Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 413

   What Jenkins has to do is of course to exaggerate the danger of things as much as possible. He has understood the places that the Mirror Realm and extraordinary people should explore. There are many more terrifying creatures in the depths of the Mirror Realm than [Chaotic Pollution Beast]. Let the church be aware of the dangers in the mirror world and give up exploring there, which is good for everyone.

  The conversation with Miss Bevanna continued until ten o'clock in the morning. After the Skeleton Sword matter came to an end for a while, she finally ushered in a relatively leisurely day. But Jenkins's relatively leisurely days are over, because the advent of peaceful daily life means that he is going to the old antique shop to continue working.

When    opened the door of the antique shop, he was surprised to find that there were customers. He calmly nodded to the old man who was soliciting customers. After placing the cat on the cushion at one end of the counter, he took the initiative to talk with the old man who was buying antiques.

   Judging from his clothes, it is okay to call him an old gentleman. His hat and coat are extraordinarily elegant, and the top of the cane in his hand is a suspicious gilt metal ornament.

   He wants to buy a batch of antique vases and oil paintings for decoration for the exhibition. This is a big deal.

   "Is it the weekend art exhibition? It's really amazing."

   The old painter Grant who had worked with Jenkins invited Jenkins to visit the exhibition. The original exhibition was last month, but a series of major events happened in the city last month, so it was postponed to the weekend of this week.

   "Yes, have you heard of it?"

   The guest doesn’t recognize Jenkins’ face.

   "Yes, I read the news in the newspaper, it must sound very good."

   Jenkins praised loudly, using this method to get the goodwill of the guests.

   The old man does not look like a worker in charge of the decoration of the exhibition, so he should be the patron or organizer of the exhibition. Jenkins doesn't really care about the weekend exhibition, so he can't tell who he is.

   But if the business can be negotiated, this is undoubtedly the biggest deal made by the old antique shop this year. Jenkins attaches great importance to this matter.

   It is now the third month of this year [The Moon of the Earth and Flowers], but since the beginning of the year, the old antique shop has not been open for business. But now most of the things have come to an end. After sending away the evil **** son, the deceit, the sealed evil and the dangerous gifter, Jenkins and Dad are finally able to spend a period of time in peace.

   The guest claimed to be "Baron Tarlac", and after a long bargaining with Jenkins, he finally signed a large purchase agreement with the antique shop near noon.

   He was very generous, directly paid 30% of the purchase price as a deposit, and asked to take a look at the goods tomorrow, which is Thursday, and ship the antiques to the exhibition venue on Friday.

Section 976 Chapter 958 New Promotion (3/10)

   sent away the customer, Jenkins tilted his head and continued to look at the purchase agreement, unconsciously remembering the scene of talking about insurance salesman with Miss Bevanna this morning. Daddy wears glasses and keeps accounts behind the counter, and he seems to be in a good mood:

   "I intend to give you a weekly salary increase starting this month. It used to be 1 pound, so now it is... 1 pound and 12 shillings."

   He counted out the bills from the cookie box under the counter and pushed them to Jenkins. Jenkins also smiled and accepted it.

   He now has a mine at home, and he no longer cares about wealth as he used to, but an increase in his weekly salary means that his father recognizes him more, which is enough to make Jenkins happy all day.

   "Half of the extra money is saved, and the other half can be used to improve food for chocolate."

  Chocolate was also happy for this all day.

   It was only when I had lunch that all the mirrors displayed in the store were gone. When I asked my father, he just looked at Jenkins meaningfully, as if he thought he should know why.

   This is of course because Jenkins and the cat strayed into the mirror world. Before that happened, the owner of the antique shop and his apprentice were discussing ways to improve their spirits after being promoted to level 4.

   "Speaking of which, how many of your [spiritual remains] are left?"

   This refers to the gift Jenkins got from the hot spring near Blizzard Mountain.

   "There is less than one-fifth left, I think it will disappear in the middle of this month."

   "It seems that your body and soul are really suitable for accommodating the spirit. This is a good thing."

   Talking, the old man handed the book in his hand to Jenkins. The name of the book is "The Legend of the Blacksmith: Ancient Cold Weapon". This book is not important, what is important is what is in the book.

   That is a black and white photo, on the photo is a complete stone tablet with dense tadpole writing and strange runes. The background is dark, and you can't tell where it was taken, but the lower right corner of the stele is obviously the part of the tadpole that was originally copied at a low level.

   "So the difference between high-level and low-level is that the copy is more comprehensive?"

   Jenkins asked suspiciously, feeling very disappointed. He originally thought that after a high level, the method of accumulating spirit provided by the church could be more mysterious or interesting.

   "No, of course it's not that simple."

   Papa stopped Jenkins's continuous viewing of the photo, and turned it back on the counter. Chocolate stretched out her paw curiously, but was immediately picked up by Jenkins.

   "First of all, remember one thing, never let all the contents of the stone tablet be seen all at once. When using it, you need to find a piece of paper to cover part of the photo, understand?"


   Actually, Jenkins had already taken a glance at the complete picture just now. It was only less than a second. He even just saw it and didn't understand what he saw. But the headache immediately appeared, which is unimaginable for Jenkins now.

   "Even if you are a Level 4 gifter now, don't be careless. You may need to get used to it for a few months to gradually get used to copying those sentences, but the usage of this photo is not just a simple copy."

   Talking, the old man reached out and took out a book as thick as two red bricks from the counter. This is a translation dictionary for languages ​​commonly used across mainland China. Generally speaking, this is only available in bookstores or libraries.

"The slate on the photo cannot be copied continuously, otherwise it will permanently damage the spirit. Every four copy symbols must be interspersed with at least one meaningful sentence written in contemporary language. Interspersing different sentences will help to gain spirituality. Different increases, but everyone’s situation is different. When I was as young as you, it was the most efficient to copy knight novels between symbols. Older people like to copy newspaper news, and now I like dictionaries."

   He pushed the dictionary hard to Jenkins, Jenkins's mouth trembled, and he decided to try other things first.

"You can explore the knowledge that suits you by yourself. This is a very interesting process. You can use this method to improve your spirit and you can use it until you reach level 7. The road after that is more rugged and dangerous, but I think you must You can go on."

   He smiled kindly at Jenkins, then turned around and went to the backyard without waiting for him to respond. Jenkins stood in front of the counter without moving for a while, blinked his eyes and turned his head to look at the boring-looking cat lying on the side, then flipped the black and white photo to the front again, and then slammed it back.

   "The gifters of the Church of the Sages are called scribes...Is it because of this?"

   Maybe because the guests in the morning brought too much business at once, the antique shop did not enter any new guests throughout the afternoon. Outside the shop window is a foggy street, and the gloomy sky makes the whole day dark like night.

   The carriage slowly traversed the street, and the tired coachman carried the guests and disappeared on the other side of the window. Jenkins was lying at the counter copying the photos that were caught in the book, while Dad was sitting in the rocking chair in front of the fireplace, reading the news with the newspaper open.

   The cat lay boringly beside Jenkins, stretched out his paws and wanted to pick up the [Life Orb] as usual, and then sadly remembered that the bead had been ruined.


   It tilted its head and screamed in an attempt to attract Jenkins' attention, but Jenkins was focusing on dealing with the complicated tadpoles and runes without paying attention to the sounds around him.

   "Speaking of..."

   But he heard Dad's voice.

   "I heard that when you were in the mirror world, you met a gifter from outside."

"Yes, it is Miss Sigrid Capet from [Church of All Things and Nature]. That is a very good healer. She claimed to have come to Nuo to deliver some important documents to [Church of Oceans and Discovery]. Blue."


   Dad repeated the last name in a questioning tone:

   "This is a rare surname."

   "This is the surname she chose. Miss Capet passed away when her parents were very young. She was adopted by the church and grew up. This surname is said to have been chosen from the religious texts of the Orthodox God."


   Dad didn't know what he thought of, and he didn't speak for a long time. He was probably wondering about the documents sent by Miss Cape. After all, at such a sensitive time, there is no reason for the [Church of All Things and Nature] to send a person to Nolan alone.

  Chocolate's loss of appetite since the second day after the Evergreen Forest War, to be more precise, the problem of picky eaters has become more serious.

   Jenkins thought about leaving the antique shop in the evening and going to the riverside restaurant on the river bank to eat. Maybe the good scenery can make this cat normal.

Section 977 Chapter 959: Commodities of Suspicious Origin (4/10)

   When Jenkins got off work at five o'clock in the evening, another customer walked into the store. It was a tall middle-aged man with a wide-brimmed hat, and the collar of the trench coat was erected to cover his profile.

   His body was tightly wrapped in clothing, and he even wore white gloves on his hands. Even if the tail of winter is still in Nolan, such a dress is extremely untimely.

   "Welcome to the old antique shop."

   Jenkins said, but it was the old man who went to greet the guests. Generally speaking, the costumed guests come to sell stolen goods or resell goods that are not easy to sell.

   But this kind of transaction usually takes place at night after the sun goes down, that is, Jenkins's off-hours, rather than the busy Wednesday evening on the street.

   "What do you need?"

   Seeing the customer approaching the counter, the old man asked softly. But the visitor did not answer directly, but opened the windbreaker to reveal what was hidden inside.

   The clothes that were lifted up just blocked Jenkins's view, so that he couldn't see what it was. But since such a transaction method is adopted, the items he wants to sell are definitely not the right way.

   Jenkins curled his mouth and stood a little further away. Shops similar to Old Daddy's antique shops will mostly buy some obscure things within a reasonable range. Of course, the price will correspondingly be very low.

   Dad still doesn't let Jenkins intervene in such a deal, because he is still just an apprentice. And generally, when someone comes to resell illegal items, they don't choose Jenkins's working hours. This is the first time he has seen such a person this year.

   blinked, the red aura surprised the young apprentice:

   "Ordinary people, but that is a numbered item. After this is a skeleton sword, I went to work the first day seriously... What a coincidence?"

The old man has taken out his monocle and asked Jenkins to bring the portable gas lamp that provides light to the counter. After connecting the gas lamp to the protruding gas pipe interface on the wall with a special gas pipe, the dazzling light comes from the lamp Radiate out.

   The old man put on his gloves, and then he lowered his head and examined it carefully.

   It is a rusty silver-white nut. The rust marks are not like traces of the nut itself being rusted, but like foreign objects clinging to the nut itself. Although Jenkins stood farther away, he could still see the pattern engraved on the nut.

  Considering that this is obviously a post-steam industry article, and the words inscribed on it are ancient texts, once this is identified as an antique, its value will be immeasurable.

   After obtaining the permission of the mysterious guest, the old man used clean water and a small brush to simply clean the surface of the nut. Then he asked Jenkins to go to the back of the warehouse and brought a heavy ancient Chinese translation dictionary, and compared the dictionary to try to translate the small words on the nut.

   This inspection lasted for nearly half an hour, during which three people in the store did not speak. Both the old man and the guest stared at the nut, while Jenkins was holding a rag, and unconsciously wiping it on the shelf, while looking melancholy at the crowd in the mist outside the window.

   "Should I find time to ask Hathaway or Britney to go out on a date?"

   He can't make up his mind, since the two girls have already expressed their intentions, he can't say nothing. It's just that Hathaway and Britney both asked to hide their relationship with Jenkins, which caused Jenkins to be very embarrassed about his position.

   "Guest, can you explain the origin of this item?"

   Daddy's voice came from behind, and Jenkins took the rag and pretended to move closer.

   "When sorting out my father's belongings, some old buried objects were dug in the basement of his house. Those antiques were sent to the auction house after identification. This was dug up when I checked the basement again yesterday."

   This sentence is a lie, but it is also normal. After all, the customer who came to sell things like this would never tell the true origin of the goods, but this lie is really too perfunctory.

   In fact, the old man didn't care what he said, he handed the nut back to the customer, and then slowly took off his gloves.

   "The nut is modern and worthless. The ancient text above has some research value. I don't know who engraved it so casually. It's not easy...4 shillings."

   Jenkins paused when wiping the dust-free right hand, but quickly continued to wipe the shelf meaninglessly.

   "4 pounds."

   "Are you kidding? Jenkins, don't be lazy, I noticed that you have been parked there, and the piece of wood is about to be rubbed and reflected!"

   While talking, the old man put away the equipment used for the identification just now. He showed a nonchalant attitude, which is one of the means to negotiate prices.

   "3 pounds, it can't be lower."

   The voice of the guest is extremely dull, it is a fake voice in disguise.

   "3 shillings."


   Jenkins smiled and continued to clean the shelves. Although it hadn't been open for a long time, the shelves were still very clean, and he had wiped them after lunch.

"Sir, we don’t want to play bargaining games anymore. For 12 shillings, if you want to sell to me, we’ll close the deal; if you’re not satisfied with the price, you can go to another store. Daddy can assure you. It's definitely the best price you can get within Nolan's range."

   When closing the counter drawer, I deliberately used a lot of force to make the collision sound louder.

   The guest was silent for a few seconds, and then decisively threw the nut onto the counter. The old man shook his head with a helpless look, then opened the drawer again and started counting the money.

   Until the bell rang at the door, and the guest peddling the nut left, Jenkins rejoined the counter. The old man had already taken a red flannel box, put the nut in the box, and then searched for documents to write a report.

   "I remember that today is Wednesday, and you are going to the church for an evening class. Wait a while before leaving, and send this item and report to the church's special items management center for me."

"no problem."

   Jenkins was not surprised that the old man knew that this was a special item, he was actually more curious about the purpose of the nut.

   It’s just that if no matching numbers are found in the materials, then the church’s identification process will be very lengthy. Every new numbered item needs to go through a rigorous process of identification, experimentation and proofreading. Although this is complicated, it is really important.

   It was five and forty when the old man had finished writing the report. He put the flat box with nuts and the report in a file bag to Jenkins.

Chapter 978 Chapter 960 Unlucky (5/10)

   Before leaving the antique shop, Jenkins originally planned to invite his father to dinner together, but the father said that he still had things to do, and told Jenkins not to go around, and to go to church as soon as possible after dinner.

   According to the original plan, I took the chocolate to the restaurant on the river bank. It was probably affected by the plague. It was obviously time to eat, but there were very few guests here.

   Jenkins took the menu from the servant, took a look at the average price, and then calculated the amount of consumption, and then started ordering with confidence.

  Chocolate is illiterate, so Jenkins never shows it to the menu. According to the cat’s appetite, he chose a few dishes that can be eaten by both humans and cats. He ordered the steak not to be too old and asked for a glass of lemonade. Then he put the menu back on the table.

   Jenkins’s general habit is to tip 15%, but a very small number of people will tip 20 when they eat with girls. When he first came to this world, he was very unaccustomed to this extra expenditure, especially during the distressed days when he just moved out of Privet Road.

   But gradually he also adapted. After all, he would never be able to return to his original hometown. He had to integrate himself into this era.