Do Not Seek Fairy Fate

Chapter 184: Great Harvest

Medicine Valley.

The mountains are like green, and the flowers are clustered.

It is like spring all year round, and there are many rare flowers and medicinal materials. For Qin Qingrong, who came here for the first time, it was an eye-opener.

As for Moqiu, he was slightly lost.

He was thinking about the doctor Wan from last night.

If he had not guessed wrong, the martial arts performed by the opponent should have been mentioned several times in the Black Fiend Treasure Record, which belonged to the martial arts of the Black Fiend Sect Venerable Ten Thousand Poisons.

From the words, I can hear that the line of Venerable Wan Poison should have separated from the Black Sha cult and formed another one.

Moreover, they also knew about Fengtou Mountain, and they might even have done something in it.

for example……

Betray the former leader!

The people in the military mansion discovered that there are remnants of the Black Evil Sect hidden in Fengtou Mountain, which coincided with Qi Bing's refining of the strange treasure, which was a little coincidental.

In this way, it could explain why Doctor Wan changed his face when he saw Da Hei Tian's boxing technique.

Maybe it was because someone thought that what they did was discovered, and the opponent came to the door.

"Junior Brother!"

Dong Xiaowan's voice rang in her ears:

"What are you thinking about, so ecstatic?"

"Oh!" Mo Qiu regained his senses and said:

"I'm thinking about seeing Elder Dong later, what should I say so as not to be rude and offend seniors."

"Don't be so nervous." Dong Xiaowan shook her head:

"Your current reputation in Medicine Valley is not lower than mine. The future is boundless, so you don't need to worry about anything else."

"Besides, although my father doesn't see outsiders very much, his temper is okay. There is no taboo."

"You go in." She stretched out her hand and pointed forward, saying:

"I took Sister Qin to the back, and I haven't thanked you specifically for the beauty of the pill back then."

"Miss Dong is polite." Qin Qingrong said softly:

"If it weren't for Miss Dong's words, the predecessors might not have agreed to alchemy. Besides, I would like to thank the Fang family."

"You're polite." Dong Xiaowan waved her hand:

"Speaking of which, I heard today that a thief broke into Fang's house last night and that Fang Jundong died."

"Ah!" Qin Qingrong's complexion changed, wondering whether it was surprise or joy:

"How can this be?"

"Yes." Dong Xiaowan shrugged:

"It can only be said that good and evil will have retribution in the end, and the surname Fang has done all the bad things, and finally waited for the retribution to come."

"Sister, don't worry, with me, the custodian family dare not anger you!"

Qin Qingrong's beautiful eyes flickered, and she quietly glanced at her without asking.

No one would associate the murder of Fang Jundong last night with Mo Qiu. After all, the Fang Family Courtyard was loosely guarded, and it was not a warrior who had just entered the stream at will.

What's more, it is rumored that the person who started it was the remnant of the Black Evil Cult, with the strength of a second-rate master.

But Qin Qingrong is different.

She is very clear about her junior's style, which seems to be unpredictable, but in fact it is unpredictable.

If you don't make a move, it will be a clean move.

As for strength.

When you were in Corner Star City, you couldn't get into the Martial Artist without forging the bones. What should we do now?

And last night he proposed to abandon the Fang family and come to Medicine Valley, he should have known that he would be implicated.

The thoughts in her mind turned sharply, but her face remained calm, just echoing Dong Xiaowan's words a few times.

Separated from the two women, Mo Qiu walked into a pill room alone.

Indoors, white smoke curled up on the ground, charcoal fires raging under the pill furnace, and a strong herbal smell came out.

The enveloping air condenses under the feet, as if walking in the clouds, like the rumors of the fairy family.

There was a person sitting cross-legged in front of Danlu, although white hair was growing on his temples and his eyebrows were vicissitudes of life, it was vaguely visible that this person looked handsome when he was young.

"Master Dong!"

Don't beg to stop, bow your hands and salute.

"Master Dong." The corner of Dong Xizhou's mouth was slightly tilted.

But after all, it was a master-disciple status bought with money, and he didn't have any opinion on this title.

"I've seen your Tongxi Powder. The medicine is exquisite and matched properly. It is indeed the top grade of Hemostatic Jinchuang."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he looked at Mo Qiu.

Jinshuang medicine can be regarded as a basic wound medicine, and it has always been common.

This requires a solid medical foundation, and profound insights into drugs and trauma, and there are only a few opportunities.

And the effect of hemostasis alone can be compared with Lingsu School's Six Great Pills, which shows how effective this Tongxi Powder is.


In the foreseeable future, the price of rhino horns required by the rhinoceros powder will be greatly increased as a result.

A little reserve of Medicine Valley can earn tens of thousands of taels of silver!

Of course, the reason why Moqiu offered the pill was naturally because he could get a lot of benefits.

"Senior praised!" Mo Qiu's expression remained unchanged, his expression indifferent.

"I'm telling the truth." Dong Xizhou's voice was as indifferent as before:

"Now the entire Medicine Valley, your name has been spread throughout, and even some seniors have personally asked about it."

"You, the future is limitless. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are the pillar of the Lingsu Sect twenty years later!"

"This..." Mo Qiu raised his head:

"The juniors dare not take this reputation. Senior Sister Dong is listed on the Qianlong Young Phoenix Ranking, which is truly amazing."

"Why don't you dare." Dong Xizhou shook his head:

"Your medical talents have been witnessed by everyone. In the future, you will be proud of you."

"As for Xiaowan, although her martial arts talent is good, it is not very important to Yaogu."

In particular, the key point is that the upper layers of Yaogu are very clear that Dong Xiaowan will leave the Lingsu faction sooner or later.

In the shallow water, it is difficult to raise a dragon!

"But, after all, you didn't go to Medicine Valley since you were a child, and you have learned everything you have done alone." Dong Xizhou said slowly:

"With the Lingsu faction, there is no layered relationship, and because of this, they are a little bit difficult."

Then asked:

"Next, what are your plans?"

"Go back to senior." Mo Qiu handed over:

"The younger generation intends to use the path of medicine as the basis, supplemented by martial arts, if they can practice self-cultivation in Medicine Valley, it is best."

"Medical Dao is the foundation, supplemented by martial arts." Dong Xizhou bowed her head, her voice suddenly changed.

Like disdain, like sneer.

After a pause, he looked up and his expression became extremely indifferent:

"In that case, you don't need to stay here anymore. I can't help you with anything, let's go!"

Speaking and waving a big hand, he threw a token and drove people directly.


Don't ask for dumbness.

I'm already careful enough, isn't there another sentence that I said wrong, this one's temper is too weird.

Shaking his head, he put away the token and turned to leave.

As soon as I left the house, I saw Dong Xiaowan and Qin Qingrong walking by holding hands.

"Junior Brother."

Dong Xiaowan looked surprised:

"Why did you come out so soon?"

"I don't understand either." Moqiu sighed and retelled the conversation between the two people casually.

"Medical Tao is the foundation, supplemented by martial arts?" Dong Xiaowan heard this, but she was clear:

"No wonder my father will drive you out."

"What?" Qin Qingrong was puzzled:

"Is there something wrong with this sentence?"

"You don't know." Dong Xiaowan shook her head:

"When my father was young, he was known as the Sanqiu Lay, he was the three masters of medicine, medicine, and flute, hence the name."

"This is an extraordinary talent in the eyes of others, but in my father's eyes, it was because of his distraction and care that he ended up in the field today."

"Even my mother..."

She opened her mouth and sighed with her head down.

Don't ask to raise an eyebrow.

This reminded him of a rumor about Dong Xizhou. It seems that his martial arts are now abolished because of his former wife.

There are rumors that Mrs. Dong was very beautiful when she was young. The two of them were married for a while, but didn't want to attract envy from others. In the end, Dong Xizhou lost to a powerful figure and was abolished by the other party's martial arts. Even his wife was robbed by others. Take it away, leaving only Dong Xiaowan.

I don't know whether this matter is true or not, but Dong Xizhou must be because of some similar reason, resenting that he could not concentrate on martial arts.

It's no wonder that when I heard my doctor and Wu Shuangxiu turn his face on the spot, I am afraid that in the eyes of the other party, he can only study medicine with one heart and one heart, which is the right way.

This matter, but no one is to blame.

Dong Xiaowan and Qin Qingrong saw it as they were, and they talked very happily.

The Baicao Garden is the center of the Valley of Medicines, and an elder is in charge of it.

"Elder Ge!"

Do not ask to have seen it before.

Ge Yuan's grandfather, one of the three elders of Yaogu, a first-rate master, was just old.

This old man wrinkled his face, smiled and put down the book in his hand, looking at Mo Qiu:

"Yuan'er always mentions you every time he comes, and there is so much admiration in his words. I have also read about you, you are really a hero!"

"The predecessor is too Don't ask for a hand:

"The juniors are here to get what was said at the time."

"Yeah." Old Ge nodded:

"Seven Heart Fruit, Thousand Miles Fragrance, Blood Amber Cold Marrow... What you want, but everything is not simple."

"Previously, although the boss promised you to replace the medicine with the prescription, some of the medicinal materials are too rare and the quantity is still large, so it may take a while to get it incomplete at a time."

"It's okay." Mo Qiu was excited:

"There are more, thank you first."

These medicinal materials are all necessary for the refining of diamond ghee, Xiu Luodan and other medicines, so he is naturally extremely urgent.

Now, he has no pill to aid his cultivation.

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