Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3572: Break with force

The five element magical powers are the most versatile magical powers among all the magical powers.

Being able to attack, defend, control, and explode, there are almost no shortcomings. Probably the only shortcoming is that it has too many advantages and too omnipotent, causing it to have some weaknesses in every aspect.

However, in Qingyou's hands, the release speed of the five elements' supernatural powers and the smoothness of the transformation are almost incomparable to anyone.

However, despite this, Qingyou, who only relies on the Five Elements Emperor's Book as its support, is still somewhat weak in strength. Although the Five Elements' magical powers are almost perfect, it does not have enough power to support it.

The mysterious leader also quickly realized that Qing You's shortcomings, he simply stopped avoiding Qing You's attack, but chose to use his strength to break the skill.

With absolute power, Qing You's excellent control over power suddenly showed no advantage.

The mysterious leader sneered, staring at Qingyou's continuous attacks step by step, and kept getting closer to Qingyou.

Whether it's the fierce and mighty attack of the metal fire attribute, the solid defense of the earth attribute, or the continuous control of the water attribute, the continuous control of the wood attribute cannot stop the mysterious leader's footsteps.

The thunderstorm surrounding his body ruthlessly shredded all attacks.

Facing the mysterious leader, the aggressive momentum and Qingyou expression did not change at all, not even a trace of retreat. Instead, he flipped through the five-element emperor book, continuously releasing magical powers.

However, it was clear that such an intensity of the magical power attack also caused Qing You to be overdrawn, and soon traces of sweat began to appear on her forehead.

Faced with the vast thunder and lightning power of the mysterious man leader, Qingyou now has no confidence, knowing that she will not be the opponent of the mysterious man leader, she never expected that this mysterious man leader, unexpectedly Will be desperately like this, forcibly advancing against his own offensive, you know, this kind of consumption, but huge, even if he has the state of ancient spirit possession, the energy is not endless, such consumption, there will always be When overdrawn.

In fact, what Qing You doesn't know is that the current mysterious leader is also very guilty. He doesn't know why so many enemies will appear in this almost closed space where no one can enter.

He always had the illusion that Lu Chen used a certain method to summon reinforcements. Once he delays for a long time, the more dangers are likely to appear. Therefore, he is desperate now.

He wanted to kill all Lu Chen before the end of the spirit possession state, so that no one would be able to threaten him for the time being.

After I completely control these corpse soldiers, there will be no opponents in this ghost world!

Qing You wouldn't know that the thoughts in this mysterious person's heart, her current thoughts, there is only one, which is to block this guy's footsteps.

At this time, Lu Chen was refining the electric light, and he couldn't tolerate any distractions. If he couldn't keep it, then Lu Chen would be dead.

Thinking of this, Qing You couldn't help gritting his teeth, and regardless of his supernatural powers almost being overdrawn, he began to flip through the Five Elements Emperor Book.

The book of the Five Elements Emperor turned the pages very fast, and it was almost impossible to see it. With the rhythm of such turning, in the pages of the book, one after another colorful clouds appeared from it.

"Five elements into one! Five elements break!"

Qing Youdai frowned and waved her hands, the Five Elements Emperor Book floated out of thin air, and the five-colored clouds emanating from it suddenly became entangled together.

The five elements generate and restrain each other. When the five elements merge into one, the energy that can be released is not based on a multiple of the single five elements.

The cone-shaped light arrow condensed from the strength of one to five elements suddenly shot out.

That speed almost directly penetrated the space and reached the head of the mysterious man.

Although, when Qingyou shot this five element break, the mysterious leader had already noticed a trace of danger, but the speed of the five elements break was too fast. Even if he found it soon Response time.

A light arrow condensing the power of the five elements, the destructive power contained in it is amazing. At that moment, the destructive thunderstorm attached to the mysterious man leader's body was directly penetrated.


When the head of the mysterious man was shocked and felt something was wrong, the five elements broke through, already piercing him.

In his lower abdomen, a blood hole appeared.

It’s a pity that Qingyou’s power is still not enough. This blow that was released with all his strength did not have enough power. After passing through the thunderstorm, he had already lost most of his energy and failed to attack the mysterious person. The leader caused heavy losses.

The head of the mysterious man changed his face suddenly when he saw his stomach was pierced.

Now that he is in a state of being possessed by the soul, he will be hurt!

"You are just looking for death!"

The head of the mysterious man gritted his teeth and slashed his hundreds of thousands of corpse soldiers with ease. Lu Chen, who had greatly injured his vitality, now came up with a strange woman who could actually hurt himself!

Immediately, he became angry and directly used the power of thunder and lightning to seal the wound, and then with a move with both hands, countless divine thunders formed a chain of horrible lightning in the air and rolled towards Qingyou.

Unleashing the Five Elements Break almost caused Qing You to spend most of his energy. Faced with the thunderstorm released by the mysterious leader's fury, Qing You almost couldn't think of any way to crack it.

"It seems that I can only last for so long!" Qing You sighed. Although he was confident in his strength and felt that he could help Lu Chen block the mysterious leader, he still ignored it. During this period of time that was banned by the system, his own power had been consumed too much, and in order to break the ban, he had spent a certain amount of power, so Qingyou's current state was actually not very good.

Now Qingyou's five-element supernatural power has been overdrawn a lot, and now he can't resist the attack of the mysterious leader at all.

The mysterious leader made up for it. After all, those lightning storms, like chains, blocked Qingyou, and immediately these chains entangled Qingyou.

Qing You knew that if she was entangled in these lightning chains, she would never have a chance to fight back, so she did not hesitate to use some of her last remaining five element magical powers to prepare for the last wave.