Do Not Seek Fairy Fate

Chapter 363: Into the Secret Realm

A few days later.

More than ten miles away from the Cangyu faction's station, a wooden boat slowly descended from high altitude.

One after another, silhouettes jumped down one by one.


When there was no one on it, the boat suddenly shrank, turned into a length of half a foot, and landed in Li Chimei's palm.


She glanced at everyone in the field, gave a low shout, and then turned into a stream of light and fell towards the valley below.

Walking with her was Dao Ji Xianxiu Pan Shizheng.

In addition, there are more than 100 Qi-refining monks at the four peaks of Cangyu Peak, Chihuo Peak, Tianyun Peak and Miyue Peak.

The group with the weakest cultivation base also has the sixth level of Qi refining, and the imperial wind technique has long been turned into instinct.

Not long after, he fell in a place shrouded in miasma.

Master Pan was taking a step forward, shaking his hand to throw out a magic talisman, and immediately a faint halo shone in front of him.

The miasma dispersed, revealing a passage.

"Get in a line, don't get separated." He exhorted backwards, and the two walked into the passage one after the other.

Mo Qiu stood among the crowd and followed along.


At this time, a faint voice came from the back, with a little surprise and kindness.

Do not look back, a woman with bright eyes and white teeth came into view.

Appearance, somewhat familiar.

"Chu Yao?"

He hesitated on the tape, then smiled slightly:

"It's already this big."

The other party was Chu Yao, a young girl who came from Fairy Island with him, but her face was long and her appearance changed.

Suddenly met, I am afraid that I dare not recognize each other.

"Yeah." Chu Yao looked excited:

"Senior brother, since entering the door, I was watched by the senior sister, not allowed to run around, and I never had a chance to see you."

"When I can walk around, you leave the sect again and you can't find it."

"Unexpectedly, you also came this time."

"It's not just me." Mo Qiu nodded with a smile, reaching out and pointing at the person in front of him:

"Junior Brother Zhu is also here."

"Junior Sister Chu Yao." Zhu Louyun arched his hands afterwards.

"Don't be unharmed, I heard that Junior Sister is very popular in Miyue Peak, and now she has the eighth level of Qi refinement."

"It's really gratifying."

Zhu Louyun has a good talent and has already refined nine levels of Qi.

Because he came from a merchant's family, he was good at communication, and he was very open in the four peaks of the Zongmen.

Back then, it was even more synonymous with the spirit official's eyes in exchange for two magical artifacts that were supposed to be unquestionable.

"Brother Zhu."

Seeing Zhu Louyun, Chu Yao's smile faded a little, and he gave a respectful salute.


Ahead, Li Chimei's cold voice sounded:

"Don't talk nonsense, watch the road honestly."


Several people responded in a hurry and kept silent.

Continue to move on for a while, and the eyes suddenly open up.

An open area covering more than 100 acres is greeted by nine stone pillars.

Each stone pillar is surrounded by several people. It is about ten meters high and suspended three feet above the ground.

On the stone pillars, there are densely packed runes, and there are strands of aura wandering.


I don't know what formation it is.

Do not change his mind, his eyes are also moved from the stone pillars to the sides, to have a panoramic view of the environment here.

There are not only people from the Cangyu faction, but also many people in the uniforms of the Wei Dynasty Zhenfa Division and even civil and military officers.

There are even two people, dressed in yellow satin and gorgeously dressed, they seem to be members of the Wei Dynasty.

In it, Mo Qiu also saw a familiar face.

Liang Xuejun, who is a gold medal-catching head of the law division of Dawei Town, has a royal blood, and has a successful cultivation base.

She actually came here too.

"The secret realm here is jointly controlled by us and the Zhenfa Division, so if you enter the secret realm, you may encounter some minor disputes."

Pan Shizheng spoke in a low voice:

"In the Secret Territory, your elder sister will be in charge of the town. See her if you have anything to do. Remember not to argue with the people from the Zhenfa Division."

"Of course, if you really want to see life and death, you don't need to be polite. Everything is the responsibility of the sect."


Everyone should be, many of them were moved.

Mo Qiu sighed in his heart.

This should be the treatment that disciples of the inner sect only have, and in the past, the disciples of the outer sect were able to abandon it at will.

"Find a place to rest first, and it's almost time to call you."

Master Pan was waving, and everyone took orders.

At the moment, each of them gathered in groups of three or five, discussing news about the secret realm with each other.

Chu Yao also walked to Mo Qiu's side, asking questions.

Zhu Louyun chuckled at the side. He deserved to make friends and knew the news far more clearly than others.

"Before entering the secret realm, seniors will issue forbidden magic charms to seal my storage bags."

"When you come out, if the forbidden law is destroyed, the contents of the storage bag will be confiscated by the sect."

"Of course, it can also be exempt from the prohibition law, but the entry and exit of the personal belongings must be checked by the seniors of the sect."

"When you enter the secret realm, everyone has a task, and there will be a lot of rewards for completing the task."

"Pills, exercises, magical implements, etc., everything."

"If you go beyond the completion of the task, you can get additional benefits."

"As long as I wait for the credit to be enough, even the true disciple will be eager to build the foundation, and I can change it."

"It's not safe in the secret realm, no..., it should be more sinister."

"It is said that because of the incomplete rules of the heaven and the earth, the aura inside is rather restless, and even the existence of Monk Daoji can't be accommodated."

He talked eloquently, which drew the two to listen carefully, and finally said:

"For this reason, in the Secret Territory, the power of spells is often greatly reduced, um..."

"Not only spells, but forbidden spells, secret spells, and magical powers. Only the manipulation of magical artifacts is not affected."


Chu Yao's face paled when she heard this.

There is only one low-grade magical artifact in her body. Although the quality is good, it is definitely not ranked among the many inner disciples.

And because of the good talent and the advantages of superb spells, entering the secret realm will be greatly reduced.

How can you keep your heart out of chaos?

"Junior sister, don't worry." Zhu Louyun chuckled when seeing this.

"The secret territory is our own people, and the people from the Zhenfa Division are separated from our territory."

"Almost no danger."

"How to complete the task as much as possible and adopt elixir and spirit mine is what we should worry about."

"This way..." Chu Yao's beautiful eyes turned:

"I don't know how many Mi Yuefeng seniors are there, I will meet them first after I go in."

This time, Chihuofeng accounted for the bulk of the people who entered the secret realm, while the number of Miyuefeng was not large.

"Don't ask!"

At this time, Zu Ti's voice sounded:

"come here."

"Come here."

Mo begged and said goodbye to the two of them, and walked to the vicinity of Zuti, where many Chihuofeng disciples had gathered.

"You wait and listen." He glanced at the crowd and muttered:

"You are all registered disciples of Senior Zheng, and 30% of the materials collected in the secret territory belong to Senior."

"There are only six people, so whoever is chosen depends on who gets enough supplies this time."

"Brother." The big man who was with Mo Qiu that day spoke again:

"Whether the materials I'm waiting to turn in are given to seniors out of the secret realm, or are they charged to seniors from the very beginning."


"I mean, can we use that 30% for the benefits of the sect, and then let the senior take it away?"

"It's pretty beautiful when you think of it." Zu Ti sneered, then swiped his hand and threw a jade slip:

"But don't worry, seniors won't want your things for nothing, you can use the 30% of the materials in it to exchange for."

Yu Jian gave a round, and everyone's complexion changed slightly.

It is clear.

The benefits that the fire beard immortal Zheng Wei gave were far inferior to the list listed by the Zongmen.

But everyone has no choice.

If they didn't agree, they, as outer disciples, didn't even have the qualifications to enter the secret realm.


At this moment, a dull sound of Qiang flute sounded.

Immediately, the practitioners scattered in all directions gathered together and moved towards the formation in the center.

The Cangyu faction is divided into four branches, with Chihuofeng having the largest number.

The Wei Dynasty people on the opposite side were divided into three teams, which appeared to be the Zhenju Department, officials and some casual repairers.

The Daoji monks in the field appeared again.

Among them is the fire beard fairy Zheng Wei.

He stood side by side with two members of the Wei Dynasty royal family, stepping on the void and looking at the stone pillar in front of him.

At this time, after a lot of busy work, the Cangyu School disciples had also distributed the forbidden law and persisted.

Mo Qiu got a magic charm, sealed a storage bag, but also vacated a storage bag.

There are some magical objects in this storage bag.

Sure enough, as Lu Shu said, the inspectors didn't notice much, and let him pass.

"Sage King." Li Chimei stood up and said:

"let's start!"

"Okay." The white-haired sage king nodded when he heard the words, and flicked his finger, a stream of light sank into a stone pillar.

Another member of the royal family narrowed his eyes, opened his mouth and vomited, and a shining orb flew towards the formation.

Fire-bearded immortal Zheng Wei followed closely, his long sleeves lightly flicked, and a Huo Ruyi emerged out of thin air, piercing the void with the dazzling red light and submerged in the formation.

Along with the influx of aura of various colors, the nine stone pillars floating in the air trembled abruptly.


The air quivered.

A layer of ripples, like water waves, appeared in the middle of the stone pillar.

Over time, the ripples began to spin slowly, and finally turned into a whirlpool.

"Hurry up!"

The Xian Wang who started his hand trembles lightly and suddenly shouted.


The person below should be, and then a figure was thrown out, hitting the center of the formation.

The man's expression was dull, standing in the center of the formation, surrounded by aura, his skin and flesh cracked quietly.

A trace of blood melted into the formation.



The speed of the formation suddenly increased, almost more than tenfold.

The vortex turns into a black hole, without knowing where it leads.

Mo Qiu squinted, staring at the person in the middle who lost his blood but did not react at all, frowning slightly.

This person seems to be the key to the formation.


Wu family, Wu family.

He thought about as if he had already thought of something, and he couldn't help but feel a little discomfort in his heart.

At this time.


Several streams of light pierced through the vortex and turned into several figures, leaping towards the Cangyu Sect and the Wei Dynasty respectively.

"Last month's harvest!" One person said, and handed Li Chimei a few bulging storage bags.

"Yeah." Li Chimei took it casually and waved to the person behind her:

"Go in!"


Zu Ti should be the first to jump into the whirlpool.

Mo Qiu glanced at the person in the middle of the formation, and followed the person in front of him into it.

next moment.

The world has changed drastically.