Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 294

   When I returned to the villa from the hut outside the villa in the snow, it was already close to ten o'clock in the night, but everyone here was not drowsy. Quirk's body is still in his room, and no one dared to sleep peacefully until the murderer was found.

   The good news is that Miss Mikhail actually woke up. Jenkins didn't know if it had anything to do with her secret treatment. The focus now is to ask what happened to the people she was out.

"I do not know."

   She was still weak. Although she sat up, she had to lean on Miss Lawrence to keep her from falling.

"Not long after we went out, Blizzard was getting bigger and bigger. Everyone discussed going back in advance to prevent accidents, but Jennifer disappeared after turning around. We followed the footprints to find her and found something strange in the bushes far away from the path From there, Jennifer also started running in big strides..."

   This should be the place where Miss Lawrence encountered Big Spider after she accidentally lost her companions. Of course, both Jenkins and Miss Lawrence claimed that she had encountered wolves. As for those footprints, they are now completely covered by snow. I believe people don't account for this.

  Miss Mihaier breathed, Jenkins immediately reached out and grabbed her arm to calm her.

"Then, we saw a weird man with a shotgun wearing white clothes and covering all his face. He shot us and Hathaway took me and quickly escaped. During this time we walked with others. When I stop, I don’t know where we are."

   "Where is Miss Na Hesa ​​now?"

   Jenkins tried to control, not letting others hear the anxiety in his tone.

"Sorry, I was so tired. I fell asleep soon after I stopped. I was already here when I woke up, Jenkins, what happened? I just seemed to hear you say that Quik is dead... ."

   She stretched out her right hand to hold Jenkins' palm. The girl's hand was very hot, which represented health.

"Suddenly fell asleep, it wouldn't be Hathaway's [Slumber]...what happened to them that Hathaway put Miss Mihail to sleep in that place? Is it really true? Strange, but there is no need to leave her alone in the cedar forest."

   Although Miss Mihail did not provide any valid information, her safety is the greatest comfort to everyone in the villa. Miss Lawrence recounted what happened here one after another. When she learned that Hathaway had not returned, she looked at Jenkins pleadingly.

   "You must find her, right?"

   "Yes, I promise."

   Anxious Jenkins can't wait to rush into the Blizzard and start searching again, but the more he gets to the present, the more he should calm down. It is impossible for Miss Mihaier to teleport directly back to the villa from the snow forest. She must have a reasonable reason to appear in the basement.

   With this idea, he left the petite chocolate with the women as bodyguards. He once again went to the basement with the housekeeper, key keeper, and doctor, hoping to find a hidden secret passage.

   The room that was full of people just now quieted down. Both women looked at the cat lying next to the pillow. After being quiet for a while, they once again talked about the terrible things that happened in Blizzard Mountain Villa.

   "Did Jenkins find you?"

   Goldilocks on the bed asked again.

   "Yes, they met a pack of wolves, and three male servants were killed as a result. Mr. Williams bravely used a shotgun to fight the wolves, and later found me on the edge of the cliff."

   looked down at his knees while talking to prevent the lie from being told. Miss Lawrence’s toes were paired uncomfortably together, she was quite bad at lying.

   Although Jenkins has explained to Miss Lawrence how to respond to people's inquiries, not everyone has the gift of lying like him.

   But fortunately, in fact, Miss Mihail didn't really want to understand the cruel thing in more detail, so she didn't find Lawrence's abnormality. She just wanted to find something to do to prevent herself from thinking about the terrible encounter that Hathaway might face.

Chapter 683 Chapter 671 Hidden Wardrobe

   Hathaway’s note that everyone is safe has seen it, but this can’t eliminate people’s worries. Miss Mikhail tried to restrain herself from thinking about the situation she was facing, but in fact the worries in her heart had completely overwhelmed her.

  'S pretty eyes looked at the boring cat again, and Chocolate also glanced at the human female. At the moment when her eyes met, a sense of fear from the bottom of her heart surged into the blonde girl's heart, and she immediately turned her head to the side and breathed unconsciously.

   "Britney, what's wrong with you?"

   Miss Lawrence immediately noticed her abnormality.

   "No, it's okay, I think I'm too worried..."

  Ms. Mihaier will not tell the story of her being frightened by a cat. She attributed the situation just now to the mental problem caused by just waking up.

   sighed and leaned on the soft pillow, letting her long golden hair drape around her back.

   "God, what is going on with this year's trip, what terrible things will we encounter?"

   "Bryney, don't be so pessimistic. With Mr. Williams here, everything will be fine."

  Miss Lawrence has never been in contact with the post-supernatural world before today. In her shallow knowledge, Jenkins is the most powerful transcendent. Of course, this is not wrong in some respects.

   "Do you trust Jenkins?"

   Miss Mihaier stared into her eyes and asked.

"Yes it is."

  Miss Lawrence nodded.

   They looked at the cat left by Jenkins again and realized that even though the man was so reliable, he was not here at the moment. Thinking of this, both women felt a little chill at the back of their necks, Miss Lawrence immediately stood up, closed the curtains, and completely blocked the dark blizzard.


   Chocolate let out a lazy cry, and the sound of milk and milk dispelled the strange atmosphere in the room. Miss Lawrence sat back on the chair beside the bed, subconsciously getting closer to the chocolate lying position.

  The group of people who went to the basement did not return until eleven o'clock, and the two women in the room didn't dare to go to sleep alone before seeing Jenkins. During this period, the maid who regained the right to freely move around made some supper for the two. Warm food can effectively dispel the nervous emotions.

   It can be seen that the maids in the villa are also very nervous. The maid told Miss Lawrence that now everyone is gathering in the restaurant on the first floor waiting for news. There has been no sound from the basement for a long time, but Jenkins had ordered them not to approach it randomly, so no one knew what the group did in it.

   The wall clock on the wall of the room ticked, and the time soon came to eleven thirty. Chocolate has closed its eyes for a long time without moving, and the even breathing shows that it is sleeping sweetly.

  Ms. Mihaier is very envious of the state of the cat. She also wants to close her eyes and sleep until dawn in her dream, but this is impossible for her now.

   "When will Jenkins come back, isn't the basement very small?"

   She thought in her heart, and just as she was about to say it, she saw the horrified expression on Miss Lawrence's face.

   The lady on the chair stretched her finger to the door of the room. After a few seconds of confusion, Miss Mihail discovered the shadow from the gap under the door, and she could see a person standing outside the door.

   This is definitely not a servant, because the servant has no reason to stand for so long without knocking on the door. And in this temporarily isolated mountain villa, the only person who could do this was the murderer.

   The two girls glanced at each other, and both saw the panic in each other's eyes.

   Of course the door of the room is not locked, which means that people outside the door can push in at any time. The panicked Miss Lawrence picked up the fruit knife on the bedside table. This was the only thing they could do to defend themselves.

  Miss Mihaier reached out to the closet in the corner, and Miss Lawrence immediately understood. They leaned together and stared at the door, carefully moving towards that side. After halfway out, Miss Mikhail remembered that the chocolate was still on the bed. She bit her lip and quickly ran to the bed to pick up the cat, but the chocolate suddenly He opened his eyes and avoided her hand, and then got into the closet with slits faster than the two women.

   Soon, all three creatures in the room hid in the cabinet. Miss Mikhail and Miss Lawrence hugged each other and squatted in the corner of the closet, letting the clothes hanging inside cover them. After half a minute of violent gasping, they heard a "squeak~", the door was pushed open, and the sound of heavy footsteps quickly entered the room.

   Both of them began to tremble, unable to restrain themselves from imagining what would happen when they were discovered. They are very worried that the cat next to them will suddenly scream and reveal their positions, but the chocolate is more cute than they thought.

   The cat’s eyes glowed in the dark, and the piercing cat eyes looked at two human women who were extremely scared. Probably encouraged by the cat's courage, or perhaps the fruit knife in her hand gave her courage, Miss Lawrence rallied her head forward and put her eyes on the closet door to look outside.

   She wants to know who is walking in.

  The lighting tools in the room are candles and oil lamps, so the lighting conditions are actually very poor. Under the dim light, Miss Lawrence saw a tall figure over 7 feet (approximately 2.1336m) looking at the situation behind the curtains.

   She can only see the back of the figure is pitch black, this is the light and shadow caused by the position. But new questions arose--

   "Is there such a tall person in this villa?"

   was thinking, the figure turned around and walked into the illuminated area with heavy steps. The pupils of the eyes in the crevice of the wardrobe door shrank immediately because of fear, and the eyelashes rose to an amazing position because of the widening of the eyes.

   I saw that the person's face was covered with dense blisters, and the position of the eyes was narrowed into a gap. Its skin is gray-green, and its palms are sharp claws. There is no hair, but he is wearing the uniform of a male servant in the villa. Miss Lawrence didn't know what it was, but it was definitely not a human being.

   She raised her hand to cover her mouth to prevent the cry of fear, and with tears in her eyes, she retreated to the corner and hugged Miss Mihail. It is absolutely impossible to observe the monster anymore, if the two of them are found, they will be torn to pieces.

  Miss Mihaier didn't know what her companion saw, but the uncontrollable fear deeply infected her. She knew that there must be an extremely dangerous person outside, and she even felt an extremely cold wind blowing in from the crack of the wardrobe door.

   If Jenkins is here, he will understand that this is by no means an illusion. The ghoul population has the talent of [Yinfeng (Red Fight)].

  PS: When you read this chapter, I was probably defending my graduation thesis. If all goes well, I will add updates at the beginning of next month, and that's it.

Chapter 684 Chapter 672: Cat and Ghoul and Jenkins

  Chocolate has always hated the cold environment, even Jenkins has to accommodate its preferences, the ghouls outside are offending taboos.

   If there are no two humans behind him, the cat promises to tear up the outside without leaving any fragments. But it has to take care of Jenkins' ideas, so it can't even modify the memory afterwards. In this home, cats and people take care of each other.

   The cat in the dark walked past the women, and came to the closet door with the clothes hanging on top of the cat's head. Because of the pads on the soles of its feet, its footsteps were so light that Miss Mikhail and Miss Lawrence did not even notice that this little creature took the initiative to go in danger.

   The bedroom is not big. After checking the outer curtains and the bottom of the bed, the creatures outside walked straight towards the closet. Miss Mikhail could almost hear the heartbeat of Miss Lawrence who was holding her, she didn't realize that it also contained her own heartbeat.


   She groaned/groaned in her heart, thinking of her short sound, thinking of her parents, her lover, and finally thinking of Jenkins's expressionless and silly look.



   The meow interrupted her nonsense. The two women looked at the source of the sound at the same time, and saw Chocolate bravely standing in front of the cabinet door, blasting hairs and roaring at the wooden door.

   "Roar" of course was imagined by Miss Mikhail and Miss Lawrence. Chocolate is so small that it is impossible to make a loud noise no matter how hard you try.

   It seemed that a miracle had come to this small space, and it seemed that the gods were helping. After the meowing, the footsteps outside the cabinet door stopped abruptly. The women tried to suppress their violent gasps, trying to hear more sounds, but all they could hear was their own heartbeat.

   "What happened to this today?"

   Miss Lawrence’s day-to-day experience is more exciting than in the past 20 years, but now she really desires that kind of peaceful daily life. Miss Mikhail thought it was a murderous criminal outside, but she knew exactly what kind of monster it was outside. Therefore, it is only the cat left by Jenkins that can retreat that thing.

   She really wanted to stretch out her hand to hold the chocolate in her arms, and did not let it go all night, but her body had froze because of the great fear. She believed that Miss Mikhail was the same, otherwise she would not be able to explain their actions at the moment.


  Ms. Lawrence and Ms. Mihail had the illusion that their hearts had stopped at the same time. After tens of seconds of silence, the sound of footsteps outside the wardrobe appeared again. Although the speed of advancement is very slow, it is obviously heading in this direction.


  Chocolate screamed "cruelly" again, but the cat's voice no longer worked. Miss Lawrence could barely see that the hair on the back of the chocolate exploded in the dark. This was the instinctive reaction of small animals to danger.

   "Whoever it is, please help me..."

   The sound of footsteps arrived outside the door half a minute later, and after three quiet seconds, a heavy voice came from the front of the wardrobe, and someone put his hand on the handle.

   The two ladies closed their eyes at the same time, preparing for the tragic future a few seconds later, while the chocolate still "bravely" "roared" at the cabinet door. In fact, except for the first sound, which uses very little power, the rest of the sounds are ordinary meows. It has already heard--

   "Ah, what is this? Jenkins, come on!"

   Hathaway’s full-bodied voice came from farther away, followed by ear-piercing gunfire.

   There was a mess immediately outside the closet, and the light from the shaking of candles and oil lamps shot into the closet from the crack of the door. After an astonishing scream, the sound of broken glass sounded from the other end of the room. The women stared into the darkness, and then the dazzling light was let in. Jenkins's face appeared first. He reached out and took his cat out of the closet; Hathaway quickly squeezed to the door of the cabinet, surprised. Uncertainly looking at the two girls hugging each other.

   The biting night wind blew into the house from the broken glass window, whizzing and letting the curtains and snow flakes fly together. Jenkins and Hathaway stood side by side facing the faint moonlight, behind them was a messy bedroom and black blood stains.

   When the night breeze blows, Miss Lawrence and Miss Mihail tremble, feeling that the sweat has soaked their clothes. They were pulled up by the men and women who reached out, feeling their legs weak.

   And then I realized that there was some other light besides the moonlight outside the window. Look carefully, it seems that something is burning under the building.

   "Oh, this matter is very complicated to explain, but I have figured out all this, there is only one truth."

Jenkins took the coat from the servant at the door and handed it to the two ladies. While leading them to a safer bedroom, he explained in a hurry, "Well... Actually everything is caused by the doctor. Crazy should understand what this means? On the surface, he lives in a mountain village, but in fact he conducts terrible live experiments with nearby wild animals. He found some strange things in nearby animals. The virus, the person who broke into the room just now was infected with the virus, so he became aggressively aggressive..."

   "Is fear of cats also a characteristic of that virus?"

  Ms. Mihaier looked at the chocolate in Jenkins' arms and asked, her extreme fear consumed her spirit again. She was now on the verge of being awake and lethargic. If it weren't for Hathaway, she could faint now.


   Jenkins immediately understood what she wanted to express:

   "Yes, it happens that the virus regards cats, such as tigers, as natural enemies, and the feces of these animals are the virus's nemesis. Therefore, even if it infects humans, it will never come close to cats easily."

   All the above things are lies made up by Jenkins in a breath. The clergy of the lies convinced Miss Mikhail, and did not connect the accident with the occult in the slightest.

  Because it was so disgusting, she did not see the burning ghoul that was thrown out the window wrapped in curtains, nor did she see Miss Lawrence looking at Jenkins in awe.

But at least the view that "the culprit is Doctor Bray Deckert" is true, and whether it is the manic wolves in winter, the housed cliff spiders, or the ghouls just now, they are all determined to become experts in the undead. The giver is playing tricks.

   After leaving the bedroom on the second floor a few hours ago, Jenkins and everyone found a secret passage behind the cupboard in the basement. After exploring, they discovered that the passage inside had already collapsed. When everyone returned and passed the lobby of the main entrance of the villa, Hathaway suddenly opened the gate of the villa and returned from the blizzard. She revealed to Jenkins what happened earlier today and the secrets of the doctor.

  PS: Add one more and ask for votes.

Chapter 685 Chapter 673 First Prisoner

  Bray Deckert, male, was born in the [Starry Sky and the Moon of Long Night] in the universal calendar in 1829. His mother died early and grew up with his father in Beldiran Central Hospital. Because I was in contact with medicine and patients since I was a child, I got used to life and death and the separation of joys and sorrows too early, coupled with the lack of mother's care, so my psychology gradually became abnormal as I grew up.

   Following the growth of an ordinary elite, he successfully completed college in medical school. The future path of life should be to enter a hospital to become a doctor like Old Decker, and then become a private doctor or open a clinic by himself. But the track of fate has changed because of one thing. The opportunity for the change was the trip in the autumn two years ago.

  Dr. Decker met a close friend while studying in medical school. He had agreed to visit his home, but the family had to leave the Shire temporarily because of an emergency. Bray Deckert, who has no houses in the Shire, rented an vacant apartment with the funding of his friends.

   One night, he accidentally pushed open the cupboard in the kitchen and found a repaired gap in the wall. Opened there with curiosity, found some information about necrology and biology, and embarked on a path of transcendence.

  Because the content of the research is not acceptable to ordinary people, Decker also understands that the path he is walking is forbidden by the church, so he hides in this remote mountain village as a doctor. In fact, he still secretly studied the information he had obtained.

   This person has a very low sense of morality, and he does not fear or fear death. In his eyes, any living creature has only the distinction of "research value" and "no research value", so he grows very fast. As of the time Jenkins and his party came here, there had been three research bases near the villa, similar to the nest of ice spider monsters, and these were established through the information he obtained and his own research within a short year.