Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 19

   "Sorry, what do you mean?"

   The man licked his lips:

   "Did he mention any new goods he received recently?"

Jenkins silently opened a second field of vision, and 15 spots of light suddenly appeared in front of the gunman, which means that he is at least a level 8 gifter, and the most powerful of all Jenkins has seen so far. You must know that even if it is. Captain Bincy also has only 9 light spots.

  According to the old man, the 8th level gifter can be regarded as a demigod.

   "The people from [Lighting Club], come to look for the Cthulhu statue?"

   Jenkins guessed silently, while suppressing the desire to make a sneak attack, this kind of enemy cannot be dealt with by himself.

   "Yes, he said that a batch of goods came from the dock a few weeks ago. He showed us two porcelain vases from ancient kingdoms and a gold accessory."

   "Have you mentioned anything like a statue?"

   the man asked calmly.

   "Huh? No."

   The man nodded, the hand holding the gun dropped, gave Jenkins and the old man a warning, turned around and was about to leave.


   He suddenly turned around and fired at the two people in the store with a gun in each hand. Jenkins shook his head subconsciously, only feeling a flow of heat passing from one side of his cheek, followed by a fiery pain.

   He didn't care much, he bent over and hid behind the counter, while covering the wound with his right hand for treatment, he hurriedly took out the old father's spare pistol from the counter.

   At that moment, a huge open book phantom appeared in front of Dad, which protected him like a shield, so he was fine.

   After the gunshots sounded, the shop suddenly became quiet. In the horrible silence, Jenkins tried his best to overcome the fear in his heart. First he raised the gun and stretched out the counter to shoot randomly, and then his head came out cautiously.

   "I see, it was in the [Knowledge and Books] Church!"

   The man seemed to be in a good mood, he nodded to Jenkins with a smile, then turned around and left here completely.


   Father Oliver sat slumped in the seat, holding a silver piece in his lowered right hand, his whole body trembling.

   "Father, how are you doing?"

   Jenkins jumped up and pressed the old man with his right hand to activate his ability, but it was useless. His hand was immediately covered by a layer of frost, and the old man's body was shaking faster and faster.

  The candle immersed in spirituality once again showed its power. Just as the frost was about to spread to Jenkins' chest, a faint yellow flame spewed out and enveloped the two.

   The extremely cold breath and the warm flame met in Jenkins' right arm, and he couldn't help groaning/groaning loudly. Frost is no match for the flame of the candle, but Jenkins's arms are made of meat, and he can't stand the torment of this kind of ice and fire.

   After a while, Frost was forced into Jenkins' right palm and stopped moving. The flames had no choice but to retreat.

   His right palm is completely insensible, Jenkins gritted his teeth and pushed with the other hand the old man who closed his eyes.

   "That's the Ice Messenger from [Light Chaser Club], level 8 and very dangerous."

   Daddy's lips were pale, and his weak voice was trembling.

   "I shouldn't use the church's magic [Book of Blessing] just now, he knew that we were the one who took the statue that day!"

"what do I do?"

   Jenkins asked hurriedly, breathing out a white mist like his father.

"He must have gone to the church to grab something, yes, now the power of Nolan Diocese is empty, even at 8th level! Quick, leave me alone, I can't move at all now, go and notify the other four churches to come for reinforcements. !"

Section 43 Chapter 42 The Unknown Way Forward

After    finished, he stretched out his trembling fingers to his chest again.

   "I have a ring in my pocket. Put it on and go straight to their church."

   When Jenkins knew it was not nonsense, he gritted his teeth and stood up: "Don't die, father, I haven't got my salary this week!"

   But the old man who closed his eyes never answered him again.

   Forcibly holding back the tears in his eyes, Jenkins opened the door of the store and broke into the rain. He quickly activated his [flexible legs and feet] ability and ran wildly in the rain.

   All the raindrops that touched the right hand turned into small icicles and fell on the ground. Not only did the rain take away Jenkins's body temperature, but the unconscious right hand also seemed to feel the extremely cold breath.

   He gritted his teeth and rushed through the rain. The unmanned street seemed to be extraordinarily empty and long at this moment.

   fell to the ground inadvertently, helped the wall to stand up again, and rubbed his uncontrolled right hand against the wall, leaving a frosty handprint.


   He shouted loudly in his heart, stumbled and continued to run forward. The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and the scattered pedestrians looked strangely at the madman running in the rain, but they ran behind their heads in a blink of an eye.

   Jenkins feels that his heart is beating faster and faster, but fortunately, the [Ocean and Exploration] church of [Storm Master] is in the dock area.

   In spite of the surprise of the believers who woke up early to worship, he rushed into the church door.

"I'm in a hurry!"

   shouted at the first clergyman he encountered. The young man was taken aback, seeing Jenkins raised a ring on his left hand, and quickly led him to the back.

   It was an acquaintance who was surprised by the shouting. Jenkins met him when he was being treated at Nolan Fifth Public Hospital. At that time, Captain Bincy called him Grand Priest of the Deep Sea.

   "[Ice Messenger] from [Light Chaser Club] is going to grab the idol!"

   Jenkins said in a fast voice.

   Grande frowned suspiciously, then suddenly widened his eyes.

   "You mean last week..."

"Yes it is!"

   He didn't care about being interrupted by Jenkins, but he took Jenkins' right hand to run into the courtyard.


   He threw away Jenkins's hand and was surprised to see that his right hand was covered with a layer of frost. But fortunately, the flame of the candle partially suppressed the power of frost, and Grande was only affected by the extremely low temperature.

   "It seems to be the ability of [Ice Messenger]."

   Going to the other three churches for help, naturally, it is no longer necessary for Jenkins to go personally.

   After Grand let Jenkins rest somewhere in the church temporarily, he ran into the rain with a team of clergymen in black clothes in a hurry. They are going to inform the combat troops scattered all over the city, [Ocean and Exploration] The power of the church is also very empty now.

   "Sir, rest here for now!"

   The little nun in a black robe suggested in a low voice that Jenkins knew that he was in very bad health now, so he sat on the sofa and looked at the heavy rain outside the window.

   "I hope the old man is okay, I hope the cultist will not succeed."

   He looked at the pale and overly right palm, the color of the skin on it contrasted sharply with the color of his arm.

   "I want a pot of hot water!"

   He shouted at the bewildered nun, and the young girl nodded and ran out of the house quickly. Soon, she returned with an old man in a white linen robe with blue lightning and a trident embroidered on his chest.

   Jenkins immediately put his right hand into the hot water basin in the hands of the old man, and the hot water began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "Damn it!"

   Jenkins scolded, and the nun stood by not knowing how to comfort him.

   "Young people, the more stormy the waves, the more they must hold their inner rudder."

   The old man with the basin handed the towel and basin to the nun, and asked Jenkins to sit down first.

   "It will be okay. Although we can't go to the battlefield, we can't mess around."

   "You are right."

   Jenkins gritted his teeth and nodded. After being stimulated by the hot water, the ice in his palm began to agitate again. He shrank in the chair, feeling his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

   wanted to say something, but in the end only two people who exclaimed rushed towards him.

After    woke up again, he was soaked naked in the warm pool, with a huge whale pattern roaming the wall covered by water mist. This whale pattern is a common decorative pattern in the [Ocean and Exploration] church, so he is still in the church, but he is transferred here by someone.

"what time is it now!"

   He shouted dazedly, but he felt his head hurt. Although the hot water was no longer frozen, he still had no sensation in his right hand.

   No one answered him.

   Jenkins climbed out of the bath and found his clothes in the cabinet by the wall.

   The sky outside was completely dark, and when I ran into the courtyard, the church was actually empty.

   "How long did I sleep?"

   The rain is still falling, but the patters no longer affect the line of sight. The red and blue moons were shrouded in dark clouds in the night sky, and the gloomy wind made the air even more biting.

   "Damn it!"

   Jenkins opened the door of the church and ran to the street. He looked at the dead city in the rain blankly, slapped his head, turned and ran to the direction of the old antique shop.

   "Oh, goddess, can I be more unlucky!"

   As soon as he ran a few steps, he had to pray loudly-a black octopus at least ten meters high merged with the night, less than ten meters away in front of Jenkins.

   At this moment, he is standing at a five-way intersection. This is a main pipeline, so the ground is made of bumpy stones under his feet. In the broad streets, there are always horse-drawn carriages passing by in the daytime, and busy pedestrians of all kinds come from everywhere and pass by in a hurry. Just outside the two-story building on the side of the street, the balcony is decorated with white marble columns. On a good day, you can even see gentlemen leaning there smoking and chatting. But at the moment, all this is no more attractive than that octopus.

  The dense tentacles squirmed slowly on the ground. Jenkins gave a wry smile, turned his head and ran in the direction he came.

   The octopus did not chase. Jenkins ran two blocks before looking back. The huge octopus still stayed where it was.

   He held the stone wall of the store to a halt, and the rain dampened the clothes that were otherwise neat.

   "Where should I go now?"

   He asked himself in his heart.

   The church where fighting might happen? An unmanned ocean church? Papa antique shop? William's house? Or just flee the city?

   Jenkins smiled bitterly and looked at the sky without stars or moon, the extreme coldness of his right hand began to restlessly, maybe he was going to die next moment.

   "It's really an unknown way forward."

   He pinched his arm and said, the pain is a swelling head that wakes up.

  PS: Judging from the current grades, the grades of this book are better than those of the previous one. I really like the world I describe. No matter what happens in the future, I must write at least 1 million words.

   Another: Tucao in the comment area. This book is similar in style to "Lord of Mysteries" and that I am following suit. In fact, the last world in the last book is the world of this style. I just started to write this book at that time. I don’t deny that the style is similar, but please don’t say that I follow suit.

Chapter 44 Chapter 43 The Guidance of Fate

   seemed to feel something in his heart, calling out his own light spot, focusing on the luxurious purple.

   "[Unknown Road Ahead]."

   He read it softly, and then, as he tried every day in the past, he concentrated his energy into the light spot.

   The next moment, something different happened. The purple light spot in front of it exudes a strong brilliance like the sun. A bunch of straight purple lines appeared under Jenkins' feet, extending into the dark distance.

   I don't know if it was an illusion. At that moment, the breath of the palm almost disappeared, and the falling raindrops and the howling cold wind seemed to stop for a moment.

   Without any hesitation, Jenkins ran along the street along the purple line in front of him.

   He braved the rain through the dirty alleys, over the broken low walls, and was even forced to run through the rotten and smelly garbage streets under the chasing of wild cats.

   Jenkins had no idea where he was. He unconsciously followed the guidance of his feet. After some time, the purple line got into a shop facing the street.

   Jenkins stopped breathing heavily, shook his head blankly, summoned the candle soaked in spirit under the rain canopy, and raised it high to illuminate the shop's sign in the dark:

   Daddy antique shop.

   "I ran such a big lap in Nolan City, where is the final destination?"

   Jenkins was stunned for a while, but he had no better choice but to open the door of the store.

   Ding Dong~

   The familiar sound of bells rang in the darkness, but at this time, it was strange and terrifying in the empty shop. The antique vases and the clock on the wall cast long shadows in the light of the candles, which were very eerie and weird.

   The purple line did not disappear, but it extended straight to the stairs leading to the second floor.

   Jenkins ignored it for the time being, but borrowed the light of the candle in his hand and tremblingly came to the rocking chair where Dad sat during the day.