Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 249

   In fact, even if there is no church, the kingdom will not easily forgive commoners who dare to hurt the nobles. From this point of view, Jenkins is now a privileged class.

   The biggest impact of this incident is that the abrasions on the face should heal naturally. After all, many people know that Jenkins is injured on his face. Although the healing on the next day can be claimed as a "miracle", it is not necessary to do this to such a small degree for such a small matter.

   After dinner, Jenkins was taken to tell a story to the children living in the church. The great writer's reputation is prosperous, and children are willing to listen to him inventing some fairy tales about love and justice.

   Someone suggested that Jenkins sort out the many stories he told and publish it as a supplement to "A Strange Story". Jenkins did not refuse, but he only entrusted the priest who occasionally listened to help to do this, and announced that he would donate all the gold pound earned from publishing these fairy tales to the church.

   The benefits of doing so far outweigh the loss of golden pounds.

   returned to his bedroom around eight o'clock. While washing in the bathroom, Bishop Parode knocked on his door.

   The door is unlocked, and Jenkins grumbles to let the bishop in as he brushes his teeth. The old man opened the door and saw Jenkins' cat lying on the mattress, the gas lamp at the bedside was turned on, and an unfolded book was placed under the lamp.

   "Sorry, Bishop, I was washing up just now. Is there anything wrong?"

  Bishop Parrod came, and the first thing he did was to visit Jenkins, and he also heard about what happened this evening. The second thing is that the bishop is going to a small town in the country tomorrow to attend the opening ceremony of a new church, so he wants to entrust Jenkins to attend the street lamp ribbon-cutting ceremony for him tomorrow evening. The Church of the Sages paid the most gold pounds on this matter, and it is impossible for Mr. Mayor not to invite them.

   "But is this appropriate? I'm not even a god."

   "We have discussed that it is very suitable for you to attend. Moreover, I heard the news that you brought up the idea about street lights."

   The bishop patted Jenkins on the shoulder.

   Things will definitely not be that simple. The purpose of Nolan Diocese and the Holy See should be to further elevate Jenkins's church background. They are happy to let people think that Jenkins has a promising future in the church world, which not only can effectively cover his identity as a gifter, but also allows the Son to reasonably enjoy more church power.

   Bishop Parrod left after explaining the matter, and before heading to Ruen, Jenkins took out the hidden fear glass, B-03-2-8383.

   He checked the tightness of the curtains again, then raised his head and raised the wine glass, letting a small amount of liquid slip into his throat.

   These black liquids have a scent of jasmine, and they are as if they have been quenched by ice cubes. When they flow into the stomach, they can make people shiver fiercely, but they are extraordinarily refreshing. The taste is quite good, and the effect is quite good. Although Jenkins dared not drink all the liquid collected by the descendants of the Tobe family at once, drinking a few drops intermittently can also clearly feel the increase in spirit.

Chapter 578 Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty Seven Tuesday's Gathering

   For the wine glass, Jenkins is looking for a way to increase the black liquid recently. Collecting fear is not a very easy task, especially since he is unwilling to let this wine glass leave his grasp for a long time.

  Chocolate keeps its curiosity, of course, it may also be that it has seen Jenkins make the action of eating. When the man was about to put the wine glass away again, the cat suddenly jumped from the pillow to Jenkins's hand, and gently grabbed his palm with his little paw.

   "Do you want to taste it too?"

   Jenkins immediately understood the kitten's intentions.


   The cry was soft and soft, and then he lowered his head and rubbed the cat's face against Jenkins's hand.

   "Um... well, but I can only taste one drop."

  Chocolate can also ingest and increase spirit, there is no doubt about it. Although feeding such precious things to cats is very wasteful, Jenkins is also happy to see the growth of cats. Maybe it will be able to acquire a third ability besides "color change" and "invisibility" in the near future.

   By the time he showed his figure on the soft chair in front of the fireplace, Master Stuart had arrived.

   His Royal Highness the Three Queens was discussing some court affairs with Miss Miller. Seeing Jenkins appeared, she immediately closed her mouth to reveal her most ladylike appearance.

"your face......"

   The three women quickly noticed the strangeness of Jenkins, and Jenkins told them about the unfortunate experience that evening.

   In order to protect the privacy of others, he deliberately hides the relationship between Hathaway and Miss Mihail, but he can be sure that the smiling but non-smiling Alexia must have guessed something.

   "In Hampawo, criminals who illegally used firearms and attacked nobles can be sentenced to death without even going through trial!"

   When talking about punishment, Miss Stuart seemed very emotional.

   "The Kingdom of Fidcicle also has similar laws. I think that boy probably won't survive."

   None of the four people present would sympathize with him. To some extent, they are all privileged persons above ordinary people. In the pyramid of social classes, relying on power, force, and background, these are the top small group of people.

   Jenkins also asked about the attack that took place last week, and Miss Stuart said that everything was temporarily inconclusive. But she learned the lesson from that time and will be more cautious when meeting strangers in the future.

  According to the agreement last week, she brought to Jenkins the three materials needed for the wizard to give the formula. But it is a pity that although Jenkins obtained the water of life and unicorn hair through his own way, he did not find a Mu Xin that was more than three thousand years old.

   This is a very precious material. Even though Miss Miller and Miss Stuart both agreed to help Jenkins in the city of Ruen, he did not think they could be found in the short term.

  Ms. Stuart still likes to inquire about Jenkins' life like that. She is very smart to start with a certain cat as a topic, and she understands the story of Jenkins's life bit by bit.


   "Yes, I have given the finished manuscript to the bookseller, and he told me that the first edition will be printed before the end of the last month of this year."

   While talking, she repeatedly slides the knife on the empty plate. Today's learning content is table manners, which are divided into formal banquets, dance parties, etc. The knowledge in this is quite complicated, and it is by no means comparable to the surprise learning before the Beldyland trip. As Miss Stuart, the two actually used real objects when they practiced, but the original small steak was taken away by the chocolate. Before the new "teaching equipment" was sent to the kitchen, Jenkins could only gesture to the empty plate. .

   "Miss Miller has already seen it, haven't you?"

   Miss Stuart sat opposite Jenkins, turned her head slightly to look at the other two who were learning ancient Chinese characters. Ancient writing is the foundation of spells, and it is also the most painful type of knowledge.

   "Yes, she helped me complete the final proofreading."

   "The story about the country of ice and snow... should be quite interesting."

   Just like Miss Mihail, she did not want to learn the content of the story from Jenkins before seeing the official published book. But Jenkins has promised that once Nolan's bookstore starts selling the book, he will send it over as soon as possible.

   "Oh, Mr. William, forgot to tell you."

   When she said this, Miss Stuart pretended to be interested in the fireplace beside her, not looking at Jenkins' eyes.

   "My math class was adjusted to Tuesday night, that is to say, our next meeting will be held in my study room."

"Oh, alright."

   Jenkins nodded, but showed a confused expression: "But won't this delay your class? I think we'd better find a way to stagger the private time and the party."

   There was a faint smile on the corner of Miss Miller's mouth, and Julia's fingers almost pressed the book she was holding out of the hole.

   When it was close to eleven o'clock, the princess master and servant had to leave. They had to prepare for the banquet of the Chessland Kingdom mission tomorrow night. Jenkins and Miss Miller stood together at the window, making sure that their carriage had left, before returning to sit down in front of the fireplace.

   "You look tired."

  Miss Miller pointed this out.

   "There have been a lot of things recently."

   Jenkins rubbed his face, then grabbed the chocolate to his knee.

   "How's the situation on Luen's side, Miss Stuart's math class should be going well, right?"

"It's going well. At present, I have been allowed to do any activities in the unimportant area of ​​the palace. Last week Dolores invited me to a small salon. I met some interesting people. But I want to enter the ice. The tower is not so easy yet, the plan is still in progress."

   "What about the attack last weekend?"

"It hasn't been found out yet, but it should have been planned by Dolores' brothers. I am very curious now that the current king is in good health. Even if they want to exclude competitors, they shouldn't use such a radical way... .."

   She held her face with one hand and thought for a while: "But it's okay. I know you are worried about the safety of our friends. Don't worry, I won't let them get into trouble."

   Jenkins nodded, and the hand stroking the chocolate moved upwards, and changed to touching his head. The cat scratched his wrist with dissatisfaction with his paw.

   "You should also pay attention to your own safety, no one knows how many strange things are hidden in this king's capital. Oh, speaking of it, I recently got an interesting special item, but I ran into some trouble using it."

Chapter 579 Chapter 568 The Dinner Party Again

   Jenkins briefly talked about B-03-2-8383, the hidden fear glass, but it was unexpected that Miss Miller also knew the details of this B-class extraordinary.

"When I was a low-level gifter, I also read many documents to find new ways to increase spirituality. Of course, drinking the B-03-2-8383 product is a safer way, but unfortunately I didn't find it. Its traces. It turned out to have been taken away by the descendants of the Tobe family. In this way, the incident a long time ago will be understood..."

After    said, she chuckled at Jenkins again:

"If you want to collect fear, it's very simple. Take the cup to Luen and let Dolores arrange it. With her power, it's easy to put B-03-2-8383 in prisons, torture rooms, etc., I I think this should be a good way."

   Jenkins suddenly, this is indeed a very good way.

   "Well, Alexia, I will send B-03-2-8383 back when I get back to Nolan. You can also drink the liquid in it, I don't mind, there is still a lot of storage capacity in it."

   She did not comment on this, but lifted her finger to gently rotate it in the air:

   "Speaking of Nolan and Ruen, yesterday Julia reminded me of one thing alone, and she hopes I will tell you about it."

"whats the matter?"

   Jenkins asked, and the woman tilted her head and smiled. She was always full of charm when she did this action.

"Never tell Dolores Stuart, you have a very low-cost means of cross-regional travel. In other words, you must never let Dolores know that you can let her know at any time as long as she wants. Aware of Danolan."

   This is something Jenkins never thought about. Although he has become friends with a kingdom princess in name, it is hard for him to imagine that the princess actually appears in his life.

   This is a bit illusory.

   "Nolan Holiday?"

   thought of this phrase suddenly and couldn't help but laugh. If one day the two can really meet in Nolan, Miss Stuart and Julia with a curious expression open the door of the old antique shop, it must be very interesting.

   But Jenkins can't let this happen now, no matter from which point of view, it is not good for everyone.

   "May God bless her!"

   he said in his heart.

   Before leaving, Jenkins asked Miss Miller about the "Beast of Calamity". She did know, but she didn't tell Jenkins.

   Fingers slide in the air, and the light from the fingertips leaves a beautiful light and shadow in the air.

   "Sorry, Jenkins, but you still don't know these things. This is not a secret. In Audrey's words, I recently saw some ‘revelations from destiny.’"

   These people always do this.

   Early the next morning, the old man stuffed the newspaper into Jenkins' hands and pointed out a piece of news on the left side of the second page. It is very inconspicuous, not even as big as the bottom advertisement.

   I read it roughly, probably saying that there was a shooting in the city yesterday evening, and a nobleman was injured in the incident.

   "Unexpectedly, it would appear in the newspaper."

   Jenkins scratched his face, now that little scar is crusted and itchy in the warm room. The old man thinks that this healing speed is amazing, even if judged by the level of the benefactor, it is unusual.

"do not touch."

   Chocolate flicked Jenkins's right hand writing with his paw, Jenkins pushed it aside, and then the cat came over again.

"I know."

   He pushed the beads to his cat, and Chocolate rubbed his cheek in return.

   "Miss Mikhail doesn't seem to be mentioned in the newspaper."

   Jenkins pointed this out.

   "Neither did you mention your name. The church pressured the newspaper to briefly report on this matter. Now you are not suitable for frequent appearances in the public's eyes."

   At the end of the year, the old antique shop will also summarize the accounts for the year. From this week on, the old father will continue to take out the account books from the warehouse for Jenkins to check. In previous years, the father did it alone, or hired a chargeable accountant to do it. But now that there is Jenkins, there is no need to do that time-consuming and laborious thing.

   The first person to open the door of an antique shop today was neither a student who came to collect donations nor a salesman who promoted the product. At about ten o'clock, while Jenkins was worrying about the stain on a ledger, a carriage with exaggerated appearance stopped outside the antique shop.

   "The family crest of the Mihaier family."

   Dad reminded him, and asked Jenkins to get up and greet him.

   Coming down from the carriage are the noble lady and Miss Mikhail in mink shawls. The lady has a dignified and elegant manner with long golden hair behind her head. Her face is very similar to that of Miss Mihail, except that she is a little overweight, but she is also in the category of "beauties" in the normal aesthetic perception.

   The two were definitely not here to buy antiques, and Jenkins did not shout out "Welcome."

   As he guessed, the lady was Miss Mikhail’s mother, and the purpose of the two came to thank Jenkins for what happened yesterday evening.

   This is a somewhat boring, formulaic visit. In other words, everything is done in accordance with the procedure.

Mrs. Mikhail completely fits Jenkins’s image of a "dame", but in the short conversation, Jenkins did not grasp her character, and can only vaguely feel that she attached great importance to this visit, even better than Mi Miss Haier is even stronger. The latter completely put on the style of a noble lady, completely opposite to the relaxed appearance when meeting in private.

   "It seems that the marquis's tutor is also very strict, so it should be very tiring..."

   In addition to thanking her personally, Mrs. Mikhail also warmly invited Jenkins to a dinner at Mikhail’s house on Saturday night.

   "It's a dinner again? Ahem, sorry, I mean, Saturday night?"

   Daddy poked him behind Jenkins.

   "Okay, I think I have some time, no problem."

   When the mother and daughter Mihail left, Jenkins was still thinking about the purpose of the banquet. The Marquis of Mikhail holds the Nolan Navy. No matter what happens in the future, he should not have any worries. Therefore, he should never meet with Jenkins, who has a clear church background, in such a sensitive period.

   After consulting my father about this matter, my father’s advice is not to promise anything lightly, just treat it as an ordinary dinner.

   This is a peaceful and peaceful day. In fact, after Miss Mikhail and his party left, no one has ever walked into the old antique shop on this day.

  PS: I have updated the special items in the information chapter, and you can check it if you are interested.