Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 292

   Because of the blizzard weather, they can't go far away. And there are guards walking with Hathaway, obviously it is impossible for any dangerous situation to occur.

   Jenkins didn't take this matter to heart, and turned around and chatted with Quik. Only he and Jenkins are still in the villa among the 7 people who are traveling now. Quik got up late today and didn't have time to go out with his friends.

   Twenty minutes later, Mr. Joel Bangkoks came to inform the two that they could go to lunch, but the few who went out at this time still did not come back.

Chapter 677 Chapter 665 The Missing Servant

  Because the people who went out did not return, both men thought that they should wait for everyone to come back to have a meal together. But this time, it was half past twelve. They stood in front of the main entrance of the villa, looking worriedly at the blizzard outside. Now the visibility is very low, and there is only a vast expanse of white in the distance.

   People who go out must carry pocket watches, it is impossible to forget the time. Seeing that they hadn't come back, Mr. Joel Bangkoks was ready to summon people to go out to find them.

  As the property of the Mandela family, this villa is usually rented as a tourist resort, so there are a lot of staff in the villa. For safety, the three sturdy servants went out in a group to search, but Jenkins and Quik could only stay in the villa to wait for news.

   The snow outside is getting bigger and bigger, and the front door of the villa cannot even be opened completely. Otherwise, the strong wind rushing into the building will blow vases, oil paintings and various weak ornaments to the ground.

   The first group of servants who went out to search came back from the snow half an hour later. They just walked around the main part of the villa, but no traces of the missing were found.

   "The snow is too big!"

  The people who came back were covered with snowflakes on their hats and shoulders, and they were so cold that they couldn’t even say the whole thing:

   "Oh, Mr. Butler, we didn't find any traces where they went out to see the snow."

   The second batch of search teams went to the bridge and brought back an unfortunate news.

   "What? Is the bridge broken?"

  Quick almost threw the teacup in his hand on the carpet.

"It doesn't matter, sir, this villa was considered at the beginning of its construction. Although the bridge is nominally the only way to go out, in fact it is a little bit farther, and there is still a way to go outside the mountain. It’s just that the road is difficult to walk, and people must be sent out after the snow stops. Please rest assured that the broken bridge will not affect us."

Mr. Joel Bangkoks, the administrator of    Villa, assured the two, but he also looked worried.

  The accident of the broken bridge has cast a faint haze in the villa. At least people have understood psychologically that they are now completely isolated from the world.

  The heavy snow caused the footprints to be covered soon, which greatly hindered the search. Even though the weather outside is extremely unsuitable for going out, Mr. Bangkoks, who knows the identity of the missing person, still asks the servants to search again and again. He knew very well that even if one person left their lives in these mountains, both he and his master would suffer extremely terrible punishment.

   Hathaway definitely left the vicinity of the villa, and Jenkins couldn't see the aura that represented her. Over time, he also became a little restless. Seeing that Quik did the same, he proposed:

   "Let’s go out and take a look. Although this is dangerous, we can’t just wait."

  Quick only hesitated and agreed to Jenkins' proposal. The two went to Mr. Bangkoks to explain their plan, but Bangkoks certainly disagreed. But they couldn't stand the repeated demands of the two people, and they promised to follow the team without leaving a step, only then agreed that they would follow them out.

  The mountains and forests are perilous in winter, and every team that goes out to search will carry a shotgun. This old-fashioned shotgun is very difficult to use, but at least it is no problem to scare away creatures such as wild wolves at close range.

   At 2:10 in the afternoon, Jenkins stepped out of the gate of the manor together with three other servants of the villa. Everyone is wearing heavy cotton clothes. It is meaningless to use an umbrella in this kind of weather, because it will only be delayed by the wind.

   They planned to walk westward for 20 minutes along the small road outside the villa, returning on time regardless of whether they could find a clue.

   The weather outside was worse than Jenkins had imagined. Snow flakes were blown on the face by the wind like stones. Even if you wrap most of your face with a hat and scarf, you can't avoid this.

   everything around is white mist, walking deep and shallow in the snow, occasionally holding the cedar on the side to catch a breath. If it was not necessary, Jenkins would never go out in this weather. He already missed the warm interior a little.

   "What time is it now?"

   He took a heavy breath, then turned back and asked his companion loudly, but unexpectedly found that there was no one behind him.

   "Quin? Marple? Rennes?"

   He shouted the names of his servants again, but behind him there was only a row of his own footprints extending from a distance.

   "Didn't you still be there just now?"

   That was at most five minutes ago, and the four of them talked about whether they were walking on the right path.

   "Hey~ anyone?"

   He yelled again, and then completely gave up and moved on, turned and walked back along the footprints that had not been completely covered. He quickly found some blood on the snow, and then found the shotgun that was thrown in the snow.

   The blood is very fresh, which shows that it was left by the injured companion. But Jenkins was really unable to look up because of the wind and snow. He didn't know where to find the missing people.

   "A wolf following us? Or other carnivorous creatures?"

   He tried to find footprints outside of human beings on the snow, but the wind and snow had already concealed all those subtle traces.

   As a last resort, he unbuttoned the button on his chest and pulled out the cat that followed but didn't want to walk on his own. Poor Chocolate had never seen such a terrible weather before, struggling desperately inward under Jenkins' coat, but didn't want to come out.

   "I just borrowed your nose. Did you see that blood stain? I want to know if there is any strange smell around here, and where did this smell go?"


   It took advantage of Jenkins to let go, and retracted into his clothes again.

"Alright alright."

   He was determined to deal with the ignorant cat after returning home. He squatted down with difficulty and used cotton-gloved hands to scoop through the snow. It took a few minutes to find new blood. Obviously the direction of the blood stains extends beyond the path. Although the snow-covered road can no longer be distinguished, Jenkins' sense of direction still reminds him that the direction is not the right path.

   just walked forward while checking the blood stains. After a while, he saw some physical stumps. Walking forward again quickly, I saw the footprints of densely packed wild animals, and then found a pack of wolves feeding in the open space.

  Wild animals without intelligence are obviously more sensitive. They knew that Jenkins was a dangerous monster, so after dragging away three companions, they gave up attacking him.

Chapter 678 Chapter 666 Miss Lawrence and the Spider

  Wild wolves are just wild wolves, even if they are so numerous, they are no different from a bunch of chocolates in front of an angry Jenkins.

   He didn't find it fast, so the corpses of his companions could only be barely identified. Standing on the edge of the clearing with his hands for a while, he took some objects from everyone as evidence, and then buried those stumps in the snow forest.

   "Maybe they shouldn't be on the same road with me."

   He felt a little sad, but he also knew that this kind of boring emotion would only affect his thinking. I decided to give some compensation to the families of these three companions after the trip, and suddenly realized that the wolves that suddenly appeared here were somewhat unusual.

  He doesn't have the ability to track things, so he can only look for possible clues nearby. But the current weather is obviously not suitable for looking for those subtle clues. Just when Jenkins wanted to give up, he actually found a long hair under his footprints.

   This is obviously a woman’s long hair, judging from the color and length, it should belong to Miss Lawrence.

   "Why are you here?"

   Jenkins' current position is off the path, which is different from the path they take when they go out to see the snow. But now the more important thing is to find his friends, so he can only try again and let the chocolate help.

   This time Chocolate saw that Jenkins was anxious but obedient. The kitten's head popped out from the middle of the coat, and the pink nose squeezed.

   It is obviously a cat and not a dog, but as a creature with extraordinary powers, this cat's sense of smell is far stronger than Jenkins imagined. It guided Jenkins all the way to the deeper part of the snow forest, only to find the goal in half an hour.

   In fact, due to snow obstructing the view, Jenkins didn't know what was ahead, so he almost jumped off the edge of the cliff. And Miss Lawrence is lying in the snowdrift on the edge of the cliff. The snow has almost buried her, and the color of the coat is light. If it were not for chocolate to lead the way, Jenkins would probably not be able to find another person in the snow. .

   "Miss Lawrence? I actually found it, chocolate, what did you smell?"

   He tried to call, and at the same time he helped the girl up. She still had a faint breathing, and Jenkins didn't smell blood. If it wasn't for being knocked out, then she would have fainted here.

   The ends of her long hair were frozen, and even her beautiful eyelashes were covered with a layer of frost, and she appeared to show signs of frostbite. If this continues, and she cannot return to the villa, she may freeze to death due to the loss of temperature. Jenkins can only do things that may reveal his identity:


   He whispered, and then he held Miss Lawrence's hand with his own. The flames and green smoke flowed quickly along the entanglement of the two hands. The hot temperature even melted most of the snow on the ground around the two, and the sudden warming made both the cat and the man uncomfortable.

   "Mr. Williams?"

  Miss Lawrence woke up faster than Jenkins expected, and she immediately noticed the unusual thing that happened between the two. But the first reaction was not surprise, but a reminder:

   "Be careful, there is a monster near here!"

   is not like the plot in the cliché knight novel, the monster attacks the two at the moment the woman tells the reminder. On the contrary, there is no living thing besides the howling wind and snow. The dazzling red and green light are the most shining things in this white world.

   "What monster?"

   He helped Miss Lawrence sit up, and the woman's body, although still tired, had recovered to health.

"I didn't see clearly... We were only watching the snow nearby, but somehow we got separated from everyone. When we recovered, we saw a big icy blue spider trying to attack. After I fled here in a panic, I accidentally fell and fainted."

   This is the truth. The judgment is based not on the swollen forehead, but on the priesthood of lies.

   "Ice blue spider?"


   The pocket watch chain and the chocolate reminded him at the same time, and he lowered his head subconsciously, only to hear the sound of breaking through the air above his head. When I looked again, I saw that it was a bunch of white spider silk.

  The attack came from below the cliff, and the spider was obviously lying in ambush below. When Jenkins wanted to pick up Miss Lawrence and plan to leave the dangerous terrain first, he discovered that a huge spider appeared far away from the cliff.

   This is obviously an extraordinary creature, because Jenkins does not believe that normal creatures can grow to a height of two meters. Its body length is longer than Jenkins imagined. It has an ice blue breastplate on the back of its head and chest, and it has a snowflake rune-like pattern on the back. There are 8 monocular eyes on the front of the chest, arranged in 2 rows, of which the eyes on the left and right sides are of different colors.

   The body is covered by white exoskeleton, but if you look closely, you can see very fine and dense white fluff. The 6 pairs of appendages showed a terrifying appearance, with the swollen chelates at the base and the slender fangs trembling in the wind and snow, as if to attack at any time.

   "Mr. Williams..."

  Miss Lawrence held onto Jenkins's sleeve tightly, her body trembling violently. This is easy to understand, young girls sometimes fear those scary-looking insects, not to mention the huge things in front of them.

   "I hope you don't tell others what you saw. After we return to Nolan, please go to church and sign a non-disclosure agreement. After all, there are things that ordinary people cannot know."

   "I know! Mr. Williams, think about a way, it's coming!"


   Jenkins whispered in her ear, and then knocked the woman unconscious.


   Jenkins heard the ridicule from this cat cry, but he thought that his cat would not have such complicated emotions.

   hugged Miss Lawrence and ran to the edge of the cliff quickly, and then jumped towards the bottom of the cliff violently. Spider silk attacked them again from the cliff, but the flames that appeared out of thin air burned all those beautiful silk threads clean.

   Through this effort, Jenkins saw the spider hole under the cliff, and also saw a second spider that was smaller than the one on the cliff.


   The flying unicorn caught them from below. Although sitting on the mount in the air is similar to acrobatics, Jenkins and the unicorn have reached this point very tacitly.

   He commanded his mount to face the strong wind to the sky far away from the cliff, and looked down at the white cliff in the wind and snow.

Chapter 679 Chapter 667 The Death of Quik

   The sky and the earth are all silvery white, and the unicorns in the sky are very inconspicuous. The two spiders below lost their targets, and soon climbed back to the spider hole on the cliff together.

   "In this kind of weather, even the sound of an explosion should not go far."

   The black figure has already appeared behind him. This is the most trouble-free way to fight against giant monsters.

   It was already very dark when I returned to the villa. People who had been waiting saw Jenkins return and brought back Miss Lawrence, and they were really relieved. Although the death of the other three companions was very sad, at least these arrogant young masters did not have an accident, which is the best news of the day.

  Quick had returned long ago, and the other servants who had gone out to search were not in danger. Miss Mikhail, Hathaway, Yula Rick and Mr. Alan Garcia are still missing. The more critical point is that Jenkins is wondering what happened.

   The disappearance of my friends is by no means accidental, and several accidents during this trip cannot be simply attributed to bad luck. Starting from the cold snake grass in the small town below the mountain, among the seven people and their servants who came to travel, there must be some calamity that caused all of this, and this calamity has not yet revealed the identity and purpose.

  And more importantly, the aborigines in the villa cannot be trusted either. The ice-blue big spider just now is obviously not a native native race, and Jenkins also found a large basin containing raw meat in the ruins of the explosion, which is even more evidence of this. A certain person or group of people in the villa is raising the monsters, and even the appearance of the group of wild wolves may be related to this.

   The squinting Mr. writer took the towel and refused the help of the maid and swept the snow on his body with the towel alone.

   In front of him, panicked and anxious people gathered in the lobby in front of the main entrance to discuss countermeasures, and among these people, there must be a murderer who understood all of this.


The door behind    was closed tightly, completely blocking the blizzard outside. And the writer Jenkins Williams has made up his mind to act as a guest detective again and bring to justice the culprit who interrupted the precious vacation time.

  Blizzard still doesn't mean to stop. Overnight in the open air on such a night is a high probability that you will not survive the dawn. Therefore, even if it is dangerous, the people in the villa still have to organize people to go out and search, but Jenkins and Mr.Quick are not allowed to take the risk again to join the team.

   When he came back on a unicorn just now, Jenkins had already circled the vicinity in a low-altitude flight, but he couldn't find the aura representing Hathaway. This does not mean that she is dead, at least Jenkins does not believe that, on the contrary, the possibility of certain spatial-type numbered objects, events, and even sedans is higher.

   He is worried about his friends, but they seem to have disappeared completely in this world and can't find any trace.

   The people who went out looking for it brought back disappointing news time and time again. The negative emotions in Jenkins could even be seen by Miss Lawrence.

   She hasn't left Jenkins since she woke up, and the sensitive girl also saw that there were malicious people in this house. Although they repeated to Jenkins over and over again what happened after they left the villa, no one could find any effective clues.

   Jenkins even wanted to let the chocolate temporarily act as a police dog before searching, but finding Miss Lawrence is probably the limit of this cat. In this kind of weather, no matter how strong the smell is, it can be easily covered up. After all, it is a cat, not a dog.

   He plans to go out on a unicorn to find him again after dinner, but this time he has to make the range bigger. If you can't find it before ten o'clock in the evening, you can only go to trouble Alexia for help.

   He was very worried that the girls would encounter accidents in such a low temperature environment, so he hurriedly ate dinner, for fear that it would cause a tragedy because it was one second late. But even so, the search at night still found nothing, and after returning to the room from the window, Miss Lawrence, who had been staying in Jenkins' bedroom because of anxiety and fear, gave him another bad news:

   "Sorry, Mr. William, Quik is dead."

   The young man who was eating at the same table with Jenkins just now was found dead in the corridor at the door of his room by the servant who cleaned the corridor, which is not far from Jenkins' bedroom.

   There was no trauma on his body. During a short examination, Mr. Brad Deckert, a doctor in the villa, did not find any sudden fatal diseases such as heart disease. Although people wanted to attribute their death to poisoning, Jenkins and Miss Lawrence who were eating at the same table were safe, and from the outside, the corpse's expression was very peaceful, not at all like struggling with pain before death.

   "Sorry, I can't find the cause of death. I can only do a more detailed inspection after the police arrive. Fortunately, it is winter, and the body won't rot so quickly..."