Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3403: Absolute suppression

A bitter aura radiated from Lu Chen, and it was breathtaking. Many people in the family were shocked and backed away, keeping a distance from Lu Chen, fearing that he would suddenly start their hands.

A master like Yue Kong, under Lu Chen's hands, can't even handle a single move! Who can stop him?

The owner of the Yue family is also discolored.

Only the leader of the scaly beast cavalry was not afraid, holding a gun straight forward, and fighting raging, said to Lu Chen: "Dare to challenge the majesty of the Yuejia! Let me pass the test first!"

The cavalry behind him also stepped forward one after another, lined up in groups, towards Lu Chen.

"You are killing you!" Lu Chen shook his head and said with a sigh, "If this is the case, I will fulfill you!"

The strength of Yuekong before can only be said to be reluctant, but now these scaly beast cavalry are really like ants in front of Lu Chen!

The power of the scaly beast cavalry lies in the charge, a powerful instant burst of power, which can crush any formation! However, these cavalry can only bully those forces in Ranwind City!

In front of Lu Chen, they could not exert their combat effectiveness at all. After all, the cavalry did not exist for fighting alone!

They are destined to be defeated!

The fact is like this. The cavalry burst out with all their strength and charged towards the place where Lu Chen was. They were shockingly powerful, but they were easily avoided by Lu Chen.

Immediately, Lu Chen's treasure amulet flashed light, and he rushed into the cavalry ranks, and began a wanton massacre!

Now that he decided to suppress this group of people, Lu Chen didn't keep any hands. Almost every second, someone was blown away by Lu Chen!

Although these scaly beast cavalry are wearing heavy armor and have amazing defensive power, they still cannot withstand Lu Chen's attack. All those who are concentrated by Lu Chen have their scales broken, vomiting blood, and some are straightforward. Was bombed into pieces.

After a few breaths, this scaly beast cavalry was dead or injured! Even the leader of the scaly beast was punched in the chest by Lu Chen. If he hadn't reacted quickly and blocked it with a wind shield, it was estimated that he would have become two halves.

Seeing that his family's scaly beast cavalry had no resistance in front of Lu Chen and was almost about to be wiped out, the Yue family lord finally couldn't help but hesitated.

The strength of this person is really terrifying, almost no one here can withstand an attack from him, and, in his current state, there is no chance to go to the palace for help!

How should it be? Give up the treasure mine?

While the Yue family lord hesitated for a while, a dozen more scaly beast cavalry were killed by Lu Chen.

The Yue family lord finally couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted with sweat, "Stop! I am willing to give up the treasure mine, and please be merciful!"


Lu Chen stopped, stood among the scaly beast cavalry, rolled his face, and said, "What did you just say?"

Standing in place without any movement, the scaly beast cavalry around Lu Chen were all trembling and afraid to move. They were trained to put life and death behind their heads, but now they look at the murderous aura. Lu Chen still couldn't help but his heart trembled. The scaly beast cavalry had always been invincible in the past, and had never encountered such a terrifying opponent.

The owner of the Yue family is also sweaty at this time. The arrogance on his face before, I don't know where he went, and he looked trembling and said: "I just said that the more I am willing to give up the treasure mine and quit here! I still hope! Your Excellency let us go!"

The Yue family master wants to understand now that these people here are absolutely impossible to be Lu Chen's opponents. Even if they continue to resist, the final result will be completely destroyed by Lu Chen. When the time comes, the treasure mine There is still nothing for them. Instead of that, it is better to be smarter and give up the treasure mine earlier! In that case, some casualties can also be reduced.

Although he thought so in his heart, the Yue family lord was still unwilling.

This treasure mine is not that simple! Let go so easily, when the time comes, I don't know who will end up in the hands! This time I thought I was in front of each family because I was well informed, and I hoped to be able to swallow this treasure before the other families reacted. I didn't expect Banlu to kill such a person!

The plan was almost bankrupt.

The only thing that made the Yue clan lord feel a little relieved is that although this guy is very powerful, there is only one person after all. Even if he gives up the treasure now, this guy, with the power of one person, it is difficult to be extremely Unearth this treasure in a short time! Unless he cooperates with Freewind City.

It's just that this may be too small.

still have a chance!

I am regressing now, and at that time, I can lead the master of the clan to kill again!

Thinking about it this way, the Yue family leader was decisive, not worrying about gains or losses.

"Very good! Is this wise!" Lu Chen laughed, and he didn't want to be too arrogant! It’s not that he is afraid of revenge from these families. It’s just that he didn’t come to fight the Guiyue clan this time. Instead, he wanted to know some information. If anyone noticed it, he might even have information about the royal city. Can't talk about it.

"Then let's retreat!" The Yue family lord exhaled suddenly, feeling like escaping from birth, greeted his tribe, and left here quickly.

"Wait a minute! Don't leave in a hurry!" At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly said, and the Yue family members who had just shown some relaxed smiles suddenly became stiff again.

Does this evil **** want to turn back?

Wouldn't it be that you want to keep us all here? With his strength, it would be very easy to say killing them!

Lu Chen saw these guys stiff faces and cold sweats, he immediately laughed, and said, "Why are you so nervous! I said that if I don't know how to do it, I won't make a mistake. I will definitely let you go. See if you have cooperated!"

"How do you want us?"

The Yue family lord can be regarded as hearing it, this guy has something to do for himself and others, not for their lives, he relaxed a little, wiped a cold sweat, and said: "I don't know, what do you want, we must do our best !"

"Don't worry, it's not for you to do anything..." Lu Chen smiled and said, "I just want to ask you some questions! As long as your answers satisfy me, you can definitely get out of here in good health. !"

"It turned out to be like this!" The Yue family leader nodded repeatedly and said: "Your Excellency, just ask, as long as we know, we will definitely inform you!"