Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 255

   This can be regarded as a way to improve the relationship between the two sides. Britney Mihail has fully understood that there is no need to be hostile to this man who possesses a golden personality and spirit. Whether it is for the future or the present, it is necessary to further deepen the relationship.

   She is also ashamed of her past suspicions.

   "Hill vacation in it remote?"

   Jenkins is not willing to leave Nolan for a long time.

"From Nolan, take a horse-drawn carriage. If it goes well, you can get there in two days. The road is also very interesting. The snowy scenery of the pine forest in winter is not seen elsewhere. It is a private territory, and people want to get in and out only through the only bridge , There will be no people other than friends showing up."

   "I want to ask my father for his opinion, if he can approve the holiday, then I think it should be fine."

   "Okay, we haven't set the exact date yet, but the winter vacation generally only lasts for a week."

   While talking, stood up, Jenkins also stood up quickly.

   "Then I will say goodbye, Jenkins, I am glad to be friends with you."

"I'm glad too."

   It is strange to say this, but the unexpected visit is finally over.

   Jenkins sent Miss Mikhail outside, and the carriage carrying her drove into the thick fog again. When the girl got on the carriage, she was a little worried, so after she sat down, she realized that there was an extra man in the carriage:

   "Father! Why are you here..."

  PS: The ordinary daily routine will soon pass. This volume has been completed 2/3 so far. It is estimated that there will not be such a long ordinary content before the beginning of the next intermission winter vacation story.

Chapter 591 Chapter 580 Flowers

   The Marquis of Mihaier wears a dark top hat and black formal wear. No dust can be found on the shiny leather shoes. He boarded the carriage when Miss Mihail entered the antique shop. At this time, he folded his hands together and leaned on the gold-encrusted cane, and looked at his daughter quietly.

   "Did the visit go well?"

   "Yes, it went well."

  Miss Mihaier felt flattered. There was never a scene where her father talked to her so kindly in her memory. Facing this kind of attitude, she didn't even know what to do.

   "It's going to go well. I noticed that I have never paid attention to your friendships. I only know that you have an extraordinary relationship with the daughter of the Hesha family...How is your relationship with Baron Williams?"

   he asked as he took off his hat, not wanting to explain why he was here. When speaking, she didn't look at her daughter, but looked straight ahead, which made Miss Mihail feel tremendous pressure.

   "It's a friend, and the Baron is my friend."

   She answered cautiously, in fact, the children of Mihaier's family are a little afraid of this man. Even if he didn't speak and just stared at someone, everyone would be nervous and afraid to move.


   The Marquis of Mihaier sighed softly, "Friend, how about the daughter of the Hesha family?"

   The fingers tapped the back of the other hand, and Miss Mikhail thought it was a danger signal.

   "We are all friends."

   She thinks that she has enough courage to face the legendary dragon.


   The middle-aged man hummed, Miss Mihail lowered her head and dared not look at his face.

"I know, you have always been reluctant to follow my arrangements for your marriage, and Miss Hesha is the same. Brian, now you have a chance to seize the freedom of yourself and Hesha's daughter. Yes, next Friday Before the month, whether it was you or Hathaway Hesha, as long as one person succeeded in becoming Jenkins Williams’s lover, and even further engaged, then Earl Hesha and I would never participate in another one. People's future marriage.

   This matter will only tell you, Hathaway Hesha will not know. Therefore, the freedom to choose is up to you. "

   He didn't leave a chance for his daughter to speak, and said again, his voice was calm and terrible:

"I'll just say these words once. If you don't want the family to be destroyed, don't talk to anyone: Before May of next year, it is you who I hope to establish a close relationship with Baron Williams. Brian, you may not be right now. I understand my intentions, but my father will never harm you."

   The carriage fell into silence, Miss Mikhail even suspected that she hadn't woken up yet, she didn't understand what had happened.

   She sorted out her thoughts:

   "Why James...Mr. Williams, even if he really becomes the bishop of the Church of the Sages in Nolan in the future, there is no need..."

   "Britney, I said, you don't understand now. Remember what I said, and then make your own choice. Do you remember the family motto of Mihail—Always stay awake."

   The Marquis of Mihaier closed his eyes, and then ordered the coachman to turn his head and send him to the naval guard in the dock area. Miss Mihail did not dare to speak, and once again looked in the direction of the old antique shop through the carriage.

   She is very clear about Jenkins' identity and background, at least until this summer, he was an ordinary person. After suspecting that there was a problem with her lover’s relationship, she also investigated some things. He did not have the conditions for his father to be so attracted...


   But this kind of opportunity really seems to be bestowed by a god. The relationship between Marquis Mikhail and Earl Hesha has always been very good, this should be a joint decision of the two.

   There seemed to be a fork in the road, which made the girl hold her skirt tightly. She didn't know how to choose this fork in the road, or even whether she should go through it. But everything is right in front of me, the freedom that I didn't even dare to think before is right in front of me, as long as...

   Her heart speeded up the rhythm of beating shamelessly, but she did not allow such a selfish ending.

   "God, why are you making such a joke to me?"

   (Girl tangled...)

  Chocolate likes the seeds of fantasy flowers, which is already well known in the church. As a result, Dad also became interested in those seeds. After asking an old friend for help, he actually found some old materials that were not even available behind the Vientiane Gate of Nolan Diocese.

   "The growth of fantasy flowers is divided into four stages. The initial stage is the seed state. At this time, this plant can only be used to prepare potions, and direct consumption may cause severe diarrhea."

   Jenkins nodded. After sending off Miss Mihail and asking if he could take a long vacation in January, the old man suddenly said that he would give him a surprise, but he did not expect that he had actually found the fantasy flower information.

   touched his well-behaved cat, and then asked:

   "So, are the seeds in the backyard of the church useless at present?"

"It can be said that, after all, all the potions that used seeds as materials have been lost. The fantasy flower needs a lot of life spirit to enter the second growth stage. Normally, this can only be absorbed by the plant itself, so it causes a long Growth cycle. At this stage, the seed will turn into a sprout. This sprout is a very powerful hallucinogenic substance. Even drinking the dew flowing from the sprout will cause very serious consequences."

   Jenkins glanced at the chocolate, the cat did not have much interest in the plants in the house.

   "How serious are the consequences?"

   "Hmm... have you seen the patients at Nolan Mental Illness Hospital?"

   Dad thought for a long time before he found a suitable analogy.

   "I haven't seen it, but imagined it."

   "That's good, directly eating the seedlings of the fantasy flower in the second growth stage will become even more crazy than the mental patient you think."

   This is very vivid, and Jenkins immediately understood it.

"Buds growing from seedlings is a sign of entering the third growth stage. This stage does not require long years of catalysis, but requires some special substances. Jenkins, I was shocked when I saw the information, but in fact every Full-fledged fantasy flowers are different, and the difference depends on this step. To enter the third growth stage, the blood of the flower holder, the hair of the lover, the spirit of a friend, and the soul of a stranger are needed. The amount is not required. There are many, but only one person can use the finished flower, and the flower’s ownership depends on this stage."

Chapter 592 Chapter 581 New Adventure

   The growth requirement pointed out by the old man is more like a ritual than "fertilization".

   "My blood is okay, Hathaway and Alexia’s spirits are okay, and strangers’ souls are okay, but...Where can I find my lover’s hair?"

   He was in deep distress.

"The fantasy flower in the third stage can be eaten directly to directly increase your own spirit, or to help ordinary people with talents to become transcendent. This sounds a bit like the legendary flower of spirit, but it is more rare than that. The value of fantasy flowers is obviously higher."

   The old man continued to talk about it, showing a sigh of emotion as he talked. He rarely heard of such a unique thing.

"Only the fantasy flowers that are fully mature, that is, entering the fourth growth stage, are eligible to be assigned the number B-01-5-0718. Mature fantasy flowers will fully bloom, and the branches will fall off from the roots for easy holding. Fully mature The condition is the soul, at least tens of thousands of souls can give birth to a plant. The plants in the third stage already have the function of actively absorbing souls, so the legal B-01-5-0718 that appeared in the past records has basically been Incidentally planted near the cemetery."

   Jenkins already thought that his pot of flowers could not be mature enough. He was not a cultist and couldn't get so many souls.

"Each plant of B-01-5-0718 has a different effect. Their effect depends on the fantasy of the holder, so they are given the name of'fantasy flower'. But in fact, it is more like you are in The wishing flower written in "Stories of Foreign Landlords", because its function is determined at the moment when it is touched by the holder after maturity."

   "But the information I found didn't mention this at all."

"Of course, the information is only available to the Holy See. From the information I found, this extremely dangerous item only appeared once in this era, and indirectly caused the great plague thirty years ago. The holder of the flower passed The power of B-01-5-0718 directly owns the skeleton sword that should have disappeared, and the current danger level of 5 is the information in the fake data. The danger level of the real data is 1."

The old man finally gave Jenkins a black and white photo. The photo was blurred. Only a man who could not distinguish his facial features was standing in front of a low house holding a small white flower. The "Undead Scourge" a year ago was caused by this person.

   For fear of being recognized, Jenkins's pot of fantasy flowers in the second growth stage is now temporarily stored in Alexia. He is actually very interested in this kind of plant, but he can't imagine how to find the "lover's hair".

   On the way to the gathering of Mr. Corpse in the evening, Jenkins changed the way to ask Professor Burns for advice, and the professor gave a straightforward way:

   "Then find your lover, I think it is not difficult, especially for young people of your age. Otherwise, our ethnic group will not continue to the present."

   He said lightly, maybe because he wanted to make a joke, but Jenkins couldn't laugh.

  Mr. Corpse who maintained mysticism still got out of the locker. This time he warned everyone not to go out on the bright red moon night. It is easy for people to think of the blood moon last week from such suggestions, and the recurrence of the blood sucking species is already an open secret.

   Almost everyone has developed the habit of recognizing the shadows of others. Perhaps someone can use this instinctive reaction to judge whether the stranger they meet is a gifter.

   Jenkins once again offered to buy Millennium Muxin at a high price at the party, but this time fortunately, he did not favor him anymore. It was Mr. Corpse who unexpectedly suggested that he could think of something, but Jenkins tactfully declined it on the grounds that the time was too long.

  He would never dare to have any connection with Mr. Corpse easily unless he encounters something that there is really no way to solve it.

   After the party, Jenkins and Professor Burns did not return to the city immediately, but walked eastward along the open fields around the edge of the city.

   Tonight is not going out secretly, but an excuse to visit Professor Burns, so they have plenty of time to do something. It just so happened that the professor once again found a "treasure" through ancient books.

In fact, this can’t be regarded as a coincidence. According to Professor Burns, he had heard of this ancient ruin when he was 24 when he was writing his thesis. After nearly half a century of research and exploration, he barely found the specific Location.

Originally intended to report directly to the church, but recently the church team is very busy, and the entrance that opens once every 24 years cannot be missed-he is not sure if he can live to the next 24 years, so he can only call Jenkins today. Come out together.

   "Maybe we can call the old man, he is a real professional compared to a layman like us."

   When Professor Jenkins proposed tonight’s action, Jenkins suggested so. It's not that the old man is a tomb thief, but he can provide a lot of useful advice.

   "I told Oliver that he has something else tonight, which is very urgent. But he lent me some gadgets, I think it will be useful."

   Although I encountered danger during the last expedition with Professor Burns, overall the benefits far outweigh the risks. The target this time was an ancient cemetery. It was a group of robbers active in the 15th period. The specific name can no longer be verified. But clear records show that they would hide their treasures in the graves of their companions and dig up the graves when needed.

It took half a lifetime for Professor    to find the approximate location of the tombs, which were in the mountains to the east of the city. With Jenkins's skeletal war horse as a means of transportation, it only takes an hour and a half to find the destination.

   There is an ordinary-looking flat land in the withered woods in the mountains. It is quite difficult to walk because of the inaccessibility of people. The rotting dead leaves and the unresolved snow made the touch of the boots and the ground very strange, and even the chocolate refused to jump off his shoulders.

   The moon tonight is very round, and you can easily see the red and blue moons and the sky full of stars outside the city without pollution. Taking advantage of the professor's last confirmation of the position, Jenkins raised his head to accumulate spirits through stargazing, and he was able to clearly sense the fourth-level barrier. Although it's a bit far away, it will only take a few months if you can encounter a treacherous state or destroy a treacherous object recently.

"right here!"

Professor    suddenly shouted sharply. He was trembling, but his face seemed to be red, and he didn't know if it was because of excitement or cold.

Chapter 593 Chapter 582 Visitors from the Snow Forest

   "It's here, the tomb of the robbers is here. I think we can start, but we must be careful. Although the probability is small, it is still possible to encounter terrible things like black-skinned soul-eaters."

Professor    reminded in a low voice.

   The moon is very round, although the chocolate is still not illuminated, but tonight is indeed a good weather.

   Neither of them have the ability to dig the ground, so they can only dig a hole in the moonlight with a shovel. Chocolate had already climbed to the side of the tree, sniffing the damp and rotten smell of the forest at night, watching the two men's hard work boredly.

   This seems a bit strange, Jenkins can't think of it, the remains of the pre-epoch can be dug out with a shovel. But since the professor thinks it's okay, it's probably it.

  The atmosphere in the dry woods is very depressing. If no one talks all the time, it will seriously affect the mood. Both Jenkins and Professor Burns realized this, so they talked about each other while working.

   "Professor, I heard that in the ancient era, humans did not dare to enter the forest in such a late night."

   "Yes, at that time, the creatures living in the deep forest were not only wild wolves or rabbits, but countless indescribable terrifying creatures were watching and peeping at food in the dark, which was quite terrifying."

   In order to save energy, the way they illuminate is Jenkins' shadowless lamp. Whether it is an immortal purifying candle or a starlight ball, it will wear out spirits, which is quite dangerous for an uncertain night.

   "Can you give me some examples? My current study progress is not there yet. Those weird plant materials really hurt my brain."

   "Of course it's okay."

  Professor Burns is willing to impart knowledge to young people who are eager to learn. He rested his hands, then digging and continued:

   "Of course the most famous creatures living in the forest are the elves, but their settlements are generally in the deepest part of the forest, and the most outer patrol teams that humans can encounter are generally."

   "Professor, do you have a thousand-year wooden heart?"

   Jenkins immediately thought of his potion from this topic.

   Professor Burns was taken aback, then shook his head:

"No, that kind of thing is not common, but I can help you pay attention...Just now I talked about elves, which are a kind of highly intelligent race. And aliens like beasts, such as three-headed dogs, corpses Ghosts, etc., are the most common enemies that weak humans need to face. Of course, if you have less luck, you may also encounter terrible creatures such as evil spirits, abyssers, soul-stealers, and shadow beasts. In this dark night, it almost means death..."

   The two chatted without a word, but there was no altar-like keyhole that the professor said under the shovel. They must find that thing before the end of tonight, otherwise they can only wait for the next 24 years.

Professor   's investigation revealed that there are gifted men among the bandits, so there is a high probability that there are special items in the tomb. Jenkins opened his true eyes and looked down at this point, but he didn't see any aura.

   "Maybe there was an error in the professor's investigation."