Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 193

Chapter 443 Chapter 437: Snake and Treasure

   After follow-up investigation, the ceremony constituted by the mansion is essentially a sealing ceremony. The group of people who built here discovered the corpse pythons that existed in the outer subspace of the material world, and they built and expanded a passage to that space, using the strange painting as the entrance to the passage.

   The victim who was pulled by the midnight carriage is the sacrifice to appease the python. Until tonight, the number of sacrifices reached the standard, they finally achieved their goals, and the church happened to arrive.

   This is the truth that the Church of the Sage discovered after the accident. Although there were casualties, the first few people who inhaled the poison gas and fell to the ground were unexpectedly safe.

   They are in the front, so they can see more clearly.

   After returning to the church, according to the lines on the python body and the ancient legends nearby, it was finally confirmed that it was [Grey Death Serpent Luxos] sealed by the false **** [Mother of the Spirit Snake] in the 14th era.

   The followers of this pseudo-god are extremely rare. In this era, most of them were active in the southern tip of the mainland, and it was impossible to find them for a while.

   But [The Spirit of All Things] The church has more detailed information. When Jenkins woke up from bed at 6 o'clock in the morning, the whereabouts of the disappeared scribe and the story behind the incident were almost understood.

   He bravely fought the big snake last night, and as a result his companions were rescued. After that, he even concealed the use of purification candles to treat the scribes who were affected by the poisonous gas, because of these, he could continue to participate in the next plan naturally.

   No one is doubtful that he can resist the mental pollution of that giant python, on the contrary, everyone thinks this is normal.

After a one-night rest, after breakfast, I went to look for the elder Wood Brossier. He was the highest leader of the church's secret guards. He was also presided over when the ceremony was held for the crowning of the Son of Jenkins in Nolan of.

   Elder Brossier does not have a fixed office space, he usually only stays in the deepest sealed room under the Holy See. But this time when Jenkins ran into him, the old man was talking to Mr. Gilbert in a corridor behind the temple complex. This gentleman was also an acquaintance. On the night the Ice Messenger broke into Nolan Church, he was in front of the team. People who came to support.

   "Don't take a break anymore?"

   The old man asked with a smile while squinting his eyes.

   "I have had a good rest. I heard that the church already knows what happened."

   "Yes, oh, let's talk about it here, don't stand here and block the road."

   The three of them moved to the prayer room on the side. There are no windows in this room. Except for the metal holy emblem hung on the wall, only the gas lamp held by the angel on the wall is considered as decoration.

"[All Things and Nature] The church has given us a lot of help. The origin of the big snake is not simple. This has nothing to do with this matter, we can talk about it later. Regarding [Grey Death Serpent Luxos] The rumors of rumors spread in the rural town of Berduran. In ancient records, some brave people once challenged it, but without exception, they were swallowed. We think that the construction of Hausen Manor That group of people should be for something that was swallowed by a snake..."

  He stroked his beard, and asked Mr. Gilbert to add:

"We are not sure what exactly it is. After all, it was so stupid in the past years...I mean there are too many brave people. But last night, Mr. Williams also reported about [G] Kaminarimon’s treasure mask]. This is very valuable, because there is a clear record that the snake actually swallowed one of them."

   "Can this kind of thing be recorded? Oh, this is really good luck, really the blessing of the sage!"

   he whispered.

   "It is okay to say that it is the blessing of the sage..."

Mr. Gilbert scratched his hair in embarrassment: "The one who was wearing a mask to attack the snake was one of our scribes in the 16th century. The document recording this incident was in the late 16th century for special reasons. At that time, it was sealed up, and special permission was needed to see it, so we didn’t know about the snake until now."

   The three people looked at the wall next to them at the same time, and tacitly ignored the topic just now.

   "So, the purpose of those people was actually to sacrifice to the snake, in exchange for the mask?"

   Jenkins asked, faintly feeling some signs of heat on his forehead. He has always felt this way since he came to the Holy See of Berduran.

   "Yes, we also have our own information channels, which is almost certain."

   Mr. Gilbert then coughed loudly, fiddled with the buttons on the cuffs of his jacket, and added:

"We arrested people based on the two locations you provided last night. The kid who attacked you was caught on the line, and he was also related to the organization looking for masks; the circus has left the local area. The bat skin you mentioned, we It was dug out in the woods on the outskirts of the city; as for the first birth of the dagger, he was very alert and left the residence half an hour before the arrest team arrived."

   "So what about the scribes who disappeared last night? May the sages bless them and hope that they will be fine."

"In fact, there are more or less pre-epoch ruins everywhere in the mainland, some leaking beyond the surface, some below the surface. According to the results of the mask you provided for divination, Clemman’s treasure is probably in Bell. Deep underground in Dylan’s urban area to the east of Liuli, the destination of the large-scale spatial movement last night was also that area."

   "But...the masks are not collected, but I have two of them."

   Those two masks were handed in by Jenkins, and he fully understood that it was not good for him to wear them.

   "St. William, you made a mistake."

Elder Brossier shook his head at him: "Maybe you are misled by the local legend. Although the seven masks are indeed the key props to obtain the so-called treasure, they are not needed to open the door of the treasure. There are some in the Holy See. The remaining information is very troublesome to find.

But the person caught last night based on your information revealed some key clues. What is needed to open the treasure is an old bronze key. That key is related to a great being. The key is the big one last night. Reasons for the shift in scale and space. "

   "In other words, our scribes and the illegal gifters who originally existed in the mansion have now reached the treasure of Clemman?"

   has been keeping quiet chocolate, keenly interested in the word "treasure".

Chapter 444 Chapter 438 Eighteen Bronze Doors

   "Yes, and we suspect that there is another way to enter, because the person who was born first, the last trace disappeared in that area. But all this still needs to be investigated, and you must be very cautious when exploring ancient ruins."

   Jenkins thought that this matter could not be completely resolved before he left Berdylan, after all, he would take the train back tomorrow morning. But in the afternoon, while taking chocolates for a walk in the garden, Mr. Gilbert hurried over again and began to wave his hands across the garden:

   "Mr. William, we have discovered the way to enter the treasure and conducted a preliminary safety assessment. Do you want to participate in the operation? We are going to set off."

"of course!"

   He nodded without hesitation. It is a rare experience to have the opportunity to participate in a large-scale gifter operation.

   Dozens of horse-drawn carriages departed from the Holy See, walked around the edge of the city and arrived at their destination. It was an inconspicuous small valley, even if you used abilities similar to the spell [Treasure Discovery], you couldn't find anything unusual.

   Thanks to the group of people in the mansion this time, otherwise the church would not find it here.

   The downward entrance has been opened. The entrance is made of stone bricks on the mountain wall. Candles and oil lamps are placed on both sides of the downward steps.

   After a vertical distance of at least 3 kilometers, the rough wall suddenly butted against an older brick wall.

   is different from the temporarily constructed passage in front. From here on, the walls and floor are transformed into the appearance of carefully polished large stone slabs. There are still some murals on the walls that are not very clear. From the perspective of style, at least it is not a product of this era.

   Every five steps, there will be an extra gold oil lamp on the wall. According to Mr. Gilbert, the oil in it is precious mermaid oil, which will not go out even if it burns for 300 years.

   "Mermaid oil?"

   Jenkins asked in a low voice, but the voice still echoed in the empty passage:

   "It's not really made from the sebum of intelligent creatures, right?"

   "No, no, no. You are misunderstood. Mermaid oil only means that this oil is unique to the mermaid population, and is not the cruel and disgusting thing in the legends of the villagers."

   There are no human footprints or traces of fighting in this passage, which shows that at least the group of people and scribes in the mansion did not enter from here.

   Jenkins is still following the back of the team as a logistics staff, and some cracked organ structures can be seen leaking out along the way.

   Except for specially numbered items, no ritual or props will always have extraordinary power. This makes the most difficult problem people have to deal with in the relics of the past era is the physical traps and mechanisms made by ancient craftsmen.

   This may be a little troublesome for ordinary people, but for a large-scale gifter squad, it just needs to waste some time.

   When the time of the pocket watch approached three o'clock in the afternoon, the long passage finally came to an end.

   The outer side of the tunnel is a huge hole in the ground, and the overall shape is circular. On the wall of the hall are 18 bronze gates evenly distributed. On the gate where Jenkins and others walked out, there are sculptures of flying phoenixes.

   The team that arrived one step ahead of them had found the traces of the missing scribes, and even found some hard-to-find blood stains on the ground.

   In order to prevent the recurrence of things in the mansion, the special item B-01-05-8382 [Transsion Conch] was used in this operation to contact the ground throughout the entire process.

   After a brief retelling of the matter here, the church immediately organized a manual search for documents. Jenkins can even think of hundreds of gray-haired old gentlemen searching for materials together under the dome of the huge library.

   Chocolate didn't have any interest in the things in the passage, but got excited when he came to this hall.

The floor of the    hall is also made of square stone slabs, while the walls are carved from complete white marble. I don't know how much it cost to build this place.

   "It is also possible that there is a ruin here, and the robber Clement just found it and occupied it."

   He thought in his heart, seeing that there is no work now, he buckled the waist of the chocolate and lifted it up, and looked around together, one person and one cat.

   At the top of the hall is a painted stone wall sloping downwards from the center. In the picture is a large snake hovering and biting its tail. This should be regarded as ouroboros, which is quite a common concept in the field of occult.

   There are also weird things in this painting. The big snake is simply outlined, without adding color, armor shape or eyes. This is in sharp contrast with the exquisite paintings of other parts of the mural, which is really very strange.

The walls around    are simply engraved with some ancient characters, but if you look closely, you will find that the strokes that make up the letters are very much like bones. After understanding this, Jenkins felt a trace of fear in his heart for some reason.

   There are 18 different patterns on the 18 bronze gates around the rotunda. In addition to the phoenix that the church people walked out, it also includes the bleeding dagger, the resurrection cross, the appearanceless, the shining crown, etc., which have metaphors in the field of occultism.

   He tried to observe the scenes behind different gates with real eyes, but he saw nothing. This shows that there is a high probability that there will be a fairly long passage behind each door.

   Of course, he didn't notice at all, the look in Chocolate's eyes was different from before. It stared at a certain door that Jenkins had just noticed, and glanced up at the man, revealing the look that can only be found when sneaking into the kitchen and rummaging for desserts drawn by Jenkins.

   It is impossible to decipher the words on the wall in a short time, and it is absolutely impossible to try to enter a certain door rashly.

  The missing scribes left some marks, which pointed to three possible choices, but no one dared to bet on the one-third probability.

   While everyone was quietly waiting for news from the ground, the door with the dragon's breath pattern silently opened a gap.

   A scorched man fell out of the door, and then a raging red flame burst out from the crack in the door.

   The golden book-like shields opened one after another, blocking the door, but some flames still burst out, and everyone had to move closer to the other end of the rotunda.

   "There is an ancient dragon behind that! It's a real pure blood dragon!"

   The man cried and rolled on the ground until he was held down by three people before Jenkins had a chance to heal him.

Chapter 445 Chapter 439 The Bronze Box Before the Abyss

   The man who ran out from behind the giant dragon gate knew no one, so he was not a scribe. After the burns on his body were treated, he was still crazy, talking about things related to the "dragon".

   After contacting the ground, Mr. Gilbert briefly hypnotized him, and then tried to find out what happened here by means of spiritual guidance.

"We came here with the gifts of the Church of the Sages, and everyone was separated in the fight. I followed the only Mr. Alexander who knew the secret here and walked into the Gate of the Phoenix, but it was just a trap full of traps. Channel, later..."

   As long as the dragon's gate is not mentioned, this person has the ability to state clearly what he knows. And that Mr. Alexander was the leader who organized this group to find Clemman’s treasure.

   He clearly knows the respective positions of the 7 masks, and he also took out the key to here.

   But no matter how people asked, he couldn't tell the specific appearance of Mr. Alexander. It's not that the person keeps hiding his face, but more like being cursed and unable to tell.

   The information he provided is very important, because the manpower that Mr. Alexander finally summoned was no less than the number of scribes who came here. This is very unreasonable, because he does not need so many helpers to share the final harvest.

   The church immediately suspected that there should be a gate that requires a large-scale sacrifice ceremony to open. After a detailed analysis of the information from the underground hall, they finally determined that their goal was the bronze gate with the crown pattern.

   " is not..."

   Jenkins seemed to understand something, and he followed the team into the passage behind the crown bronze door holding his cat.

   Chocolate can't wait.

   This passage is very similar to the passage through which people enter the underground, except that there are not so many traps. After cracking a few old gear mechanisms, the left side of the passage that had already gone to the end, the wall moved to the left amid a huge roar, revealing a downward slab door.

   This passage was obviously someone walked by. There was no light behind the stone door. The passage appeared a weird grayish white under the light of the kerosene lamp. Scattered on the steps were pieces of bat corpses, the corpses of the benefactor, and occasionally withered dandelion-like plants, and broken limbs of the human body.

   Apparently, most of the people gathered by Mr. Alexander died here.

  Because he was walking at the back, when Jenkins came to the end of the stone gate, on the platform like a cliff, the battle was over.

   In fact, it is not a battle. The missing scribes and the illegal gifter came here almost at the same time, and Mr. Alexander used the mask in his hand to take away one thing and left directly.

   During the rest of the time, the two groups of people who were left here attacked and defended each other, until the church also found this place.

   bent down from the narrow stairs, the first thing he saw was the huge abyss in front of him. The instinct remaining in the human blood made everyone resist looking at it. The people who opened up here also didn't place lights here, and only relying on candles and kerosene lamps in their hands could not illuminate the whole darkness in front of them.

   Seeing someone using power lighting, Jenkins also summoned a star ball. But I don't know why, everyone's light is far lower than expected, whether it is an item or ability, the extraordinary ability of light is suppressed. This made the scribes more vigilant, without anyone warning, and spontaneously lowered their voice and slowed down their pace.

   Jenkins, according to Mr. Gilbert's instructions, concentrated the light on the cliff opposite the platform, which was a pure black rock wall. The rock wall is facing the exit of the steps, neatly inlaid with seven bronze boxes. One-third of the bronze boxes protrude out of the cliff surface. Each side has a different pattern, but the side is completely/exposed. It is the dent of the same mask.

   The bronze box in the center has been opened, and the scribes can see the hollow interior.

   "Holy clothing?"

   Jenkins amused himself guessing, but this is obviously not. The [Armor of Courage] he once used is more like a holy garment in memory.

   temporarily put down the chocolate, and went to treat the wounds for the wounded by himself. When he was finished, he turned around to look for his kitten, and found that the chocolate had reached the edge of the cliff.

   "Oh, chocolate, come here!"

   He hurriedly called, the cat who was poking his head and looking down hesitated, then wagging his tail and ran back to Jenkins.

   "Sir, is this over?"

   Everyone has things to do, just record the situation here, it is enough trouble to control the prisoners. Only Mr. Gilbert stood alone by the stone wall, looking at the seven boxes illuminated by the silver light.

   "No, this is just the beginning."

The middle-aged man's brows frowned, "It is hard to imagine that there will be an abyss at this depth. Where else can this abyss lead? Under the ground of civilization, there is actually not nothing... .."

   "Is it the kind of civilized population that lives underground in the story? Dwarves?"

   Hearing his words, the chocolate in his arms showed a mocking expression, but immediately took it back, pretending to be a cute and naive cat.

   "No, highly intelligent alien creatures will not live in such a deep underground. Because there are more terrifying things..."