Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3528: Constantly reorganizing

These strange beasts are all composed of that black smoke. As long as the smoke does not disappear, these strange beasts will continue to regroup, regenerate, and will not dissipate.

Moreover, on the body of the mysterious man leader, black smoke continued to gush out, continuously fusing into these alien beasts.

If time drags on, these strange beasts will only become more and more powerful.

"It's really annoying!" Lu Chen shook his hand. A flame of tens of meters long burst out from the Great Flame Sword, shattering four or five alien beasts composed of smoke. Under extremely high temperature, these few The alien beasts were all blasted into fragments, although they could still be reorganized, but the loss was huge, even if they were reorganized, there was no threat.

Lu Chen planned to blast these strange beasts apart in this way, so that even if they were able to regenerate, they would become extremely weak due to the great loss.

But what Lu Chen didn't expect was that the many smoke that had been blown away did not recombine each other, but merged into one place.

Immediately, the black smoke diffused by the crushing of the four or five alien beasts finally condensed into one end. Although they had just received great damage, the fragments of the four or five alien beasts condensed together. Become a monster with a larger and more solid body.

"It's not over yet!?"

Lu Chen felt a little painful.

"In that case, don't blame me for being impolite!" Lu Chen sneered, the tree of supernatural powers in his body was bright, releasing endless supernatural powers. All these supernatural powers were transformed into the wild burning supernatural powers. Power, endless flames, surged over Lu Chen's body.

Fire is the best way to deal with such an alien beast composed of smoke. The smoke will never disappear. Even if it is blasted into fragments with the force of space, it will recombine very quickly. Only flames will cause it. The biggest damage.

The flames condensed on Lu Chen's body were like a huge flame coat covering Lu Chen. These flames were extremely condensed, as if they had formed a solid body.

Under the envelope of these flames, Lu Chen seemed to have turned into a huge burning man. The surging flames formed a phantom. This phantom was placed on Lu Chen's body and was taller than Lu Chen's figure. At four or five meters, it is almost like a flame giant.

And Lu Chen, standing in this huge flame phantom, what kind of actions Lu Chen makes, this phantom will evolve as usual.

As if at this time, this huge flame shadow was like Lu Chen himself.

Lu Chen took a step forward, reached out and grabbed it, and directly pinched a strange beast made of smoke in his hand, smashing it instantly with his five fingers.

Countless black smoke wanted to escape from between Lu Chen’s fingers, but at this moment, turbulent flames burst out of Lu Chen’s palm, and it also overflowed from Lu Chen’s hand. The smoke fragments that wanted to escape, burned into ashes.

"What is this again?" The mysterious people were all stunned at this moment.

It’s not because of anything else. At this time, the huge flame phantom that Lu Chen created was a bit too shocking. Above the flame phantom, it exuded terrifying pressure and temperature, as if to talk about this. The whole place was reduced to ashes.

After condensing the flame phantom, Lu Chen set out to solve the indestructible black smoke, the strange beasts that could not be completely eliminated anyway, at this time, each one became extremely fragile.

Lu Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed it and pinched it, and there was a strange beast directly chewed to pieces by Lu Chen.

It didn’t take long for the phantom that was staring at Lu Chen’s sky. At this time, it was immediately lost by one-third, and most of the rest were also broken. Under Lu Chen’s continuous offensive, Dodge in a hurry.

Any attack will have a way to crack it. These smoke monsters are indeed very strong, but they also have shortcomings. Now Lu Chen has found their most vulnerable place and crushed them one by one.

Seeing Lu Chen's movements, the face under the mask of the mysterious man's leader turned pale.

This is one of his most powerful combat methods. He rarely uses it. Once used, under such a crazy offensive, almost no one can resist.

However, what made him unexpected is that Lu Chen's attack and defense methods are endless, and his own assassin method is so vulnerable in front of him.

The head of the mysterious man gritted his teeth, and the fingerprints in his hand changed suddenly.

The alien beasts composed of smoke suddenly dissipated, turning into wisps of smoke, floating in the air for evasion.

Immediately, Lu Chen felt that he could no longer grasp things.

The smoke was extremely subtle, and the speed was very fast. After the strange beasts dispersed, Lu Chen felt a little helpless as he faced the black mist in the sky.

But helpless, Lu Chen still didn't plan to let these things go.

The regenerative ability of these things is too strong, Lu Chen will definitely burn them all to ashes, otherwise, in the end they might regroup again.

Lu Chen's figure kept moving, and the huge flame palm swept past fiercely, annihilating part of the black smoke.

About half of the smoke left.

These things are just relying on their huge numbers. Compared to their numbers, the strength of these alien beasts is too weak, almost meaningless, and Lu Chen can easily Strangling.

It just made Lu Chen feel a little surprised that in the mid-air, a group of black beads suddenly appeared in the center of the color fog that was still avoiding Lu Chen's attacks. The beads were black weapons. Shrouded, a burst of horrible attraction suddenly appeared in it. Under this horrible attraction, there was no resistance at all, and all the black weapons were sucked into it.

The black beads became more and more intense in color, and the black ones seemed to be able to drip ink from above.

In less than a few seconds, the light of the black beads has almost reached the extreme. After absorbing all the black mist, the black bead's flashing black luster suddenly began to become extremely Introverted, it looks like it has become an extremely ordinary bead.

"What's the situation? What does that guy want to see?" Lu Chen was sure that the bead was sacrificed on the head of the mysterious man, but what is the use of the bead, Lu Chen couldn't think of it.