Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife

Chapter 673: You have to wait for shopping, you have

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Feng Yuzhen remembered that when Lu Yao was married to Yaofu, she also had a team to send her to the pro-day, and she sent the pro-team to the government according to the rules. She only looked at Yao Shu and turned the bride down to the car to turn around, leaving only the bride’s Marry. She saw a few more eyes at the time, and she also saw several embarrassments in the team. Right next to him, the appearance seems to be able to find the roots in the team that sent the pro on the same day.

"Lv family." She licked her chin and rushed to the front of the two people who were walking away from the sky and said: "I have seen that, I have seen it in the team of Lu family."

It’s normal for Lu’s people to buy jewelry. It’s just that Xuan Tian can’t understand. “You said she has hidden diseases? What hidden diseases? I haven’t heard of any Miss Lu’s body.”

Feng Yu laughed at him stupidly. "If everyone knows, it is still a hidden disease."

Xuan Tian Ming shrugged. "You can sway out of the street like this, so you don't want to be known?"

She thought about it: "I was anxious to see the jewelry, and she covered the veil, and this is what I smell can smell the door. Others smell that she has painted too much inferior rouge."

Xuan Tianming is a little interested. "What hidden diseases are you talking about? What disease?"

Feng Yu thought about it. "You stink, you are also called body odor. If you choose a palace, whether or not this kind of illness is generally a measure. I have heard many people who have been screened for this problem in the election. It’s hard to marry in my life. After all, no one wants to have a sensible wife to go back. We haven’t chosen a newcomer to enter the palace for so many years. The Lv Jia is not worried about this. Just... I don’t know it’s Lu’s family. Which lady is there." She hit Xuan Tianming with her elbow: "Lv Jiayi has several young ladies."

Xuantian meditated and said: "It seems that there are three, Missy is out, and there are two Miss Yan, but not the same mother. Now Lu's wife is the successor."

During the speech, Qingyu had already greeted him from the Nirvana Pavilion. When he met, he gave the two people a gift, and then said: "The inside is driving the taste, and the Highness and the young lady are waiting to enter." Looking around, the woman in the peach skirt has gone far. Qingyu frowned. "I don't know who the lady is. It doesn't look like a lack of money, but the grease she wiped is really It’s too fatal! It’s hurting people’s throats.”

Feng Yu asked her: "Can the other party have a jewelry?"

Qingyu nodded: "The two sets of heads are set, all of which are precious materials. In addition to the deposit, we pay most of the material costs according to the rules of our store, and the shots are wide."

"Well." Feng Yu thought and said: "The lady is in a hidden illness, and you don't have to mind too much. It is the guest who is waiting for the life. It will be big next time she will come again, arrange it in Ya, and not affect other businesses. it is good."

Qing Yu should be down. At this time, there are buddies coming forward, saying that the taste inside has been exhausted, please ask them to sit in. Qing Yu told Feng Yuqi: "The jade mine has sent a lot of stones to it. It is the best. The lady went upstairs to pick and see. Do you like it? If you want, take it away and let the white craftsman make jewelry for you. The slaves are really good looking at those materials."

Feng Yuxi was the daughter's house in the end. When I heard that there was a good material, I ran to the upstairs with joy.

Xuan Tian Ming looked at him with a smile, but he followed the stairs. Feng Yuxi said to him that the standard of a good man is that women have to wait for shopping, and women have to pay for it. He is in favor of the second article, but this shopping has to wait, it is a test of personal endurance.

However, he is still happy with his daughter-in-law. After all, his wife is very satisfied and very satisfied. The two will not be tired together. Feng Yu is a mobile treasure house and has a magical portable space. This makes Xuantian Tian amazed.

A few people went up three floors along the way, and Qingyu took a box of jade from the storeroom. When a few people did not enter the elegant room, they sat in the seat of the three-story hall. The box of jade material opened in front of her, but Feng Yu, who was used to the jewels of later generations, could not help but marvel: "Too beautiful!"

Bai Bi is innocent, and the texture is warm. It seems that there is a kind of spirituality that seems to have nothing. It makes people feel that they are holding the hand of another person who is connected with their own mind. There is no strange feeling, and they don’t want to let go. Always communicate with them.

She was amazed and looked at Xuan Tian’s meditation: "This jade is fine."

Of course, jade can't be refined. Xuantian Ming also knows what she meant by saying this, so she told her: "This is the value of good jade. If you don't say jade pick people, people also pick jade, once they choose each other. It is necessary to raise jade with people, and then with Yurun people, complement each other, in order to make jade more beautiful, and make people more prosperous."

He also reached out to touch the jade, and his heart was caught at once, but he was not as surprised as Feng Yuxi. He only said: "It is indeed a good jade, and it is hard to find a thousand years." : "How much is the same quality jade sent?"

Qing Yu A: "Not much, this box is picked out by the master. But the other materials are also very good, although not with these pieces, but in the store is also a superior product, absolutely Nothing is worse than the material that was sent to the palace in previous years."

Feng Yuxi was very happy to listen. He held a large piece of jade in his hand and sighed: "How much does it cost?"

"Miss, it's hard to find a thousand dollars." Qingyu smiled and said: "You can't help but sell how much money? These materials are specially reserved for the ladies. If you make your own jewelry or engrave it, it's better than selling it to others." ""

Xuantian Ming also nodded: "Is it that you can shorten your money? It is rare that you have good things. You sold them. It is very likely that you will never get such a good jade again."

Feng Yu is very painful. "I made jewelry. I don't wear jewelry very much. You see that I have a lot of things on my head today. It is because I went to the seventh brother's dinner last night, but I need to wear jewelry. There are only a few times in a year! Besides, the things in my house are not bad."

Xuan Tianming is very puzzled, is this girl a woman? He dared to pack the ticket and changed any woman. When facing this kind of good thing, his eyes were straight. Don't say that he would give it to her. Even if it is not given, it is also necessary to get the best way. It is even more that some people do everything in order to get good things. How is it that her daughter-in-law is the one who sends her hand to the outside?

Well, he hasn't forgotten what it means to push this girl out and sell money. "How much money are you lacking?"

Feng Yuqi rolled his eyes. "Is there any money?" He asked Qing Yu, "You don't leave this thing, I will leave it, you will give an estimate. How much is this box jade?" ”

Qingyu is very difficult, but see Xuantian Tian helplessly nodded, this is the way: "This value is quite difficult to estimate, because few people buy raw materials directly, they are all accompanied by craftsmanship, to be polished and carved. The talents are sold at a price. In the process of production, the craftsman's craft is also one of the measures of its value. For example, if you let the white craftsman to make it, it is not too much to say that it is worth the price."

Xuan Tianming took the words: "This kind of good thing, except for the white craftsman, there is no one to move."

"That can be too valuable." Even Qingyu sighed, "Slaves can't be estimated, really can't be estimated."

Feng Yu thought about it and asked: "What about the five million gold that I lost to me in a thousand weeks?"

This mysterious heaven is for her: "It’s just that these unpolished stones are worth more than those gold."


Feng Yuqi decisively buckled the box. "Put it up, collect it, no one will move."

Qing Yu reluctantly said: "Miss, you have made jewelry yourself."

Xuantian Ming also advised: "I really don't have these money, how much gold do you want me to give you."

"Your future is not mine too?" Feng Yuqi raised his eyebrows. "Is this house Nora, is it interesting? This thing has to be collected for me. I will be pit in the future. It is also a person outside the pit. You see it. Well, the pit is good, can come out of a small country."

Xuan Tianming took it seriously that she had the ability to hold the money in her pocket, so she held the box in her arms: "This king personally gave it to you."

Feng Yuxi is very satisfied.

The time of speaking, the folks in the store attracted the guests to the third floor. It was a noble, ten-year-old look, thin and well-dressed. A verdant autumn outfit is in the body, rich and elegant.

At the sight of Qingyu, he was a big customer who came to the third floor. He rushed to confess with Feng Yuyu and went to the reception. To say Feng Yu, she has been sitting in this jewelry shop for the first time in the past few years. She watched Qingyu receive the guests, and she felt fresh. She just sat and watched for a while. It happened that the lady also said. Words, but listen to each other: "I came from the south with my family all the way, because the road is far away, and did not bring much valuable items. But I don't want to catch up with the moon palace dinner, I can only come here to save an emergency. You take the best things out and choose for me. The price is not a problem."

When Qing Yuyi heard that he was eligible to participate in the Lunar Palace feast, he subconsciously looked over Feng Yuying. Feng Yuxi also whispered Xuan Tianming: "Which official lady? Do you recognize it?"

Xuan Tianxiao smiled bitterly. "When you recognize the official, you can't recognize the son-in-law of others."

When she thought about it, she shook her head at Qingyu, and Qingyu had already warmly greeted her.

Some guys moved out a box of finished jewellery, and listened to Qing Yudao: "These are all craftsmen in the shop. Of course, the lady can also choose the material without selecting the finished product, and then follow the person you like. The style is now made. We have everything from jade to crystal material or gold material. The color is also low and high. The highest quality is the same quality that is sent to the palace." On the one hand, he said: "But if the lady is rushing to wear it at the Lunar Palace feast, she is afraid that it is too late to make a system. It is better for the wife to choose one of the heads we have already made, because of the moon palace dinner. Our Nirvana Pavilion also prepared in advance, and specially created a lot of new heads for the ladies of the ladies to buy."

Qingyu doing business is a good material, and the words are also in place, but the elegant and elegant woman, but looking at these things in front of me while shaking her head, a look of disgust. "Not good, not good. It is said that this is the best jewelry shop in Beijing, but I look at these things, but it is only Err, if you only have this quality object, you can still call it the first in Beijing. ?"