Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 160

   he asked, touching his nose.

   "Aren't you just such a person?"

   She replied.

   When I went back, I didn’t have to walk anymore. Everyone got in the carriage.

   I don’t know exactly how to allocate the vehicle. After all, when Jenkins got in the vehicle, he found that the five people in the carriage were all women except him.

  Miss Mihaier sat beside him, happy for the smoothness of her plan. This time Jenkins is invited, the first purpose is not to see the psychic game.

   Although it feels a bit rude to introduce the girl to Mr. Williams in this way, but thinking of Hathaway's shy face, the woman strengthened her mind.

   "In front of love, there is no right or wrong!"

   And she didn't notice, the girls in the carriage, not all came for this face of Jenkins.

   The path is a bit bumpy, and the wheels will hit some stones and the like from time to time. At this time, the people in the carriage will always shake a few times unbalanced.

   Jenkins dealt with fatigue from the women around him, their sense of balance was so bad, it was as if they were deliberately pounced on him.

   In such a small space, everyone's body and arms can easily come into contact with other people's limbs. Jenkins was originally proud to have solved a problem without much effort today, but soon blushed because of the frequent accidents in the carriage, and he could only lower his head and caress the cute chocolate.

  Ms. Mihaier watched this funny scene, and the corners of her smooth mouth curled upwards slightly, and she couldn't help showing a chuckle. She really admires the upright, talented and kind Williams, but sometimes his appearance is too...cute.

  Miss Lindsay was sitting directly opposite Jenkins, occasionally turning his chest. She does not comment on the practices of other unreserved ladies. Her focus is not somewhere on the lower limbs, but the place where the golden light burst just now, where the small and delicate brooch is pinned to it.

   "Excuse me, where did you buy this brooch?"

   She still asked.


Jenkins, who was petting the cat on his knees, raised his head and moved closer to Miss Mikhail, "Is this? This is a gift from Mr. Bishop, not bought. When Bishop Parrod became a priest, his The teacher gave him the brooch, so this is a very historical accessory."

  Ms. Lindsay showed a face of sudden realization. In her opinion, the items used by the bishop of the archdiocese all year round must have an exorcism effect. The scene just now is just like what is commonly seen in novels and scripts. The evil spirit attempts to harm a pious and firm believer, but is hurt by the power of the religious artifacts carried by the believer.

   Jenkins sat on the opposite side and snickered. The truth is that this brooch is roughly the shape of a holy emblem, and it contains a lot of silver. When he held the magic ceremony, he often used it to replace the position of the holy emblem in order to realize the streamlining of the ceremony.

It is often contaminated with spirits that share the same source of magic, and it inevitably has a very weak aura. If Jenkins can use it for a hundred years, then there is even a very small possibility that it will become a permanent and effective B-type supernatural magic item .

   As for the evil spirit just now, although it looks ugly, it is actually not very strong. This brooch is enough to solve it.

   "Mr. William, do you think there are ghosts in this world?"

   Miss Lindsay asked tentatively, and when she heard this question, Miss Mihail unconsciously sighed. She already knew what Jenkins would say.

   "Of course not, I never think that there are any extraordinary powers other than great gods in this world! Only gods are eternal, only gods are noble! Praise the sages!"

   He explained softly, but the frantic expression on his face almost made Miss Lindsay afraid to look directly.

   "Only such a mortal can repel the evil spirit with his own body."

   She thought in her heart, so far, no longer doubt that Jenkins possesses those magical powers.

   There is no view of the mountains and plains in winter, let alone it is night, and there is only a dark area from the carriage.

   The weather is not very good, dark clouds obscured the starry sky, only two full moons are faintly visible. Jenkins just remembered that when tracing the origin of the gear germ, there was only one round of the moon in the first history.

   He intends to ask his father, although he may not be clear.

   The women in the same car started to talk, and they could see that the others were still very angry with Miss Lindsay and didn't pay much attention to her.

   She looked out the window blankly for a while, and then asked Jenkins:

   "Do you think that since the gods have great power, does the church of the gods also have that power?"

  Miss Mihaier's eyes also sharpened.

   "As long as the faith is pious, the gods will naturally share the glory with his lamb!"

   Jenkins has spent a lot of effort in order to integrate into this world. He has long thought about this kind of question, so the answer came with his mouth open.

"Oh, that's how it is."

  Miss Lindsay’s voice sounded a little disappointed, and she was probably also admiring the exciting and interesting supernatural power...or she was simply worried that she would provoke those terrible ghosts again.

Chapter 369 Chapter 364 Under the Trestle

   What happened tonight, Jenkins planned to mention it with his father tomorrow. The church will probably solve the beginning and the end, completely stifling the possibility of Jenkins' identity exposure.

   But he is really interested in that psychic board. If possible, it would be nice to get it in advance.

   "Are you going to be a thief?"

   He asked himself, thought for a while, nodded:

   "Yes, that thing is always a hidden danger in the hands of ordinary people. I just take it away in advance before the church recycles it. And, I will pay..."

   Thinking of this, there was no grudge in my heart, but I started to plan my own actions.

   But the plan was over before it even started. Jenkins' home was closer than the houses of the ladies in the car. Although there were two beautiful girls who wanted to visit Jenkins, he thought of contacting Miss Miller for a while, and he politely refused.

   And he thinks that there is no place worth visiting.

   got out of the carriage and exchanged greetings with the ladies, pretending to walk towards the fence of their own house. But in fact, it quickly called out the black robe to disguise, and then activated [Cat's Elegance] to catch up.

   He followed the carriage for twenty minutes, watching the ladies return to their residence. Fortunately, the speed of the carriage is very slow, otherwise it won't be able to catch up even with the ability.

   And the holder of the carriage, Miss Lindsay did not go back, but let the servant driving the carriage to the dock area.

   The other two carriages have been waiting here for a long time. Miss Lindsay rejected the warm cloak handed by the maid and looked sadly at the tightly bound Dali Cage.

   "Why are you killing her?"

   she asked.

   Mr. Cage can only make a whining sound because his mouth is blocked.

   Miss Lindsay probably didn't want to get an answer at all. She waved, and two sturdy servants immediately took Cage onto the trestle and kicked him off. Following this action, Miss Lindsay cried out the name of Carly Alex in the night breeze.

   She quickly stabilized her emotions, and gave the psychic board and the bag with the statuette and the slab to the servant, and it was still in the same position.

   Nolan City has an excellent port area, even in the trestle bridge, the water depth is more than ten meters. A group of people stood in the cold wind for five minutes, and Miss Lindsay turned and stepped into the carriage.

   After a while, Mr. Cage's wet body was pulled up and put in the bag again, and a group of people disappeared into the dark city with a carriage like this.

   "Even if you don't want it, you can't throw it away..."

   Jenkins walked out from behind the low warehouse, tangledly looking at the ocean reflecting the cold twin moons in the distance. He doesn't care about the love and hatred between young men and women, he just wants the psychic board.

   Those things are just under the trestle bridge, which can be seen with real eyes, and have not been washed away.

   But the problem is that the temperature is now below zero, and it's still in the water...

   Chocolate crawled out of Jenkins's neckline, and a fluffy kitten swiftly climbed the brass-colored steam pipe on the side of the house to the roof. No matter how he called, he was reluctant to get off the top of the warehouse.

   "So, is this the reason for this dress now?"

   asked Miss Miller, wearing a luxurious white mink coat, sitting on the chair opposite Jenkins.

   This is Jenkins’s living room. He is sitting on the sofa surrounded by quilts. The blazing flames provide him with heat. And the chocolate is lying on the soft cushion on the side, continuing to fiddle with the metal block.

   "If you catch a cold, it will be bad."

   He replied like this, and he didn't feel that this dressing up to meet with the guests was very rude.

   "Is the journey going well?"

   he asked.

   "It went well, Mr. J·W."

   The woman did not directly address Jenkins as usual, but used abbreviations.

   Jenkins, of course, knew what she meant, so he couldn't answer in embarrassment.

   "So, why are you going back to Nolan?"

   "Not sure. Actually, there are other things to go to Luen. I need to find some information in the tower, which is very troublesome. The ice-covered tower is not something you can enter if you want to. That place is very troublesome."

"Do you need my help?"

   "No, I think I have found a way."

   The woman replied and looked out the window, "As soon as I arrived in Luen today, I met some very interesting friends, and those friends should be able to help me."

   She didn't tell Jenkins, because of the messenger errand, she had already got on line with the Three Queens of the Kingdom. The current situation is not clear. She is not sure what kind of person the princess is, so she plans to observe Dolores Elizabeth Stuart for a while, and then tell Jenkins about the pen pal's information.

   Jenkins would not think so much, he still thinks that Miss Mary is just an innocent rich lady.

   The topic of the two quickly shifted to other aspects, because they were too rushed when they left Nolan City, and Miss Miller still had a lot of things to do.

   She first told Jenkins what channel is to sell [Witch's Kiss]. This is very important to Jenkins, he is in dire need of a way to make money. The sales channel Miss Miller has arranged very well. Jenkins will write down the time and place and other details so that he can complete the business.

  Miss Miller’s main business is a detective, and she still has some unfinished commissions. Of course, Jenkins does not need to do it. To be honest, he does not have that ability. Miss Miller only commissioned Jenkins to pay her the commissioned liquidated damages somewhere. That's right, it was the clothing store that time, and there was still a lot of space behind the dressing room.

   It’s similar to a commissioning office. The client will keep the demand, and the capable detective/killer/mercenary will commission the next.

   After explaining all this, the two spent nearly three hours discussing math problems, until the hands of the clocks at home all pointed to the top, and the soft carpet was covered with paper with calculation formulas, and Miss Miller left.

   The two negotiated, and she will start the ceremony next time and lead Jenkins to meet at Ruen. He needs to complete the last part of "Frozen" and also wants to see the scenery of different parts of the world.

   sent away Miss Miller. Seeing that the chocolate was too sleepy, Jenkins hurriedly went to the bathroom to wash up, took the quilt from the guest room and laid it, and then got into the quilt in front of the fireplace.

   After thinking about it, I got the information stolen from the underground of Ponton Winery, and planned to finish the matter before going to bed. If you leave it till tomorrow, you may not encounter anything.

  PS: It’s amazing that agency/office is a sensitive word.

Chapter 370 Chapter 365 Source of Corpse

   Due to the rush on the 31st, most of the documents only looked at the title to determine whether they were worth taking away.

   Jenkins read the documents through the light of the fireplace, and found that there were so many texts, but actually said two things.

   The first thing came from a pile of white papers stapled together. The handwriting was rather scribbled, and I knew it was written in a hurry.

   These are the experimental records of making the monster underground in the winery. The cultists hope to find the cause of the monster's mutation through these records, but unfortunately the final conclusion is that this is just an accident that cannot be replicated.

   In order to create the experimental body, they reluctantly selected 5 corpses out of thousands of corpses, but in the end only one could hold such a huge vitality.

   The source of these thousands of corpses is very complicated, and most of them are obtained from illegal means.

   Desecration of corpses is a felony of this era, so even doctors cannot obtain a corpse that can be dissected through legal means, which gave birth to the profession of corpse thieves.

   They provided corpses for medical schools, scientific madmen, and benefactors, and received gold pounds. And the source of the final corpse was them. Through records, Jenkins saw its source——

   Abbot J. Augustus.

   Just a few hours ago, Jenkins had just heard the name. This is the ancestor of Viscount Augustus, whose tomb was stolen only recently. Except for the valuable burial objects were looted, even the remains were not found.

   It seems that the tomb robbers really took away everything in the tomb that could be exchanged for gold pounds.

   "Is that a coincidence? That monster is actually the ancestor of the Augustus family?"

   He thought of the rumors about Augustus and the **** of death, and felt that there seemed to be something strange in it.

   The cultists also investigated the Augustus family, and they also suspected that some characteristics of the corpse itself caused the accident. But that part of the investigation report is not in Jenkins's hands, and it is not known whether it is missing in the underground of the wine cellar or does not exist at all.

   In addition, there is another thing that surprised Jenkins, that is, the tomb of Abbot J. Augustus, not far from the abandoned cemetery where the psychic game is played today.

   In fact, the small village called Yuka Village was a part of the family fief before the Augustus family declined hundreds of years ago. The cemetery of family members relies on the village to build. There is a saying that the entire village is actually the descendants of the family’s tomb-keeper thousands of years ago.

   But anyway, the cemetery of Yuka Village and the cemetery of the Augustus family are actually a whole. The reason why I didn't see the other parts today was because a landslide a few decades ago destroyed the part of Augustus's ancestral tomb, leaving only a few lucky people on the edge.

   Including the tomb of Abbot J. Augustus.

   "It seems that it is necessary to go to that place again."

   Jenkins thought so, and put the stack of materials on the sofa.

   Chocolate secretly opened one eye and glanced at the information. In that black and white photo of the tombstone, it seemed to see something very interesting.

   The cat closed his eyes again, and almost understood the whole story.

   As for the second thing, Jenkins has been pursuing the "Undead Project" for a long time.

   As expected, the purpose of this plan is to seek a white basic ability called [Undead].

   Through the rubbings of ancient books, correspondence and confidential documents in his hand, Jenkins learned that the core material of the learning ceremony of this ability is a very rare thing-the ashes of illegal long-lived people.