DNF Card Dealer

Chapter 95: Work again

After    slept for a while, Li Wuji saw that the surroundings were still dark, and he was a little uncomfortable.

   Li Wuji sighed inwardly: "It is not easy for the dark elves to live in such a dark environment."

   Twenty-four hours have passed, and there are six days left before the end of the mission.

   When Krent returned, he found Li Wuji.

   "How about? Is Morgan back?"

   Li Wuji looked around, some soldiers peeped at him and Krent from time to time.

   "Someone is spying on us in secret. Can I take a step to speak? I found something very important."

   Krent looked at the dark elf soldiers around him, and several of his gazes dodged after blasting them.

   "They are all the nails of the Senate, come with me."

   At this time, Ruel, carrying a big hammer, came over and said in a loud voice, "What do you want to do secretly? I want to participate too!"

Krent frowned. Just trying to find a reason to distract Ruel, Li Wuji quickly explained: "Ruel is credible. Yesterday was the shallow habitat where I went with him. I want to say He basically knows everything."

   "In that case, come with me."

   Away from the eyes of the soldiers, Krent led Li Wuji and Ruel to a very remote corner.

   "Okay, it's safe here, what did you find? Didn't you see Morgan?"

   Li Wuji looked at Krent's eyes seriously, and said solemnly: "We did see Morgan, but unfortunately, he was infected with an infectious disease and became a corpse thief, and he has been killed by me."

   Krent turned pale when he heard the news. Morgan is a good friend of his. The news is still very uncomfortable for him.

   "But Morgan left a very important thing before he became a corpse thief!"

   As Li Wuji put the crumpled notebook into Krent's hands, Krent took the notebook questioningly and opened it to take a look.

   The dark elf's night vision ability is extremely strong, Krent can see very clearly, his face is sometimes tangled and sad when reading this note.

   At last, Krent closed Morgan's notes and sighed heavily and said: "I should have known that he is a very stubborn person. In order to find the answer, even if the abyss is ahead, he has to go to explore without hesitation."

   Li Wuji patted Krent on the shoulder and said, "Sorry, now we need to think about how to stop the war."

Krent frowned and said: "I have made it clear to Queen Skardi what Queen Maya meant. The principality does not want to go to war, but the need to prove that the infectious disease is purely a slander on the principality, and we now lack evidence. !"

   Ruel said, "What about the research on the antidote that Morgan left behind?"

   Krent shook his head: "No, even if a drug is developed, it cannot be proved that it was not done by the Principality."

   Li Wuji showed an expression of "I knew it", and then took the collected pile of spider legs to Krent.

   "This is the spider legs collected from the large spiders in the spider cave. These spiders, like those dark elves, are infected with infectious diseases. Take a closer look at the energy contained in them."

   Krent took the spider's leg, put it in front of his eyes and felt it carefully, his face was slightly startled: "This is... magic?"

   "Yes, if you let a powerful magician study this thing and trace its origin, it can prove that infectious diseases are not caused by humans, right?"

   Krent glasses shone slightly, a little excited, but then he thought of something, and said in a tangled voice: "The magicians of the kingdom all do things for the elders, if this research is cut by the senator..."

   "Then go to the magician in the principality to study it!"

   Krent patted his head: "Yes! Sharan is still the president of the Magicians Association over there in the Principality! She also advocates peace!"

   "Then what are you waiting for? Go and show it to Shalan for research!"

   "No, it would be too troublesome to go back and forth again. Shalan and I have a special communication tool, so just let her come back."

   "Well, then you can figure it out."

   unable to intervene, Ruel said awkwardly, "Is there anything else I need to do? It's better to fight!"

Krent glanced at the big man and said solemnly: "There is indeed one thing you need to do now, because now our road to Dark City is blocked, and the place where the plague happened on the way is completely out of control, so we must restart By opening up a road, you can just bypass the army that came to gather!"

   Ruel widened his eyes and asked, "What? Am I going to be a miner?"

   Krent shook his head and asked Li Wuji to take out the map, and drew a line with his finger from the spider cave to the entrance of Dark City.

"This route can theoretically reach the Dark City, but on the way you need to pass through the Hero Tomb, Dark Elf Cemetery, and Lava Lavary. I don't know what happened there because of the infectious disease, but the main enemy should still be the Lava Lavary. Corpse thieves."

   Li Wuji thought that all the heroes in Heroes' Tomb had awakened from the underground, and Krent certainly didn't know.

   Touched Ruel with his elbow, and Li Wuji smiled and said, "Hey! We have work to do again."

   Ruel just smirked and scratched his head.


   Belmar Principality, Sharan Wizards’ Guild

Wearing a blue rose headdress, a dark-skinned dark elf woman is demonstrating a fun small teleportation magic to a girl in her residence~lightnovelpub.net~Sharan drew two small magic circles and placed the vase After one of the magic circles, it will emerge from the other magic circle.

   A young girl with slanted bangs, red pupils, green shirt and white skirt looked at Sharan’s presentation, staring at the little stars, and applauded, “Wow! That’s amazing! Sister Sharan, I want to learn this too!”

  Sharan smiled and said: "Selia, don't worry, you are the most talented human being I have ever seen. You must be easy to learn!"

   This applauding girl is Celia Krumin who came to learn magic with Saran. After the two repaired the magic circle in the Sky City together, Saran became Celia's teacher and friend.

   At this time, the necklace on Saran's neck was shining slightly, she felt a little, and took it out and put it on the table.

   Krent's phantom appeared on the Philosopher's Stone.

   "Krent? What can I do for you?"

   Krent looked very serious: "Sharan, I need your help. In order to stop the upcoming war, I hope you can return to Camp Alphalia. I have something to ask you to study."

  Sharan nodded solemnly when she heard that the war could be stopped: "I know, I'll go back soon."

   "Please as soon as possible, now only you can help." After speaking, Krent's phantom disappeared.

  Selia heard the conversation between Saran and Krent, her eyes drooped a little, and she asked unhappily, "Is the dark elves really going to wage war on the principality?"

  Saran stood up and said, "I don't like war either. I hope I can stop the war when I go back this time! I still like making friends with humans."

   Celia grabbed Saran's hand and said with a pouting mouth: "Sister Saran! I want to see it too."