Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 205

   "So, it's not that my father is missing, but I am missing?"

  While thinking, he walked back to the alley again, then climbed over the low wall on the same road and walked towards the old bookstore on the other side of the street.

   During this process, he kept the [True Eye] open, but he did not see any suspicious light.

   The owner is still in the shop, still looking drowsy. The parrot greeted Jenkins again loudly when he opened the door. Chocolate looked curiously at the human-speaking bird, touched his cat's paw on the stitch on Jenkins's shoulder, and squinted. Thinking of something.

   "Welcome, guest."

   The old man greeted Jenkins with a yawn, and knocked on the table with his fingers: "Is there a problem with that book? Sorry, we will not return the product."

   "Let's talk, what are you going to do?"

   Jenkins asked, standing at the door, this time he didn't dare to get too close. The owner of the second-hand bookstore has a black aura on his body, and a cautious writer does not dare to take risks.

   "I'm just an old book seller, what else can I do?"

   He shrugged, "You walked into my shop, the book you picked, and you paid for it yourself. If you encounter any problems, you should ask yourself."

   "Where is it outside?"

   "Who knows?"

   "If I pray to the righteous **** now, guess what will happen?"

   "It’s not going to happen, you guessed it? This is no longer the physical world."

   Jenkins took a breath, and then slowly spit out. He had tried to use the projection ceremony to contact Miss Miller of Ruen just now, but it was useless at all. He realized this at that time. Even so, being pointed out directly by the old bookstore owner still made his heart sink.

Chapter 473 Chapter 466: Unexpected Acquaintances

   thought about the embarrassment he was facing, and suddenly asked:

   "If I can give you some coins, can you tell me what's going on here?"


   The owner of the bookstore unexpectedly raised his head and helped his glasses: "Of course, please come in. Would you like to have tea? I can also prepare some snacks."

  'S tone immediately became warm.

   Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head, and stepped back step by step, "I have something more, we are not in a hurry."

   After speaking, he ignored the shopkeeper's expression and walked out holding his cat.

   In fact, his sin coins were used up in the last funeral, just to test whether these strange special items are doing ghosts or the weird abilities of the benefactor.

   It turns out that they are still those numbered items.

  Walking back to the street again, the empty city is really not suitable for life. He looked at the shopkeeper through the window for a while, then turned and walked in the direction of the church.

   There is no one in the church, and the offices are empty. Walking into the underground steps, the Gate of Vientiane still stands there, but there is no aura.

   Lightly touched with his hand, only to realize that it was just a metal plate that looked the same as the Gate of Vientiane, and it did not even have the ability to open.

   "Is that true?"

There are still many flaws in this city. Except for the items that Jenkins carries with him, all other special items are gone; the sun in the sky does not move with time, and time is fixed at a certain moment; the number of cities has a boundary, It probably covers the Xicheng District and part of the Dongcheng District of Nolan City. When he crosses a certain boundary, he will appear from the other end of the city.

  The only place with aura is the sky. Jenkins never points his eyes there on weekdays, because the aura of the sun will pierce the eyes with pain and tears. And the aura of the sky here is large and large black, and it will cause inexplicable fear after watching it for a long time.

   Although the time of the city is frozen, the human body still changes with time. When the pocket watch showed five o'clock in the afternoon, Chocolate and Jenkins' stomachs happened to make noises.

   "Go for something to eat?"

   He rubbed his temples and closed the book "Old Times". The horror of this book of poems was far beyond his expectation. The people who wrote this thing even spelled some words incorrectly.

   But even so, this collection of poems does not seem to be strange.

   pushed open the door of a high-end restaurant on the street, the gas lights were still on, and several expensive musical instruments were scattered on the high platform in the center of the restaurant.


   The sound of metal falling on the floor came from the direction of the kitchen unexpectedly. Jenkins was taken aback, and then realized that there are other people in this ghost place!

  The black robe was shrouded in waves of water, and the man's face and height changed strangely. He doesn't know who he will see in a while, but since there is a possibility of fighting, he must not let the peace-loving writer appear.

When    walked to the wall, he found the light spot representing the gifter, and he looked very familiar. I patted the little chocolate head to turn it into a pure white coat, and then deliberately coughed loudly, and then opened the door of the back kitchen.

   "Mr. Black Cat, long time no see!"

   A black-haired man is sitting rudely on the kitchen floor, the hem of his coat randomly covering the floor with dust. This is a middle-aged man about forty years old, a typical mainland West Coast race, with a high nose and a round cake-like face, making his appearance unrecognizable.

   There is a pair of glasses with a black frame on his face, but the glass lens on the left has been broken, and it is barely stuck with some tape.

When    Jenkins opened the door, he was putting a piece of bread into his mouth with his right hand, surrounded by various foods.

"Oh, you are......"

   He looked at the stranger in front of him in surprise, and then immediately noticed the cat as white as snow:

   "You are Mr. Candle!"

   "Yes, I didn't expect to see you here. Why are we talking here? The table outside is very spacious, I think you should be able to provide me with some food."

   "Oh, okay. God, I didn't expect you to still be a benefactor to me!"

   Mr. Black Cat should have been trapped here for a long time. Although his clothes and hair are still tidy, and there is no peculiar smell on his body, the exhaustion that cannot be concealed can still prove the bad situation encountered by this gentleman.

   The place where the two talked was moved to the outside dining table against the wall, just below the brightest gas lamp.

   Jenkins picked out some chocolate favorites and handed it to it in a white porcelain plate. Under normal circumstances, he would not do this, because pets are not allowed in high-end restaurants.

   "God, I'm really happy to meet someone who can talk to me. How do you recognize me? I think I have never revealed my identity in our party."

   "I have some special abilities."

   He replied vaguely, the food knife handles the food on the plate. These things will not rot easily because their time is fixed: "But please rest assured, this will not affect you."

"I'm not worried."

   The middle-aged man waved at him: "I don't have any relatives or friends in Nolan City, even if my identity is exposed, I am not afraid of anything. Moreover, it is still a question whether I can go out."

   Jenkins nodded, and asked with concern:

"I remember at the last party, you said you wanted to leave Nolan City as soon as possible. Yes, I thought we would never meet again in this life. Why are you here? Oh, I entered an old bookstore occasionally. I came here after I got out."

"I was almost the same. I originally planned to leave from Nolan Railway Station. Before getting on the train, I was worried that the journey would be boring, so I stopped the carriage, bought some detective novels at the old bookstore on the street, and spent the time on the train journey. ......"

   He unbuttoned his neckline and shrugged at Jenkins.

   "I think you are also referring to the old bookstore with parrots."

   "Yes, I think you also understand that guy is the culprit, but no matter what method is used, he can't make him tell how we should go back."

   Speaking of this, the black cat paused:

   "Oh, I think you bought a book there too. Remember, as long as that book is not completely damaged, we are immortal here."

   "Is this what you tried?"

   Jenkins was a little surprised. He didn't expect Mr. Black Cat to have such a strong power of action. If you want to try this, it is not a simple matter of luck. He must have great luck and courage.

Chapter 474 Chapter 467: Longevity Friends

   "Oh, no, no, of course not."

   Mr. Black Cat shook his head: "I just came a few weeks earlier than you, it is impossible to try such a thing."

As he said, he stretched his hand out of the window: "It's not just the two of us that exist in this city. You are not the first living person I met. According to the information exchanged, this place should belong to some kind of deceit. That second-hand bookstore will randomly appear in a certain city, and only the gifter will be selected and caught by it. Whenever the location of the second-hand bookstore changes, where we are now will also change. Now the second-hand bookstore In Nolan, so this is what Nolan looks like."

   "Then the earliest victim you met lived in that era?"

   "Probably 1083 on the General Calendar."

   "This era?"

   "Yes, oh, Mr. Candle, don't be so surprised."

   He swallowed the food in his mouth in a hurry, and wiped his hands with a wet towel on the side:

"I think you should understand that even if the body does not die, the human spirit will eventually die out. This is recognized in the mystics. Therefore, except for certain races that are originally long-lived, most of them have mistakenly entered here. People will give up thinking over time, and eventually become a piece of meat that only breathes. Most of the people who are still active in this city are gifters who entered after the second-hand bookstore appeared in Nolan City."

   Jenkins suddenly realized: "So is there a difference between everyone's books?"

   "They are all ordinary books. If you want, you can go to the bookstore to buy one. There have been countless people who have tried it in the past, but the way out should not be here."

   In the following time, the two kept their meal in silence. Jenkins was thinking about the information he had so far, and suddenly realized a problem:

   "Every creature that enters will have an old book, but why Chocolate..."


   The cat who lowered his head to eat suddenly screamed. As soon as Jenkins looked up, he saw a man in a trench coat hurriedly passing by the restaurant. He obviously noticed the two people who were eating, but he didn't want to say hello to them.

   "Don't pay attention to him."

   Mr. Black Cat said: "This man was very arrogant when he first came. He had conflicts with some people and was beaten badly. He seems to be a member of a cult..."

   The man thought for a while and nodded to Jenkins: "Someone recognizes that the magical technique he uses is a special magical technique of the [Gear King] sect."

   "He is a member of [Gear Craftsmen's Association]?"

"Yes, he uses the secrets of his sect to exchange secrets with the predecessors here, although that is not worth money. I remember he said that his organization is in the underground of Nolan City, looking for a 10th era civilization manufacturing It seems that the steam equipment of China can assist in the calculation. I don’t remember it very clearly...It seems to be the last week. Sorry, I don’t care much about time recently."

He smiled apologetically at Jenkins: "There are about 7 people, including me, who suspected that something underground in Nolan was the cause of all this, so they went together to take a look. As a result, the underground mine tunnel only extended to half of it. There is no more, just like this only part of the city. Thinking about it now, I was also dizzy at the time. How can the things underground in Nolan have anything to do with the old bookstore that moves through the entire material world?"

   This trick seems to have never been discovered by the Orthodox Church, because no matter what era it is the gifter who entered, it is impossible to tell its number. But here is more than just a prison. According to Mr. Black Cat, some extremely strange creatures appear from the sky every once in a while, and randomly prey on the people trapped here.

   But this process will only occur during the period when the second-hand bookstore does not exist in any corner of the material world. This also shows from one side that it drifted between reality and illusion during that period.

   And those predators are most likely higher creatures sealed in the subspace, just like the corpse python encountered in Beldiran.

   Mr. Black Cat probably belongs to the kind of more optimistic person. When he talked to Jenkins about his current situation, he only showed a trace of worry. When Jenkins asked about his current plans, Mr. Black Cat’s answer was somewhat surprising:

"Planning? I know I cannot escape here, so I can only find someone who is hopeful for help. Come with me after dinner, and I will take you to meet someone. He is the one I said. The general calendar entered here in 1083."

   "He has the blue alien ability?"

   "Alien ability?"

Mr. Black Cat asked in surprise: "No, no, no, even if it possesses that strange ability, humans are still humans. That is a real alien creature, yes, just like we heard in mythology. You. Can you imagine, Mr. Candle, when I first saw him, I even thought I was crazy!"

   After dinner, Mr. Black Cat took Jenkins along the avenue eastward, and finally stopped in front of a high-end club. He looked around for a while before leading Jenkins in.

  If it were in the real world, the membership fee of this kind of club would be very expensive, but now everything is free, but there is no chef and waiter.

   The stranger lives in a VIP lounge on the second floor of the club. According to Mr. Black Cat, he usually doesn't like contact with strangers. If it weren't for a token related to a strange alien race, Mr. Black Cat would not be able to get acquainted with him.

   "You should be able to understand that he has a strange temper, so I am not sure if he can like you. But it is undeniable that this is indeed an elder with extremely high wisdom, even if he looks very young!"

   As they walked up the magnificent spiral staircase, he warned in a low voice.

   Chocolate's original attention was on the crystal chandelier, but her little nose suddenly moved a few times, and her big beautiful amber eyes moved upward.

   "I understand...Are there any details that need attention. I think this alien creature will have some habits different from humans."

   "Mr. Salimanda is very easy-going and has no strange habits."

   The two were together on the second floor stairs, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass mirror, sorting their clothes and hair. Jenkins originally wanted to use Mr. Black Cat's wooden comb to comb the chocolate hair, but the chocolate almost scratched his face.


   The two stood in front of the door of the lounge, and Mr. Black Cat knocked on the door lightly.

Chapter 475 Chapter 468 Spirit

   "Is that Mr. Black Cat?"

   "He also calls you Mr. Black Cat?"

   Jenkins asked quietly, standing behind him.

   "The name has no meaning to me."

   Mr. Black Cat also lowered his voice and explained, but the owner of the room had better hearing.