Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 299

Section 694 Chapter 682 Connotation and Questions

   The key keeper and Jenkins finally encountered and started a gun battle on the second floor of the villa. In the end, the bullet that Jenkins wanted to shoot at his opponent's arm accidentally got into his forehead, which ended it all.

   In addition to the key keeper, a servant who followed Jenkins and the butler also died during the operation. This was already the seventh servant to die after the tour group arrived. The custodian's purpose of killing the doctor has not been discovered yet, so they can only guess roughly. Maybe the doctor has also discovered something about him. In order to prevent him from being interrogated after waking up, the old man took the killer one step ahead of time.

   But these are all speculations. Now that the doctor is not the only murderer, Jenkins has also become suspicious, suspecting that there may be a third murderer in this villa. At least so far, he still doesn't know who saved Miss Mikhail, and who among the doctors and key keeper killed Franklin Quick.

   He once suspected that Quirk had seen something he shouldn't see before he died, so he was silenced, but now there is no evidence for this speculation.

   But although the key custodian is dead, he is really just an ordinary person. It is unclear whether it was him who signed the contract with the dream monster, and Jenkins did not find the smell of sulfur in his little house.

   The corpses of the dead are now collectively stored in the innermost room on the first floor. Although it is winter and I don’t worry about the plague, it’s better to be careful about this kind of thing.

   Looking at the neat rows of corpses in a room, Jenkins has an inexplicable feeling that the number of corpses will probably increase before the police arrive.

   He trusted his instinct very much, so he didn't let his guard down because of the death of the key keeper. He also reminded others in the villa to be more careful, for fear that someone would be killed alone again.

   There were no more incidents on this day. After dinner, people went back to their rooms to rest.

   Although the butler has seen Jenkins’ marksmanship, he still thinks it’s not appropriate for him to live alone. Jenkins also considered this. Unfortunately, cats would not sleep in the same room with strangers. If Hathaway hadn't given a step in time, Jenkins would almost have no idea what to do.

   "It's okay, Mr. Bangkoks, Jenkins..."

   She looked at Jenkins pretending to be ambiguous, and the latter felt inexplicable.

   "Jenkins's room is very close to ours. He will go to talk to us at night."

   Now the butler understood, and nodded to Jenkins sternly, then turned and walked away quickly.

"What does it mean?"

   He really didn't understand the "connotation" of the above sentence.

   But neither Miss Mikhail nor Hathaway wanted to explain to Jenkins, "Don't ask anything."

   The blonde girl said to Jenkins, looked at the innocent face, and somehow added: "Of course, if you really want to come and talk to us at night..."

   She shook her head halfway through her words and realized what she was talking about.

   This is not a sudden madness, the reason is Jenkins. Although he cannot be called a true god, he already possesses a certain essence. For ordinary people, his life level is completely different, so he also has some characteristics that mortals shouldn't have, such as [Charming Humans].

   This trait is not obvious now, and only ordinary people with excessive mental exhaustion can be recruited when they have a good feeling. Therefore, it is Jenkins who should be blamed for what Miss Mikhail said.

   As soon as she finished her voice, Hathaway on the side looked over with a madman's eyes. The blonde girl's face turned red. She knew how to explain what she had just said was black, so she stared at the embarrassment and shyness abruptly, and continued to say to Jenkins:

"If you are worried about problems at night, you can also come to our side. You can arrange for a servant to lift up the sofa in the lounge. I think it should be no problem at once. Hathaway said that you will be in your living room all winter. I'm staying overnight."

   She didn't look at Hathaway's expression, turned her head to look at Jenkins, and even wanted to use the last sentence to make her expression more natural.

   But even Jenkins smelled something wrong with the atmosphere, so he looked at Hathaway, hoping she could say something. And Hathaway was staring at Miss Mikhail's profile, as if she wanted to see the letters on the white face.

   All three people looked at different people for a while, and the only one who saw this scene was the cat lying on the window sill.


   It stood up, arched its front paws, and screamed while stretching. A man and two women subconsciously looked away from their eyes and looked at the surrounding walls. Jenkins felt his heart pounding, but didn't understand why.

   "Are you inviting me to live with them?"

   He felt his heart beating faster, so he replied: "Okay, then I will arrange for the servant to move the sofa."

   said, regardless of the reaction of the two behind him, he picked up the cat and walked quickly towards the stairs.

   This time, Jenkins didn't use "the reputation of men and women" to refuse. It wasn't because of what he wanted to do, but he and Hathaway felt the threat of Ruo Ruo Wu. His inspiration is stronger than Hathaway, and he has a stronger foresight of danger. He has not forgotten the door he encountered on the first night here. At that time, the vibration frequency of the pocket watch chain was the highest after obtaining this item. Once.

   It may not be appropriate to live in a bedroom with the girls, but it is better than someone dying silently.

   "Britney, what are you going to do? I'm not Jenkins, so please don't use that kind of boring excuses!"

   The quarrel between the girls did not begin until Jenkins's figure completely disappeared at the top of the stairs. This is what Hathaway has rarely used to Miss Mihail. She is not a fool like Jenkins, so she knows the true meaning of the sentence that was not complete.

   Jenkins is not here now, and Miss Mikhail has nothing to worry about. She embraced Hathaway with open arms:

   "Oh, Haiwei~"

   "If you want to make me forget this in this way, sorry, I think it's impossible."

   Although she said so, the girl's tone was obviously softened a lot. Seeing that the blonde girl no longer argued, she asked in a softer tone:

"Can you tell me what happened? You were not like this in the past. During this time, I noticed that you have been a little strange. Come on, tell me, there is no secret between us. Do you remember us sixteen Was it the grassland that I went to together when I was old? It was beautiful, really beautiful..."

   Her tone is 70% similar to the tone of [Slumber (yellow spell)]. This is a simple method of hypnosis, which can only be done by a gifted person like Hathaway who is extremely proficient in music.

Chapter 695 Chapter 693 Choice

   "Hai Wei, I...sorry, I can't say."

  Miss Mihaier’s voice is inexplicably weak, which shows that hypnosis is effective. Hathaway doesn't do this very often, but it does have an extraordinary effect.

   "Can't even I know? Honey, what happened... It's warm now, yes..."

   "Sorry, Hai Wei, my father said that if this incident is leaked out, it will bring disaster to the family and us. Yes, I can't say it."

  Miss Mihaier's voice became lower and lower, her eyelids drooping as if she couldn't open them.

   "It doesn't matter, I am you, you are me. Do you remember our oath? Tell me everything, and I will share it for you."

   Hathaway said in the softest voice in Miss Mikhail's ear. Of course, you shouldn't be too close. If the wind in your mouth touches your ears to cause a physiological reaction, then you will fall short.

   "Sharing? Yes, Hai Wei, I was so painful. That choice was too painful for me. My father said to me..."

   This incident is simple to say, but the shock that brought Hathaway is not so easy to subside. Unlike the blonde girl who is not sensitive to current events, she has been paying attention to the situation in the kingdom. Knowing the status of the Marquis of Mikhail, who holds half of the kingdom's navy, was surprised by the choice he would give.

   Therefore, Hathaway easily guessed an absolutely impossible fact. She found the truth easily, but she couldn't believe it.

"how can that be?"

   She slowed down for a while before barely controlling her emotions, and she also noticed her abnormal gasping.

"Okay, I will share it for you. Oh, Britney, the environment is really warm now, yes, it is very warm. Do you want to sleep for a while? Sleep without any troubles, sweet sleep, maybe You can still dream of some wonderful things. Forget the troubles, Britney, forget, forget the things just now, when you wake up..."

   Her voice became lower and lower, until the last hallway was only Miss Mikhail breathing evenly.

   "Little fool."

   She pityed the strands of blonde hair hanging from the girl's nose, and then hugged her up in a princess' hug.

   "You are so stupid, Britney, do you really think this is a choice?"

   Before leaving the hallway to go to the bedroom, she looked back in the direction where Jenkins had left again.


   is a deep sigh after the name.

   (Chocolate is running...)

   Although some people were surprised that Jenkins stayed in the room of the two ladies overnight, Hathaway and Miss Mihail had no objection, and they couldn't say anything.

  Chocolate was also dissatisfied with this decision, but since it was two human females living with it, it finally managed to endure it.

   Speaking of it, this is also the first time Jenkins has shared a room with a woman since coming here last summer. Although he was sleeping on the sofa, he was a little frightened by the smell of powder after entering the room.

   After dinner and chatting with everyone for a while, the travelers decided to go back to their rooms and rest. Jenkins and the butler held candles together to examine the body again, and then sealed the room from the outside before returning to the second floor.

  Before he separated from the housekeeper, he specifically asked her to pay attention to Mrs. Xudla, the only gifter left among the aboriginals in the villa. Although she has not been found to have a problem, and Miss Mihaile is most likely to be rescued, but she cannot be completely trusted because of this.

   He is not in the mood to continue reading that novel tonight, but plans to use the evening time to look through the information files that he has seized from the doctor and the key keeper.

   Fortunately, the two ladies didn't plan to go to bed early. He could sit at the table with a light on and watch carefully.

   Because of the extraordinary power, Miss Mihail did not remember the hypnotized thing after she woke up. Even if she took the initiative to invite Jenkins to rest here, when things really happened, she was still a little bit shy.

   There was only the sound of Jenkins turning pages of paper in the room. Miss Mikhail couldn't bear the depressing atmosphere, so she wanted to talk about something casually.

   "I think the servants who went out for help should have walked half the distance. Although it is still snowing today, the snow flakes are small and not dense. If we are lucky, we can see the rescue team on Wednesday morning."

   "You are a little too optimistic."

Jenkins said casually: "Just before I went upstairs, I saw from the window on the first floor that a large cloud of clouds floated in the eastern sky. I think it might be a blizzard tomorrow, but I just hope the two people who go out can Go out of the mountain before the snowfall becomes heavy, otherwise they are very likely to be trapped on the road. May the sage bless them!"

   "Even if they can't go out and contact the rescue, it doesn't matter. Many people know that we are here to travel. If we haven't returned to Nolan before Friday, someone will come to us."

   Hathaway also participated in the conversation on the side.

   She roughly guessed what happened to Miss Mikhail through the events in the afternoon. Although the terrible guess is not completely certain, as long as she thinks about it, she feels dizzy.

   But this is really a good opportunity. She never thought that happiness could be so close to herself. Maybe Miss Mikhail would hesitate to make that choice, but she definitely wouldn't.

   As she said in a low voice, that is not a multiple-choice question at all, there is only one correct result.

   The red-haired girl thought of this, and the blond girl naturally thought of it. She glanced at Hathaway hesitantly, pretending to be interested in the books on the shelf by the wall, stood on tiptoes to take down the highest-level "Savior's Prophecy", and then asked the man who bowed her head to work:

   "Jenkins, how old is the chocolate now?"

"I don’t know too well. I picked it up on the street. Chocolate probably belongs to the kind of small pet cat that doesn’t grow up, so I can’t tell the age from the body shape. Actually, this cat has many quirks. I I have always suspected that it is actually a very old cat."

   Chocolate opened his eyes and looked at Jenkins, and his tail was pulled on his wrist.

"Oh, that's it. I heard that chocolate is very greedy? So, if there are two cakes in front of it, it will be very happy after eating one, and you will be very happy after eating a bit, then it will choose which one to eat One piece?"

   This is a very strange question, and the only person in the room who doesn't understand the meaning of this question is Jenkins. This question is easy to answer, because Jenkins knows chocolate well:

   "Of course you want it all. Since there are two cakes in front of you, why should someone take them away?"

Chapter 696: Snow Mountain Disaster

   Jenkins answered the strange question while pulling the tail rubbing his wrist aside, and the cat made a dissatisfied sound.

This answer was not what Miss Mikhail wanted. She once again observed Hathaway’s expression slantingly. The latter pretended not to understand anything. Following the actions of Miss Mikhail just now, she put the book "Stage" on the bookshelf. Getting Started: Singer, take it down, and read it if you are pretending to be interested.

   "So what if it were you? If you have two cakes in front of you."

   "What's the strange question again?"

  Jenkins, no matter how stupid it is, can tell that this question is by no means as simple as it seems, but he lacks some key information, so he can't guess the real agreement.

   "If it's me? It's probably the same as chocolate, it's all. Why should I let someone else have two cakes in front of me? Hathaway, what do you think?"


   Hathaway did not expect that she would be dragged into the conversation, but now that Miss Mihail has seen it, she has to say something:

   "This question is very interesting. I think the original intention is to consider my own happiness and the happiness of others. If it can be done, of course both should be held in hand. If it can't be done..."

   She paused here deliberately, "If it can't be done, then go find a way to do it. Jenkins is right. Since the two cakes are in front of you, why should someone take one of them?"

   The blonde girl nodded silently, and did not continue to ask. She hid her face behind the book in her hand, feeling her heart beating violently, and she could even hear the sound. He lowered his head to prevent the other two people from seeing their expressions, and then remembered the magnificent dream last night.


   She was shocked by her own thoughts. Although she was born in a noble family and was accustomed to the chaotic relationship between men and women, if it happened to her, she...

   tried hard to control not to continue thinking, otherwise she would not know what would happen.

   The three people in the room blew out the candles at half past ten. Miss Mihaile and Hathaway slept together on the big bed with white curtains, while Jenkins slept on the sofa near the door.

   The chocolate was placed on the cushion next to the sofa, and Jenkins also found a blanket for it. But in the middle of the night, the cat woke up unaccustomed to it, and ran down on the back of the sofa above Jenkins' head. The tail was hanging down the back of the sofa, and the tip of the tail was just above the side of Jenkins' nose.

   Jenkins’ sleep is generally very shallow, probably subconsciously feeling something on top of his head, so he twisted his body on the sofa, moved a certain distance forward, and turned into a slightly sideways inward posture. This becomes the tip of the tail pointing to the mouth, but the cat and the human are not noticed because of the deep sleep.

  'S mouth opened slightly when she fell asleep, breathing the air evenly. The slightly hot breath that was spit out was facing upwards, warming the kitten's tail little by little.

   It felt a little uncomfortable because of this. It stood up and stretched out its furry head and looked down. Its big amber eyes saw Jenkins' profile face.

   The beard on Chocolate's mouth trembled slightly, his face showed a tangled look, and he wondered whether he wanted to take revenge and woke him up to the culprit.

When    hesitated, the pair of small cats shook their ears, and looked into the distance in confusion. Then he squatted down again, maintaining his previous posture, only deliberately squatting closer to the edge of the back of the sofa.

   The kitten slid down on the **** of the sofa back little by little, and when it reached the edge where the downward gravity was greater than the upward friction, it fell down and hit Jenkins' sleeping sweet face heavily.


   "Who wants to murder me~"

   The screams of the man and the cat sounded at the same time.

   Miss Mihaier and Hathaway who were awakened hurriedly stretched their heads from behind the curtain. The latter reignited the kerosene lamp, only to see Jenkins and Chocolate fall on the carpet in a funny gesture. Even though the chocolate is very light, but falling from a height on the face, it still gave Jenkins a heavy blow.