Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3396: Chaos

After Lu Chen's disturbance, the valley suddenly became lively.

Countless people in Ranwind City have heard about this incident, and they have become interested in the powerful characters who are not afraid of this day. Moreover, this trouble, the ownership of this treasure mine, has become uncertain. Those who are not interested are ready to come and join in the fun.

Most of the people were in high spirits, but those forces from the royal city had extremely ugly faces.

Originally this time when the treasure mine was born, they had already decided to exclude the city of Ranwind. At this time, Lu Chen let in a lot of people from the city of Ranwind.

Among them, there are many big families in Windwind City.

This time there were a lot of people in the Royal City. The big clans and big forces in the City of Windwind were ready to let go, knowing that they couldn't compete with those forces in the King City, but they jumped out of a Lu Chen and stirred up a stream of clear water.

Suddenly, many Ranwind City families felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of them. They had been extremely coveted for the treasure mine, but at this time they were eager to grab some benefits from it.

And all the messed parties, Lu Chen, were very leisurely at this time, turning around in the crowd, chatting with many people and inquiring about news.

Although Lu Chen only came into contact with ordinary people, and heard all gossip, Lu Chen still filtered out a lot of information, such as some big families in Wangcheng, and certain forces in Ranwind City. , And those families have disputes with those families.

This information is optional. Although it is not of much use, it is always better to know than not to know.

The only thing that made Lu Chen frustrated was that he had been talking to those people for a long time, knocking on the side, trying hard, and didn't find out where the king city was.

It's not that they don't say, but they don't know.

This Guiyue clan is really strange. It is obviously powerful and can dominate this world, but it has been unable to escape from the world. I don't know why! Even the people of the Guiyue clan do not know where the royal city of the Guiyue clan is located, which is really depressing.

Regarding the existence of Wangcheng, Lu Chen also inquired about some dispensable news.

The Royal City is located in a very remote place. No one knows the way to go. They use the Teleportation Array to communicate with each other. They are guarded by the army, and people who are not from the Royal City cannot enter.

There is another saying, that is, hundreds of years ago, Ghost Moon King discovered a new world and established a new king city there. No one knew where it was. Only the teleportation formation could enter and leave.

There are many similar news.

The people of the Guiyue clan didn't know where the royal city was, and they were depressed. They didn't know how many gossips they had made up, all of them sounded true, and Lu Chen couldn't tell whether it was true or not. In the end, he gave up.

What these people say is not reliable!

I'm still looking for opportunities to start from the children of the royal family! They came from the royal city, if you don't know where the royal city is, it's impossible!

The valley was full of turbulent winds, overwhelming the sky, flying sand and rocks, but they couldn't stop the enthusiasm of these people at all, and their sights were concentrated on a few low mountains not far away.

According to people who know the news, the treasure mine is between these low mountains, not very deep from the ground, but a rare open-pit mine, and the amount of mine is amazing! At this time, someone was digging continuously, and it would soon be exposed to the ground.

Lu Chen was not in a hurry to get the location of the treasure mine.

After all, the treasure mine has not yet been born, and the power of these Ghostyue clan is still very calm, and I don’t have the slightest meaning in the past. It is enough to be able to get the information of the Ghostyue clan that I want from the periphery. .

Suddenly, the crowd rioted.

"It's windy!" someone shouted.

"What are you talking about? When is there no wind in the Valley of the Storm?" someone said with disdain.

"This is not an ordinary wind!" someone said: "This City of Chaos Wind is not an ordinary existence, there are amazing things, and there are often terrifying winds, which are completely different from ordinary winds and can tear human bodies! We! Just avoid it!"

Someone had already acted during the conversation, and they had taken out the hole after some mountain bags, and some people had left here directly, preparing to return to the city of Freewind.

Lu Chen looked into the distance, black clouds pressed from the depths of the valley, and a cold breath came out in the air.

It's no wonder that the city of Chaos Wind was built in Taniguchi, with such a high wall, and for many years, the valley has been unattended and few people come in. It turned out that there was such a vision.

I don’t know what lies deep in the valley. The valley is low and concave. It shouldn’t be windy, but it’s against common sense here. There are constant gusts and horrible hurricanes. Something must have caused it. of.

Lu Chen was curious in his heart, thinking about going to the depths of the valley to take a look after the matter here was resolved.

Everyone was already looking for a good place to hide. Although Lu Chen said he was not afraid of this terrifying hurricane, he didn't want to make himself look too special. He also dug a hole on the edge of a small hill and got into it.

Suddenly the whole valley was quiet, with only the constant whistling wind.

There is only one place where there is still a loud voice at this time, and that is the location of the treasure mine. A group of people are working hard to dig the ground. They have already dug all the ground. They have reached a few meters below the ground. Above the ground, there are wearing People in Huafu are constantly urging: "Quick! Quick! Quick! Leave the hurricane alone, let the treasure mine be born as soon as possible!"

Although those digging workers were frightened, they were helpless and could only keep working hard, hoping that the hurricane would come later.

"Patriarch, do you stop first?" Someone asked, "This hurricane is terrifying, and these workers will not be able to resist it. Moreover, if the hurricane has been hit, the ground that has been dug up here will inevitably be razed to the ground. , I will re-dig!"

The face of the old man who is called the head of the clan is constantly changing. This treasure mine is of amazing value, and there are precious existences in it. He is afraid of nights and dreams, and wants to dig it out as soon as possible and occupy it alone, but there is nothing for him. It went so smoothly. Someone made trouble first and put in a large number of Stormwind forces. Now there is a hurricane. If this continues, there will be a lot of family forces competing with him for this treasure.

But this is also no alternative.

"Retreat first..." The clan leader thought for a long time, and finally gave the order. It is no use to be anxious now. Even if the treasure mine is dig out as soon as possible, other forces will inevitably sting over like flies and swallow them. It is impossible.

When the man heard the clan leader say, he nodded hurriedly, and went down to prepare. Suddenly the clan leader stopped him again with a serious expression: "I am here personally, you know the importance of it! I will definitely get this treasure, even if I can't keep it. Mine, you must also hide the things in it, order to go down, and let Wangcheng send someone over again!"

The man was frightened, did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly retreated...