Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3512: Tibetan Blue Orb

Almost just in an instant, those strange beasts were already close to the crowd.


Seeing the reaction of the mysterious people, the soldiers felt a little desperate, and seemed to feel that those guys were simply unreliable. Therefore, in this case, they could only draw out their weapons and prepare to fight back.

Ten soldiers were left before, but now the soldiers left here, and the people in the Ghost Department, add up to only eleven. The small number of strange beasts before has caused them serious casualties. Now these strange beasts The whole army was dispatched, and it was endlessly pounced, almost no possibility of survival.

"Damn it! Fight it!"

A soldier shouted in a sad voice.

After speaking, he rushed towards the strange beasts.

Anyway, there is no chance of surviving, it is better to fight for life and die bravely.


Seeing the soldiers' movements, the mysterious people snorted disdainfully: "The General Mansion is really stingy. Sending such a bunch of wastes is useless at this critical moment!"

"The meaning of their existence is to delay time. It looks like they are almost done!"

Another mysterious person looked up, glanced at the glittering orb above his head, and said with a smile.

Seeing this group of mysterious people, they were dismissive of the lives of their companions, and these soldiers immediately became annoyed.

But so what! Even if these guys were extremely upset, they only dared to imagine it in their hearts and would never dare to speak out.

After all, the mission this time is of great importance. It is the personnel selected by the general and the orders given by the general, and each of these mysterious people is of high authority.

They have been in the army for many years, and almost all of them have been brainwashed. If they have complaints, they will only be buried in their hearts.

The soldier who rushed over was quickly torn apart.

He didn't die in vain. When his blood splashed out, the thirsty beasts used it one after another, vying for his flesh and blood.

In such a cruel scene, I saw all the soldiers gritted their teeth.

"Damn, I can't stand it anymore, these beasts, I'm fighting with you!"

Several soldiers had red eyes, waving the weapons in their hands, they were about to fight the alien beasts desperately.

"Stop it for me!"

One of the mysterious people behind him said: "The difference in strength is so great, why are you courageous and desperate? Now you only need to hold on to it. As long as you can buy a little time, we have the hope of living!"

Listening to that person's determined tone, Lu Chen immediately wondered whether these guys really had a way to solve these strange beasts? These strange beasts are extremely fast, with thick skins and extremely high defenses. Even if Lu Chen wants to kill them one by one, it is quite difficult. These mysterious guys who look fragile, again What kind of method is there to solve these strange beasts! ?


The strange beasts kept screaming, vying for the broken corpse on the ground. After a while, the soldier had no skeleton left.

At this time, the eyes of those strange beasts instantly shifted to Lu Chen's side.


Those strange beasts rose into the air one by one, turned into black shadows, and immediately rushed to everyone.

The soldiers panicked one by one, and the hands holding the weapons tightly were shaking constantly. Lu Chen frowned and was also ready to take action.

But at this moment, the mysterious person in the crowd shouted: "Everyone is moving closer to me! Quick!"

Before the words fell, the hidden green orb in the mid-air instantly released a beautiful light, which shone like a meteor and enveloped everyone.

At the same time, above the orb, a huge blue light curtain rose up, almost occupying most of the space of the tree hole, instantly surrounding everyone in it.

Everyone retreated, one by one entering the light curtain formed by this orb.

The alien beasts were already approaching at this time, rushing towards everyone at an extremely terrifying speed.


With a deafening boom, the alien beast that leaped over was shot out instantly, slammed against the decaying wooden wall, causing a cloud of smoke.

The hidden blue light curtain was a translucent color. In the light curtain, everyone could clearly see the appearance of the strange beasts staring at each other.

It seems that they have not reacted to the effect of this dark blue light curtain. The alien beasts are still constantly initiating charges, constantly rushing towards everyone, but they have been caught by this navy blue light curtain.

This dark blue light curtain seemed to not only block the attack, but also seemed to have a great ability to rebound. After the strange beasts hit it, they were basically bounced back at the fastest speed.

"This light curtain... is so powerful!" These soldiers are completely inferior to the power of those in the clan. They have all grown up through hard work, and no one has seen such a magical one. Everything was stunned at once.

"There is such a baby, why didn't I use it before? If I took it out earlier, maybe my companions would not die and become the rations of those animals!" Another person said with sigh, very sad.

"Don't whisper about this, how can you understand the minds of those adults?" The soldier captain was obviously brainwashed and scolded the soldier.

"Don't blame him!"

At this time, a mysterious person said: "The reason why we did not shoot is because there were no conditions to shoot... This gem is not used to stop these strange beasts, but has another function, and it must be placed. It can take effect here. That's why I let you retreat and delay time!"

"That's it!"

The soldiers nodded one after another, and the resentment hidden in the hearts of those mysterious people disappeared.

Lu Chen laughed. He had already seen that for these people, the few remaining soldiers were nothing more than cannon fodder. The reason why the effort was spent explaining was probably just to stabilize the hearts of the people.

But hearing what the mysterious man said, Lu Chen suddenly felt a little curious.

Since these hidden blue orbs are not meant to stop the alien beasts, but for other purposes, what are these hidden blue orbs used for? Is it related to their purpose of entering this forbidden land?