass some clues and he believed that he should be able to learn from the earth and rock. In the desert, I found the Lost City.

But now it can almost be said that the owner of the rocky desert, the city owner of Yancheng suddenly and clearly told him that the Lost City is not in the rocky desert, and when he is no longer in the rocky city, Lu Chen feels a little painful.

The task of finding something magical horse is the most annoying!

Lu Chen scratched his hair a little irritably. He suddenly regretted taking over this mission. When he first took on this so-called only hidden mission, one was for the superb billions of experience, and the other was for watching. When the word "lost" is reached, it feels quite mysterious and there should be treasure in it.

So he didn't think too much, Lu Chen took the task directly, but now it seems that this task is not as simple as he thought!

Lu Chen now wants to give up this task as much as before, but seeing the billions of experience, I feel a little headache, and the mysterious Lost City and the treasures hidden in the Lost City, Lu Chen feels a little coveted , I really can't bear to give up such a task.

But think about it, Lu Chen didn't know whether he was worth doing this task.

Although it seems that the reward is very generous, even after finding the Lost City, everything in it may be his.

But the problem is that you must find the Lost City to get these rich rewards and the treasures in the Lost City.

Lu Chen didn’t know how long it would take him to do this task. If it was only ten and a half months, or even one month, it didn’t matter to Lu Chen. He still had the confidence to do this task, but if the task required If it took a few months, six months, or even a year, Lu Chen felt that there was no need to do this task.

Because it's not cost-effective, and wasting such a long time, Lu Chen might as well go to boring mobs. As long as he can survive this period of time, Lu Chen's level will not be able to directly increase, and he won't have to worry about anything else. It only takes time to find the sacred artifacts of Hongmeng.

Naturally, these considerations of Lu Chen could not be known by Fengming and Yan Yu. The two of them looked at Lu Chen's extremely irritated expressions and couldn't understand what Lu Chen was thinking about now, if it weren't for Yan Yu to be by his side. Fengming was about to ask directly.

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