Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3612: One hit

Under Lu Chen's urging, and under the invisible oppression of that terrifying earthworm, almost all of these Ghost Race disciples burst out of their strength to feed themselves, and ran into the distance frantically.

Lu Chen was also hanging behind the team, but the speed was extremely slow.

He knew that such a fierce beast would not easily let them go, and the speed of those noble disciples was not very fast. If no one was broken, it would soon become the food for this earthworm's belly.

The terrifying earthworm, seeing his food, all began to run in the opposite direction, immediately roaring in anger, twisted his body, and the huge mouthparts suddenly rushed to the ground. The ground was soft and soft in front of the earthworm. It’s like a bubble.

The huge body of the earthworm plunged directly into the ground.

However, in the ground, the speed of the earthworm seemed to have become even faster, and on the ground, there was a raised mark extending crazily towards the direction of the team.

At this time, the group of Ghost Race children ran out less than five hundred meters, and the earthworm had already narrowed this distance closer.

Someone turned their heads and saw the squirming and extending traces on the ground. The souls suddenly burst out, almost urinating in fright, and ran even more desperately.

While Lu Chen ran, he stepped on his feet, and a rune force penetrated the ground, along the soil, and bombarded the earthworm's head.

This time, it slowed down the movement speed of the earthworm. However, after a while, the earthworm became more violent. The ground suddenly exploded, but the earthworm moved to the ground with a long body. Continuously squirming above the ground, the speed becomes faster.

Seeing, those ghost clan disciples had already distanced themselves from this strange beast, and it was expected that those guys would not look back when they were so frightened, Lu Chen simply stopped and prepared to take this here. An earthworm is solved.

This earthworm obviously has some IQ. In his eyes, Lu Chen is just a little sesame seed. Those ghost disciples are the big heads. Therefore, he doesn't care about Lu Chen at all, and rushes forward unabated. It seemed that he was going to press directly over Lu Chen's body.

"Hehe, you really don't put me in your eyes!"

Lu Chen shook his head. Seeing that the earthworm's body was about to hit him, the white light of Lu Chen's body suddenly burst out, like a flaming flame, wrapping Lu Chen.

"Get out of here!" Lu Chen was covered with rune power, physical strength and strength. With the blessing of rune power, it reached a terrifying level. He blasted out with a punch, bringing out a few meters of white light. This white light blasted out, leaving a huge hole directly on the earthworm.

Green sap sprayed out of the terrifying earthworm's body and sprinkled on the ground, making noises again and again, and there was green smoke, and some liquid was spilled on Lu Chen's body, but, But it was quickly purified by the power of runes.

That giant earthworm, how could I think that a seemingly small Lu Chen actually possessed such a powerful force, this punch not only left a big hole in his body, but also sent his upper body into the air.


The giant earthworm screamed in anger, twisted his body, opened his huge mouthparts, and slaughtered Lu Chen directly. Seeing him, it seemed that he wanted to swallow Lu Chen directly.

It's just that he won't have such an opportunity.

Seeing the huge mouthparts full of hundreds of sharp teeth covering him, Lu Chen rubbed his fingers and a fiery flame lit up from his fingertips.

With the infusion of supernatural power, this flame grew rapidly, reaching the size of the head in an instant, and the crimson fireball burned with blazing temperature.

The terrifying earthworm also sensed the terrifying temperature, and felt a little bad. It's just that it's too late.

Lu Chen waved his hand casually, holding the fireball as if he had eyes. He whirled in the sky and flew directly into the mouthparts of the earthworm.

"Stab it!"

Suddenly, a sound as if water were dripping into a pan, the earthworm twisted his body painfully, and a flame burst out of his mouth.

Originally, the earthworm's body was extremely soft, and almost all of it was liquid. The consequences of this fiery ball of fire entering his body can be imagined.

Within a few seconds, the earthworm’s head was melted into a few large holes by the burning temperature of the Desolate Divine Power, and the burning temperature continued to erode along his body, burning in his body. .

From the earthworm's mouthparts, black smoke continued to emerge. After a short while, he was already unable to struggle, lying on the ground, motionless.

"It's just that. It's just that in front of those guys, I can't use this level of power. Otherwise, I'm sure to be suspected..." Lu Chen thought, these ghost disciples, even though they were just ordinary families. Disciple of, however, those hidden families wouldn't open this teleportation formation just to let them come in and die.

With such a great effort, these guys must have this purpose.

Thinking left and right, the only possibility is for these hidden families to treat these ordinary ghost disciples as pathfinder soldiers, and ask them to explore the situation in this place.

In this case, there is another problem. Lu Chen remembered that at that time, the overseer of the hidden family seemed to have directly brought people like himself into the teleportation formation. If this is the case, even these ghosts If the disciple finds anything in it, it is impossible to convey the news to the outside world?

Could it be that they have any other way to know what happened in this place?

Probably not. In this case, is it necessary to let these ghost race disciples come in to see the situation?

In this way, there is only another possibility, that is, with these ordinary families coming in, there are also people who have been inserted by the hidden families. These people will understand what happens in this world through a certain method. Pass it out.

In this case, Lu Chen really couldn't reveal his identity, otherwise, it would really arouse the idea of ​​those hidden families.

Making a fortune in a muffled voice, anyway, they are in the light, Lu Chen is in the dark, no matter whether there is a secret of the Yue clan in this place, Lu Chen can do it first!